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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4598084 No.4598084[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The foids are at it again.

>> No.4598094
File: 53 KB, 468x548, 1468821491253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>51k views in less than an hour
Is that because this she person has a fucking hole in between her legs? It's all so tiring.

>> No.4598115

I'm pretty sure 90% of her audience are teenage girls anon

>> No.4598116

Fucking cringe

>> No.4598139

She draws and post regularly

>> No.4598144

Ain't this the girl who draws in a Tumblr style?

>> No.4598149

It's also because videos about popular topics with "THE WORST (anything) EVER" get tons of views.
People on youtube love to here people review things negatively

>> No.4598161

She's no artist, just someone who can draw a bit.

>> No.4598185

Negativity on it's own attracts more attention. Nearly any famous work of literature is based on some kind of conflict. A "murder spree in Flyoverville" news article is more likely to be read than something like "new cancer recearch facility built in Flyoverville".

>> No.4598196

That bitch has millions of views in all of her platforms just because she has a cute voice.

>> No.4598200

/ic/ is filled with women.

>> No.4598205

If that was true they'd draw better and shill less for rigid constructionists such as loomis

>> No.4598220

loomis and rigid
pick one
have you seen the blob heads?

>> No.4598245

loomis is rigid as fuck
I've worked with female artists, they just jump into drawing without using guidelines most of the time, let alone proportions or anything presented in his books

>> No.4598275

"lolibabas are creepy"
"used as an excuse to be creepy to these kids"

>> No.4598279

yeah, after your get used to your figure no need to break down it into simple shapes on a paper. that much is known

>> No.4598298

Lemme guess: boobs bad, skinny bad, lolis bad, fat girls good.

>> No.4598305

Sort of, no, Yes, no.
Her points were Bland male MC, LoliBabas, Dumb Fanservice girl , Sameface characters

>> No.4598309

Crap, it was for this dude

>> No.4598317

It's fine I got it. I don't like any of that stuff myself except for lolibaba, only because it's a great way to shit all over the normalfag mentality that it's bad to fap to drawings though. It's a drawing, it can be whatever I want and any age I want. It's illegal to fap to fictional minors? Fine, they aren't minors then because I say so as the creator. Suck it.

>> No.4598368

>/ic/ is filled with women(male)

>> No.4598408
File: 1.57 MB, 1263x1836, Screenshot_20200522-202335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rigid constructionist
And meanwhile, in Figure Drawing For All It's Worth, you can explicitly see sketches where he doesn't go through any of that rigmarole, because whoop-de-doo, he's an experienced artist and doesn't have to anymore.
The whole book is about teaching less experienced artists the structure of the body and how to break it down in an easy to understand way, that's the whole point of it, dipshit. You think Vilppu still draws beans and robo-beans for every torso, or builds a blocky mannequin for every drawing of a person? Which for the record, he definitely doesn't. Because those are training wheels, methods meant to help learners understand. I don't often invoke dunning-kruger effect because it's basically a buzzword on this board, but I'm doing it now because you have only surface level knowledge and have zero understanding of the concept you're talking about. If you don't think the fundamental skill of construction doesn't apply to someone because they don't draw a mannequin of boxes and tubes or some shit like that first, you are absolutely fucking ignorant and missed the point entirely.
You remind me of that one colossal mongoloid that made posts saying that book learning or art instruction was "useless" and can't teach you anything because some furfaggot artists he followed and ”interviewed" on Discord didn't know about fundies and only drew stuff until it looked good to them, and they were quote unquote "good artists". And one of the examples of a "good artist" he gave was some nobody furry artist that made scuffed-ass digital paintings that looked like it came from the dawn of digital art when nobody knew how to make paintings in photoshop that didn't look like complete ass.

>> No.4598412

>imagine shilling this hard

>> No.4598430

KJG is the only honest instructor because he acknowledges that he teaches his students shit he never used. It's all just teaching devices.

>> No.4598440

Imagine being so lazy that somebody actually putting effort into something is absolutely foreign to you

>> No.4598453

Women aren’t good at art. If that were the case, where are all the accomplished and successful female artists? For every mediocre one trick pony like Sakimichan, there’s like 30 Kim Jung Gis.

>> No.4598464

I have never worked for anything and expect everything to be handed to me cope

>> No.4598488

ok f**oid

>> No.4598500

>imagine having nothing of worth to say so you just put buzzwords in front of le epic green meemee arrows
Loomis is only one out of many teachers of constructive anatomy. It's all the same in principle.
Exactly, it's all just different ways of conceptualizing things. Like how in Glenn Vilppu's book he draws the body both as rounded shapes, and as boxes. Same subject, same principles, alternate ways of expressing it.

>> No.4598508

Jesus what the fuck is this person

>> No.4598514

Basic white girl.

>> No.4598517

>imagine seething this hard in 2020 lol

>> No.4598540

>dumb roastie hitting the wall feels threatened by anime and makes a video about it to vent her own insecurities

>> No.4598565

wtf is a lolibaba

>> No.4598570

or maybe there’s just some anime designs she doesn’t like

>> No.4598630
File: 68 KB, 680x636, 8b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4598787

*scratchy voice* hey this is lavender town

>> No.4598827

I'd fuck her

>> No.4599611
File: 515 KB, 1366x655, Fucking hell why do they get away with this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Complains about loli characters and how some of them are sexualized

Meanwhile in the west..

>> No.4599616

stop looking for excuses and commit to your passion or regret it later

>> No.4599637
File: 575 KB, 1024x576, Gentle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4599656

I'm usually not one to sperg out about these sorts of things but when I was getting into drawing mid last year I happened across some of her videos on tablet reviews.

Hearing her talk about how much her parents supported her art "career" then in the same breath downplay it felt very...fake to me. It was hard to listen to.

Its okay if you have rich as fuck parents, but don't go on and on about how little things matter when hard focusing and pointing at your $3000 tablet. It's okay, mention it and move on or don't mention it at all.

>> No.4599731

yikes, this is literally misinformation just by putting "Anime" in the title

>> No.4599735

Loli with the mind of an old lady
usually a loli much older than she looks

>> No.4599913

Women aren't good at anything. Hell I bet when artificial wombs happen men will be better at giving birth too.

>> No.4599921
File: 613 KB, 640x916, 1581823701243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a board whose dream is to draw manga you think you'd be knowledgeable in female artists.

Pic related was drawn by a woman. You will never reach that level in your life.

>> No.4599931

Can't do that in the modern socjus mentality. You have to be a victim, your parents giving you $3K toys so you can pursue your dreams has to be a form of oppression somehow, either through "unreasonable expectations" a.k.a. your parents hoping you make it, how dare them? Or in her case white guilt. Because it's not like most white people can't afford a tablet and you losers were salivating at the prospect of pandemic trumpbucks so you could finally get one, nah, she's rich because she's white, fuck the effort of her parents and their parents before them.

Is there any art instructor alive who hasn't a mountain's worth of shitty psycho/social baggage with them?

>> No.4599933

Don't give them attention. They need any excuse to be proud of something because they haven't achieved anything themselves as an individual

>> No.4599947

You're right. I usually don't but I felt like posting this picture because it's a nice reminder on how MOGGED they are, as artists.
Whoever you are, keep improving yourself anon

>> No.4599956

you can always tell if a woman has drawn something if there is x10 the detail and frills for no reason