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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1020 KB, 1920x2304, 499A4949-F076-46D0-B7D3-7C23CA8A998D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4596901 No.4596901 [Reply] [Original]

We post art we think looks pleasing but has anatomy mistakes.
Not beginner art.
No Sakimichan.

>> No.4596916

When are you going to realize that
>looks pleasing
Is the only important part of art?
This board is so strange, it is like you guys are trapped in the golden age of illustration mindset when you have to make everything perfectly anatomical for the Macy's ad or the boyscout calendar
Having correct anatomy just isn't all that important, OP

>> No.4596922

Oh yeah because that’s not REAL MERMAID anatomy right?

>> No.4596929

can anyone redline correct the anatomical mistake?

>> No.4596932

Enjoy mediocrity

>> No.4596933

Said the perma/beg/

>> No.4596934


>> No.4596938
File: 3.75 MB, 1410x1896, Peter_Paul_Rubens_-_De_kruisoprichting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand that when there is only a few objective concepts to grasp onto it is easy to grasp onto them very hard.
>well the origin and insertion of this is wrong, therefore the piece is wrong!
This is not a mentality that you should have in art, art is not objective.
Appeal is appeal and you should seek to make your art appealing and worry less about 'correctness'

>> No.4596952

It's pretty simple really, if you want to draw and paint anything that's even remotely grounded in realism you'll have to study the fundamentals. If you just want to throw paint on a canvas or do feminist dance performance then yeah sure you can skip the fundamentals. But then, what are you doing here?

>> No.4596954

Never said it wasn’t. I specifically said post art you think looks good but has anatomy mistakes. That’s all.
Yes because the torso isnt supposed to look like a malformed human. Even mermaids have anatomy anon.

>> No.4596955

You are not very intelligent are you lol
This black and white thinking is why you will not make it

>> No.4596964
File: 71 KB, 208x250, d4yz5pty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4596968

How salty does one have to be to make this thread?

>> No.4596970

I like plenty of art that have technical flaws. Even so those artworks would not have been possible to create without extensive training in the fundamentals by the artists. It is black and white - you cannot skip the fundamentals. Period

>> No.4596978

And where EXACTLY did I say "don't learn fundamentals"
This is why and everyone else here are a bucket of crabs. Instantly hostile to the point of making arguments up in your own head then spewing them out as if it were truth.
Consider killing yourself
>whoa he said focus less on correctness and more on appeal
Fucking beginners like you are stupid

>> No.4596980

You’re such a nerd

>> No.4596984

Not salty at all since I actually really like the piece and am using it to study rendering. If anything it’s a complement first then an evaluation of the underlying anatomy. That’s why I specifically mentioned pick good pieces. It helps train your artistic eye to see anatomy mistakes.

>> No.4596996

Oh you are still repeating that buzzword, just fucking kek

>> No.4596999

What if a sense of correctness and technical skill is consistently the thing you find most appealing?

>> No.4597001

i got the opposite impression. it feels like OP is trying to coax people into a mindset of appreciating art that doesn't adhere to a rigid standard of anatomical correctness, rather than crabbing on it because it got some things wrong

>> No.4597018
File: 475 KB, 1920x2064, B69A21BF-0CE8-4484-A3F4-3E4B32391053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a piece with great colors and nice shading. It has a nice thumbnail too.

>> No.4597025

>Not beginner art.

>> No.4597031

Ok, so art isn't just subjective and anatomy is important? You changed your mind quickly I see.

>> No.4597037
File: 328 KB, 1863x2096, 5F5C077D-B0B5-447F-B6DB-0FAC61D2D166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks off but I can’t put my finger on it.

>> No.4597044

smol head

>> No.4597050

because losing anatomical accuracy for a stylistic choice after learning what reality looks like vs losing accuracy because you don't know what it actually looks like will show in your art.

how can you simplify reality if you dont understand it?

having perfectly correct anatomy isnt all that important, true. But knowledge is freedom, if you know what something actually looks like in reality then you can change it however you like because you understand it.

Incorrect anatomy in the hands of a person who understands what correct anatomy looks like will always look better than a person who draws incorrect anatomy because they dont understand what it looks like in reality.

>> No.4597052

Seems like a waist issue. Or maybe she just has a long torso.

>> No.4597059

this is such a retarded lazy way to think, the point of learning all that "correct" stuff is a tool to expand your understanding and knowledge to reach a point where you can make your art look pleasing.

this is like saying the point of making music is to make something that sounds pleasing so you shouldn't bother learning to play scales accurately because you'll never make a song that's just practicing scales.
These things are just tools to expand your knowledge so you can make something that sounds good.

>> No.4597075
File: 66 KB, 242x450, image%3A16716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breaking anatomy for sex appeal is not a materially different act from drawing a dragon. Both are incorrect distortions of reality that the artist nonetheless wishes were real. Both can be executed well or poorly, bending anatomy is just much harder because plebs have a sixth sense for it and artists all learn it.

Still, there are imaginary forms that are better than the real thing for the same reasons to real forms are good. Etched somewhere in our lizard brains is the platonic human form, the scale against which the flesh is judged. I guarantee a hidebound scold will not be the one to find it.

>> No.4597110

I like this guys art. Kyuyong eom

>> No.4597117

You’d be right to. It’s very good no arguing that. Just a bad under sketch.

>> No.4597125
File: 946 KB, 1863x2096, 7e26ra4h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4597128

fpbp, this is the true redpill

>> No.4597149

Looks 1000x better

>> No.4597153

the start of her left leg should be more hidden too me think

>> No.4597156

Looks better but I swear her wait looks off. It seems way too thin. Like a I’m looking at a thin rectangular prism.

>> No.4597174

Black and white thinking

>> No.4597265

Her head and arm are tiny compared to the rest of her.

>> No.4597269

Very smoll

>> No.4597291
File: 241 KB, 1146x1600, A5E1440A-A35F-4206-A7DB-04805B014600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is more stylistic than anything.

>> No.4598364
File: 5 KB, 183x275, download (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4598367

smol pp

>> No.4598393
File: 370 KB, 1575x1969, christian-diaz-img-20200519-164203-207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the humerus is a little long.
mermaids are fun tho.

>> No.4598486
File: 51 KB, 900x974, wrwmn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew this woman from imagination, so I know that: A) something with the anatomy must be fucked up, and B) you guys will tell me what it is.

>> No.4598494

>Those tits
Oh my fucking god ahahahaha
Why are they shaped like big pec titties
They need to act more like water balloons taped to the chest not like a bag of pure muscle

>> No.4598497

Anon, she looks like a pornstar, those titties are fake thats why they look like that

>> No.4598503

Bodybuilder girls have big, fake bolted-on tits, anon. I don't think the natural look would lend well to this body type. Thanks for the recommendation tho

>> No.4598744
File: 276 KB, 833x1083, islndbty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was drawing a girl a lot less muscular and I think the way you described it was appropriate for this one. They still look like giant, fake funbags, but more like water baloons or tear drops from the shoulders.

>> No.4598957

Oh no, not AnAtoMy MiStaKes! Even Michelangelo made anatomy mistakes and is one of the greatest of all time. Nigga Who the fuck even cares. Nice pic though I saved it because it's good and not a single beg retard on this board could do better.

>> No.4598975


Read the thread faggot.

>> No.4599002

Op is past that point and the second example is fucking Rubens.

You losers will never make it because you don't have the mindset to make it. You will always be the pathetic, nagging asshole critiquing what you can't do.

>> No.4599442

boobs, neck, right leg fucked up
rest is just muscle woman being ugly I guess

>> No.4599705

Not really fucked up, but some missed opportunities. The toes of her left foot are aligned in a straight line, which could work. But it would look much nicer if they were in a curve and naturally spread a little. It would also make sense perspective-wise, assuming the horizon is around her waist/upper leg, rather than at her feet.

Those steel belted radial tits look like they weigh fifty pounds, and that's exactly why I want them in my mouth. Not even complaining.

>> No.4599713


Head is too big. Probably intentional but can't unsee when you know it