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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 124 KB, 1000x1000, SOUL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4592035 No.4592035 [Reply] [Original]

Prove me wrong.

>> No.4592047
File: 301 KB, 1894x1919, D9948sqUwAEx8Vc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 lines for one simple curve
Chicken Scratch = retard-tier line quality
Prove me wrong

>> No.4592050

This lacks soul.

>> No.4592052

is this the daily /beg/ cope thread

>> No.4592072
File: 1.32 MB, 720x1049, soull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah dude Michelangelo was beg LOL

>> No.4592076

Chicken scratch is uncertainty in lines
That is not chicken scratching

>> No.4592090

Chicken scratch isn't an indication of skill level, it's just a bad habit for anyone who wants to make presentable and clean work for what ever the professional standard your field has. If all you do is sketch in your notebook and post pics on your social then chicken scratch away

>> No.4592096
File: 182 KB, 786x1024, 1.-A-027-Seated-Male-786x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4592105

So you are the retard who post nocive advice for /beg/s in hope they take the bait and stagnate.
Kill yourself

>> No.4592111

He's a lazy ngmi who wants to sabotage other people to stay at his level.

>> No.4592120

Chicken scratching has nothing to do with fundamentals, it's just one of many rendering styles. It's entirely big studio driven rule of thumb since most artists going to school for animation or comics or illustration to get into a big studio had a standard for clean lines. If you work for yourself and have your own brand you define your own standard.

>> No.4592155

Imagine seething this hard in 2020.

>> No.4592184

Chicken scratch and a “messy” line are not the same thing. A hairy line looks like shit. A gestural line can look very nice.

>> No.4592455


>> No.4592485

This is a slide thread but that’s not chicken scratched. Take the left arm for instance, the deltoid and bicep are one line and a new line is only created at the elbow. The tricep is along one long line.

>> No.4592496

Clean confident lines look better than lines you weren't sure you were making

>> No.4592547

"Chicken scratching" allows you for more precise sketches, and shoulderwork for lines, both are correct for the process and only ngmis think one is better than the other.

>> No.4592550

Define chicken scratch

>> No.4592551

>it looks better trust me

I didn't know personal tastes defined how fundamentals worked lol

>> No.4592559

Pttfff post examples of unconfident line that you love that shows insecurity
That's literally all of /beg/

>> No.4592564

Lines drawn using the wrist or the pisiform bone as pivot

>> No.4592567

>Using the wrist

>> No.4592569

Imagine being a faggot in 2020

>> No.4592573

That’s not chicken scratch lmao, you can make uninterrupted lines with the wrist, I do it all the time

>> No.4592577
File: 253 KB, 802x462, 07703351-C722-430B-B4DB-974A3A745AA3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic rel

>> No.4592578
File: 66 KB, 858x549, chicken scratch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one of these is chicken scratch.

>> No.4592582

I'm not the one saying they are unconfident lol

>> No.4592586

>this thread = retardation
prove me wrong

>> No.4592587

> Post other's art to further your argument

>> No.4592598

Rip your wrist

>> No.4592600

Middle one would work for a furry character

>> No.4592602


>> No.4592605

If you work for yourself and have your own brand you define your own standard.
So the middle one is what I call clean lines
Sorry industry pig for being brainwashed and being forced to draw like 1 and 3

>> No.4592609

Your wrist is never meant to repeated movements like drawing or moving the mouse etc
So rip your wrist

>> No.4592630

But by that logic everyone using a mouse would have carpal tunnel, whereas it’s confined to a minority of people. I’ve found that it’s digital artists with high pressure sensitivity settings that develop wrist injuries because they press against their tablets. Post your work, how is one supposed to draw at a small scale when one is making motions from the shoulder that are too large for detailed work? Also when I say 'wrist' I mean my fingers are moving the pen, rather than my fingers and hand stay stationary and my arm moves my hand around like a machine
We tell begs to draw from the arm to avoid chicken scratching, not because of injury

>> No.4592636

Mouse is ergonomic while making small repetitive motions with a pen isn't. How is this so hard to understand

>> No.4592639

>repeated movements like drawing or moving the mouse etc
What did he MEAN by this?

>> No.4592649
File: 64 KB, 605x806, IMG_1622_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think two people out of 60 dropped out of the animation program because of carpal tunnel
It is super common for people who draw a lot
And ya it is to prevent chicken scratching
This is a sketch I did last night for DAD drawing with my arm and with some details using my fingers moving the pencil
The size of the sketchbook is printer paper

>> No.4592653

I'm glad you agree with me

>> No.4592654

MOVING THE WRIST or moving the mouse fucks up your wrist muscles man it isn't hard to understand

>> No.4592664

I said earlier, which you didn’t address, that when I said 'moving the wrist' I meant using my fingers to move the pen, not my shoulder. Is this also carpal tunnel in a bottle, Doctor Anon, or is it just your precious capability of the wrist to move medially and vertically that is dangerous?
I move meant pen in pretty much the same way Kim Jung Gi does though obviously without the same deftness, is he suffering from horrific bone cancer?



>> No.4592667

Just lift weights to make your wrist stronger. Weak ass niggafaggot and their carpal tunnel bullcrap.

>> No.4592673

>Doesn't move his wrist at all in his video
Jesus Christ all these ngmi faggots on /if/

>> No.4592674

>I said earlier, which you didn’t address, that when I said 'moving the wrist' I meant using my fingers to move the pen
Reading comprehension among Americans is declining at an alarming rate, studies say.

>> No.4592676

You don't work out

>> No.4592678

Lmao he is clearly moving his shoulder and doesn't move his wrist
Not hard to understand

>> No.4592679

>you can make uninterrupted lines with the wrist, I do it all the time
Have fun fucking up your wrist

>> No.4592681


>> No.4592682

As stated above, when I said 'from wrist' I meant fingers moving pen, not arm moving pen

>> No.4592686

When I wrote moving the wrist I didn't meant moving the wrist and YOU are the one who lack Reading comprehension for reading what I wrote
You the retard

>> No.4592689

> When I wrote moving the wrist I didn't meant moving the wrist
So what did you mean lmao. Moving your fingers gives you boneitis? I’m gonna have to tell the pianists

>> No.4592696

No you dumb fucking idiot that's you
You are the faggot you are replying to
You clearly said I move my wrist when I draw and I replied to that comment that you shouldn't move your wrist
It seems you really wanna move your wrist while drawing! Hey go for it dude! Best of luck! And if you write "you can make uninterrupted lines with the wrist" it means you can make uninterrupted lines with the wrist people cant read your mind and you meant fingers

>> No.4592710

Sorry but I have to inform you that Anon is a deformed mutant with no difference between his wrist and fingers. He has no palms and his arms simply end with fingers.

>> No.4592726

Stop drawing from your arm like a retard and stand up and twist your torso like you would golfing.

>> No.4592741

Gi uses his wrist all the time in what many would consider chick'n scratching so go fuck yourselves shoulder puritsts

>> No.4592748

When people on ic say draw with wrist they mean that motions are coming from below the wrist, not above it. No one seriously thinks anyone draws with the wrist (except you) because the wrists medial movement is only ten or fifteen degrees whereas the fingers can move a pen in a 360 arc

>> No.4592750

Your supposed to be drawing from your left side of the brain anyway

>> No.4592755

>Your supposed to be drawing from your left side of the brain anyway

>> No.4592759

if you do that you die, literally

>> No.4592808
File: 443 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200520-214521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit are you are fucking retard
People move their wrist and they hurt it
Because YOU don't do it and you can't fandom other people who are not you who don't draw like you use their wrist it isn't my fault
Also not my fault you wrote I draw with my wrist but that's not what you meant bc you are a retard

>> No.4592809

Is there any problem if you just chicken scratch for your base sketch and do nice long lines for the final work?

>> No.4592813

Oh look at that, all digital artists. Most likely with their pressure curves set to maximum for whatever reason.

>> No.4592818
File: 418 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200520-214959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holding and drawing traditionally and ditigall is supppperrrrr different it is like day and night and not the same motion

>> No.4592824

>commenter notes that if your grip is too tight it’s a problem
Traditional media flows onto the page like water, probably because if you’re painting or inking your work is literally liquid based. Have you even draw digitally? I set my pressure curve low as fuck and I still sometimes need to press to get the program to deploy full opacity without adjusting the brush pressure curve. Artists that have high pressure curves to make use of the middle-opacity tones in a brush will have to press very hard on the tablet to get full opacity tones when they want them.
As someone who draws both digitally and traditionally, yeah, digital and traditional are fucking different.

>> No.4592825

It's my art and they have my permission to use it.

>> No.4592826

>Traditional media flows onto the page like water
Man you are an egomaniac
Not all traditional media flow like water lmao people use other stuff than paint
Can't you for a moment step out of your shit bubble? Of course not that's why you are defending(?) The statement you made that "you draw with your wrist"
Again good luck!

>> No.4592833

Lol clearly you don’t know digital or traditional very well. The only mediums that need heavy pressure in traditional are pencil, if you’re not using High-B value pencils to get darks. Even charcoal doesn’t take much pressure because if you do pressure charcoal, it snaps. Hell, pencils snap too. But what is the majority of traditional art? Pigment liners, which are scratchy but still easy to make flow, gel pens which are the kings of flow, and paint which doesn’t use pressure for darkness, only for size of stroke. Compare digital, where all strokes NECESSITATE pressure except 100% opacity brushes used for flats

>> No.4592835

>drawing with my arm
How do you do this? I though it was a myth

>> No.4592841

Ya you are right carpal tunnel isn't a major problem for traditional artists because they should be using mediums that flows like water like you lmao they are so dumb for using pencil the most widely used medium for art
And thinking even traditional drawing on Photoshop that I do daily plus the sketchbook I carry arounf don't transfer AT ALL and I don't even apply the stuff I learned traditionally to my ditigal drawings because it is their own thing and not the same motion of drawings
Those hundreds or videos and articles saying artist should be careful of carpal tunnel are ... Liars ? What should they be? Not you they are people who are not you so they are dumb unlike you who figured out how to defeat carpal tunnel by drawing with the wrist

>> No.4592845

Chicken scratch is just when your lines look like hairy garbage because you have no confidence or precision. Loose or sketchy linework does not automatically equal ugly chicken scratch.

>> No.4592846

Lol you do you bro I’m sure your big arm movements are carrying the day.

>> No.4592847

How the fuck are you even supposed to draw with your arm? You like tape the pencil to your arm like megatron or some shit lmao

>> No.4592848

Have fun with carpal tunnel! I mean drawing with the wrist

>> No.4592852

No chicken scratch are the friends you meet along the way

>> No.4592855

It means to accomplish big strokes via holding your wrist and fingers steady and moving from your elbow or even shoulder. It is not useful at a small scale but purists like >>4592848 will somehow argue otherwise.

>> No.4592856

Some Japanese animators don't even touch the paper to stop smudging and have flowing lines
That makes zero sense because you don't do it

>> No.4592861

Ya those Japanese animator are retards wasting all that time drawing without touching animation paper lmao just move your wrist bro listen to me a guy on /ic/

>> No.4592883

I remember the Japanese manga and drawing tip account on twitter stopped translating their infographic posts in English because so many western account got mad about use 'the shoulder than the wrist'
No wonder the west sucks dicks at art because of all that wrist action

>> No.4593942

How the fuck are you supposed to draw by moving your shoulder?

>> No.4593963

upper arm is the right term

>> No.4594037

drawing with shoulder was literally the first lesson i was taught at art school when i was 8

shoulder, wrist
chicken stratches, clean lines
no rules only tools
go drawing

>> No.4594079

Fucken retards took the bait

>> No.4594086

>Chicken scratch isn't an indication of skill level
No, it’s a literal indication of skill level as it showcases a lack of confidence due to lack of experience, and well, low skill.

>> No.4594094
File: 58 KB, 414x640, 32EF47BB-A9AB-4573-93E3-77911E91BFB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it ok to chicken scratch your pencils as long as you don’t do that when you ink them?

>> No.4594116

"Clean" lines lack the spirit that chicken scratching has.

>> No.4594323

lmao ok, droower

>> No.4594352
File: 1.03 MB, 900x600, vs首狩りのビースト.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't

>> No.4594370

New a guy super confident, did scratchy lines, new a guy with no confidence, did smooth lines. There is no correlation, not to confidence, not to fundamentals

>> No.4594372

It can be stylized like here>>4594352

>> No.4594373
File: 43 KB, 900x900, 760EACA2-6898-4636-ABAC-75FAD34EABB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re a filthy liar. Chicken scratch is plebs and that’s that! Show me one master who chicken scratches!

>> No.4594379

>he thinks anon is talking about social confidence


>> No.4594844

You're a flaming retard then. Drawing isn't a science. Fundamentals are literally just guidelines for what looks good

>> No.4594881

That doesn’t count because.

>> No.4594891
File: 140 KB, 688x540, sketches4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno dude, I wish I could get cleaner lines but it's hard cause I want angular lines in my construction

>> No.4595945

This looks good!

>> No.4595981
File: 398 KB, 1062x667, God Yoshinari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons who are not gonna make it:
Those who defend chicken scratching, probably because they chicken scratch themselves
Those who can't see the diference between a loose sketch/lines and chicken scratching

>> No.4595984

>it's just one of many rendering styles
Well its not a style if you arent using it deliberately after learning fundamentals, is it

>> No.4596002
File: 301 KB, 505x343, a0c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you fucking do this again. Don't you fucking dare.

>> No.4596015

Dis ain't chickenscratch nigga, your lines are actually pretty clean and controlled.

>> No.4596025
File: 113 KB, 600x800, artflow_201906151933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't suggest it. You get much nicer lines and you work faster when you use deliberate strokes. But what you're doing isn't chickenscratch anyways, it's a loose sketch with flowing lines. You've got nothing to worry about in that department.

>> No.4597938

What do you mean?

>> No.4597951

I believe Michael Angelo was already posted, don't know why this thread is still active. Confident lines is just big studio mumbo jumbo to make you associate their cleaner style with confidence. It could have been anything else like optimal lines

>> No.4597954

No they were both social butterflies, I was strictly talking about their drawing confidence

>> No.4597958

then youre confusing chicken scratching with finding lines since you do not chicken scratch by definition if you have confident linework.

>> No.4597959

It's no different than the way you hold your pen or what part of the body you draw from, it's a style

>> No.4597963

Their chicken scratching was pretty confident, the other guy could have spent more time finding his lines, if only he had the confidence

>> No.4597968

>Their chicken scratching was pretty confident,

alright you dont know what youre talking about

>> No.4597974

I keep seeing this one anon keep calling it studio mumbo jumbo lmao
How is having confident lines an industry standard hahahahah

>> No.4597978

>Begs using wrist and having bad lines calling it muh style
>Chad using their arm having good solid lines

>> No.4597980

You strike me as someone who is just too scared to do chicken scratching, so it's weird that you are associating chicken scratching with unconfidence. The style doesn't define the attitude of the artist, the artist does

>> No.4597982

Calling it "confident" is what the studio pushing it

>> No.4597983

Post good chicken scratching examples that define them
Should be pretty easy according to you
I be waiting

>> No.4597987

No that's what artists call it stop this studio industry Boogie man
Did you get bullied and fired from your job?
Who has more confidence if your line is clean and well drawn or someone who has to go over that line over and over again
It has nothing to do with the industry it is what people see and define it

>> No.4597995

There's always some retard trying to defend chicken scratching either because they're trolling or they're legitimately retarded. Either way, these kinds of threads are annoying and unproductive pits of disinformation.

>> No.4597996

It's not the chicken scratches
It's that the stable line is more symmetrical than the chicken scratched one.

>> No.4597997

lol we already posted michael Angelo, just look at tons of master sketches haha

>> No.4597999

>Who has more confidence if your line is clean and well drawn or someone who has to go over that line over and over again

this makes zero sense, I am not seeing the correlation, how does that have anything to do with confidence? It really depends on how you want your drawing to look

>> No.4598000
File: 493 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200522-183606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha google "SEARCHING LINES" that's what michealanglo did not "chicken scratch" lmaooo

>> No.4598008

>Who has more confidence if your line is clean and well drawn or someone who has to go over that line over and over again

>then youre confusing chicken scratching with finding lines since you do not chicken scratch by definition if you have confident linework.

you aren't being consistent at all

>> No.4598009

Ya and chicken scratching makes you seem like you have unconfidence in your lines and have doubt where the lines should be
If that's your "muh style" go for it
Has nothing to what the industry is pushing for or whatever made up situation you made up in your head

>> No.4598016

No you have no idea what a searching line is at all and think it is chicken scratching
Its okay if you are a beg and don't understand what it means to draw light and you can make confident lines to search for the correct one and make a darker confident line after finding it (example michangelo) compare to little short unconfident lines to make a bigger line that is correct

>> No.4598017

you see it in every video/podcast/blog about what kind of work to show in your portfolio and the confident line/chicken scratch thing comes up all the time. Don't act like major studios are looking for chicken scratch drawings now

>> No.4598019

>Who has more confidence if your line is clean and well drawn or someone who has to go over that line over and over again

>Haha google "SEARCHING LINES" that's what michealanglo did not "chicken

Is finding the line confident or not, you aren't being consistent at all lol

>> No.4598021

It isn't the major studio
NO ONE is looking for shitty line quality
It just makes you a beg artist
>Muh style
Go for it
Make it with the big boys with all that small unconfident wrist drawn lines
No one is stopping you

>> No.4598023

lol I already agreed a long time ago major studios don't like that style because they want clean lines for their products, don't strawman me thinking I'm saying I'm or anyone else is gonna get a big job in a major studio with a certain style of drawing they aren't looking for

>> No.4598024

>Confident line means FINDING THAT LINE PIN POINT ACTION JUST ONCE NO DO OVERS it doesn't mean the line looks confident because the person made a smooth curve without any breaking
The begs are soooooo fucking dumb hahaha I'm so happy non of you are going to make it
It is like talking to a baby

>> No.4598027

guess michael angelo and the other great masters weren't confident either then haha

>> No.4598028

So you agreed it looks bad?
I thought it was a style and there is a market for it. How many illustrators are working for the industry do you know? Alot are freelancers you can make commissions make it big in social media by chicken scratching

>> No.4598031

Haha ya they have confident line because they knew how to make a good confident line but ya they didn't have confidence LMAOOOOOO that makes totally sense and it isn't because you don't understand what confident line means or how to use searching lines and a dumb fucking beg retard haha

>> No.4598035

no I said they weren't looking for that style.



>> No.4598040

Ya that's not what confident line means
It means the line looks CONFIDENT
You can do a undersketch you can have searching lines but it doesn't mean "DO IT JUST ONCE WITHOUT DO OVER YOU GOT ONE CHANCE"
I'm sorry you guys all chicken scratch and are begs and don't understand it
>No I said they weren't looking for that style
Who? Everybody? What the fuck so everyone thinks chicken scratching looks bad?
Maybe don't do it then

>> No.4598049

>Who? Everybody? What the fuck so everyone thinks chicken scratching looks bad?
Maybe don't do it then

yea if you are trying to get a job in a major studio, that has already been said, but they don't define what is good or what isn't. I am not the one with the absolute here, do what you gotta do to get where ever you need to be but there is no global absolute about this style or that style, it depends on what you are doing and what your goal is.

>> No.4598054

>job in a major studio
I said do commissions and do freelance and you keep fucking ignoring it because you suck at reading
Get a following and do your chicken scratching style stop talking about the major studios wtf
majority of artists are freelancers
All the best I'm sure you will find like minded ppl who love chicken scratching

>> No.4598062

damn didn't know studios have control over everything that is art related... Such gate keepers... Gotta be mindful of studios when I post my art.... I'm so scared
I wonder why the studios love Coomer art and furries

>> No.4598064

Yeah I was posting that image to show that Michelsngelo knew what he was doing, I wasn't retard anon

>> No.4598069

I don't even get what you are saying, I already said all this a while ago. don't get what you are gaining by repeating things said earlier.

they don't have control over everything

its like you guys are just trying to find things to argue with at this point

>> No.4598071

>Chicken scratching is only bad because of studios standards lol it can be a style
>"Post artists who does it"
I'm still waiting

>> No.4598077

>Who has more confidence if your line is clean and well drawn or someone who has to go over that line over and over again

you defined unconfidence by having to go over a line more than once, there are plenty of examples of angelo doing just that so yes please keep waiting you are only hurting your self bruh

>> No.4598078

This will be an unpopular opinion, retards are gonna call me /beg/ but, as anybody who actually went to high school would know, every curve can be deconstructed in a series of nodes, like points in a cartesian plane, so why struggling to do the same like 30 times, ctrl+zing every time, when you can "chicken scratch" the specific trajectory you want to follow and then put a single line over it by tracing yourself in another layer?

>> No.4598079

Michaelanglos searching lines? The ones he didn't think was his final lines like a rough sketch those lines are what you call him going over and over?
Not the dark final confident lines he made just drawing it once not chicken scratching and making small stroke lines or go over it over and over again
If you are not a beg you will understand what I mean by drawing alone but you are just a retard baby beg

>> No.4598083

big this. I see so many people talk a big game about confident lines and when you see youtube videos its always some guy constant drawing, 'ctrl z'ing and trying again. Thats exactly what chicken scratching is, you just don't have the option of undoing your last stroke on real paper unless you erase it. you aren't learning to be confident at anything lol, you are doing the same shit you would on paper but with the added benefit of ctrl z. the machine is confident lol

>> No.4598086

you are a special kind of beg


>> No.4598087

Who said using a eraser or undoing make them good drawers lmaooo
Sounds like some beg who spends 5 hours to draw something because of all the undoing
>But it looks Soooooo good at the end
He still sucks at DRAWING if he has to erase every 2 seconds

>> No.4598090

>What are searching lines
Lmaooo ngmi

>> No.4598092

feng zhu is a good example of someone who doesn't chicken scratch digitally or traditionally. just to what he does

>> No.4598099

>beg chicken scratches : you need to be more confident dude

>master chicken scratches : he's just trying to find his lines

>He still sucks at DRAWING if he has to erase every 2 seconds
yea he still sucks after making a 1000 confident lines to draw one part of the arm lmao

>> No.4598102

yea hes got a very clean style, he also worked at a major studio and trains people to do the same. How many times are we going to go over the major studio thing?

>> No.4598103


>> No.4598107
File: 366 KB, 1130x560, chicken_scratch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew this retarded topic would come up again when I saved this picture

>> No.4598109

>Make final chicken scratching lines
>"Dude that's muh style"
>Michelangelo uses confident searching lines to make his final lines
>"I'm like michealngelo bro"

>> No.4598110

They're both chicken scratch though.

>> No.4598111

No dude the left looks like michangleos drawing anon posted and that is chicken scratching dude
I'm like mchinagleo bro

>> No.4598112

saving this for next ty

>> No.4598113


>> No.4598114

>he was confident when he did chicken scratching

oh just like a buddy of mine

>> No.4598117


>> No.4598118

except michael angelo had a grasp on fundamentals. copying his rendering technique wont give you knowledge of fundamentals

>> No.4598119

Shut the fuck up beg retard >>4598107
Literally what michangelo did

>> No.4598121

/ic/ btfo: jap chickenscratches to hell and back, still better than 99% of /ic/ - https://youtube.com/watch?v=YzlYmpziED0

>> No.4598125

Plus indicate when he chicken scratches
>Inb4 watch the video
Pls indicate when he chicken scratches

>> No.4598127

Literally the whole video, i don’t think he draws a single line longer than 2cm the entire duration.

>> No.4598129

Holy shit you are fucking ngmi beg

>> No.4598131

cool but switch the rendering styles, it doesn't take anything away from the level of fundamentals from each of the drawing. The right would still look bad if you drew it with the line rendering style of the left

>> No.4598133

except for the legs, where the lines are long. you that dumb? obviously he won't go over 2cm if the line isn't over 2cm

>> No.4598146

but the left would look amateur with the chicken scratch

>> No.4598179

not an argument

>> No.4598236

Lol how? It's entirely circular logic

>> No.4598267
File: 107 KB, 1000x1000, yhgtdx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything should be broken down first in simple shapes before drawing, thats why loomis spam

>> No.4598270

aaand wrong post >>4598267

>> No.4598287

Lewd tongue poster

>> No.4598326

He's not really. Plenty of times he draws longer lines, most notably for the legs. But that's really not the point here. Even if his finished work looks nice, if he's chicken scratching then it's still a bad habit.
I can say one thing though, good fucking gravy is this guy inefficient. He's doing three fucking sketches to one inked drawing here. TWO mannequin sketches on a separate sheet of paper, each in a different color- which he's really too fussy about and takes a weirdly long time on- then a pencil sketch in his sketchbook which he then inks. He's making the process like three times as long for no reason. It's bizarre. Is he doing a tutorial of some sort?

>> No.4598332

Oh. Well thanks, anon.

>> No.4598340

"practice drawing" title

>> No.4598563

hey Foreskin dude

>> No.4598581
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I can clearly see the difference but I can't make them

>> No.4598595

you think that thing on the left is chicken scratching?

>> No.4599142

both are okay
depends on what kind of surface you want to represent :^

>> No.4599148 [DELETED] 

There is no difference aside from a substantial gap in skill. It's just a loose sketch.

>> No.4599156

There is no difference aside from a substantial gap in skill. It's just a loose sketch and it's relative. I don't think what matters is the lines quality, but to continuously focus on the mental efforts necessary on where the lines should go, instead of drawing randomly while hoping something beautiful magically appears.

>> No.4599171

That dwarf fortress drawfag is super chicken scratch.
Dont have any of his pics though.

>> No.4599175

Fucking begs flaunting how beg they are by defending the beg stuff they do. Look fucker, stop arguing that great artists chicken scratch. You can "chicken scratch" all you like if you can already make confident lines regularly. The key difference is choice. If you can't do anything but chicken scratch, stop defending your ngminess and start learning.

I'm not saying you should chicken scratch, but since he can't even tell what chicken scratching is means this fucker won't accept any logical argument based on said knowledge.

Also if he could do confident lines he'd probably change his mind. The only reason he thinks this way is probably because chicken scratching is all that he can do.

>> No.4599394

I think most people will agree that chicken scratching looks bad and inefficient compared to a nice confident line. At some point you've got to realize that defending your chicken scratching is not gonna help you in the long term. I'm out, keep drawing anons!

>> No.4599653

Nope.The black panther drawing's lines look like this because the artist doesn't quite know what the pose is, and is looking for it with the tip of his pen.

The other drawing's lines look like this because the artist knows what the pose is, but his muscle memory doesn't allow him to draw the lines in one go.
It's the artistic equivalent of stuttering.

>> No.4599720

The problem is that we don't know what the artist doesn't know. You have a point that there is so muscle memory involved that should be avoided. What I'm saying is that forcing someone to draw everything in a single magical stroke, despite already trying his best to visualize where the line should be, is nonsensical.

>> No.4600151


>> No.4600536

>single magical stroke
Buddy, I think that's where your problem is. Not chicken scratching does not equal, as you put it, "single magical stroke" without searching for it Kim Jung Gi style.

Being able to draw confident lines mean "chicken scratching" as you put it to look for the line you want, and then lining over that messy scratches in a single stroke. Actual chicken scratching is not being able to pull this off even in the finished stage.

It's nearly impossible to get the right line in the first try, you have to look for it and make several marks here and there. You have to sketch. When you're done, however, you have to be able to do clean lines for the finish -- and that doesn't necessarily mean a single stroke for each curve, especially not when it curves more than twice.

Think of it this way: confident lines is what you have if each stroke is about 3-5 cm long. Chicken scratching is if you have to make yet another line after every 5 mm.

>> No.4600548

imagine trying to justify the fact that you can't fucking draw by unirronically calling chicken scratch "soul"
japanese artists who draw/sketch like this are the epitome of soul

>> No.4600599

no, epitome of soul is robotpencil, his lines are paintings of light

>> No.4600645
File: 667 KB, 1500x2250, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what no one says, chicken scratching is based. Clean lines is industry shit and has no soul. Remember all modern American cartoons have clean lines

>> No.4600660

chicken scratches != searching lines, hatching, messy scratch, repeated lines

chicken scratch = unconfident lines

>> No.4600663

repeated lines overlapping*

>> No.4600676

chicken scratch in the hands of someone who learned how to draw clean lines first shows.
Chicken scratch is bad for beginners because it's not an effective way to develop muscle memory.

Nothing to do with style in the beginning, fucking listen if professionals tell you not to start with chicken scratching there is a reason

>> No.4600723

You guys got any tips for breaking the bad habit of drawing a line but going straight backwards on the line? It's a real bad habit and I'm trying to stop it and draw cleaner lines

>> No.4600931


>> No.4601011
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Scratchy boy :3

>> No.4601125
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Michelangelo would slap the shit out of you if you told him that he did chicken scratches.

Doing repeated lines is not chicken scratches.

>> No.4601201


>> No.4601795

Seething "clean" line user

>> No.4602600

Normal lines: Industrial, automated and soulless.
Chicken scratch: Has personality, human and soulful

>> No.4602727

You don't "force" yourself to do it in one stroke, you build up to it through exercise in a matter of several months.

>> No.4603452

Based, blessed and goldpilled

>> No.4603815
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>> No.4605623
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>> No.4606464
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Dunno if i still have soul or lost it somewhere on my art journey ...
I just stop midway and get rusty again and i still want to pick it up everytime ...

>> No.4606574
File: 1.75 MB, 3698x2896, 20200514105314_00012 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta but that flava in

>> No.4606583

Sorry, "p" and "b" are way to similar for a drunk person.

>> No.4607561

Kind of has soul

>> No.4608009
File: 6 KB, 250x250, opiswrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just did

>> No.4608017

The thing that makes lines look good is variety.
When drawing traditionally you automatically get some variety and texture so you can just draw nice long lines and it will look fine.
Digitally you have to add some more variety to your lines to make them look less robotic, one way is to do a semi-chicken scratch type of thing where you zoom in really far and just chicken scratch over your sketch but don't leave any space between the lines, overlap them as much as possible.
This will make your lines look confident while still having some nice variety.

>> No.4608022

It's much harder to maintain a consistent trajectory with multiple little lines versus one or two long lines.

>> No.4608060

People trying to associate long trajectory clean lines with confidence are just overcompensating for their small pipi

>> No.4608316


>> No.4610932

why does this thread have 200+ replies

>> No.4610964
File: 309 KB, 562x800, __komeiji_satori_touhou_drawn_by_imizu_nitro_unknown__bbebdec4ab79448143457ff225d28bee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol drawing from the wrist

>> No.4611199

That's hatching you retard.

>> No.4611329

We have already established that /ic/ doesn't know what chicken scratching actually looks like.
They think anything that isn't super clear and soft digital lines is chicken scratching.

>> No.4611446

What good is your big pipi if your drawings are awful

>> No.4611488

Not overall confidence smoothbrain, drawing confidence. People who start drawing a line not knowing where it's supposed to go will often make a series of short scratchy lines so they can make up their mind about where it's going as they slowly scratch the line down.

It's better to take a stab at it and fail than do this awkward stuttering shit. Just draw lightly, erase, or ctrl-z if you fuck up.

>> No.4612629

wouldn't really recommend it, if you get too many hairy lines it can be hard to make out the real shape once it comes down to doing the official lining
I deal with that problem myself honestly, I do more of drawing over lines way too much rather than chicken scratching though

>> No.4612630

y'all don't know what chicken scratching is goddamn

>> No.4612728

It's all the same thing dumbass, confidence doesn't even mean anything in this context. All you guys are basically saying is if it looks good then it's confident and not chicken scratching even though it looks exactly the same

This >>4600645
Looks nothing like the left part of this>>4598107

So basically anything that looks good that doesn't have clean lines isn't chicken scratching according to you retards.

>> No.4612741

No, chicken scratching is specifically drawing a line by drawing many tiny lines. It's not hatching, it's not scribbly lines, it's not sketching, it's not guiding lines, it's only many tiny lines to draw a line.

Beginning artists are known to do this when they're unsure where the line should go, they're literally not confident in their lines.

>> No.4612754

chicken scratching never looks confident, it looks like they don't know where they're going with their lines and hairy
it's obvious they don't know how to sketch properly yet because they keep picking up their pencil to make tiny lines
when more skillful artists sketch they use long lines that show flow and form and tend to overlap, they keep their pencil on the paper until the line is fully done, which according to you is chicken-scratching
it isn't the same

>> No.4613434

What you just described is the outline of his head>>4600645

>> No.4613437

You are literally saying the egg came first just because it's smooth, but no one knows what came first that's the whole point dumbass.

>> No.4615165

americucks and /ic/ngmi(s) BTFO

>> No.4617250

/beg/ here
What's wrong with chicken scratching if you can just draw line art over it and have it straightened out that way?

>> No.4617376
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>> No.4617799


>> No.4617805
File: 1.98 MB, 322x385, NotGunnaMakeIt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For next time.