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4590803 No.4590803 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't western TV cartoons never try to have the same level of quality anime has when it comes to character, surrondings, tridimensionality and overall art style? Only recent cartoons with decent art styles I can think of are Voltron and Castlevania, everything else follows that ugly heavily simplistic bean style that was made popular by shit like SU

>> No.4590813

saves money

>> No.4590817

Stop watching cartoons you are a grown man anon, also go make your bed and vlean your room, its filthy

>> No.4590819

BC Japanese animation is very different than western
Do you even understand what it means when I say Japanese animation is animated on 3s and western on 2s?
Do you understand what inbetweening means?
If not and you are just looking at artistic style as the only real difference you have no idea what you are talking about.
Also western ANIMATION like kid ko, adventure time, ambphiba, etc have more movement per scene compare to anime where it is all close ups or shots of characters just standing
The way Japanese tell stories are even different where they use cuts to establish surroundings/mood where western media use it to show environment changes/time passing

>> No.4590821

back to /co/ retard

>> No.4590827
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Oh look is another "Asians are better than all of these fucking westerners thread"

>> No.4590832
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I have a few cartoon waifus tho even if I am an obsessed weeb

>> No.4590840

The japanese are strictly superior to gaijin piggu

>> No.4590846

the asian market for anime is yuge and global
the american/western market is restricted to children within their respective nations

>> No.4590849

It isn't as big as you think pal
A lot of Japanese are normies and almost 80% of anime is for kids or ecchi forever alones which is hard to be understood by the general public
They beg their hardcore fans to buy blurrays if they want a second season (drop kick snake retard show for example)
That doesn't sound huge to me

>> No.4590878

Can you think of serialized stuff aimed at adults like Steins;Gate or Legend Of The Galactic Heroes that is made in the west other than 2 or 3 exceptions? No? Then you understand what I am saying

>> No.4590899

>Ya those examples of the west doing adult animation don't count because exceptions unlike japan where I WATCH ALL THE ANIME and don't understand that there about 50 beyblade yugiohs to one legends of galactic heros like the west but again the west it is exceptions
Also you listing anime from a time when they had so much money they didn't know what to do with it and made OVAs
That time is passed japan animation is very unexperimwntal and just wanna make a buck

>> No.4590903
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I'm not sure if that's in the book.

>> No.4590948

you don't even need adult anime to grab an adult audience, for me at least, promised neverland has been real ride, I can't say the same for it's non-existent western cartoon counterpart

>> No.4590988
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I swear it's like western cartoons have no idea how to start, pace and end plots. Between Steven universe interspersing massive cliffhangers with slice of life episodes, Adventure Time forgetting it's lighthearted fantasy to worldbuild for ages, Star Vs writing by the seat of its pants to the point that they were making filler two episodes before the conclusion in the final season...

At least in shonenshit, there's arcs where conflict is introduced, built up, and resolved. That's basic shit anyone should be able to do, why to westoons consistently fuck it up?

>> No.4590994

>OMG Western cartoons are so bad, let me list all the shortcomings I've observed by watching all the episodes like a braindead consuming tool
Kill yourself.

>> No.4591129

Not that guy but animes global reach is way bigger than most cartoons produced in the US. This has been the case the 80s.
There are a few exceptions like the Simpsons, spongebob and Mickey mouse but that's about it.

>> No.4591137

Cartoons are storyboard driven, and often will have several people in charge of coming up with a plot for one episode. You can imagine how much of a clusterfuck that turns out.
There are no dedicated writers or someone in charge of making sure the plot is cohesive.

This is particularly true for Steven Universe.

>> No.4591139

Anime is constantly shown in US theaters and the box office numbers are always a joke. Anime porn and Toonami shit is about as far as the masses will dive into it.

>> No.4591152

You do realize that there are countries outside the united states, right?
I dont get why this is such a hard concept for you to grasp. Anime has always had more widespread popularity and always will.
>box office numbers are always a joke

When Pokemon first premiered in the US it destroyed pretty all of its competition in theaters.
A more recent example is the DBZ Broly movie that also did relatively well.
If you're going to cherry pick like this atleast know what you're talking about.

>> No.4591176

>You do realize that there are countries outside the united states, right?
>I dont get why this is such a hard concept for you to grasp. Anime has always had more widespread popularity and always will.
my guess is 98% of the media americans consume is american made, so for them whatever is outside of SUA its a country to attack or ally with. Americans who consume anime are the outcasts

>> No.4591179

You still dont seem to understand the point I was making holy fuck.

>> No.4591207

idk man looking at static images that move once every 5 seconds is not very good i guess

>> No.4591228

OK KO is the worst Cartoon Network show, change my mind

>> No.4591466

Because they can get away with it.
If you look at the average consoomer of cartoons/anime, most of them don't really give a shit about art quality or animation.
It's only a small percentage of the fanbase that actually cares.
Hence why most anime run at a very low framerate compared to cartoons, they decide to take the route of higher art quality but worse animation.
In the end they're both shit, it's just that 1 looks better in motion while the other makes for better screenshots.

>> No.4591477

cartoons are for children and are made by adults for children.

anime is made for sad lonely adults with no friends and is made by adults for sad lonely adults with no friends.

>> No.4591525

But American cartoons still cost more tho. An episode of SU costs like 800K, way more than many anime

>> No.4591645

Ya because they don't give slave wages
Google how much Japanese inbetweened make compare to a rigger (n*gger) in burger land
>Why do anime look so good
Like ppl said in the thread those sakuga moments make all together is around 5 mins in a season and animated in a lower framerate compare to American shows where there is a lot more motion per EPs and animated on 2s

>> No.4591664

Most of the shows art out sourced and drawn in Korea, where they are being wage slaved.

>> No.4591670

What is the point of more fluid animations when the characters look like absolute shit?

>> No.4591679
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>all anime characters look go-

>> No.4591680

No if you wanna start off you start as a inbetweener in Japan and they get dog shit pay and most ANIMU DE BEST quit within a year
American shows are not handdrawn anymore but rigged and tweened but I'm sure some hand draw animation for shit edgy action shows like Castlevania or MORTAL KOMBat im sure is outsourced to retards to be evenly inbetweened
Animation is 90% motion
Go read manga if u want pretty pictures

>> No.4591700

desu nowadays most anime is either cute moe shit or some generic shounen cash grab aka stuff aimed at kids/teenagers.
Animu has become similar to burger shows having the same braindead plot yet you can't say that otherwise all the weeb losers will shit at you for making fun of It.

>> No.4591708

is this loss

>> No.4591713

this nigga look like an extra who got cast for JOJO and then went to another anime but forgot how to completely change his face back

>> No.4591798


>> No.4591802

No you humongous faggot. Maybe not now because of copiss 19 but there is always movie showings of anime in your area and they do poorly every time except for dbz, kaguya, sao, and Konosuba.

>> No.4591804

And even then compared to any Disney movie for kids, the numbers are laughable. I honestly believe anime is a testing sheep to see if 2d in any form is profitable and it’s still not.

>> No.4591808

they don't need to, most western cartoons are comedy and dialogue focused. the same happens for some eastern cartoons that can keep its viewership independent of how much detail is in like sazaesan and shinchan

no reason to waste money if you dont need to

>> No.4591813

Promare did very well as a limited release.
Not gonna have the mainstream appeal of Disney or DW shit, hence why they're never in all theaters, but a lot does well for the several screenings it has.

And keep in mind that these movies don't get advertising in public either

>> No.4591822

>these movies don't get advertising in public either
Are you a retard?
I saw ads and articles of these constantly a month before
Also a two day screening for two showings selling out I won't call that a success
If they had the confidence they would screen it for a week

>> No.4591831

Advertising in public as in things like television commercials, anon. These movies get no where the amount of advertising as your typical Pixar film because it costs literally millions of dollars.

If you asked your typical anime fan about Promare, would they know about it? Yes. Ask your typical woman on the street if they know about it? Absolutely not, but they'll most likely know whatever Pixar movie is coming out even if they don't want them.

>> No.4591849

It will be the same results, the western public isn't interested in these films
Look at the profits of prince of egypt or any of those Warner Bros highly well drawn hand animation.
They all flopped no matter how much they advertised
What I'm saying is it isn't because it isn't advertised
The Same amount or a bit more people imwill show up and watch promare with or without the advertisement
The west still views animation (espicallly animated films) as for children
And you know what most cartoons are for kids, even most of anime is for little children. adults can get their fix on netfilx or anime or European animation.
It isn't BC Pixar has more money it is the mentality of how they view animation but there are a lot of animators who view it as an art form who does a lot of independent work so it isn't just cartoon network's and Nick but again don't get a lot of attention BC burger land sees it for kids

>> No.4591892
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> have more movement per scene compare to anime where it is all close ups or shots of characters just standing
This is true for certain anime, but I seriously doubt that for shows made by Trigger or even Gainax.

>> No.4591900

Watch the series
There are moments with good animation but a lot of it is scenes with stills with people posing or cut out paper dolls moving or limited animation
Doesn't make it bad but animes know where the efforts should be
And even really good animation is still on 3s so it isn't as fluid
Don't be just be fooled by few 30 seconds scenes to think Japanese animation is superior BC more lines

>> No.4591902

sorry I meant to say 3-6 seconds

>> No.4591907

>aimed at adults

>> No.4591910

It is objectively more mature, interesting and well made than anything America churned out this last decade

>> No.4591911

>JoJoFags are painfully unfunny

>> No.4591914

Ya I love DARK AND GRITTY AND EMOTIONS in my cartoons make everything DARK
This character? Ya she was RAPED *smirk*

>> No.4591917
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>Anime is aimed at adults.

>> No.4591927

I was talking in regards to this post >>4591802
Same applies to live-action movies. If it's a smaller indie film or something that's limited in advertising, it's not going to do as good as the movies that get shown in the majority of theatres and spent millions on advertising. To criticize a limited-release movie's total box office is non-sense.

Prince of Egypt didn't flop either, just didn't do as well as it could've. During the late 90s animated movies in general weren't performing as good iirc, especially considering the fucking box office behemoth The Lion King was only came out a few years before.

>> No.4591930
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Anon, I watched that show when I was 15 as well and thought it was really mature. Now that I look at it again it looks like the equivalent of Kamen Rider Den-O. There's a bunch of manga that are more adult oriented that I've never seen /a/ talk about, and Steins:Gate sure as hell isnt one of them.

>> No.4591931

Different formats and goals, anime is a bigger industry, attracts more talent and has more funding.
Cartoons are never taken seriously in the west, since the 80s with the change to product placement in media a lot of cartoons where made just as an extended ad for toys, a mentality which was extremely harmful to the industry even to this day, on the other hand, a lot of animes are based on or worked on by people who want to tell a story first and foremost, so the product needs to sell itself basically
Not to say that one is always better than the other, just that anime tends to take itself more seriously, maybe not in the story, but in the production

>> No.4591932

Ok, they do poorly in comparison to what? You can't just say the numbers are low, they are low relative to something. So what, relative to The Avengers and Breaking Bad? Its obviously irrelevant for the purposes of this discussion to compare anime to those. The topic isn't that anime is the most massively popular thing in America, but that its more likely that So how about in comparison to something relevant to the discussion at hand, like Steven Universe's popularity in Japan?

>> No.4591941

This is great, better than all moeshit and generic “so cool” shonenshit design.

>> No.4591954

the japanese fanbase for western cartoons/comics was always pretty small and always limited to mangakas/animators looking for oversea sources to take inspiration from, while the manga/anime fanbase in the anglo world is really huge and full of people who translate even the most obscure shit online. Why is it like that?

>> No.4591958
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Based and hondaciviceg6pilled

>> No.4591963

>but that its more likely that
*...global audiences prefer anime to American cartoons

>> No.4591967

You are looking at a super niche community and blowing it up
The people who scan and clean up and translate are not just thousands of people
Even animation nerds are hard to find in the West who love animation
How many people who are super into anime do you know irl not just niche online communities

>> No.4591973

because there are more weeaboos than westaboos and westaboos aren't necessarily into cartoons either

>> No.4591974

You have no idea what happened to Warner Bros animation department during that time. They animated highly detailed fluid animation for teens and older adults and it all flopped. Literally killed the 2D industry single-handedly in the West
Again thinking anime and animation is anything that isn't aimed for kids in the West is just thinking too much about online communities who talk and love anime and animation

>> No.4591983

Because every five years or so western cartoons change in style drastically so all the animators either have to relearn the new style or quit and then you have a bunch of new blood learning the style. Where as Japanese cartoons have roughly the same style since the 80s, so there is more time perfecting and tricks and shortcuts to get a level of quality cheaper and faster.

>> No.4591985

>How many people who are super into anime
I am from Italy and I am a very young adult. I know a lot of friends irl who read manga and watch anime, never meet someone who was into american comics except for the movies (in fact, the only reason I know of those niche graphic novels like Saga is only due to me trolling on /co/ saying Naoki Urasawa shits on all capeshit writers) and nobody watches shit like Steven Universe or Teen Titans Go past the age of 10.

>> No.4591994

>Why is it like that?
Anime/manga will always be inherently more popular now due to the sheer quantity and variety. There's not a lot of western cartoons coming out that's enjoyable for young adults overall (though Netflix has been kind of helping it), and the comic industry is greatly dying.
I live in Mississauga (city near Toronto, Ontario) and some of my co-workers are into anime to varying degrees. It's easier to find people into it now than it has been before due to the accessibility given by the Internet.

>> No.4592034

>Naoki Urasawa
Yup I'm thinking hes based

>> No.4592059

At my community college there were always hordes of autists in the cafeteria huddled around talking about Pokemon, Dragon Ball, even more obscure weeby stuff like "Murenase! Seton Gakuen". You could tell they were largely autists or social outcasts, but that just means they're the vocal portion of a larger silent group. Occasionally if you talked to some normalfags, even they would have seen Attack on Titan or something.

>> No.4592343
File: 312 KB, 600x469, __spider_man_akazutsumi_momoko_hyper_blossom_goutokuji_miyako_matsubara_kaoru_and_29_more_marvel_and_20_more_drawn_by_yoshinari_you__ec78a582e0107931a721820a42b24fa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay bait thread, yoh yoshinari was a huge westaboo

>> No.4592896

would rather look at 20 minutes of anime girl stills and 2 seconds of flashy animation than 20 minutes of shitty bean people interpolating all over my screen

>> No.4592909

all the shows pictured in that yoshinari illustration have way more soul than op's screencap. it's fair to say that the type of western shows OP is talking about have a completely different aesthetic even compared the stuff that was made in the 2000's

>> No.4592912

would rather see if the story is any good before wasting time with an animated show

>> No.4592918

And i agree, but he is clearly baiting

>> No.4592949

It's cheaper to outsource simpler art styles/character designs, simple as that. Most cartoon studios don't get huge budgets unless it's a very long awaited reboot, and even then they sometimes skimp if they want to save monet.

>> No.4592980

Ok so firstly, the "bean" style was around for quite a while before SU.

>Why is everything not like my animu! these stupid gaijins ruin everything

Your preferred anime website is still there, up and running. You should go back to it if you dont like whats on television.

>> No.4593014

Because american companies don't think their consumers are worth a shit.

>> No.4593278

OK KO is a particularly bad example, but I won't try to deny that there are a ton of godawful art styles in american animation
I think a lot of it has to do with our shitty industry. these idiots basically run it and only hire their friends, so even when their cartoons fail they're still getting work on something else

it's so bad that even though I love american cartoons more than I do anime, I basically don't watch any of them because they're all so godawful. they've either got shitty art styles, they push some stupid libshit agenda, or both and I'm just sick of it