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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4580180 No.4580180 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw spent 10 hours straight building settlements in Fallout
Why can't I be so autistically passionate about drawing?

>> No.4580188

Delete fallout

>> No.4580193

This. You know it's the right thing to do, anon. Just do it.

>> No.4580194
File: 130 KB, 1024x572, 1576032576232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did you post this.

also you aren't autistically passionate about fallout either. it's a hollow distraction and its novelty will fade almost instantly. art is difficult but seemingly infinitely redeemable in terms of satisfaction.
to put it into subhuman gamer terms, "Great replay value!"

just draw

>> No.4580195

Because you don’t have fundies lodged in your brain that make building settlements actually fun instead of a chore.

>> No.4580203
File: 9 KB, 317x186, Based VILP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>tfw spent 10 hours straight building buildings in perspective

>> No.4580204


Imagine playing Fallout past New Vegas.

>> No.4580242

Anon, realize than video games are just a giant waste of time and money. While you're degenerating your brain cells with that crap, other people is realizing your dreams.

>> No.4580253

Art is a waste of time

>> No.4580254

I use video games as a reward, play them for 1,2 hours After 3,4 hours drawing, grinding fundies. You gotta trick your brain dude.

>> No.4580279

Ok /beg/, back to Fortnite then.

>> No.4580312

Art isn't for you.

>> No.4580329
File: 78 KB, 800x450, vice city.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I'm so glad the last video game I played was Vice City.

>> No.4581307

Because you are a fat nerd who doesnt want to put work in that will gain you any real world skills

>> No.4581804

And where are you now?

>> No.4581815

Because drawing is fucking difficult if you want to have fun with it.

>> No.4581951

>Why can't I be so autistically passionate about drawing?
The same reason that some people spend hundreds or thousands of hours playing Guitar Hero and not guitar - instant gratification.

>> No.4581953

Maybe they tried playing the real thing, but gave up because it was too difficult for them?
Most people don't realize how difficult such hobbies actually are...

>> No.4581958

dopamine detox, decide that tomorrow you will not play any game, turn on the pc, look at the phone, read a book, anything that is entertaining of helps "pass time". but allow yourself to do productive things, so cleaning, taking care of something, cooking, until you get everything productive done and now either you do nothing and be bored or draw to "pass time". congratulations, you tricked your brain, now do that everyday or almost everyday.

>> No.4581988

Because 'building settlements in Fallout' doesn't take any skill. There's no difficulty associated with it and you're not being challenged in any way whatsoever.

>> No.4581990

Yeah, and that was my point. Instead of dedicating themselves to learning and improving, they engaged in a proxy activity that allows for instant gratification and the perception of improvement.

>> No.4581991

funny but true

>> No.4582216

fuck that

>> No.4582881

Neil Gaiman said that he sets a timer for how long he has to sit at his desk every day, and he says he's allowed to "write, or do absolutely nothing" while at the desk.
A lot of the time he does absolutely nothing, but sometimes making the art you want to make is more fun than absolutely nothing.

>> No.4582911

The bar for a satisfying result is too damn low in videogames but it's pretty damn high in drawing and painting.
You are just taking the path of least resistance.

>> No.4582956

I spent hundreds of hours building settlements in new vegas.

>> No.4582970
File: 62 KB, 1100x1007, 55ba87b8dd0895c81c8b4581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw remembering all the thousands of hours of my childhood and teenage years I spent playing shitty korean MMORPGs and watching sitcoms over and over.
Honestly for what purpose? I could've literally done anything else and it would've been better.

>> No.4582974

you could spend 200 hours in a game and be 100% done with it
200 hours in drawing is still not even enough to make something that's remotely interesting to look at
unless you started as a kid you literally have to work like a slave for at least a year or spend several years doing it for multiple hours a day

>> No.4583127

Video games are much more immediately rewarding to the brain than making art. Video games, particularly shooters, constantly stimulate multiple senses at once and your rewards center and all is "firing" a lot more. Making art is a much slower process, and you dont get the same instant reward from polishing off a line in a drawing as you would if you killed someone in a particularly skillful way in a game. It's just a matter of dopamine.

>> No.4583131
File: 908 KB, 2560x1440, 20200121111047_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend hours decorating dojo with swastikas, cocks and burning crosses in Warframe
Thanks god DE are occasionally forcing me to take a break with their shitty grindy broken updates.

>> No.4583359

>Video games are much more immediately rewarding to the brain than making art.
In general, definitely. But I don't think you have played fallout 4, the settlement shit isn't nearly as immediatly rewarding as art, even with sick mods.

>> No.4583371 [DELETED] 

It actually does, building elaborate settlements with thousands of carefully placed objects can be considered its own form of art.

>> No.4583375

It actually does, building elaborate settlements with thousands of meticulously placed objects can be considered its own form of art, albeit much lower effort than drawing.

>> No.4584242

Because you're a digital, object-oriented person as a result of your upbringing. Why fight it? Ignore the boomers telling you to "quit it".

>> No.4584384

Accept the past but don't make the same mistake in the future

>> No.4584426
File: 25 KB, 458x700, excalibruh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shit limbo
>cocks and burning crosses in Warframe

>> No.4584455


>> No.4585622

Good job you"tricked" your brain to associate art with boring work and video games with the "reward" you get after boring work. Sub 110 iq logic