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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 447 KB, 500x867, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4578253 No.4578253 [Reply] [Original]

Why are so many people here obsessed with drawing the cancer that is weeb shit while in the good ol US we have the best comics and cartoons artists?

>> No.4578259

People on here are really uneducated about comics in general and American comics in particular. Whenever there is a discussion about American comics it devolves into people dunking on cape shit without acknowledging anything else (image, dark horse, fantagraphics, vertigo, drawn and quarterly, the old underground comics, alt comix, etc) because they don’t actually read comics. And even when discussing capeshit the discussion is extremely shallow and alludes to a certain lack of understanding which, again, implies they haven’t actually engaged with any of the stuff.

>> No.4578312

Weebs generally live in isolated bubbles and rarely venture beyond their circle jerks. You can't expect people who praise fetus faces to understand a market thats more niche than their own shit. The idea of people even dunking on capshit artists is retarded when there's plenty of great artists in that market.

>> No.4578315

> Stop liking things I don't like!

>> No.4578332

People have different tastes, anon. It might seem hard to grasp, but you’ll be happier in the long run if you can just accept it.

>> No.4578348

Mike Mignola is pretty exceptional.
In general though the US has a lot of good pencillers, crap inkers and even worse colorists.

>> No.4578350


>> No.4578351

US doesn't have the best. There are some good ones but the main comics companies are HORRIBLE. Manga is kicking USA's ass with its mainstream lineups. But the USA and Europe have good indie scenes.

>> No.4578367

>please give a shit about things I give a shit about
how about no lol

>> No.4578368

In terms of raw drawing ability, the best American artists are much better than most mangaka. Especially artists who work for DC and Marvel because they need to master figure drawing and anatomy. Also they don’t use photos for backgrounds and don’t have assistants drawing them so they have to know perspective to draw environments as well. Capeshit should’ve died long ago but the artists know what they’re doing and could run circles around most mangaka.

>> No.4578377
File: 1.85 MB, 1200x675, 801244._SX1280_QL80_TTD_.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DC and Marvel

>> No.4578378
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>> No.4578381

I can agree with that, after all most mangaka aren't murata tier. Though I also think that the big comic companies don't utilize the talent at their disposal very well.

>> No.4578382


>Especially artists who work for DC and Marvel because they need to master figure drawing and anatomy.
You seriously think top-tier manga illustrators aren't fucking masters of figure drawing and anatomy (at least from the neck down)?

Japan probably has the best average standard of comic art; the best are pretty good and even the low-grade stuff is competent. Americans have a handful of really good artists and masses of incredibly bad ones who still somehow get published in major comic lines. Britain used to have some really interesting comic artists, but they seem to be getting blander and more American over time. I suspect that the absolute best in the world are going to be French, Italian or Spanish though. Some of those guys are absolute masters.

>> No.4578384

Like your braindead post?

>> No.4578387

We get it you don't know many comic artists.

>> No.4578389

Neither do you, apparently.

>> No.4578390

that gigantic cope>>4578378

Comics industry is dying and will die because their aesthetic is shit (nowadays) and most of their charadesigns don't appeal to anyone anymore except their classic heroes of the 50's to 70's. American artists killed their own style by creating calarts and making it their tradmark for almost everything they create now.

based Ajin poster

>> No.4578392

meant to him

>> No.4578395
File: 444 KB, 1024x1555, greenlanterns_14_page02_by_pansica_db4kkvs-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a lot actually, but cherry picking bad ones just more of reinforces stuff like >>4578382
where they say retarded things like Americans only have a handfull of good artists. Which is absurd.

>> No.4578396

I’m half-yuro, half-jap, I grew up with a mix of Tintin (my dad’s fav) and some of my mom’s fav anime and manga (mostly tezuka stuff such as mighty Atom) but also doraemon and some kid shit from the 90s.
Honestly, over the years, I’d say yuro comics art are the most impressive on average, including the story. Sure, many mangas have great and amazing art but again, they get filtered before reaching the west. And despite all the filter, there is still quite a lot of shitty mangas released in the west. Go to Japan, pick up a random manga, a lot of utter shit, and the stories are even worse.

As for US comics, I was gifted quite a few when I was a teen because everybody was convinced that I will become a comic artist (jokes on them, I didn’t), capeshit is garbage, however there are quite a few indie comics I really liked, such as Adrian Tomine.

>> No.4578400

>In terms of raw drawing ability, the best American artists
How many of the American artists are the best? Vs how good is the average mangaka? The best mangaka are on par with the best American artists and as mentioned before, the average mangaka is better than the average American. No one cares about your unfinished pencilling (and the way Marvel and DC work with their division of labor explains why they produce such soulless, undisciplined garbage)

>> No.4578401

Well this is a site originally dedicated to animango, so what do you fucking expect?

>> No.4578404

seethe harder that people aren't drawing nor giving a shit about your trash lol

>> No.4578405

The appeal of manga doesn’t come down to the quality of the art. Some of the top mangaka currently working are technically not good at drawing but they’re stuff is appealing to look at. (One piece, demon slayer, attack on titan, etc) and outside of people like Murata or Miura the average manga does not look any better than the average comic book. It’s a pulpy disposable medium printed on shitty paper and intended for mass reproduction on the cheap and the artwork reflects that 99% of the time. This is also what makes manga great. The lower bar for entry, prevalent comics culture and the plethora of publishers make it possible for really unique and fresh manga to get published and serialized, stuff you would never see American publishers touch. This also allows unique artistic sensibilities to shine through (like Fukomoto) since they aren’t forced to adhere to an outdated “house” style like many Marcel or DC artists. But in terms of raw drawing ability, American comic artists are expected to be at a higher technical level. Most mangaka can skirt around this with style and good design sensibility.

>> No.4578406
File: 308 KB, 900x1385, WW36pg11sm-d23d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so bad dc literally releases penciled only books because they're so good.
Please start naming the top american artists then educate me on this mass amount of mangaka that stand up. How does america cope with all this terrible art?

>> No.4578415
File: 300 KB, 900x1274, pencils_by_keucha_d2zp2si-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're posts are great but you're arguing to a choir of brick walls who know nothing of comic art.

>> No.4578416

Joe the Barbarian (Sean Murphy, not an army)
Freaks of the Heartland (Greg Ruth, one man)

>> No.4578427
File: 122 KB, 616x936, cycloops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's adam hughes, frank cho, rb silva?

>> No.4578428

Sometimes people like different things.

>> No.4578435

>gets ruined in the inking phase by someone else
>gets further ruined in the coloring phase by yet another person
What's the point?

>> No.4578437

Exactly, he proved the point because it's clearly better when just one artist does things

>> No.4578438

Why do a lot of modern indie comics look like more realistic or just straight on Tumblr shit? I really liked and have only readed Sandman and Watchmen, someone recommended Saga to me but the art/style in that series clashed badly with my tastes in art.

>> No.4578441
File: 251 KB, 833x1280, apiuz8gt1__31857.1545502962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>american inkers
>american colorists
Okay retard

>> No.4578459
File: 378 KB, 720x556, 1568764023690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good thing about anime is moe

>> No.4578466
File: 121 KB, 500x699, da12ddd6ceb0668db8ba5b785684ec51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What If I prefer to aim higher than both capeshit and moeshit?

>> No.4578472
File: 1.90 MB, 1457x956, 1576719980902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, they suck. No one wants to read comics anymore face it grandpa. People rather read manga or better yet, just watch superhero movies. And to answer the question of why people here are obsessed with drawing weebshit. The answer is obvious, it's what's popular on social media and 4chan, and it's what'll make them quick bucks over the internet outside of real art jobs.

>> No.4578478
File: 229 KB, 728x1197, 4958ee0fad04f6e9992e950a99263e63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't even have to come from only one place even

>> No.4578479

What's the source of this?

>> No.4578483

Priest manhwa

>> No.4578486

Wait, manhwa can look good? I always considered it to be the worst

>> No.4578525
File: 446 KB, 793x1028, ABC Warriors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That honestly doesn't seem that impressive. Maybe growing up with Euro comics spoiled me, but it looks like a fairly skilled initial sketch which could be turned into a decent painting with some effort. From what I've seen of American comics, it will actually end up just being trashed by incompetent colouring, or be a cover-piece. But there are Euro comics where every single frame shows that level of skill and at every stage in the process too.

>> No.4578529
File: 81 KB, 390x512, slaine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that meant to be an example of good colouring?

>> No.4578531

Seriously guys, this is from ARGENTINA. A fucking third-world nation.

>> No.4578541
File: 1.17 MB, 1026x1215, halojonescrush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this. Made by Britfags in the eighties, when their comic industry was so weak they couldn't even afford to print most of it in colour. Looks better than 99% of modern American stuff. Good story too.

>> No.4578542
File: 473 KB, 1084x1600, Some Spanish Shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Spanish guy I've never even heard of. Just the first result when I googled 'Spanish comic art'. There are totally undistinguished artists churning this out over there. Absolutely masses of it, all like this.

>> No.4578648
File: 690 KB, 1041x1600, RCO008_1548879983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes the colorists (and most inkers) ARE fucking bad. This is what the comic book you posted actually looks like in the interiors. The cover you posted is a variant btw; the main cover looks like shit. So not only do American comic colorists suck, the art is inconsistent from cover to interiors. I'd almost call it false advertising. That variant cover you posted is indeed nice but it's not the norm + virtually all interiors are colored like shit.

>inb4 weeb
I love a select few comic pencilers and inkers, and the bulk of my inspiration is from David Finch and Ed Benes (Brazil). But don't fucking tell me comic book coloring is good, or at least consistently good so that you can say American colorists are good in general.

>> No.4578673
File: 337 KB, 1052x1454, 81blnpS3fJL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tells me why there is such a divide between /a/ and /co/ people? Literally they treat eastern and western material like they are two different mediums when japanese people probably don't even care. Miyazaki was heavily influenced by Moebius while he was creating Nausicaa, authors like Taniguchi and Otomo were heavily influenced by the european school of doing comics, 70s and 80s american movies had an atomic bomb level impact on japanese media in general at the time, as you can see in stuff like HNK which is heavily influenced by Mad Max in both vibe and art style, JRPGs came from early CRPGs like Wizardry and Ultima, most series from Nintendo/Capcom/Sega takes a lot of inspirations from both eastern and western media (the classic Sonic series is a trippy mix between early dragon ball and classic 20s/30s cartoons), Marukami looked at western writers like Kakfa as his biggest inspiration, My Hero Academia is literally just capeshit with shonen tropes and linear storytelling, Darkstalkers borrows his animation style more from classic western animation than anime, same thing with Studio Trigger stuff, and there is still a huge number of references and shout out to western media in anime, even to this day. If you took two different series from the west, like Batman and Peanuts, and you compared them to their japanese equivalents, like Zetman and Yotsuba&, you'll crealy see that they have more in common with their overseas alternative versions than between each other.

In my honest opinion, the idea that manga/anime and cartoons/comics are two totally different worlds probably came from the fact that american stuff never had much variety after the Comics Code, compared to Euro and Jap comics/animation. Superheroes and comedies for children are still the standard genre for american comics and animation even to this day, and indie comics get talked much less and don't have much of a fanbase compared to an actually good popular manga.

>> No.4578680

>art should be only thing any one ever reads a comic for
>those five same franchises ran into the ground are all any one should ever read a comic for
>american values are the best. we invented the family sitcom, like family matters, the funniest shit in the world. our comics are just as unique and challenging to the way you think
should i go on

>> No.4578687

if you were smart you would post good american comics instead of bitching incoherently that people arent EDUCATED about comics.

protip: you cant because its all garbage for middleschoolers

>> No.4578693
File: 1.47 MB, 1995x3000, lf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if I can't post kingdom come BC it is a "exception" same with Akira and naucrissa BC they are TOO good

>> No.4578700

I don't think you could describe most of eurocomics as "indie" when they are working with some of the biggest publishers in Europe, like Dargaud or Glenat

>> No.4578705

Because I like anime. duh.

>> No.4578708

I do like comic artists like mike mignola, most dont really stand out to me though.

>> No.4578713

Care to explain how its bad then?

I'm not OP and saying that manga is popular has nothing to do with american artists lacking in quality. People like isekei these days and it has absolutely nothing to do with quality.

>> No.4578726

Then you have based taste overall.

>> No.4578750

Then post an example of good comic art you virgin

>> No.4578755

Euro comics > dweeb stuff > murishart burger „comics“

American comics are the worst and they all look like the same soulless trash

>> No.4578757

you nitpicked the one character that has an acceptable appearance instead of the dozens of characters who have eyes that cover almost all of their faces. the uwu shit killed ajin for me.

>> No.4578761

that one was pepe gonzalez. the spanish comic scene had lots of guys doing this indeed, they often worked for europe and america doing comics, but most of the times credit wasn't a priority and/or artists weren't as celebrated as they are now. if you're reading a comic from the 50s to the 70s chances are it's drawn by a spaniard or south american.

>> No.4578766

>blah blah blah I’m a pretentious /co/faggot buttmad that my board is garbage and my favorite medium dying and overrun with SJWs while weeaboo-shit just keeps on winning
Boo-fucking-hoo faggot.

>> No.4578773

and then you had all of those guys working for DC, and then americans have the gall to claim it's "their" comics when most of the best ones are made by brits

>> No.4578774

By sheer numbers due to how large the manga industry is, sure. But not better than the best of Japan.

>> No.4578776

Looks shit and lacks loomis

>> No.4578795
File: 306 KB, 1000x1518, 3949f5422425dda7b376f5332dda5155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because /a/ thinks that western media = steven universe and capeshit. Most of them are only interested in loli and moe so when they see a drawing of a woman with a nose and they can't get a boner it automatically means it's garbage for them. People from /co/ don't seem to care and are more interested in the art of animation than /a/utists.

>> No.4578798

Got em good xD

>> No.4578827

Why would anyone want to bother against biased weebs who'd just crab and call artists soulless as if that has any merit? Its like trying to convince a retard that women exist without having fetus faces.

>> No.4578849

People like this exist

>> No.4578851

Mignola is an outlier. The average is more like Greg Land, and who wants to be like that worthless hack piece of shit

>> No.4578861

>implying that anime examples arent cherrypicked

In any craft 99% of it is shit hobbyist tier. Literally what is the point in discussing anyone but the outliers.

>> No.4578863
File: 153 KB, 736x958, 3872735b835b800ee85bb4a27d4f6881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem Is not having something that isn't a "fetus faces", the problem Is that women in american comics are either drawn like old hags, trannies or SJWs.

>> No.4578869
File: 204 KB, 963x1460, b1a97ded0e5dbfb796186d821e49948cbd586c88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I barely follow american artists so I'll make this retarded blanket statement over something i don't know
Okay retard.

>> No.4578875


yup, funny thing is it's not even hard to find good comic artists, which makes it even more obvious.

>> No.4578878
File: 182 KB, 722x1112, 1735383_xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so you arent familiar with western comics at all, thats fine but you need to just admit that youre arguing from a position of ignorance and move on.

>> No.4578888

Why are you posting obviously traced garbage?

>> No.4578890

He probably understood that european comics are superior in every way to the mutt ones

>> No.4578894

>adam hughes
Well you get the retard reward for the day.

>> No.4578895

The „best“ american comic artists trace their figures, while white and european ones draw everything from memory.

>> No.4578898

those faces are horrendous, you're just proving his point

>> No.4578903

Dude just shut the fuck up jesus christ youre like a chattering little robot the faces are fine.


>> No.4578906

Why are all /co/faggots such massive elitist twats? They’re always so fucking precious about the most generic of capeshit.

>> No.4578911

why are [insert board] such massive elitist twats? They're always so fucking precious about the most generic of [insert relevant topic]

>> No.4578914

You’re right, to be fair it’s true for /a/ and their moe garbage, but I haven’t visited that dumpster fire of a board in nearly a decade now.

>> No.4578923

not a weeb, but j scott campbell is not good my dude

>> No.4578926

Hes not BAD you boolean fuck.

>> No.4578943
File: 306 KB, 722x767, 1562545324136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another capeshit thread
I will never understand the American fascination with superheros.

>> No.4578957

now show it inked and colored.

>> No.4578959

imagine going on a weeb website to complain about weebs

>> No.4578991
File: 123 KB, 482x645, tumblr_lymspdLSah1qfym3no1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Italian > japanese >>>>>>> literal shit >>>>>> mutt cancer

>> No.4578992
File: 1 KB, 176x49, manga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and the way Marvel and DC work with their division of labor explains why they produce such soulless, undisciplined garbage)
You realize manga is made the same way right?
Most mangaka work with at least one other assistant and the big names work with an entire team that does inking, tones, and backgrounds
The average mangaka is straight up trash at art, pick up an issue of any serial and look for yourself lmao.
Their art simply does not hold up to objective scrutiny, which is fine, because in comics and manga the art is only a vehicle in which the story rides along.
You sound like a person who has read only a few select high quality manga and is totally clueless about the thousands of other, professionally published, manga in existence.

I love manga, I read manga every single day but I fully understand as an artist they are low quality.
The reason I read manga is not for the art, it is for the diversity in narrative and character.
Stop being a fucking retard and educate yourself

>> No.4579002

>Care to explain how its bad then?
It's fucking literally just airbrush pillow shading with a little random grunge texture. It doesn't add anything to the line-art and actually hides some of the nice detail; it would literally look better just in crisp black-and-white. Crisp, flat, cell-shading (or even zero shading) would look nicer. Mignola is among the best American comic artists precisely because he knows that less can be more.
Actual good shading transforms the drawing into something greater. Simon Bisley, Kev Walker, Dave McKean. Those guys really make printing in colour worthwhile.

>> No.4579004

That’s only true fir weekly, not monthly. You can watch Yoshicadu stream his entire process on YT if you don’t believe me.

>> No.4579006
File: 138 KB, 604x848, City_Hunter_Tsukasa_Hojo_artbook_008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people complain about weebs hating on anything western but nobody cares when a /co/ cuck unironically thinks that all anime is degenerate moe shit while watching children cartoons like SU?

>> No.4579007

Because /co/faggots have a victimhood complex.

>> No.4579009

>entire thread demonstrating that dozens of countries have better comic artists than America
>still claims everyone who doesn't think USA #1 is a weeb
Face it burgerfat, American comic art will only be able to achieve Euro-tier once your population is replaced by latinos.

>> No.4579013

I've seen people have issue with that, so I don't understand what you mean.

>> No.4579068

no cunny no care

>> No.4579111

>Whenever there is a discussion about American comics it devolves into people dunking on cape shit without acknowledging anything else
Exactly what happened ITT lmao

>> No.4579146

Both are autistic and are elitists over their medium.

>> No.4579194

>releases penciled only books
I would actually like comics if they were penciled only and had a story I cared about.

>> No.4579196

I really looks the looks of that.

>> No.4579202
File: 411 KB, 1021x1186, Charleys War.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dunking on cape shit without acknowledging anything else (image, dark horse, fantagraphics, vertigo, drawn and quarterly, the old underground comics, alt comix, etc) because they don’t actually read comics.
I read a load of Vertigo back in the day and while it was less soul-less than Marvel / DC the art was pretty terrible compared to the British stuff I was used to (2000 AD and the Megazine were notably way better, but even little kid stuff like Eagle outclassed it).

>> No.4579204

desu if you know about city hunter you're at least 40 and/or a virgin

>> No.4579315

>muh art contest

/ic/ in a nutshell. god this board sucks.

>> No.4579375

because sjws loathe anything japanese

>> No.4579391

>more rambling
>still no examples of good burger comics ITT
no surprises here

>> No.4579399

>everyone should have my taste!
Why are autists like this?

>> No.4579412

because the name of the site is 4-chan, not mister 4. DUH

>> No.4579465
File: 950 KB, 500x349, 1579716524217.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll try to explain by generalizing a possible pov
>western comics
Traditional figures
artstyle isn't "flexible"
stigmatization of comics
when it's animated it's done cheaply
not sexualized enough for degenerate autists stories can get "too complicated"
readers "can't relate"
>eastern anime/manga
Easy to read
style is very simple and flexible
bland stories everyone understands
make pp hard because moeshit and fanservice
when it's animated quality gets rarely lost because it's easy to replicate and animate.
hentai and the sheer amount of people who draw it
and the other sheer amount of studios who animate it
and the other countless retards who buy it and jerk off to that
and the endless anime merchandise you can get

Personally, from an artist standpoint: i like both. Both styles are good to know and learn.
Although, what western comics lack, compared to eastern, is "impact".

>> No.4579471

okay, then post something else that was made in america, produced by a publisher, and isn't capeshit

>> No.4579473
File: 200 KB, 1409x876, new-warriors-2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>US we have the best comics

The only things you have are school shootings and 56 genders.

>> No.4579490

You forgot the mos important part.
Manga has fucking stories to tell, there's a beginning, an end, and a narrative.

Wesern comics are infinite bullshit just for milking the popular franchises. Batman fights Joker, Joker runs away, Joker dies and ges resurrected, there's no story it's just bullshit of the week forever, Batman will always fight crime and never win or lose, Gotham will always be a shithole, it will never bee fixed or destroyed.

This is why comics aree fucking shit and their fans should bee fucking shamed.

>> No.4579501

good take

>> No.4579506

I never could fuck with fully painted comics. They just get too busy and aren't fun to read at all.

>> No.4579513

Don’t put european and american comics in the same bucket you midwit imbecile. Murisharts are nowhere close to the talented masters in europe

>> No.4579518

European comics are completely dead, they have less readership than dumb superhero comics.

>> No.4579520

Literally all of his works are traced. How much of a fucking beginner do you have to be to not see that?

>> No.4579522

>Wesern comics are infinite bullshit just for milking the popular franchises. Batman fights Joker, Joker runs away, Joker dies and ges resurrected, there's no story it's just bullshit of the week forever, Batman will always fight crime and never win or lose, Gotham will always be a shithole, it will never bee fixed or destroyed.

Seriously falling for the 'all Western comics are capeshit' meme there. Yes, capeshit generally has as much story as pro wrestling, but Alan Moore and Neil Gaiman are western comic writers too. Charlie's War, The Ballad of Halo Jones, Watchmen, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Sandman... fucking tons of stories which had meaningful development leading to powerful conclusions.

>> No.4579523

ITT: americans taking the credit for european comics

It’s like you guys are lacking culture

>> No.4579524

it literally looks like the faces are cropped out of some porn and shopped on op of a poor drawing.

>> No.4579526

i like anime and manga

>> No.4579529

>European comics are completely dead, they have less readership than dumb superhero comics.
They always did, but everything good is inevitably going to be less popular than lowest-common-denominator pre-digested entertainment product excreted by committee.

>> No.4579530

The sooner you realize that most people that post on 4chan are third worlders in Latin America or the Philippines, the better.

>> No.4579534
File: 1.28 MB, 2947x1507, Robert-crumb-e1551823882896[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most soulful comic artist to ever live is Robert Crumb. Unfortunately the soulfulness of his work is too high and, despite his subject matter, it is unpalatable to weebs who just want something to coom to.

>> No.4579544
File: 7 KB, 224x224, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The artist of that WW image is Japanese artist Kamome Shirahama, which is actually a manga artist.

Holy fucking shit.

>> No.4579559

I don't think you could really call him the 'best' comic artist, but yeah, he was the absolute pinnacle of putting real soul into his work.

>> No.4579560
File: 1.34 MB, 1704x2560, stokoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah, this thread would be way better with people posting good american comic art.

>> No.4579567
File: 315 KB, 736x700, 6ddbce3d9fca40764500f093b8a1a744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Calvin and Hobbes count?

>> No.4579587
File: 3.69 MB, 3840x2461, GGMaOSS_000B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alberto Breccia
>Juan Gimenez
>Jose Antonio Munoz
>Arturo del Castillo
Argentina has had some of the greatest comics artists in the world.
It's mostly /a/. /co/ has shelf threads, and most of the posters collect manga. Just look at the recoil in this thread and see who the problem is.
Capeshitters are mostly braindead, too.
>Simon Bisley, Kev Walker, Dave McKean.

>> No.4579595

crude doesn't mean soulful.

>> No.4579652

You must be new here

>> No.4579696
File: 217 KB, 859x1250, 1587053277930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not forget
>bland stories everyone understands
But the best example of endless bs in eastern comics would be one piece. It's been going for nearly 20 years and still isn't halfway there.
Which is a total lie to keep readers buying books. One piece will never end.

Western comics have "repeating stories". Basically, the same story about the same hero but drawn by another guy and re-written by another one or "IF" stories.
There is hardly any fresh content but the same old stuff just with a new coat of paint.
But it mostly has to do with the industry and the western culture.
People want that, so they give them that but comics dont sell like they used to and doing brand new stuff is a huge gamble, thus why they simply add unto their existing IPs because people will buy it if they know the name.
I agree with you but, in general; all western comics are seen as capeshit because those are unfortunately the ones that have the most influence and cultural presence right now.
(You) could at least give some example with your bait

The thing what you anons don't seem to get is that both are great styles, with their strengths and flaws, but if we're asking why eastern comics are currently superior than western, the answer is obvious; they're stale, don't sell because they're obscure to the masses and are still very much a niche market because they don't market themselves to a broad audience instead of targeting children because of the stigmatization.
Doesn't matter if european or american.

But thematic also play a big role.
This is how i personally see this:
You have the american comics with their "good vs evil"+"violence"
You have european with their "dark tones" and almost too seeded in reality.

Then you have eastern with whatever the fuck they want as long as it's entertaining.
I'm not really surprised as to why anime has a greater influence on the masses and as to why people would rather draw simple images.

>> No.4579712

You are a prime example of the soullessness american. Lashing out because other people don’t share your opinion and being a special snowflake. Go be a SJW somewhere else

>> No.4579713

He's just calmly explaining his position, you're the one lashing out and calling him buzzwords.

>> No.4579716

>guy states his opinion
>this is why we hate you you have le different opinion to ME AND ME NO LIKE THAT REEEEEEEE FUCKING SJWS

>> No.4579717

Pretty much this.

>> No.4579720

Pyw manlet

>> No.4579735
File: 461 KB, 870x722, 1588527112530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you done, retard?

>> No.4579745

European comics are superior in quality, purity and culture in comparison to these american shitsheets

>> No.4579759

>come to weeb website
>they prefer weeb shit
>"how could this happen?"
No one is stopping you from drawong what you want but be aware posters here will always prefer weeb shit.

>> No.4579773

Why does it have to be either or with you fuckers? Why not just enjoy the good stuff from all around the world while ignoring the shit? Horikoshi was inspired by Mignola, Mignola was inspired by Moebius, Miyazaki was inspired by Moebius, Moebius was inspired by Crumb, etc.

>> No.4579775

American comic art is all hideous trash unless you mean more underground guys like Charles Burns or Chris Ware or something. The Japanese are without a doubt way better, and there's a lot more than just weeb shit, if you're only familiar with weeb shit then the problem is you're a spazztard, it's not Japan's fault, homeboy. The Europeans also have way better artists, past and present because they were taking the medium seriously from way before anyone else.

If you think Marvel or DC or any other major American publisher looks good then you might as well headbutt a dick into your eyes 'cause you're wasting them.

>> No.4579804

>come to tranny website
>known for tranny tastes
>they prefer weeb shit
>"how could this happen?"

>> No.4579809

>ware and clowes
oh no no no

>> No.4579815

Why do you retards care who is the best?

>> No.4579833

Most are insecure about their identity and have to confirm their likes and dislikes with others so they don't kill themselves for having the IQ of a chair.

>> No.4579851

refusing to ingage into good art just because of where it comes from is incredibly stupid. You're shooting yourself in the foot as an artist. You should absorb as much good art as you can. Give it a chance

>> No.4579856
File: 391 KB, 927x1200, sergio-toppi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I am near a comic shop I can't help getting the urge to buy some comics just for the art. Then I go in and among all the crap there might be a handful of covers that really stick out. But among those good covers there often none with decent interior art. It's insane.
The only thing I find worth buying are the collected pencil art versions.

>> No.4579857

I have always found the masters are inspired in part by something obscure, unpopular, and not very good, but because they are masters they saw something of value in it that made its way into their work

>> No.4579921

You're only halfway to the real answer.
Those unpopular works are unpopular because they have no appeal except for those who understand the craft i.e. other artists.
You must think of art has its own language.
Another artist might be able to understand what you're trying to say in a few strokes or a clusterfuck of ink, outsiders won't unless you carefully explain it to them in detail.
And it's a language you can't directly learn.
The question you got to ask yourself is why the masters where inspired by those works.

>> No.4579940
File: 1.96 MB, 1988x3056, 1571850723348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>capeshit has shit color-

>> No.4579948

They should have put a blue gradient in the background or something. The white makes it look unfinished.

>> No.4580020
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>> No.4580023
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>> No.4580029

Because most people, which includes most people here, are fucking brainlets that conflate appealing subjects with appealing craftsmanship. Weeb shit is the art equivalent of crack, in that it delivers a quick and cheap high but is ultimately worthless and even damaging in the long run. The art high you should be chasing is the one you get after a long day of hard successful work.

>> No.4580034

Cry louder next time :)

>> No.4580035

You forgot your kawaii moeblob teen schoolgirl animeshit reaction image with that post friend

>> No.4580052

Dude, i hate anime and western cartoons, i hate comic books and manga
I fucking hate linear art
But if i'll choose something, i'd rather see KJG drawing then western tumblr or dc, marvel childish bullshit

>> No.4580064

So your more of a banana taped to a wall guy right?

>> No.4580066

What do you mean?

>> No.4580104

Because I like manga and anime. Maybe if these Koreans and American comics weren't so expensive, I could have afforded them and immersed in them in year 2000. But Alas japanese manga is still cheaper for me at the time and I will continue striving to draw in Japanese loli hentai manga style.

>> No.4580122

Holy shit lmao.
>capeshit looks appealing for a change
>it's from a japanese artist or heavily inspired by japanese manga

>> No.4580131
File: 233 KB, 280x207, edc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not be a gigachad galaxy brain and learn from both?
It really, truly twirly whirly ain't hard to figure this shit out, niggu.

>> No.4580136

>for cuck

>> No.4580138

Why do you retards even bother posting?

>> No.4580158
File: 46 KB, 900x900, Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retards fighting retards, got it.
>Most of them are only interested in loli and moe so when they see a drawing of a woman with a nose and they can't get a boner it automatically means it's garbage for them.
I'm so burned out on sterile no-nose moeblobs and movie star women that I'm deliberately drawing women with larger noses, arched bridges and the like. Not exclusively or outrageously, like some fetish tard or those perverse tumblr feminists that make characters ugly because muh acceptance, but I try vary the nose a lot.That shit's underrated if you ask me.
Not to say I don't dip into animu territory from time to time, I appreciate the aesthetic after all, but I'm not a slave to neoteny like those low-test beta males are.

>> No.4580174

Those look good but the first examples you posted looked terrible, dude. I thought it was Greg Land for a minute lmao.
Traced or by eye, that Sue Storm face looks like it was copied from a porn pic. That's a straight up sex face.

>> No.4580229

Kingdom Come is great, but it is an endgame story that can only really be appreciated by fans familiar with most of the characters.

>> No.4580271

Crumb was a degenerate jew who celebrated ugliness, like his kind tend to do

>> No.4580280

>But the best example of endless bs in eastern comics would be one piece. It's been going for nearly 20 years and still isn't halfway there.
Actually, One Piece is nearly over. Wano-kuni is like the penultimate arc. It's got about 5 years left at best, which is why JUMP is so keen on fostering the pool of talent both at home and abroad.

>> No.4580285

You got a lot of shit, but you're right this faggot >>4579696 is a butthurt /co/fag throwing a fit cause he's butthurt people like manga and not his generic capeshit. I've seen him post in other threads as well.

>> No.4580286


>> No.4580287
File: 457 KB, 1761x904, DmHyDMnW4AEwwfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh alright then

>> No.4580288
File: 247 KB, 684x1336, DmHyDMpXcAEMziD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking weebs.

>> No.4580290
File: 195 KB, 668x1024, DmIFfvnVAAA8ctD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your issue is that these women don't look like 14 year old girls.

>> No.4580292

It's ENgage, and I do. I actually do like and follow a few western artists, like Jim Lee and Frank Miller to name a few Americans. Despite that though, I still thoroughly dislike the elitism from comic book fans who get butthurt over manga and because of that, slam their medium JUST to piss them off. What I do and what I say are two totally different things.

>> No.4580297

>this dude is SEETHING
shut the fuck up you commie SJW, nobody cares.

>> No.4580299

got 'em XD XD

>> No.4580300

> commie
> sjw
you need to learn the meaning of your buzzwords lol

>> No.4580308

I want /co/ to leave. Also western comics are generally unappealing as fuck, if you want to avoid drawing weebshit but still posses a sense of aesthetics and appeal look at how the French do it.

>> No.4580330

>uses “liking 14yo’s is baaad” as an argument
>thinks that he’s not a SJW despite virtue signaling as an argument
Fuck off. You’re also never gonna get people to take your side by antagonizing them. Your superhero stuff is mega cringe, grow up already you autist.

>> No.4580337
File: 1.37 MB, 926x905, 1585123088554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was this thread made just for /co/ to argue with /a/? do any of you even draw?

>> No.4580342

This thread got progressively worse with each successive post. Best to hide it and act like it never existed at this point.

>> No.4580351

pepe is fantastic but his storytelling is bad, go for Breccia.

>> No.4580361

That's funny because I'm pretty sure trannies prefer ugly abstract western tumblr shit.

>> No.4580367

This. It’s no coincidence that /co/ and comics are the most overrun with SJW propaganda.

>> No.4580372
File: 484 KB, 824x746, 1587250816503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I highly doubt that. Jump gets a lot of people sending their manga in, wanting to be featured, they simply wanted to get the western market.
I'm making an unbiased observation.
An hero, you autistic samefagging phoneposter.

>> No.4580376
File: 525 KB, 800x1115, bws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pay a visit to /lgbt/. Something about anime, also western cartoons, but mostly anime, attracts those people.

>> No.4580381

Jump is also recently starting lessons and courses to teach people how to make manga. So...

>> No.4580391

That's because a massive amount of people on this website like anime. Of course a faghot board on an anime website will have faggots who like anime. That's like going to imdb and pointing out that the gay critics really seem to like movies for some reason.

>> No.4580396

How recently?
I remember an interview where some mangaka managers said that they already had talent from korea and china and were looking to seek for talent in the western hemisphere.
Mostly for the digital publications.
But, One Piece is still selling a lot, so i doubt it will be over any time soon.
Well, unless Oda will suddenly decide to wrap it up.

>> No.4580420

Go to Reddit and see. Same thing applies.

>> No.4580436

Starting this August. They’re opening up a courses in Chiyoda, right at their offices.

Also, One Piece IS wrapping up, anyone keeping up with it knows this. It has nothing to do with how well it sells, Dragonball also ended while it was No.1 in Jump. Eventually manga end, they have a story, and that story eventually concludes. They’re not like capeshit that go on forever.

Also, not that I don’t doubt you, but do you have link to that interview? I’m interested in reading it,

>> No.4580505

Why do /co/ mutts always talk about how good their comics are but never give any names and starting issues. I swear mutts comics are the worst in the world. Their quality seems questionable at best, but their gate keeping bullshit is by far the worst in the world. I'm a fucking American and don't even know where to start. This is why mutt comics are dying. Comic readers are a bunch of middle aged man childeren who think you're stupid for not knowing about their niche hobby. You guys are literally more useless and stuck up than weebs.

By the way if 90% of your small industry is capeshit then that does represent your industry. Saying not all comics is nigger tier.

>> No.4580509


>> No.4580517
File: 330 KB, 1000x800, 1585072848156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>200 replies

Fucks sake /ic/
[-] and sage

>> No.4580524

Nothing compared to /co/. They like to jerk to poorly draw underage calart girls.

>> No.4580537
File: 495 KB, 960x720, 1586734171934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This was the video i was talking about
It's two years old already so it might be irrelevant now.
>One Piece IS wrapping up
Yeah, i looked it up. 5 years isn't anytime soon, though.
>They’re not like capeshit that go on forever.
Yeah, but as i posted above
>There is hardly any fresh content but the same old stuff just with a new coat of paint but it mostly has to do with the industry and the western culture.
Capeshit has many different books that are also published at the same time.
For example; take Spiderman.
There is the main Spiderman.
Then the other universe Spiderman
Spinoff story Spiderman
They're all different stories that also conclude and It's a clusterfuck but keeps the readers buying books, because they want more of the same stuff and the ones drawing comics give it to them.
And you can't really blame them for not taking risks like doing original content that isn't capeshit, because it won't sell or there is no interest from the core audience.
Hell, even now the major publications are having trouble staying afloat because who the fuck buys comics in the west anymore but hardcore basement dwellers?

>> No.4580615

Yeah sure, you're a retard who doesn't know what he's talking about. We get it.

>> No.4580621

Nigger there is an entire page dedicated to /co/ recs of comics, you clearly haven't asked or don't care

>> No.4580634
File: 181 KB, 1080x1349, ByeI8DdJ3cl@15725680222_62159532_462950151161999_2575767761400569316_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you. I want to experiment with faces more too, i really like how this artist draws women, every drawing of hers feel different and unique. I like anime/cartoons but i grew bored of the same ayynimu gril with different hair and SU reject. What even is the point of drawing if you are just going to draw the same thing over and over like an autistic child.

>> No.4580647

trannies are /co/, regular beta faggots and traps rping as kawaii girls on discord are /a/, simple as that.
personally I find honest degeneracy less repellent than pseudo-religious fanaticism though.

>> No.4580715

>Yeah, i looked it up. 5 years isn't anytime soon, though.
It is when the series has been around for like 2 decades though.

>> No.4580741

Both are attention whoring trannies

>> No.4580752

>200+ replies
>69 posters
How many of you fuckers actually draw?

>> No.4580807
File: 682 KB, 809x1106, City_Hunter_illustrations_015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a mutt comics artist, outside of Jim Lee, that is as great as the best manga or euro artists?

>> No.4580812

This would be so much better without the big stupid gun hanging inside the guys coat for no reason.

>> No.4580826

Jim Lee is trash too.

>> No.4580919
File: 371 KB, 1500x898, foster_pv380619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on what you mean by "great". Off the top of my head though:

Alex Toth, Wally Wood, James Stokoe, Geof Darrow, Paul Pope, Bill Seinkiewicz, Hal Foster, David Mazzucchelli.

>> No.4581124

Every time we have one of these threads it goes the exact same way
>capeshitter calls all anime moeblob
>weeb points to One Punch Man, Vagabond, whatever else
>weebs call capeshit ugly
>oblivious capeshitters post their terrible art and get laughed at
>euros feel smug while the french continue to copy japan
>some faggot praises crumb
every fucking time

what are you people even arguing about anymore? Hasn't it become obvious at this point that there have been and are great artists from every country, it just happens to be that very few of them make capeshit?

>> No.4581132
File: 199 KB, 975x1375, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

archie comics and goosebumps illustrations, yeah thats my jam

>> No.4581143
File: 233 KB, 381x500, dylandog34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of those look like shit and soulless as fuck lmao. Now I understand why mutt comics appeal only to braindead americans and why they are basically dead.

>> No.4581153
File: 298 KB, 1366x768, 51487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muhhhhhh moeeeblooooobbbbbssssssssess

>> No.4581156
File: 115 KB, 485x640, da876e7a2a5f5381b0477a3aebba1d6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who mentioned moeblobs at all you damn troglodyte lmao

>> No.4581160
File: 198 KB, 1696x714, UHJQr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't coom to this aaaaaggghghhhhhhhh

>> No.4581362

Why does Hellboy have much better art than any other burger non-cape comics that /co/ recommends? It's like they don't even try that much anymore

>> No.4581375

I think it's because Mignola (during the best Hellboy runs) completely owned every part of what he was doing on Hellboy.
He wasn't interpreting someone else's writing or script. He wasn't redrawing someone elses character designs.
It was all flowing out of his head and he had to time to develop his style however he wanted.
Then later when he realised he didn't have the juice to work at his best he delegated the art to other people. Which sucks for us but is smart from for him to recognise he hasn't got the passion right now and just do whatever he wants to do.
Right now he is having a blast on twitter drawing whatever the fuck he wants and selling it for charity.

>> No.4581379

Jenny has literally the perfect design. And yeah, I learn from both, as long as it's good.
>great taste in girls
>great leaning advice
You truly are a gigachad.

>> No.4581401

Nigger we can't even draw moeshit, aspiring to draw like Joe Mad, Jim Lee, Moebius or Mignola is a suicide in the making.

>> No.4581420

Americans are incapable of thinking in any way other than "us vs them".

>> No.4581436


>> No.4581488

I'd like to have 20 steady years of work tracing pictures and laughing at haters.
Some people live life in easy mode.

>> No.4581493

Not those retards but be real, none of the pin up artists drawing gorgeous women draw interiors. Not Hughes, not Cho, not Campbell, not Ebas.
They're all cover artists and that's what I hate most about american comics, the utter false advertisement of having Cho in your cover but having the interiors drawn by the Squirrel Girl autist.

>> No.4581508

Asian artists work off of existing forumulas and work solely on improving or copying them.
American comic book artists try too hard to fit their own personality in without learning from past mistakes. "Too" much creativity almost and therefore its very hit and miss and it all feels weird.
Picking up an "ecchi harem manga with highschool girls" you can pick up 10 different books and theyll all be familiar and the same and if you like the taste, you won't complain.
Picking between hellboy and superman is

I have actually no idea if there are european comic/manga artists. What are they doing? I guess they just work for hire? They seem in the middle in terms of the 2 extremes (high quality art with enough of a twist/creative freedom but without alienating the consumer) but it's just not that widespread.
Not enough art initiatives? I guess it's just not profitable enough to start something in europe due to the lack of private investment possibilities? Lots of great videogames though so I guess most artists aim for that

>> No.4581516

It's funny because the opposite is true of OP and people like him. Every anime is DBZ, Naruto, SAO, and flavor of the season harems.

>> No.4581539

I like trash from every shithole, fight me

>> No.4581585

>Something about anime, also western cartoons, but mostly anime, attracts those people.
Their insane need to destroy beauty and preference for "destroy it from within" tactics.

>> No.4581610
File: 140 KB, 991x641, Babi_Yar_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are all coomers. I thought this was obvious. Pic most Definitely unrelated to coomers at all.

>> No.4581673

Why does /ic/ so obsessed with comics,anime.mange etc with this grapichal linear drawings. Why no one here like to paint without linearts

>> No.4581689

Because we've been surrounded with lineart styles since childhood and not lineless paintings. There's also very few profitable mass appeal applications for painting.

>> No.4581692

Fuck that, where are the sculpture threads?

>> No.4581693
File: 114 KB, 574x372, 1560373470759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots want to know why you people cant argue with eachother? because of the exact positions you people are standing on.

One side is more educated on american comics, while the other one is on manga. But neither side wants to try to see the positive AND the negative of eachother, resulting in the creation of this shitty thread and their participants. Find something to appreciate in the other part, THEN you can start talking shit on the parts you dont like, because now you're actually educated to talk about the ""art styles""

>> No.4581695

I mean most of artstation artists procecess are quick sketch and paintover with no lines
But you are really like comic style drawings

>> No.4581702
File: 53 KB, 522x490, moomin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this 100?
in Japan, manga is a culture that everybody love. Even if you art is shit, you can still make a comic into comic. It's natural that you see bad art, out of millions of creator and only a dozens of them are actual professional.

In the US comic culture is very segregated from the rest of the entertainment world, the press dont want to bother with them, or want to market comic. It's the industry where the common people don't want to bother, leaving only elitist and pro or of the pro to make it. Thus you see less of comic variety. It's culture where comic independency is impossible, you technically have to work for the industry and draw what they want if you want to make a living.

>> No.4581708

Oh, I thought you were talking about traditional painting. Lineless art is general is more difficult as the process and construction aren't obvious at a glance and they take more time to learn and make every time, and the application is still reserved for more elite high end work such as concept art, whereas drawing comics, webcomics, manga etc are relatively attainable goals in comparison.

>> No.4581723

Tool and learning barrier, if you have a pen you can recreate most comic and manga art, for lineless you need colors or a tablet

>> No.4581781
File: 171 KB, 728x1114, cecc37fdec890c9b113af5465726e108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could someone shit on this while praising cancer like America Chavez or Squirrel Girl without having serious brain damage?

>> No.4581836

Is this a bait thread? because Hellboy art is crap, it has a bit of soul but it`s crap
Or is this a nationalist or a /comblr thread?

I don`t remember the name of a good western artist that absolutely rapes and wipes the floor with Hellboy`s art but it was about a French exorcist with a big nose

>> No.4581885

Your logic is just as retarded and cherry picking as the person you're complaining about.

>> No.4581933

There's tons of paint sh I here

>> No.4582143

>we have the best comics and cartoon artist

No you use to and thank the sjws for that shit.

>> No.4582150


>That art
Dios mio...

>> No.4582185

I've only seen 1 man use this meme. I know who you are, get back to college, you brazilian bitch.

>> No.4582198

All the girls have exactly the same face. Are you blind

>> No.4582370
File: 2.55 MB, 480x480, 1589510357990.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ Luigi, we get it, DD is the only comic you ever read in your life.
Can you go be a baiting fagotto somewhere else?

>> No.4582392

And? That makes them bad? Imagine saying this seriously on an anime website lmfao

>> No.4582402

>And? That makes them bad?

>> No.4582441

If there were positives with American comics they wouldn't be an incredible niche thing. Manga is more normal in America dispite being foriegn, unless you are some sort of boomer. A medium has no excuse to be niche.

>> No.4582445

Wrong moron. What a retarded take.
I bet you dont own socks that match

>> No.4582447

They arent niche you stupid weeb you just dont read them. World doesnt revolve around you

>not mangacon


>> No.4582469

>sameface is okay!
fuck off retard.

>> No.4582475

Capeshit is the most repetitive and empty form of "art" that I know. Talk about corporate soullessness.

With euro comics and manga at least you don't know what to expect. Each manga can have its own story, type of narrative, characters etc. Some of them can be pretty deep. With capeshit you always get the same tired garbage. No wonder they are dying. American comics suck.

>> No.4582491
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Or, y'know, you could just read comics published by Image, retard. Oblivion Song, Black Science, Outer Darkness, Chew, I Hate Fairyland. Tons of independent stories across several different genres.
Everyone bitches and moans "muh American coomics r ded and they suck :(((" and then as it turns out the only things they read or know about are fucking DC and Marvel. As if they're the only American comic publishers that exist.

This thread is a shitshow, by the way. Two factions of myopic hardline fanboys screeching slapfighting with each other like a gaggle of triggered autists. You dumbasses are a fucking disgrace.

>> No.4582500

>Or, y'know, you could just read comics published by Image, retard. Oblivion Song, Black Science, Outer Darkness, Chew, I Hate Fairyland. Tons of independent stories across several different genres.
Nah, I don't feel like going out of my way to check all that stuff out, it's probably shit anyway. All I know about Image is that McFarlane made it, and the best he could come up with is Spawn, which is capeshit with even emptier writing than average capeshit, so it's absolute garbage.

I rather stick with my Euro and Japanese stuff. Murishart stuff is too soulless.

>> No.4582502
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Both are good, I’ve seen that a lot of the newer artists are actually influenced by manga. And it seems like some manga is getting influenced by American comics. (One punch man, my hero academia)

>> No.4582504
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>> No.4582506

You're definitely baiting now. Either that or you're legitimately brain damaged.

>> No.4582507
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>> No.4582509
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>> No.4582511
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And there’s also older artists like Greg Capullo who are putting out some quality work.

>> No.4582514

brain damage is what american comics books do to you.

>> No.4582520

Weak bait.

>> No.4582542

It's not bait. I unironically have never seen a good american comic book.

I liked spiderman and stuff like that when I was a kid because it looked kind of cool, but once you grow up you realize that the plots and characters are uninteresting and go ultimately go nowhere, and it's generally soulless.

The good Euro and Jap comics are a million times better. I have never, ever seen an american comic that was memorable. Fuck, even Mob Psycho is much better than anything america ever produced and it's drawn by someone who basically puts 0 effort into the drawing. You read stories like Mob Psycho, Vagabond or the Airtight Garage and you just know that that would never come out of the american comic book industry. American comics are just not interesting.

>> No.4582543

>p-please s-stop btfo the japs please Mister Chadtalian PLEAAAASE REEEE
Jesus, imagine seething that you cant talk shit about eurocomics

>> No.4582544

Is this the part where i list globally and critically acclaimed american comics and you go "nah sux lol"?

Because you need to grow up and understand that just because youre not a fan of something doesnt mean its bad.

>> No.4582556

>just because youre not a fan of something doesnt mean its bad.
Right. But some things are good and some are bad, and american comics are objectively bad. They are the kind of shit that Rob Liefeld and Todd McFarlane produce and thrive in. That's the audience for american crap. I'm not interested.

>> No.4582566

>Fuck, even Mob Psycho is much better than anything america ever produced
Now you're just being obtuse. Imagine being this biased, I could say the same about the countless Isekai, shonenshit, or slice of life that tells the same story over and over again. But of course you'll just cherrypick the capeshit stories as if it's the only thing that's ever written in American.

>> No.4582585

I don't deny that a lot of manga is crap too. But at least in the things that reach popularity in Japan and Europe there's usually something that a self respecting, non retarded adult can enjoy, unlike with amerishit. Mob Psycho was just an example.

>> No.4582588
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Literally kill yourself you insecure faggots.

This /co/tard capefaggot thread isn't art related at all. report and sage this shitty ass thread.

>> No.4582599

*American comics in the extremely narrow genre that I cherrypicked are objectively bad
There, fixed that for you.

>> No.4582608

capeshit is an extremely narrow genre within american comics? are you hihgh? capeshit are the only comics that are well known among americans. That's what americans like, and the first thing that everyone thinks about when american comics are mentioned.

Im out of this thread, enjoy your /co/ garbage.

>> No.4582610
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Imagine being this much of an uncultured turbonigger lmao

>> No.4582612

The most popular and best selling American comic in recent memory was The Walking Dead which isn’t capeshit.

>> No.4582621

>Shitting on bellboys art

ACTUALLY brain damaged. This isn't even a nationalistic thing or east vs West thing, you're just retarded

>> No.4582622

Imagine hatingall movies because youve only ever seen avengers and paul blart LMAO

Bone is fantastic

>> No.4582625
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>it's popular so it's the only thing that actually matters
imagine being so much of a fucking normalfag that you actually care about what's popular, lmao. It's a sorry sight to see.

>> No.4582626


>> No.4582636
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>Being this fucking mad
>Announcing his reports and sage
>Mass replying
Sorry to break it to you but comics are in fact art related you tunnel visioned ret/a/rd. Fuck off back to >>>/a/

>> No.4582638

Complaining about McFarlane being popular in the early 90s and also calling him bad is like saying Go Nagai is bad and manga must be shit if he was popular in the 70s

>> No.4582645

I don't like hell boy's art at all either.

Listen. Capeshit is shit. American comics are mostly about capeshit. Therefore, american comics IN GENERAL suck. Is it possible that there might be some good american comic books? sure. But I'm not going to go out of my way to look for them, when the japs and euros are shoving good shit right under my nose. I don't want to search in an ocean of garbage to maybe find something decent. So the point is that the OP is obviously wrong. American comics as a whole are empty.

>> No.4582646

>I suspect that the absolute best in the world are going to be French, Italian or Spanish though. Some of those guys are absolute masters.
Can you give some examples?

>> No.4582660

Anon, as someone looking to make comics professionally yet also fucking despising how retarded the industry is in America, let me tell you this, because I actually researched this:

Comics aren't niche in America because they're all so bad the only shit that sells is Spider-Man, comics are niche because in the late 90s and early 00s, following the death of newsstands, the comic industries distribution became monopolized under Diamond, then immediately crippling the entire distribution model by catering to whiny bitch-fit throwing direct-market comic book shop retailers, completely eliminating home delivery subscriptions, and not being sold in other general store shops, then on top of all that arbitrarily limiting and crippling their digital release avenues by catering to comic book retail shops AGAIN, limiting it to releasing same day as physical at the same price despite no printing costs, then on top of all of this they don't market anything for shit beyond on preexisting niche hobby websites and Twitter.

American comics aren't niche because of the quality of the comics, they're niche because the top 5 publishers are so incomprehensibly fucking retarded that if it weren't for movie licensing deals, they would have literally all been bankrupted and liquidated decades ago.

There was a time where American comics regularly sold millions of units for some characters like Captain Marvel (Shazam). The problem is simply that Marvel and DC are cancerous tumors kept alive by Disney and Warner Bros, and nobody is willing to just let comic book shops fucking die already.

>> No.4582668

Finally, someone who knows what the fuck they're talking about.

>> No.4582669

>American comics are mostly about capeshit
That's straight up not true though. That's literally just Marvel, DC, and Valiant. Besides Spawn and Savage Dragon, all the other publishers by and large do not publish anything having to do with capeshit.

>> No.4582676

Japan literally has the same problem though. The most popular genres of manga are geared towards kids, teenagers and sports fans.
>Shonen and Shojo Manga, comics for young teenage boys and girls
>Seinen Manga, comics for young adult males.
And everything else is either just Sports manga or the less popular Seijin and Redisu Manga which are adult comics for males and females
Shonen, Seinen and Sports are the most common genres made for Japanese consumers and each have the same overtold tropes.
The only varied comic that's produced is European, but Europe's a pretty big place and the differing states end up making things more varied.

>> No.4582690
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>the comic industries distribution became monopolized under Diamond, then immediately crippling the entire distribution model by catering to whiny bitch-fit throwing direct-market comic book shop retailers, completely eliminating home delivery subscriptions
Holy shit, I did not know that. What are your thoughts on Marvel/DC constantly catering to the politically correct? Do you think the PC crowd contributes to the death of superhero comics? Or is that just a meme?

>> No.4582724

It's like you don't even listen. Because Image, literally the third largest publisher in America, has a shit-ton of comics and most of them have nothing to do with capeshit. Crime, drama, sci-fi, fantasy, slice of life, romance, whatever the fuck you want to read. You've even been given recommendations and namedrops in this very thread of some good non-capeshit American comics, including fucking Bone which is one of the most well known and loved all-ages fantasy comics. So you really have no excuse of being ignorant, you're just being a contrarian, elitist faggot.

>> No.4582743

It's like 70% a meme because it's not doing any more to damage the industry itself, but it's certainly damaging the companies doing it within the confines of the existing industry situation. Marvel has had to resort to trying to forcefully exploit a statistical sales boost phenomenon repeatedly to try and desperately force Carol Danvers Captain Marvel to have the barest minimum of sales numbers to NOT be considered utterly embarrassing. Instead, apparently the less embarrassing option is to have her on her fifth or sixth comic run Volume (ie starts over from #1 as a "new series") in the last decade

For comparison, I think that's more volumes than Moon Knight has had in the last thirty years, a D-list nobody that's on the fringes of cult popularity. Cause, y'know, nobody wants Carol, but Marvel needs their Wonder woman.

>> No.4582748

Because graphical linear drawings are about movement/action. This is what is needed in a comic/manga. Paint without linearts would not work as well.

>> No.4582752

Holy fuck the katakana frames the panel and makes anglea with his arm

>> No.4582862

I wish I could kill every single person in this thread that thinks they know what they're talking about.

>> No.4582929
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>> No.4582935

I'm this: >>4582660 anon again. I wanted to chime in with a quick hypothetical thought exercise to illustrate why the American comic industry is in the state that it's in:

Imagine for a second GameStop. Imagine if Activision, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, and EA stopped selling to big chain retail supermarkets like Wal-Mart and Target, and only sold to GameStop.

Now imagine if, in an effort to support GameStop, they deliberately sabotaged, crippled, and killed Steam, Origin, Xbox Live, and PSN because they threatened GameStop.

Now, also imagine they stopped running ads on TV entirely, stopped running ads in stores, stopped running ads on YouTube, and stopped buying ad space on websites. Imagine if all they did to announce a game, and it's release, was a single article on IGN and a tweet for each. That's it.

Imagine how fucking devestating that would be to the entire video game industry, how incomprehensibly, unimaginably crippling a blow that would be to the entire industry to it's very core.

THATS why comic books are niche in America. That is exactly what's happened to it, just replace those game companies with the top few comic publishers, and replace GameStop with Diamond + Local Comic Book retailers.

>> No.4582940

I laughed at loud at this exchange

>> No.4582946

Interesting points. You managed to save this burning garbage heap of a thread at 290 replies

>> No.4582959

There’s also the whole issue of censorship via the comics code that made it impossible for non-kids comics to get any readership since they were “corrupting the youth.”

>> No.4582971

I appreciate your posts, anon, since I didn't know anything about the business side of american comic book distribution. But I'm not seeing the connection between what you say and american comics being generally of bad quality. It seems that you are giving reasons why you think they are not popular, not why they are not good.

>> No.4583082
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dude Italy makes other comics too

>> No.4583107
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Unironically more appealing than any capeshit art I've ever seen.

>> No.4583248

>It's not bait. I unironically have never seen a good american comic book.
That just makes you an ignorant moron, not the arbiter of what has value. Read more comics.

>> No.4583305

I'm explaining why you don't have exposure to good American comics and why your view of them seems to just be capeshit, and how the medium being niche in America has nothing to do with quality.

There's plenty of good American comics, ranging in style and storytelling that break from the trappings of capeshit like Sin City, Godzilla: The Half Century War, Mike Allreds Madman, Luther Strode, The Spirit, etc.

And even within the confines of Capeshit you still sometimes get good stuff amidst the garbage, like the Jeph Loeb/Tim Sale "color" series (Spider-Man: Blue, Hulk: Gray, Daredevil: Yellow, Captain America: White), Ultimate Spider-Man, Justice League: The New Frontier, Batman: Ego, Batman: Year 100, or Jack Kirby's Fourth World.

There's plenty there, Anon.

>> No.4583377

Euro comics > *

>> No.4584692

okay, maybe I'm wrong about american comics then. when I get through what im reading now I'll check what you said, thanks

>> No.4585918

You know my problem with western is that although I do see amazing skill a lot of it is too generic. As in generically realistic.

Few artists stand out for me.