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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 87 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4568853 No.4568853 [Reply] [Original]

>21 "chapters"
>each "chapter" are 5 hours long on average, some are even up to 7 hours

What the fuck is this? I get that its comprehensiveness makes it the best perspective course out there, but what the fuck? Isn't 111 hours on a single subject beyond overkill?

>> No.4568858

Technical drawing is technical.

>> No.4568872

I think it's designed like that so that it'll be the only perspective course you'll ever need.

>> No.4568881


>> No.4568902
File: 322 KB, 908x1200, 1564158674_28-The-Cone-of-Vision-36x48-Oil[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a waste of time, get a good book or two on basic perspective and you're set. I remember when this was first posted on /ic/ and everyone went crazy over it, 99% of them spent more time downloading the videos than on actually watching them. The handful that did finish weren't that much better at drawing by the end of it. Also always look at the instructors art before you watch their course, it'll tell you everything you need to know.

>> No.4568906

Don't listen to this retard, please, is coping like hell because the more comprehensive perspective course didnt worked magic on his shitty art skills.

>> No.4568907

yes, it's way too much. not even technical drawing requires that much study of perspective

>> No.4568910
File: 296 KB, 1200x793, 1564159648_12-The-Last-Stop-40x60-Oil[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your work. I wouldn't be surprised if you were actually better than Olson.

>> No.4568916

Why are so many art teachers so soulless? This reminds me of something Proko would do. It's the kind of thing painted by someone who woke up one morning and decided "well I guess I'm going to learn to be an artist now" even though they really had no interest in art and no intrinsic motivation for wanting to make it.
People always talk about "those who can't, teach" as the reason art teachers often aren't the greatest artists themselves, but that doesn't mean their subject matter has to be boring.

>> No.4568917
File: 141 KB, 1079x1189, 98fa3d41a2ad69b01dd222fcbaa102e6239afcfee6b2b3b466e98e87c97bf2ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats wrong with his art? beyond being meeeh tier, come faggot tell me what do bad about it, you talk Big shit like you knew better, maybe you should make your own perspective course, also fucking pyw first since you are the one shitting on the instructor, that means you somehow are better than him.

>> No.4568919

It's about the same as two college courses, over a semester. So it would be the same as taking Perspective 101 and 201 over a year during a drafting degree.

Oh, wait, you think you have finish it all in a week or less, don't you.

We'll set aside if you actually need all those hours for drawing comics or not, or if you even paid for that much content, and are complaining about something you stole.

>> No.4568920
File: 182 KB, 684x1200, 1564159236_Ancalagon--Earendil[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, show me one, literally one, person who went through this course and draws at a competent level now. You can't. Remember, this is your god.

>> No.4568921

Yet you would love that image if the characters were from an anime.

>> No.4568933

i just asked if it was too much. didn't ask for another one of these fucking arguments, but it was wrong to expect something else from /ic/.

thank you for actually answering the question.

>> No.4568939

I love how you come up with some elaborate reasoning in your head for something that is basically just not to your taste

>> No.4568948

what the fuck do you mean? that's the subject and he's teaching it, plain and simple. are you such a brainlet that you can't understand a subject plainly taught for you? cunt

>> No.4568950

I'd recommend Framed Perspective Vol.1 & Vol. 2, you can find them in the book thread and they're quite good. I suppose it depends on your end goal but unless you want to do super accurate architectural designs or something, Olson's not worth it imo. If you're learning perspective to draw backgrounds for comics for than Framed Perspective is perfect for that.

>> No.4568957

gas yourself, braindead cocksucker, also you didnt posted your work, as expected from a retarded cuck who only comes here to frogpost and shit on other artist.

>> No.4568965

This thread is gonna be even better than /trad/

>> No.4568967

Anyone given Marshall's course a try? Seems pretty good and more concise than Olson's (at least for those who don't wanna dive in so deep into perspective matters)

>> No.4568968

I've tried going through it, but it's extremely boring and just takes way to much time to get through. Especially if you need to go back and rewatch something to understand it better. I personally recommend you stick to a book like framed perspective or how to draw by Scott Robertson. Since you'll be able to concentrate more on doing rather than watching.

>> No.4568969

Here's a nice free alternative to that course


>> No.4568970

is it better than scott robertson's how to draw though?

>> No.4568972

Yes I went through it when I started out. His course is really good and the perfect length too (~12 hours I think). Would recommend.

>> No.4568977

They cover different things although there is some overlap. Framed Perspective teaches you general perspective and tells you how to use it to make environments in vol. 1 and in vol. 2 it goes over how to apply perspective to figures, shadows, constructions, etc. Scott Robertson's book assumes that the reader already has some prior perspective knowledge and the whole book goes over how you can use perspective to set up grids and construct complex objects in 3d space. It's a good place to go after you're done with Framed Perspective Vol. 1.

>> No.4569017

4chan would literally die if people stopped doing that here.

>> No.4569025


>> No.4569044

Name 1 reason I should listen to Erik ramble over just reading Framed Perspective1&2

>> No.4569050

You're not going to do either so fuck off

>> No.4569056

As a cure for insomnia

>> No.4569074

dont know fagget, do whatever you want nobody cares which way you se to draw your shit tier animu girls, your art will be shit at the end of the day even if MichelAngello himself taught you perspective.

>> No.4569075

Thank you anon. Gonna get to it then!

>> No.4569103

Good luck lad!

>> No.4569133

Yep, you're right.

>> No.4569145

The perspective doesn't even look good in this picture

>> No.4569148

>no actual answers

>> No.4569151

>sensible answers to shitpost/mongoloid questions

ok mate.

>> No.4569170

His way of teaching was really fun and I enjoyed it a lot!

>> No.4569400

Most people on this board downloaded the course and did (if that much) what Olson tells you should not do: '' ahhh, I'm too good, I'm just going to watch this and get it, i dont need to draw all those lines, cmon..I will get it...'', and guess what, they dont get it.


Olson tells, during the course, more than 100 times what you should do, hell after 2 or 3 sections he makes a video looking at you and repeating again and again the things that YOU should do, he empahises it ad inifinitum but I guess it still wasnt enought to enter into your brickhead.

>> No.4569408

That’s precisely the problem. He repeats the same bullshit over and over again for hours and hours to pad out the time. There’s no reason for the course to be as long as it is, if someone is confused they can just rewind.

>> No.4569423

Nigger perspective along withe value are the most vital fundamentals, arent you willing yo put the time to learn them?
Fuck this insta gratification generation of retards.
Good look doing half decent art with that attitude.

>> No.4569475

see >>4568920

>> No.4569481

is his course recommended if I want to learn how to draw human figures in dynamic angles and foreshortening?

>> No.4569505

Nope, there are faster ways.

>> No.4569525

Any recommendations? I saw people mentioning Framed Perspective here, so I'm thinking about taking a look at it

>> No.4569547

I don't know why they make perspective books so unnecessarily complicated. Literally the only thing you need to know about perspective is that vanishing points exist. The rest is intuitive practice.

>> No.4569560

Ok but, when will you post the mega link? Do you think we are all here jews who sleep on a bed made of gold and got circumcised at birth?

>> No.4569567

If you want to get good at figure drawing, you should be figure drawing. Bridgman, Loomis, Vilppu, Hampton, Hogarth, those are the guys you want to check out.

>> No.4570861

Pretty sure it's on CGpeers

>> No.4573524

>The Drawing Database yt channel
Oh no no nonono

>> No.4573717

His course is extremely thorough and detailed with many demonstrations and explanations.

He goes into a great number of technical details other courses often neglect. For example, he not only explains how to use the cone of vision to simulate camera lenses, he also explains how to crop the drawing to film aspect ratios (run a diagonal 37 degrees through the CP until it intersects with the cone, extrapolate those marks into rectangle for 4:3 aspect ratio. For 1.85:1 run a 29.5 degree diagonal through the center point to the edges of the 4:3 frame, for 2.35:1 use a 23 degree diagonal).

It's long and boring but if you watch the whole thing, take notes and do the exercises you will learn a lot.

>> No.4573834

What's wrong with that?

>> No.4573862

>Literally the only thing you need to know about perspective is that vanishing points exist. The rest is intuitive practice.

There is way more to perspective than that if you want to draw anything with any real accuracy, and while you can try to reinvent the wheel yourself there is no point when other people have already done the math.

>> No.4574200

spend 1 hour covering the basics from literally anywhere, then spend 110 putting it into practice instead.

>> No.4574211


This, quite honestly. By watching Olson I actually understand Robertson's book. Robertson omits a fuckton, yet i never see it mentioned on here.

>> No.4574231

Olson's course is incredibly layered with detailed explanations and demonstrations. If you want to master perspective, this is the course to learn. That said, it's a shit ton of work and if you're not trying to become a cream-of-the-crop pro artist, then it's way too much information.

Hobby artists who want to level up and become proficient enough should take Marshall's perspective course. It's fun, easy, and gets the job done. Both will teach you fantastic points about perspective.

>> No.4574301


>> No.4574305

I did the first 10 lessons. There's some really good explanations in there but Olson tends to repeat himself a lot and does multiple videos on even the most simple things.

>> No.4575960
File: 284 KB, 550x694, 46872_2202114w550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, this book is an example with pretty much all of that course within some pages and in a mere book, even when it is aviation art themed, it is applicable to lots other stuff. It is more centered on Descriptive geometry (as the title says; which was born after technical perspective but learning it helps and eases in setting up any perspective and the time it takes to do so.

>> No.4578358

>Erik Olson
Sounds like a Viking’s name.

>> No.4578362

he's a horrible, horrible hack

>> No.4578881

easy. Provide list if all people who went throu the course and i will look at their past and present work and will find you good examples.

>> No.4578915

Beginners really do not understand the difference between pragmatic perspective and full out measured geometric perspective.
Your average illustrator/concept artist/painter will never need to know 99% of what linear perspective entails. You only need to know enough to create a believable space.
You do not need to know what 1 unit will be exactly 2 meters from the station point and what it will be exactly 50 meters from the station point.
These kind of things are meant for drafters, people who draft from blueprints and building plans.
Drafting is all done with 3D now and 2D drafting is largely outdated and not used anyway so this information really isn't relevant at all anymore.
That being said, it is fun to learn and play with and can sometimes help you with getting unstuck in certain situations.
But in all honesty the information about perspective found in Scott Robertson's book is like 90% of what you would need to know.
For the rest there is https://www.handprint.com/HP/WCL/tech10.html

>> No.4580952


>> No.4582591

Wait, so is Erik Olson good or not? What's the final verdict?

>> No.4582640

Why are you relying on ic to tell you that? Why don't you look at his work and watch a few of his videos to decide for yourself, brainlet?

>> No.4582677

I've watched him a little bit and I like him a lot, but I am a brainlet so I don't trust my own judgement.

>> No.4582716
File: 1.03 MB, 3840x2160, 1585914440695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spends time arguing with strangers on /ic/ while calling an in depth perspective course a waste of time

>> No.4582727

I agree with what this guy said >>4578915 . Just learn simple perspective from a book and see how far it gets you. If you find that there are still gaps in your knowledge and you need more in depth perspective for your goals then go ahead and try this course. I think it's best to avoid it if you don't have a specific goal in mind when it comes to perspective because you'll be overloaded by too much information and wont have anything to do with it.

>> No.4582776

Why is his head so small in this picture?

Needs more Loomis.

>> No.4583220

Any pdf?

>> No.4583233

He just sucks, look at his drawings, there's nothing more to explain.
He's better than /beg/ I guess, but there are many better people to learn from.

>> No.4584873

Is there a pdf of this?

>> No.4587415

why is he so big?

>> No.4587483

You don't need to be a master draftsmen to teach, it's completely different skill

>> No.4587538

He's a big guy.

>> No.4587542

I see that, but I'm afraid that that's just for me