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File: 37 KB, 1024x1024, a0c52a9161464b1736c6ff00cf49d81f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4563912 No.4563912 [Reply] [Original]

What happened with the latest procreate brushes thread? I need some new ones.

>> No.4564766

Does anyone have the new Nomad 2.0 update in gumroad?

>> No.4566222

Tattoo Smart brushes please!!

>> No.4566558

Is this it?


>> No.4566966


you should be able to scroll down in here and find nomad 2

>> No.4566969

I was the OP of the last 2 Procreate brush threads. This was the previous one >>4507918. I've been busy and just hadn't gotten around to making a new one.

You legend. Did it come with a PDF? I'm always after brush set info PDFs for completeness' sake.

>> No.4566976

Yeah. i was the anon who planned to upload everything to a mega a week later but the thread poofed after the bump limit so i havent gotten around to it yet. ill upload them soon

>> No.4567074

Russ Abbott tattoo brushes

>> No.4567080

Yessssss thank you!

>> No.4567905

I would like to second this request
Anon delivers again! Thanks!

>> No.4567918

No, Tattoo Smart brushes are stamps. This is more of a toolbox to actually create original art.

>> No.4567982

Anyone have the jeans texture brush?

>> No.4568286

how do install these brushes .plit?

>> No.4568343

thanks anon, the crayon brushset is missing?

>> No.4568609

Not that guy, but if you're talking about the crayon set from Ink Gang Boss, it's here: https://mega.nz/folder/PshhBSoS#FceqRSy9BA8s0-bRwWdlFg/folder/z1BHgILI

>> No.4569110
File: 413 KB, 794x595, ftooncrayon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean this one, i think its noet there or maybe im just stupid but going to cjeck yours thanks

>> No.4569477

its not missing, i just deadass do not have it on my gdrive. i dont have alot of space at once and i rotate brushes often on it as the gdrive is just for me to download to my ipad later on.
i believe the crayon pack may be on my outdated mega though, im currently uploading my frankentoon content there so check back in a bit if its not there immediately: https://mega.nz/folder/i6oSFYYC#dx-9Scn1pAQY-wfuVvI-cQ

>> No.4570433

anyone have the razum premium ?

>> No.4570439

oops sorry i didn't check the mega beforehand

>> No.4570469

thanks man

>> No.4570535

I tried importing the artsy stack procreate brushes but they’re not showing up

>> No.4570782


try the mega folder of them i tossed up just a few posts ago.

>> No.4570799
File: 1.37 MB, 958x960, 1588229265139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone has this that would be great if ya can share

>> No.4572813

Gonna bump this.

>> No.4573269

No one has the galshir brushset because it isn't worth the money

>> No.4573311

I really just want something like that jean texture ;_;

>> No.4573393


ive tried this fellas brushes and im not a fan, so i got a refund. try some alternatives if all you want is one brush texture:



(paid, but cheaper) https://gumroad.com/l/odihA

>> No.4573666

Anyone have Avvart's brushes?

>> No.4573696




im not buying any more from them though. i got them off gumroad and somehting glitched out and it made me buy 2 of each and avvart wont refund me for it. :')

>> No.4573728

oh wow, i wasn't expecting someone to actually have them. thank you!! are there any you're looking for?

>> No.4573731

Yeah, Gumroad has been shit recently. Bought some Artystack assets before finding these threads and it was a mess.

>> No.4573764
File: 175 KB, 1280x1248, 2e616b87dbc16975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this thread is for procreate brushes but can anyone help me reproduce the brush used at around 6 minutes in to this video, the one they use for coloring. It seems to be based off the oil brush but nothing seems to work like it does.


>> No.4573783


im mostly just looking for tagirfidai brushes, and newer (2019-2020) tiptop brushes. c:

>> No.4573818

That's a default clip studio paint brush. procreate's brush engine is different, so you'll likely not get something looking exactly like that.
however. if you're trying to get it IN clip studio paint, ive got good news for you!

you're going to want to open your clip studio program and head over to your brush stuff. and press this line thingy by the settings. http://prntscr.com/sg9eth

click add from default, then navigate to the brushes. http://prntscr.com/sg9feh

>> No.4573861

Does anybody has the procreate megabundle from Studio Denmark?

>> No.4573905

Is it normal to feel like my brushes are too pixelly when only zoomed in a bit, in a 2.4k canvas?
Should I just go higher? Feels like I can't draw eyes in ok detail

>> No.4573927

>too pixelly
Compared to what? iPads have very high resolution displays, so it's quite easy to see details, especially when you zoom in on your canvas. I make my canvases 300DPI to mimic print quality (and also because I sell prints of my stuff).

>> No.4574510


>> No.4574525


>> No.4574557

pick one, ill get it for you

>> No.4574575

;O; you mean it???? i really like the pastels! https://gumroad.com/discover?query=procreate%20pastel&sort=newest#ZrYqq

it reminds me alot of the ones i have on my desktop CSP!

>> No.4574577

oops link is weird. https://gumroad.com/l/ZrYqq

>> No.4574626

ok how do i get them to you, dont want to risk my mega cause it has a bunch of stuff i need on it

>> No.4574658

doesnt hurt to make a mediafire throwaway account i suppose?

>> No.4574669

I normally draw on a 1080p tablet in a 3kx3k canvas and feel it doesn't look at pixely. I'm sure it's just a "I'm drawing in too small of a space for this res" issue

>> No.4574685

thanks for sharing stuff with us in these threads. hope you are feeling better this week

>> No.4574699
File: 906 KB, 1195x941, Screenshot_1228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah,,, thank you so much!!!! this means alot to me.

i'm doing better! still missing my kitty, but i know he's not in pain anymore.
i had started on a painting of him in procreate but i never finished it cause emotions x(

>> No.4574904

Based and catpilled.

>> No.4576044

Love it

>> No.4577837
File: 135 KB, 330x196, banderas.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ever try a brush and it's so good you feel like webm related?

>> No.4577845

lmao which one anon

>> No.4577932
File: 3.70 MB, 1935x2388, B71B9A85-27E9-4654-9793-6B6E4FFCF2E0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn’t quite on topic but it is a procreate question, do any of you know if it’s possible to animate on new layers? I’d normally do a rough pass then lines etc on a new layer but it doesn’t seem like I can do that when each layer is treated as a new frame

>> No.4578200

Does anyone got the Bocadebra's brushes?
(Forest Tale and Magic Texture)

>> No.4578251

procreate's animation is really primitive, not good for anything more than a simple flipbook but what you're gonna want to do is make each frame a group, and do the lines on a new layer inside each group.

>> No.4578587

whats a good animation app on ipad?

>> No.4578989

Ohhh I second this

>> No.4579130

Buy flipaclip. i know it's gonna sound premature since there's alot of shit online with "cringy" teens making animations to their favorite edgy songs, but flipaclip is a solid piece of mobile animation tech. it's got good layers, a decent audio compatibility, and you can choose your resolution and framerate. ive never made anything super complex with it; but ive loved it to death since last summer. it's very fun and easy to understand.

>> No.4579432

Did the Lane Charcoal Brushes ever got shared?

>> No.4579603

Yes, the revelation halftones


I'm eternally grateful, based beings

>> No.4579793

Perfect this is just what I was looking for thanks!

>> No.4579796

Also very interested in those...

>> No.4579805

I’ll second this, it’s the easiest to jump into and very functional. Csp has more options and is what you’d want to use if you’re more serious about polish, but it’s got a steeper learning curve and is expensive

>> No.4580036

Anyone find that medieval manuscript one from last thread?

>> No.4580419

Nah, I doubt it's floating around out there. A lot of Procreate brushes haven't been pirated yet. It's growing in popularity every day though, so I suspect more and more stuff will be showing up.

Clip Studio is quite popular on desktop, right? Do people sell brushes for that? How easily pirated are they?

>> No.4581097

That looks good.

>> No.4582155

>Do people sell brushes for that? How easily pirated are they?

Tons; literally just as easily as procreate brushes. i have a bunch ive legitimately bought, like frendon, daub, and several gumroad packs. if anyone made a csp brush thread, id upload them online for yall too.

>> No.4582174

As of now, it's sad but there's really nothing. At least for semi professional to professional work like flash/animate, toon boom, tvpaint etc. I have my eyes on Callipeg which shows decent potential, but it's in its very early stages so it's not ready yet.

>> No.4582203

Yeah, I was trying to think of an art app with a popularity level similar to Procreate, and CSP was the first one that sprang to mind. Not an entirely accurate comparison, since CSP is a desktop app and, although not as popular as Photoshop, it's still massively popular, more than Procreate, but I figured it was close enough.

There are paid Procreate brushes on random digital art asset piracy sites, but most of the best brush sets I've found have been on VK and threads like this one. Person-to-person sharing is still the best bet for Procreate brushes.

>> No.4582372

>I've found have been on VK and threads like this one. Person-to-person sharing is still the best bet for Procreate brushes.

I wouldn't really trust vk; ive tried downloading from them before and ended up with a trojan. yeah, its an easy thing to get rid of for the most part if youve got a good virus protector, but cmon man.

>> No.4582385

What did you download on VK that had a trojan? I've downloaded countless brushes, fonts and other graphic art/design stuff (not to mention music) from there and have never had a problem.

>> No.4582513

it was a few weeks back, so i dont remember exactly, but it was from a procreate brush set that had been uploaded months prior. sorry, i dont recall fully what it was. ill check on the site later which one it is and point it out.

>> No.4582731

its the space one. the 24 space brushes one.

>> No.4582758

sorry for posting 3 times in a row, but does anyone have sadie lew's watercolor kit or gouache kit >_>; i dont see it in the big mega from the OP

>> No.4583073

I know that this is a procreate thread but I gotta ask. Is the Ipad air 3 good for drawing? Would the 10.5in screen size suffice? The Ipad pro is rather too expensive for me. The first gen pros I could afford though. Maybe that's a better buy?

>> No.4584617

all ipad pros are capable of handling procreate pretty good afaik. ipad air 3 is what alot of people i know have used to draw with, so youre good there

>> No.4585422

Any good alternatives to procreate for iPads that isn’t clip studio paint? Hopefully a one time buy sort of deal.

Ever since encountering a bug with procreate that’s not looking to be resolved for a long time, I’m going to need a substitute to use. The bug makes procreate completely useless to me in regards to painting.

>> No.4585482

What's the bug?

>> No.4586091
File: 181 KB, 1334x1334, FC8FDD7C-E5F0-454B-91B5-6AA3FA0C1B4E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. Weird colors appear in any opaque brush I use or whenever I use the smudge or airbrush tool. I’ve already emailed support and have yet to receive a reply back yet. Made a thread in their support forums, and did not receive a reply back yet either. Weirdly enough threads that were created at the same time as mine pretty much all received direct mod responses almost immediately.

It seems they claimed this issue was resolved with the recent 5.0.5 update a while ago, but for me, it was not.

>> No.4586191

the tiptopbrushes watercolor 2020 is available now, if anyone has it please share, thanks

>> No.4586384

That's really strange. It happens with any/every opaque brush? I'm going to have to see if I can replicate this.

>the tiptopbrushes watercolor 2020
The video I saw on their IG of those brushes made them look great. I've never cared for their brushes before, but their latest brushes have looked much better.

>> No.4586519
File: 110 KB, 1334x534, F173CE17-2824-40C7-9660-A8083FE17C1D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Steps to replicate::
1. Select bg layer to be a dark color (example: #1f1816)
2. Create a new layer. Select the “round brush” or “flat brush” tools under the default “painting” section.
3. Select a slightly lighter color than the bg. I recommend #7d5945.
4. Lightly drag Apple Pencil over canvas on the new layer. Ensure that iPad brightness is at full 100%.
5. In order to see the exact values more clearly in the brush stroke, duplicate the layer with the brush stroke 2-3 times and then merge together.

Pic related for the steps above.

>> No.4588358

Weird. I'm going to have to try replicating this. Does it only happen with the round brush and flat brush?

>> No.4589754
File: 1.83 MB, 1079x709, firefox_2020-05-18_22-24-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How well does True Grit actually work?

>> No.4590780

I think her Gouache set was on a google drive sometimes

Would probably buy them and share them here, but for some reason their website only lets me pay through paypal, which I don't have...

>> No.4590802

What do you mean by "work"? You can achieve the same look they advertise by using their textures and tools, yes.

>> No.4590850

I followed your steps and yeah, sure enough it's there. Definitely seems like some kind of issue with pen pressure slightly changing the opacity of the brush, like it doesn't know what the proper color to transition to is. It's not a dealbreaker for me but i hope they do fix it.

>> No.4591590
File: 1004 KB, 1800x1800, Halloween Portrait Color Final Low Res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They're boss brushes if you're looking for distinctive effects and looks to your work.

I've used the Debaser textures multiple times and they were well worth the purchase. Especially if you experiment with them like I did here.

>> No.4591705

True Grit? More like Based Grit.

Memes aside, they're great brushes. Not for everyone, obviously, but if you want to give your art a rough and dirty vibe, I've not found a better option. The guy who makes this stuff is good at what he does.

>> No.4592005


Retro Supply Co. is a good alternative/runner-up against TGTS, IMHO.

But again, it depends on what you're looking for. RSCO definitely has variety on its side with drawing, painting, effects, etc compared to TGTS.

>> No.4592151

Does anyone have svetlana tigai’s photoshop brushes? I really wanna try it on procreate

>> No.4592350
File: 74 KB, 1000x750, C76967A8-B8E0-4F91-A9D8-54E2EFD1C201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how to mimic the cell drawn gradient/filter on procreate?

>> No.4593087

pretty sure you just find a noise texture and overlay/multiply it and then bloom+blur the image

>> No.4593117

Is there anywhere like this where people share and request Photoshop brushes?

>> No.4593219

You could always try making a thread.

>> No.4593552

Is there a brush for screen tones?

>> No.4593596
File: 914 KB, 1339x1918, D8458AD2-9313-44F0-AD07-9EC583818899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.4593664

the grain is too small, too subtle

>> No.4593672

why do people hoard ressources and don't draw?

you are not what you have you are what you do.

>> No.4593686

often people equate having the best stuff as a substitute for skill
for myself i think i like to have tools i can use, that's why my main brushes are maxpack gouache, it's really complete, but if i want to do watercolor ? then i have a brushpack for that, i want to do some 50's inspired alt-comix ? i got the debaser from TGTS, i like TGTS, they know what they're doing, like Ulichney

>> No.4593951

I'm using the noise adjustment then blurring it. I can't make the grain bigger. Have an example?

>> No.4594213
File: 1.31 MB, 1116x1139, Noise blur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i put the noise on 100% and then i used the gaussian blur to do the stuff

>> No.4594592

Check out the folder I made on my MEGA account for halftone brushes:


There's also some relevant stuff in the TGTS folder, like the Beat Tones and Lithotone sets:


What makes you think this is a thread for hoarders? I just like trying out new brushes. Whenever I find new brushes I like, it tends to spark creativity.

>> No.4594675

I’m a hoarder. I have a problem.

>> No.4596121

>I just like trying out new brushes.

big mood

>> No.4597924

dude made a mega for brushes but aint a hoarder... yeah right

>> No.4598175

Why do you care so much about what other people do? There are countless of ways you could go about finding yourself in art. Don't you think you should take care of yourself some more first?

>> No.4598405

I made the MEGA folder so I could share what I found with other anons. That was the whole point of the 2 threads that I started. Get a grip dude, lmfao.

>> No.4600191

Thanks for sharing brushes!

>> No.4602374


>> No.4603070

Anyone got Jingsketch’s brushes?

>> No.4603425

or tutorials? (and are they good?)

>> No.4603496

They were in the last procreate thread, it's in here along with a bunch of other brushes. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nU2cXf4V-WZA6uKZq7kfH96gZIHvVseu
No tutorials though, I also wonder if anyone here has them.

>> No.4603851

How do i flatten a brush like i would in photoshop?

>> No.4603929

Thanks so much anon, much appreciated!

>> No.4604206

Anyone have any of the 2020 tip-top brushes or their handmade paper texture?

>> No.4605744
File: 131 KB, 861x861, jisu1tumblr_poqpfrRipI1vdfkbdo6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any brushes that are good for replicating the effect of a pentel water brush?

>> No.4607107

Have there been any settings to replicate a photoshop brush as much as possible to its easier to transfer?
I find myself having too press much harder to get full color or line size, a custom pressure settings that feel like PS would be nice.

>> No.4607730

This debaser thing, I installed it. It's heavy and it's not exactly what I imagined, but the end result is very impressive and faithful to the real old comic book look.

I made some minor changes to the brushes' taper so the lines are coming out more my style.

The paper textures and highlights are .procreate files that you draw into.

The "colors" are huge high resolution textures that you drag into your drawing and then mask.

I'm using the iPad Pro 12.9" 2nd gen and the layer limit is 16 or something. Small limit IMO.

In other words, it's a heavy pack of things that works well enough to be worth using the available space.

>> No.4607740

This happened to me when I got an update but was quickly fixed in another. Sad.

>> No.4608046

How do you quickly do flat color art?
The bucket and auto select are such shit in Procreate its unusable, my lines are sketchy so it just fills the whole canvas unlike Clip which will detect my lines.

>> No.4608105

just use clip....?

>> No.4608109

But im using ipad.
Im just baffled how a functional paint bucket hasnt been implemented yet.

>> No.4608143

clip is on ipad

>> No.4608147

you can adjust fill tolerance in procreate. the default setting sucks.

>> No.4608178

I know you can slide your finger to adjust the percentages.
But its still really bad, it doesnt overlay the lines at all.
Are there any additional settings?

>> No.4608621

Open the layer settings for the lineqrt and set it to reference

>> No.4609068
File: 368 KB, 2500x1781, bluebirdybrushes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone have bluebirdy's brushes?

>> No.4609516

Might not be the right place to ask this but does anyone have Shiyoon Kim’s brushes or Macalabs’s. Sketching brushes?

>> No.4610828

I downloaded medibang paint just to try it out, it's okay, but the UI is pretty terrible. However, the pencil brush felt amazing, and I'm trying to find a way to import it into procreate. I haven't found anywhere that lets me download it or anything trying to replicate it though.
This is the brush: https://medibangpaint.com/en/cloud_brush/mb010111/

>> No.4611072

seconding ;-;

>> No.4611541
File: 278 KB, 1160x772, colorlab-for-procreate-procreate-brushes-retrosupply-co-786072_2048x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a stretch since this is so new, but does anyone have the Retro Supply Co. ColorLab?

I own Debaser and it'd be nice to have an alternative for vintage style screen tones and more texture assets.

>> No.4612956

no ink will come out of a brush.
But it works on other brushes.
I think i ticked some settings accidentally, how do i fix this.

>> No.4613123

if its a default brush you can reset it the same way youd go about duplicating it

>> No.4613869

Long shot but anyone have Bastien Grivet's leaf brushes? If not then whats the best leaf brush out there?

>> No.4614114


>> No.4614467

Id rather not do that.
Theyre also not a default brush

>> No.4614715

thanks a lot!

>> No.4617221

Hi! Anyone has the 'Watercolor Kit' by Sadie by any chance ?

>> No.4617456

Anyone got good graffiti spray flare brushes? Also after tattoosmart stuff, in particular the Cheyenne ones

>> No.4618845

so is there a good color blending/mixing brush that doesn’t just smudge the shit out everything yet?

>> No.4619536

Anyone have Maxpacks brushes?

>> No.4619567

Someone please upload Maxpack essential.

>> No.4620245

In my Mega:


>> No.4622572

Bump before bed.

>> No.4622777
File: 74 KB, 672x451, grainbrush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got something similar to picture related from a folder in the last thread. Does anyone have something similar for Photoshop? (Sorry I know this is a Procreate-centric thread).

>> No.4623359
File: 65 KB, 600x837, efd47303417d4fb39c1fb731b0b45174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't normally reply to requests for PS brushes in the Procreate brush thread, but I simply can't deny those digits. I've uploaded the Photoshop version of True Grit Texture Supply's Grain Shader brush set to MediaFire. They're similar, high quality grain brushes.


>> No.4623459

Why is there any discussion of this shit program on overpriced shit meme hardware? If you can’t buy Wacom for your PC you should stick to pencil and paper.

>> No.4623609

>not using all three
N GMI:^)

>> No.4623706

Imagine being so entitled that you ignore the fact most iPads are less expensive than. An entire Wacom tablet these days

>> No.4623729

May the good lord bless you always. Thank you, anon.

>> No.4624173

>are less expensive than. An entire Wacom tablet these days
You have to pay for quality. Not "quality" like your gay ass apple products, you iFag.

>> No.4624566

wacom is regularly equaled or surpassed by cheap chinese products these days

>> No.4627840

why do you enter a thread about something you don't like and then complaining about it ? are you some kind of autismo ?

>> No.4627877

You're mom is a cheap chinese product!
Because your a homo fag!

>> No.4627884
File: 124 KB, 512x512, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's off topic to this thread, but kind of relevant (iPad app.) Is Infinite Painter any good? Or is anything other than ProCreate a waste of time?

>> No.4627888

who let the middle schooler in 4chan again

>> No.4627998

Never tried Infinite Painter, but I've heard others say positive things about it. Affinity Designer also has fans. I've tried Medibang Paint and it had some nice things going on, but I just find that Procreate has the right balance of nice features and ease of use.

>> No.4628100

anyone have bluesssatan / julia razumova’s brushes??

>> No.4628417
File: 870 KB, 903x508, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These look great.

>> No.4628430

it's fine, just kinda boring.

>> No.4628469 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 535x672, 1591295099849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 2001, Paraguay's President was found to own a stolen car.

>> No.4628556

They really do. No one seems to have them though...

>> No.4628832

When you buy Wacom you’re buying the brand, not the quality. Same goes for Apple, but at least I haven’t gone through 6 iPads in one year over the lack of support for warranty.

>> No.4631104

Anyone discover some good brushes lately?

>> No.4632508

artstation has all brushes on sale btw

>> No.4632809

bump de bump more brush drops pls

>> No.4633873 [DELETED] 

I have the charcoal set, should I use mega or mediafire to upload?

>> No.4633892

heres the charcoal set

>> No.4634054

Thanks a lot anon!
Is there anything you need?

>> No.4634341

any other Bardot brushes would be fine, I cant think of any other atm.

>> No.4635386

Nice, thank you.

>> No.4635447

Thank you very much!

>> No.4637977

Need those new Tip Top brushes.

>> No.4638928

It has more tools than Procreate.
Procreate was the first app for iPad that used hte pencil to draw so that's why it gets a lot of points
But the team is very set in what they want to do.

Infinite Painter is considered the Android version (though they have a Krita beta now) of Procreate, if that helps you understand things.

Procreate just workswell. But it has a lack of tools. Clip Studio Pro too is okay on iPad, kinda annoying to set up a good mobiel/touch interface though

>> No.4639590

>But the team is very set in what they want to do.
What is it they are so set on?

>> No.4639890

>What is it they are so set on?
Creating a smooth app that balances features with ease of use while fostering a positive relationship with their user community, as far as I can tell.

There are other apps that some people will find preferable to Procreate, but there are good reasons why it's the most popular iOS art app.

>> No.4639953
File: 251 KB, 1474x1486, 81SqFjwlPiL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figured I'd post this here since it is Procreate thread.
I notice that after using the app for 40 minutes my ipad gets warm and the app starts to stop responding to my touch commands.
I'm not sure if it's an app, software, or hardware issue. I use the 12.9 tablet, it's the last version that has the home button. Pic related is the case I have for it and I use a screen protector to prevent scratching the surface (bad experience with my old cintiq.). I'm considering pulling it out of the case to see if that solves my heat issue, but I'm afraid on removing the screen protector since I don't want to scuff and scratch the surface.
I know clipstudio doesn't heat up like procreate, but I'm not really fan of the interface or performance, and a recent update has been making it save to my dropbox by default and it's been losing saves of my work. Not an expert with the device, but google hasn't been giving me any solid answers.

>> No.4640226

>I notice that after using the app for 40 minutes my ipad gets warm and the app starts to stop responding to my touch commands.
When did this issue develop? A screen protector shouldn't be causing any heat issues, but the case might. The iPad's aluminum backing helps dissipate heat while exposed to air. However, the behavior you describe isn't normal.

To rule out a software issue, I'd delete Procreate and reinstall. If that doesn't solve the problem, restoring the iPad to factory settings and reinstalling the app might work. If none of that works, I don't know. It might be a hardware issue, but I'd imagine if it was a hardware issue you'd experience it with other apps.

You might want to contact the developers and see what they have to say about it.

>> No.4640255

>when did it start
It's sort of been a thing since I've had the device. I didn't use it much on my older tablet, but I don't remember it ever getting warm. I'll reinstalling it, I'd rather not have to go through the trouble of factory resetting it. I just notice it only happens on procreate and some games.

>> No.4640307

I just reinstalled it, 55 minutes of just fucking around doodling and coloring some other shit I drew. It's a little warm, but it's still responsive and only drained 7 percent of the battery instead of 13 percent. So hopefully that solved my issue.

>> No.4642201
File: 530 KB, 1240x1240, NVxc7IMfcl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have the updated GeorgVW May/June set?

>> No.4642232
File: 217 KB, 997x1253, 4ED96E39-A564-4756-BE0E-5482D94517F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a brush like this?

>> No.4642270

one reply and i'll buy an ipad pro...

>> No.4642277

Looks like some kind of marker brush. Try these new marker brushes I acquired recently. They even come with marker paper texture canvases, if you're into that:


Post your receipt.

>> No.4642287

fuck should I pay the 25$ shipping to get it friday or wait till tuesday..

>> No.4642294

Depends on how fast you want it and if you won't miss that $25. You're getting the Apple Pencil too, right?

>> No.4642299

Yeah I won't miss it I'm getting the 256, and pen

>> No.4642316
File: 106 KB, 1084x634, 3443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really excited...

>> No.4642377

Thanks for sharing.

>> No.4642736

As someone who was skeptical about getting an ipad 4 years ago, I don't regret my decision on making the jump.

>> No.4643037

nice. welcome, anon.

>> No.4644505

Wow this is a really slow board, thank you both I can't wait till tomorrow!

>> No.4645392

What happened to the seamless team bundle pack? I bought it awhile back and it disappeared and now I don’t get any new brush updates.

>> No.4645400

I hope you enjoy your iPad and make a lot of art with it!

I have no idea, I've never actually bought anything from them. Contact them directly.

>> No.4647693

Update : I'm sitting in front of my house waiting for ups driver who is late :(

>> No.4647754

I've had good luck with UPS being on time, but I also live in a smaller mostly rural state, so there aren't any huge groups of protestors blocking roads or roving bands of looters setting entire blocks on fire.

Hope your iPad arrives soon!

>> No.4647795

tiptop 2020 watercolor brush

>> No.4647944
File: 344 KB, 750x746, vip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy based. Thank you, anon. Here's your VIP award. Did these come with a PDF guide or anything? I always collect those too. Thanks again.

>> No.4647977
File: 14 KB, 924x319, 313313a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they never showed up ;-;, sigh hopefully it shows up tomorrow

>> No.4647995

That's strange man and honestly sounds like a defective iPad.
I have the same 12.9, same case, and use a screen protector and have never had an issue like that. Sometimes it will slow down a bit or Procreate can freeze(have never lost my work from this though) if I haven't restarted the iPad in days but it is easily solved with a restart.

>> No.4648024

That sucks. Both the riots and COVID-19 continue to cause delays in many places according to the UPS site:


Not sure if you're in a place particularly effected by either, but I'm sure it'll be delivered tomorrow.

>> No.4648031
File: 3.00 MB, 1080x1080, 1584133010878.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for being nice

>> No.4648046

nah, just the brushset files

>> No.4648082

What are good brushes for someone who's just started learning how to draw?

>> No.4648233

anyone have any of Merlin's (MerlinGG) brushes to try out?

>> No.4648944


literally any brush. keep it simple with a regular round brush or something similar to a pencil or charcoal.

dont worry about brushes right now. come back later.

>> No.4648994

gotcha :)

>> No.4649656

Update: it probably won't get delivered today..

>> No.4649868

im sorry to hear, my package has been late too

>> No.4652007

On the whole heat thing, what do you guys draw your ipad on? I usually just balance it on one of my legs while I draw. I imagine that causes it to heat up with my leg on the back of it and my hand resting on the top of it.
I've considered getting a drafting table for it.

>> No.4652440
File: 94 KB, 1239x939, 1588104970146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do you guys draw your ipad on?
I posted about this in the previous thread. I almost always draw at my desk, and I use an old binder like pic related to give my iPad a comfortable angle for drawing.

>> No.4652679


hey, thank you anon!

>> No.4652767
File: 421 KB, 1500x1500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you have neck pen?
Personally I use this (Nintendo Switch stand) which I place on top of some box to raise it higher.

>> No.4652778

You mean neck pain? Not really, although admittedly my drawing posture isn't good/healthy since I'm a bit hunched over. I've considered getting a standing desk and figuring out a different set up. Sitting all the time is actually quite unhealthy.

>> No.4652801

I think a standing desk would be over all fun to use. I bought the ZUGO case, I hope I didn't get scammed.

I have the pen, and the case, I hope tomorrow my device gets delivered. Hopefully my local UPS driver doesn't browse this thread and is intentionally trolling me

>> No.4652826

It still hasn't been delivered eh? Is the UPS service in your area always this bad? As I mentioned in a previous post, COVID and the riots have slowed service is some places, but luckily this hasn't been the case where I live. All of my ammo purchases have been delivered on time, hah. My UPS delivery guy is probably annoyed by all the heavy packages he has to deliver to me, hah.

>> No.4652912

Yeah pain, sorry lol.
It is indeed, as I'm growing older it's only been worse.

>> No.4653184

I need some good inking brushes. The default ones all bug the shit out of me.

What are some ink brushes you swear by?

>> No.4653647

i like clayton henry's inking brush

>> No.4654065

What kind of inking are you looking for? Digital smooth brushes or brushes that replicate real ink stroke?

>> No.4654131

Eh hopefully it'll get delivered this week.

>> No.4654531

Manga style. Like the G-Pen. I use s bunch of Japanese brushes in CSP. But thin strokes, with slight pressure sensitivity for width, and bold black lines that taper well, with 0 opacity.

>> No.4654653

been looking for this, can someone share it

>> No.4654860

If anyone is interested this product dropped and I think it's really neat. It's a wool felt case that magnetically seals around the edges. Not alot of hype around it, I think it just came out.

Also I'm not some shill from the company I'm this anon >>4654131

We need to protect our investment right!!

>> No.4654870
File: 745 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20200615-211957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woops file didn't post

>> No.4655006

Might be cool but the real question is, did your iPad get delivered yet?

The manga brush set by GeorgVW has a few manga ink brushes, including a G-Pen brush. I'm not sure how good it is, but you can download the set here:


>> No.4655015

Nop, I'm from Philly riots went on for a week so they're probably backed up. UPS customer service is am echo chamber all saying "dw it will show up" hopefully tommorow, hopefully this week.

>> No.4655780

anyone have any of alicja nai’s brush sets? they look incredible.

>> No.4655793

Rioters probably looted your package.

>> No.4655827


Yo PA represent
Lazy Scranton checking in

>> No.4656497

I bought it after the riots. Now it just has a stop sign, says exception, and have no new delivery date. Maybe I can pick it up? Even then I know it'll take them a day or two to get it to a location

>> No.4656503

You don't live in the Capitol Hill Antifa zone right?

>> No.4656516
File: 65 KB, 700x400, 31a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nop, sigh. I Want the world to go back to what ever new normal is

>> No.4656634


so what do you think ?

>> No.4656718
File: 121 KB, 720x720, ProCreateBrushesCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have those?

>> No.4656817

Guy makes nice brushes but his obsession with black people borders on creepy. He fetishizes them. Typical American libshit. Wasn't surprised to find out he looks like a garden gnome who consumes lots of onions.

>> No.4657064

It got delivered :D

>> No.4657118


Also here is a link to the magic sleeve I was talking about.

>> No.4657186

what do you mean ? he got only 2 drawing with black people, this be the second one i think ? also how obssessed are you about soi consumption lmao

>> No.4657324

NICE. Hope you're having fun!

I've followed him on Twitter and IG for a while, he's drawn black people more than twice my dude, and his accompanying comments sometimes sound really odd, as if he fetishizes black people. Maybe it's just a side effect of his politics and I'm reading too much into it, but if I was black I'd be creeped the fuck out.

>> No.4657337

Yay! About to turn it on. Thanks.

>> No.4657871

Looks like he struck a nerve. A litter too close to home?

>> No.4658426


>> No.4658551

I think the rona has made yall mental

>> No.4659469
File: 230 KB, 684x1022, gouache_2020_900x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone has any gouache brush packs?

>> No.4660158


>> No.4661242

this may be a dumb question, but these brushes/software is just for Ipads, right? No pc equivalent?

>> No.4661334

That’s right, procreate is ipad/iphone only. No tools to convert procreate brushes to other software exist, as far as I know.

>> No.4662745

any tip-top gouache?

>> No.4664631

An anon came through with the 2020 watercolor brushes, so maybe someone will post the gouache set. The last couple of Procreate brush threads were powerful. This one's been a lot slower for some reason.

>> No.4666451

I really gotta save this from page 10, huh...

>> No.4667590

I have a makeshift standing desk where I just stack some shoeboxes on a cabinet lol....works fine same as the expensive standing desk I use at the office

>> No.4668435

Bump on this one!

>> No.4669950

How do i turn off hand/finger detection?

>> No.4670475

This link doesn’t work any more, anyone else have maxpack?

>> No.4670503

I might've deleted the direct link by mistake. In any case, here's the link to my full brush folder:


>> No.4670511

Check out the Gesture Controls section in the preferences. You can disable all touch actions in General: https://procreate.art/handbook/actions/actions-preferences

>> No.4670704

Thanks mate, you da best

>> No.4672456


I like Maxpack’s

>> No.4672691

probably because most great brush packs have already been shared for now
hoping for someone to drop the tiptop gouache one still (don't have paypal unfortunately), and then waiting for the maxpack oils

>> No.4675436


Fuck it, just bought it to share, enjoy.

>> No.4675591

also looking for this

>> No.4675631

youre a good anon. what are you looking for?

>> No.4675842

Based anon.

>> No.4676348

cheers anon, doing gods work

>> No.4676365

this is the first brush thread i’ve combed through, archived ones carried dead links but the posts were more frequent than this i noticed

>> No.4676366

yeah i like maxpacks too, but i find sometimes the range of brushes can be a bit daunting for a /beg, loving the tiptop set rn though

>> No.4676371

tip top is a bit small, i like the maxpack one because the range of tool gives you much more choice on how to solve a painting

>> No.4676544

Thanks for the Gouache brushes!

>> No.4677376
File: 28 KB, 637x483, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit that's actually really based thank you anon

>> No.4677420

mine just arrived today and it's based as fuck

>> No.4677755

Same... Same...

>> No.4678670
File: 187 KB, 1005x804, Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought this, if anyone wants it.


>> No.4678714

is it just me or are the pencils insanely heavy handed?

>> No.4678900
File: 78 KB, 667x800, 2080fcacd01819ff88e42dc3d92afeda3795bd97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what that is but I downloaded it thank you anon

>> No.4679073

Should have linked the original page, it's a general brush set:


>> No.4679191

thanks for saving me seven bucks. seven is also my lucky number

>> No.4679441

don’t ask questions, just pirate and ask for the next dump

>> No.4679683



>> No.4680794

How about mattyB the big one? Its old but still...

>> No.4681698 [DELETED] 

please, i beg. help a girl out. the sketch brush set is amazing i need the rest https://alicjaprints.com/

>> No.4681703

>help a girl out

>> No.4681718

>girl bad

cope, seethe, etc my safe space reeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.4681726

axe wound doesn't change gender

>> No.4683304

the incel is so strong here

>> No.4684645

>not simply ignoring the troll
>taking the bait every time
>"why yes, i am very smart"

Recently discover any brushes you really like?

>> No.4685142

Has anyone shared these brushes before?

>> No.4685368

No, but they look nice.

>> No.4685427

Indeed, looks nice.

>> No.4686477

Hello lovely anons.
Would anyone happen to have any True Grit brushes laying around?
I love Dead Subtle and Rusty nib in particular.
Thanks in advance.
me <3

>> No.4686705

Check out the TGTS folder in my MEGA:


No Dead Subtle or Fast Grit in Procreate format yet.

>> No.4687044

Yo thanks a bunch! You rock.

>> No.4689996

Saving from page 10.

>> No.4690821

Vivibrush and August Ro brush, anyone?

>> No.4694148


>> No.4697270

Is making brushes so hard in the end?
I feel like a lot of people end up flocking around particular brushes just because the artist who made them promoted them with decent appealing art, so then people think they can (want to) replicate them without putting much thoughts into it.

>> No.4697612

I think the more you use an app and the more familiar you become with it, the more likely you are to start making your own brushes. It's no surprise that the people who make the most popular brush sets tend to be very familiar with Procreate and its brush system.

I don't think there's anything wrong with using someone else's brushes. They're only tools. It's up to the user to make something nice with them.

>> No.4698190

Can confirm. This is my exact problem.

>> No.4699221

Is there someone who have ArtyStack Line Art Bundle and ArtyStack Sketch Bundle?

>> No.4699413

seconding this

>> No.4702025

Anyone here Have Dagubi Brushes for Illustrator

>> No.4702251

still looking for bulesssatan's brushes. i know she stole some from others and makes money off that so fuck buying from her

>> No.4703388

so then buy them and leak them

>> No.4703606

I have no idea who she is, but if she stole other people's brushes and is selling them, how has no one given her a backhand?

>> No.4704056

Looking for battle damage 1 + 2 sets & tatTOONS set from TattooSmart. Does anyone know where to get TattooSmart brushes from?

>> No.4704108

Anyone have Yoh Yoshinari’s brush? I heard he gave it out on Studio Trigger’s stream

>> No.4704422

i'm wainting for the next maxpacks brushpacks

>> No.4704738

people have tried but she blocks and deletes comments lol

>> No.4705321

Tattoosmart brushes simply dont get leaked. I was thinking about doing a groupbuy, i just dont know who to ask

>> No.4705414


i have some, i’ll share tomorrow.

>> No.4705444

This thread will probably fall off the board before then, so you'll probably have to start a new one.

>> No.4705883

Anyone has a pixel brush similar to this >>4700220?

>> No.4706250

i love you anon

>> No.4706330

anyone interested in these?
i'm thinking of buying one pack and then sharing here

>> No.4706330,1 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks anon! Would you be kind to upload the august 9th 2020 update of those brushes? Thanks again

>> No.4706330,2 [INTERNAL] 

I don’t know how to tag but I was referring to >> 4678670 if you could link Asuka’s updated brushes that would be cool

>> No.4706330,3 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone willing to share Max Ulichney's Watercolor Max Pack? Every link I find is broken :c