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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 507 KB, 697x765, wolf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4557239 No.4557239 [Reply] [Original]

How do you find references for specific body types? Often times I come across a drawing where the artist captures a body type that tickles my pickle, but I am unable to find any other examples of similar body types or references. See pic related for example. Did the artist actually use a reference or just imagine it? Where could I find similar body types to look at (for drawing)

>> No.4557243

I don't.
I just try to imagine it all in my head. I got sick of trying t o find refernces every time I wanted to fucking draw. It was tiring, and time consuming.

Maybe once I finally learn how to use maya or blender ill go back to tracing over references.

>> No.4557246

Does that manga have more drawings of that character? Doing studies of all of those would be a good place to start.

>> No.4557253

Pic source?

>> No.4557346

That's part of learning the fundamentals. Learn them and you can do that from imagination...

>> No.4557447

Is this true? Anyone confirm

>> No.4557456

lol pyw

>> No.4557468

god I wish that was me

>> No.4557498

lol pyw

>> No.4557520

>you can do that from imagination
yeah in like a decade

>> No.4557523
File: 963 KB, 1200x1793, IMG_9455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go. Now post what you can do with imagination and fundamentals.

>> No.4557541

Not even gonna listen to you.

>> No.4557561

>baby hands
>chicken scratch lines, no confidence
>t-rex arms
>shitty gesture
>/beg/ tier shading
You would have been better off not posting your work anon

>> No.4557565

>/beg/ anime shit with moonrunes poorly written

>> No.4557570

pyw. You won't because you're way worse than him.

>> No.4557572

Yeah yeah. Now since I've posted my work, I think >>4557346 should do the same.

>> No.4557582

Seething /beg/ baited into posting his crap

>> No.4557593

I never claimed to not be a /beg/. I know I'm a /beg/. >>4557346 was the one who claimed that fundamentals let him draw characters like in the OP from imagination. I asked for proof and he told me to pyw, so I did. So why won't he post his work that shows his knowledge of fundamentals and imagination drawing?

>> No.4557603

So you don't believe that learning the fundamentals of drawing won't allow you to draw well from imagination?
Are you actually retarded?

>> No.4557607

Post your work.

>> No.4557612
File: 240 KB, 800x1104, sami-ways-dscn1237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4557615

Why are you afraid to post your work? You saw how much I suck, you can't even use your fundies to beat THAT?

>> No.4557616

Thought she was holding a crab to her breast in the thumbnail, would’ve made it way better desu

>> No.4557625

You're really sperging out after being told to learn the fundies.

>> No.4557640

And you're proving that fundies shills don't even draw, outside of maybe some boxes and figure studies. Certainly your "fundies" haven't enabled you to draw anything like the OP from imagination.

>> No.4557642

Snib snab

>> No.4557713

>happy mother's gay

>> No.4557760

>Did the artist actually use a reference
after a big working lunch he got one of his two male assistants to dress up and pose in the outfit for the drawing.

>> No.4557784

I am very suspicious of the fundamentals because I never see anyone who use it become successful

>> No.4557814

Which one?

>> No.4557820

Occasionally I've seen some people on this board both shill fundies and post the work to back it up, but it's pretty rare. It's more common to see people with skethbooks filled with boxes and anatomy studies who still can't actually draw.
If you watch pros draw, they rarely do anything that looks like fundies. They might draw some guidelines but they never go full autismo with boxes and perspective grids. But people on /ic/ always explain that by saying "they just drew with fundies so much that they do it subconsciously now". Which kinda sounds like a conspiracy theory to me. It's hard to know what to believe.

>> No.4557845

You do not know what fundies are

>> No.4557883

Then tell us what your definition of fundies is? Because everyone has a different one.

>> No.4557887

no they don't lol

>> No.4557899

>We expect you to know what the general fundamentals are (gesture, anatomy, perspective, drapery, etc.)
That's from the /beg/ copypasta, do you agree with that definition?

>> No.4557901

Man you are stupid holy shit. Go crawl back into a sewer and quit drawing

>> No.4557903

Why not just copy the artist? There is a chance that it won't be as information rich as a photograph reference, but surely there is some quality you can still learn that "tickles your pickle."

>> No.4557907

what other definition could there possibly be? name other ones?

>> No.4557914
File: 82 KB, 645x729, 1508983875615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4557919

name all the defintions of fundies you encountered thats all

>> No.4557938

Not him but no. Is drapery really a fundie? If so is drawing rocks also a fundie? I'd argue it is because both are organic shapes with a lot room for errors but with a high skill ceiling, and landscape painters would find it useful. If you say drawing rocks isn't a fundamental then what makes something a fundamental? If everything is a fundamental, then that would make the term meaningless.
I don't believe in the concept of fundamentals because it implies there's some knowledge that's more important than other. That's not the case at all, especially when you consider it all depends on what your goal is.

>> No.4557950

>if drapery is fundie then everything is fundie

where do you tards come from?

>> No.4557955

Not an argument

>> No.4557956
File: 447 KB, 1920x1080, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're like one of those retards who keep running their mouth back to a master asking how to get good when they're trying to tell you exactly how already

>> No.4557961

you are right, it was a question

>> No.4557962

Probably everyone would agree with the claim "perspective is a fundamental". After that it starts to get murkier though. Some people say gesture is a fundamental, others don't. Some people say anatomy is a fundamental, others say it's an advanced topic. Apparently the guy who wrote the /beg/ copypasta thought drapery was a fundamental, but most people wouldn't agree.
The problem isn't just listing X Y and Z topics as fundamentals though, the problem is more what it means to say that something is a fundamental in the first place. If you say "perspective is a fundamental", what does that concretely mean for how you're supposed to learn and study. Are you supposed to just be aware of the rules and then get back to drawing? Are you supposed to actually plan your drawings out with grids and boxes in perspective? There's no consensus for what learning and doing fundies actually means.

>> No.4557965

Would you like to be the VERY FIRST fundies shill in this thread to post your work and show how you used the master's advice to get good?

>> No.4557974

You are over thinking it, the definition is the same but what that entails and how you go about learning them is different from artist to artist

>> No.4557988

I'm not asking how to get good. I just think "do your fundies" is worthless advice because it could mean too many thing.
What do you do when you practice your "fundies"?

>> No.4558006


people like you are why schools exist

>> No.4558009

Looks like school didn't work out for you because your debating skills are non-existent.

>> No.4558013

Translation: you don't know what it means yourself, you can't draw, you won't post your work. Why anyone takes advice from the clowns here is beyond me.

>> No.4558014

>hur dur

>> No.4558019
File: 381 KB, 1077x1595, IMG_8710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's ANOTHER piece of garbage I did, this one's even worse.
Why don't you just post your work and prove that fundies let you get better than one anime /beg/ shitter?

>> No.4558023

Yes I do know what it means, you posted it yourself, so even you know what it means but you are being a sperg for (you)s.

skills exist and you learn them by doing the fundies

>> No.4558029

Show the skill you gained from learning fundies by posting your work.

>> No.4558031

why don't you just look at all the masters, thats all the proof you need

>> No.4558035

>A bunch of instructors that don't work in the industry and have never done a finished work.
ok, retard.

>> No.4558041

there were and are plenty of masters who worked in the industry dumbass

>> No.4558045

Show me their fundie grind.

>> No.4558048

I thought you said you didn't know what doing the fundies entailed? now you want proof of something you don't even understand?

>> No.4558049

Ah it's you. Yes you're fucking garbage and you're stupid too. Maybe you're a troll as well

>> No.4558050


Holy fuck why don't you just google this shit

>> No.4558063

Post your work. :^)

>> No.4558069

Retard fundiefags don't even have arguments and won't post work.
Looks like animefriends won this one

>> No.4558074

>having zero idea on the subject you are talking about and thinking you won anything

>> No.4558076

Smelly troll gonna draw like a /beg/ til death lol

>> No.4558077

Seethe harder

>> No.4558088

Deviant art used to have models of different sizes constantly posting poses doing a variety of things, you can start there

>> No.4558115
File: 102 KB, 1017x782, WEeSozi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here, some real life studies by Yoh Yoshinari from TRIGGER. Remember Kill la Kill?

This guy learned his fundies, unlike y'all anime fags, and that shows in his stylized work. You have absolutely no idea what fundies are, and it blatantly shows. You're a disgrace. kys

>> No.4558159

So drawing from life is practicing fundies?

>> No.4558167

don't give them attention, they are just pretending to be retarded

>> No.4558217
File: 253 KB, 438x536, efefef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Studying real life has always been one of the ways to improve your fundamentals, especially, in the case of anatomy: learning how the body works, how it moves, and the rhythm it creates, is all part of that.

Fundamentals are here to aid you in problem-solving in your art. They're the very basics, and that is why not working on them is detrimental.

Pic related is by Glenn Vilppu, who has trained professionals in the animation industry. I'm not saying every anime artist should be on his level, but you can't stylize something without knowing how it looks like in the first place.

>> No.4558229

You're very nice Anon and I appreciate your response. But, can you post an example of your work and explain how fundamentals helped you solve a problem from that work?