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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.86 MB, 320x400, talent.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4555277 No.4555277 [Reply] [Original]

>talent isn't real
>asians aren't born with anime genetics

>> No.4555283

>asians gave us coronavirus
>asians hogging all the talent anime genes
>asians largest growing world powers
its not fucking fair

>> No.4555286


>> No.4555292

That baby probably spend more time practicing than the average /ic/ user.

>> No.4555293

implying anime looks good...

>> No.4555295

yikes and you people wonder why you're so bad, it isn't easy to draw in one hand and suck asian cock in the other

>> No.4555304

It's fake.

>> No.4555310
File: 13 KB, 480x360, Legit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*raugh in cope*
Calling bullshit on all vidya where we can only see up-close or the vidya has shitty quality - wether it's asian masters on one finger or babies drawing perfect circles effortlessly.

>> No.4555313
File: 30 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its fucking cirkus training you mongoloid, you can learn that shit to elephantino or fugen crow

>> No.4555327
File: 45 KB, 719x544, inosuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When an 8 month old has better linework than you do.

>> No.4555337

So much fucking soul.

>> No.4555340
File: 159 KB, 731x708, talent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4555359

monkey see monkey do

>> No.4555363

this monkey can't do or see

>> No.4555415

Confidence. The 8 month old doesn't give a fuck about worrying about small things.

>> No.4555432
File: 49 KB, 540x720, 48C69DDB-28D4-42DA-8330-4E68C2576271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s the same as when people thought it was amazing how this dog could stand. Beat something enough and it will do the action correctly. If your mother beat you and forced you to draw for ten hours straight you would be good as well. It isn’t talent, it’s culture.

>> No.4555435

Talent is real
Asians are superior
You win anon
Now tell me, what are you going to do about it?
Complain all day? Maybe you should quit while you're ahead.
The rest of us wouldn't stop drawing even if talent WAS real.
Which it isn't.

>> No.4555436

No one beat the kid, keep coping, loser.

>> No.4555440

>anime genetics
>cartoon cats

>> No.4555445

you are aware it is easier for kids to get really good and develop skills quicker in things because their brains are still developing? Especially if they practice that skill over and over. I'm not saying it as an excuse, I'm simply stating the truth. I know everyone here draws, but I guarantee you if everyone here drew everyday since age 5 for hours and hours that by that same age of 13 would be just as good.

>> No.4555451

>never had a tiger mom
Asian women are disgusting, vile garbage. They have nothing better to do than either staring at a wall and crying or beating their children and projecting onto them

>> No.4555452

what he fuckj bros

>> No.4555455

Shhh people are coping.

>> No.4555461

OH shit, sorry

>> No.4555469

>even if talent WAS real
>Which it isn't
Jesus stop coping you massive retard
Are unironically saying that all people in the world born with the exact same potential to succeed in art? Are you actually this delusional?

>> No.4555474

only people who believe in talent are those who've never put the work into getting good at something artistic or sports related

>> No.4555478
File: 2.23 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. no amount of hard work is going to get you on this level

>> No.4555484

Millions of people put a lot of effort into getting good at sports or art or music or whatever else, so how come only precious few achieve greatness?

>> No.4555487
File: 289 KB, 662x428, 3456435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell if this is an asian cuck thread. Lazy faggots who use talent as an excuse to not try thread or a crab thread. Probably all three. Get studying and grinding you snib snab faggots.

>> No.4555490

>Millions of people
millions of people go to the gym, but only a portion actually manage to reach a competitive level, yet those who do reach it all have common methods and training ideas that they consistently stick to, of course, only a select few can truly be the best, but anyone who does things right can reach a competitive level of proficiency if they try

>> No.4555492

There is a very small amount of humans on this earth alive or who have ever lived that have achieved "greatness" in their particular field. If you base your worth on winning the lottery of "greatness" then you might as well kill yourself now because all aspects of life are going to disappoint you.

>> No.4555501

It applies on a smaller scale too, a naturally talented person will get good at something in less timespan than someone who isn't
>have common methods and training ideas that they consistently stick to
Is this some secret knowledge unavailable to those millions? Is it the only thing that hinders them from achieving the same results? No, the only reason they're below despite doing all the same things is because they're not as genetically blessed, same applies to art.

>> No.4555518

terrible hand grip, no construction, uses memorized moves to draw instead of imagination


>> No.4555540

>It applies on a smaller scale too, a naturally talented person will get good at something in less timespan than someone who isn't

Yes and? That applies to everything anyone does ever. Some people pick up cooking quicker, some pick up gardening quicker or guitar. If you are such a fag about someone being able to learning something a bit faster than you to start out with then you don't deserve to do anything. Just crawl into a ball, rock back and forth until you expire.

>> No.4555542

So if you have muscular dystrophy but lifted enough I could somehow be competitive? Bell curves exist and are proven. For every superstar there is an individual that should have died at birth. Some people just can't do certain things at a competent level even with effort. There are fairly simple things I have put tremendous effort into with crap results. That being said, people should explore anything that interest them, but do it realistically. Above all, enjoy your interest at whatever level you can achieve, high or low, or find something else that suits you better. No

>> No.4555548

Fuck this is really good and soulful not gonna lie

>> No.4555555
File: 18 KB, 255x320, C647D114-B49D-47C6-87EB-EBDB38A990E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muscular dystrophy
That’s a horrible example retard. That’s like saying a normal person and someone with Down syndrome have the same disadvantage of becoming competent at math compared to a person with a slightly above average iq. Asians have no advantage over any other race when it comes to art, it all comes down to how much time you spend on something. Why do you think there are so many women good at art?

>> No.4555557

Bringing disabilities into it is a bit disingenuous anon. Yeah sure if you are absolutely fucked in the head and are not a savant then sure, you wont ever be able to improve as an artist as well as almost everything else. We are talking your average brain attempting "gitting gud" at a new hobby. Which is possible for everyone with enough dedication. Sure you might never become Guthrie Govan or Kim Jung Gi. But you can get good enough for self satisfaction or to make a decent living.

>> No.4555558


>> No.4555564

oh damn checked my dude

>> No.4555565

Its clear as day thats a 3d model and assets from clip paint studio. Its basically cut and paste like tim buckley comics. Not a single line drawn by a human.

>> No.4555569
File: 49 KB, 640x640, 1513876021524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't believe asians have higher iq.

Also females make eye candy, they can't do anything else. They're incapable of understanding how form turns in space.

>> No.4555583

I never said anything about asian’s iq, unless you are tying to suggest iq is related to art skill. Which again why are there then so many women proficient in art?

>> No.4555586

Mechanical proficiency in any hobby isn't in anyway related to IQ. Just look at completely mute and incapable autism savant cases. They can paint or play piano like a master but can't tie there shoe.

>> No.4555613

checked, glad the get was got by a non retarded post

>> No.4555709

>iq is related to art skil
It is, higher IQ = faster gains.

>> No.4555727

imagine the truth. blesed post. fuck fake bitches. AM I right iveta?

>> No.4555734

>Asian women are disgusting, vile garbage.

t. yelowboi

>> No.4555937

this, but unironically.
All people who cry about talent irl that I know are people who can't sit for 1 hour straight practicing, let alone doing it consistently, over a long period of time.

>> No.4555973

The japanese babby in op is based tho

>> No.4555976

Based. OP is just a lazy loser

>> No.4555988

Post your work. I’m female and I guarantee my art is better than yours.

>> No.4555997

That's not what's being argued though. Anti-talent copefags invite themselves to be baited by threads like these by being such absolutist cunts about it. Anti-talentfags will insist that ANY difference in ability between artists is 100% due to effort, and anyone pointing out that this might not be the case is 100% a lazy pos who should be drawing right now

>> No.4556020

>Japanese baby

>> No.4556054

Asian influence in western countries will grow so much in the next 40 years that streets are legit gonna look like bladerunner.

>> No.4556056

superior 5 finger grip.

>> No.4556615

if you did it at age 5 religiously you'd have 8 years to go until 13 anyway it's not exclusive to time its just hours of practice and starting earlier.

>> No.4556620

is there any scientific evidence of this stuff you crabs spew over and over? you'd think scientists would hop onto investigating that shit. not just talent but the whole racial thing.

>> No.4556627

don't know why /ic/niggers think anime is hard to draw. Just do figure drawing for 6 months and you can easily draw le animes. The only hard thing is crazy comic book perspectives but that's hard no matter what you're drawing.

>> No.4557238
File: 62 KB, 198x198, 1562131669262 (2019_10_18 10_55_24 UTC).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not every kid is a baby einstein that magically absorbs everything you put in front of them.
Talent is real, and it manifests itself at an early age, true, but claiming that the kind of shit you see in the OP pic is normal for all kids and not a select few is absurd.

>> No.4557242

It absolutely is. The same is true for all skills.

>> No.4557252

but they did and its all bullshit pretty much
just like the iq strawmans

>> No.4557257

>researching race in 2020
Did you even think about it for a second?

>> No.4557269


>> No.4557272
File: 187 KB, 503x412, ef8cabc37dada260ab8a6bf71faa032e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now tell me OP what are you going to do about it
He'll just make another thread tomorrow for (you's) only to keep getting btfo'd
Everyone knows ''talent'' is a meme and bullshit.
Report these threads and move on

>> No.4557289
File: 77 KB, 600x678, 1586112526057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO it hurts my feefees so I'm gonna cope and close my ears saying "lalalalala I can't hear you" when presented with dozens of examples which prove that talent is objectively real

>> No.4557297


>> No.4557308
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post one credible study showing talent is real.

>> No.4557310

Tfw not mentally ill enough to make it

>> No.4557335

I can draw better than her

>> No.4557338

>actually going through this entire thread to seethe at those disagreeing
Don't you have some drawing to do?

>> No.4557371

The Decisive Role Of Talent In Visual Arts
If you still cope and say "t-that's not enough"(along with real life examples like child prodigies who btfo 99% of /ic/ or that guy from Blender who made it in 6 months from zero), it's still more than one picture of Bob Ross spouting feel-good bullshit out of his ass.

>> No.4557379

You didnt even read the study you referenced, did you?
>Only when children have such an intense interest are they are willing to engage in extensive deliberate practice. And an intense interest in a domain is almost always a sign of innate talent.
Theres a reason your threads get deleted
fucking moron.

>> No.4557444

Anon, I...

>> No.4557451
File: 643 KB, 630x691, 1518766084747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asians have better observation skills due to constant squinting.

>> No.4557458


>> No.4557466

Why not?

>> No.4557471

>she keeps drawing the same thing over and over and over

Its easy this way

>> No.4557490

you arnt talented

>> No.4557493

This video is old as fuck. How does she draw like now?

>> No.4557517
File: 21 KB, 270x321, tired of this board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh talent, muh ngmi

you fags need to shut up and draw already. You may not be the next kim jung gi, but that doesn't mean you can't be a great and successful artist on your own.

Stop caring about some 13 yo or asian cunt spawn and start caring about yourself. Complaining about your genetics or how old you are is a waste of your time.

>> No.4557698

Did you? Or did you just took one quote that fits your narrative out of context?
>These children work harder than do typical children and thus naturally they achieve higher levels. However, this kind of argument assumes that the hard work comes first, the high achievement later and it failson twogrounds. To begin with, even the very first productions of precocious children are advanced. The earliest drawings of Eitan and Peter were not normal. They drew recognizable forms by 2; within a few months Eitan was using linear perspective, and by 3 Peter was drawing very complex, fluid figures in motion. The same kinds of claims can be madefor precocious children inother domains. As just mentioned, the first time 6-year-old Josh Waitzkinplayedchess, after having observed the game just a few times he combed pieces to launch an attack, certainly not a strategy that children normally alight on initially. The second time that Jacob came to his guitar lesson, his teacher decided he was a prodigy. These signs of ability came before any instruction, and before any time for deliberate practice.

>> No.4557726

Learning to draw when you'll never make it is a waste of time.

>> No.4557736

>Theres a reason your threads get deleted
the Jews fear the genes

>> No.4557742


>> No.4557812

>Did you? Or did you just took one quote that fits your narrative out of context?
Its only the abstract of the whole thing you fucking moron. Ironic because
>I conveniently left out the paragraph before this one to ironically prove my own point!

>''At age 6, Josh watched several games of chess with great interest, and then
began to play chess himself. His coach immediately recognized that he had exceptional ability
because the very first time he played he used the sophisticated strategy of combining pieces to
launch an attack. He was also able to calculate 15 to 20 moves ahead. Like Jacob, Josh showed a
rage to master. He could not be stopped from watching and playing chess for hours each day.''

>''At age 6, Josh watched several games of chess with great interest''
>''He could not be stopped from watching and playing chess for hours each day.''
>great interest
>eventually got a coach
>after getting coached: ''wow hes good''

even the paragraph AFTER
>''Of course, all of these children went on to learn immense amounts about their domain,
and this learning was acquired primarily independently
>''Where they differed from ordinary children was in the independence
with which they worked (they needed little or no tutoring) and the ease with which they
discovered the rules of their domain.''
>Indeed, they often had to be dragged away from their
preferred activities in order to eat, sleep, go to school, and be sociable. The INTEREST, drive, and
DESIRE to work on something must be part and parcel of the talent. Of course, as we have already
indicated, and as Charness et al (1996) and Ericsson (1996) have argued, the daily hours spent
working on something lead to improvement that would not occur without the daily work.
However, the DESIRE to work so hard at something comes from WITHIN, not without, and occurs
almost always when there is an ability to achieve at high levels with relative ease

Snap your neck you moron

>> No.4557839

>guaranteed replies.jpg

man you guys are morons.

>> No.4557881

Are you just pretending to be retarded? Their desire so succeed is also innate genetic trait on top of their natural aptitude. Autistic obsession with mastery isn't something you can just will into existence.

>> No.4557889
File: 188 KB, 1440x810, 705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where in that study does the word ''genetics'' ever come up?

>> No.4557920

Arguing with talent tards is a bigger waste of time than them complaining about their lack of talent.

We have this thread often. Your arguing with people who don't want to mentally admit they are at fault. Do yourselves a favor and let these people wallow on board centralized on a skill they themselves admit they have to merit in.

>> No.4557928
File: 465 KB, 105x140, 1584600428337.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4558027

This, Asians don’t know it but this the real advantage

>> No.4558316

Wow that cat has talent.

>> No.4558341

My people have the highest IQ on average, far above any other Europeans or Asians but I do not believe this makes me inherently superior at everything than them. There is much more to art than IQ anyway so it is a moot point.

>> No.4558357

Based jew