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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 107 KB, 800x1200, ester-topless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4550874 No.4550874[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Should one ever have the arrogance to attempt to create artwork before mastering the fundamentals?

>> No.4550898

That’s a nice pair of tits. Who is this?

>> No.4550903

Producing artwork is essential to better learning fundamentals and growing as an artist. It’s like trying to make it in the MLB but all you’ve done is practice your swing at a batting cage.

>> No.4550907

Is there anything more humble than doing what you can with what you know

>> No.4550914
File: 753 KB, 864x1296, ester-nude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4550920

Imagine having to wake up to this every day. I’d blow my brains out

>> No.4550928

It's okay, we know you're a faggot.

>> No.4550933

>I’d blow my brains out
why are u gae?

>> No.4550937
File: 391 KB, 720x1280, トム・リドル.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should probably start grinding fundies some time but I'm too lazy.
I just draw by eye/imagination. Don't use references either, except when I really need to.

>> No.4550938

You'd rather wake up to a large fat man with a monster cock in your face? Anon that's pretty gay

>> No.4550939
File: 617 KB, 320x240, carrey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine having to wake up to this every day

>> No.4550947

Is this zuzanna

>> No.4550950

Make her japanese and I'd be fine with it

>> No.4550998

you can't compare it to sports

>> No.4551025

ya make some bad art and then make better art afterwards whats the problem here

>> No.4551032
File: 1.57 MB, 800x1280, 025585ba-2992-463d-9ed3-aecf33af76c4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whats the problem here
You're wasting time being a mediocre artist when you should be grinding the fundies.

>> No.4551035

Replace fat man with muscular woman and yes.

>> No.4551045

Yikes, disgusting.

>> No.4551048

you can do a bit of both though cant you? find a balance between the two.

funny your reply reminded me of a friend who stopped playing videogames entirely because why waste time being a mediocre gamer when he could be on aim trainers. so aim trainers are the only things hes ever on nowadays. it all seems kinda silly to me.

>> No.4551055


>> No.4551058

It doesn’t matter because nobody is just going to grind fundamentals for literally years without actually attempting to make art. I mean imagine saying “I want to be an artist” and then when someone asks you “well, do you make art?” you say “No. I grind fundies.” What the fuck is that?

You should grind fundies, but then try to make your own artwork to test your knowledge of the fundamentals. See what you’re getting better at, and see what you need to improve on. I would actually argue that making artwork is an essential part of grinding fundies, as what good is knowledge without application?

>> No.4551072
File: 385 KB, 1280x1920, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody is just going to grind fundamentals for literally years
Ha, think again.
>make your own artwork to test your knowledge of the fundamentals
You do that with studies, especially studies of artwork from artists who did master the fundies when you're literally still a student. It's just embarrassing to see people thinking it's a good idea to share their work with so many blatant errors. Why should people look at you as an example? Get good, then show off.

>> No.4551084

>when you're literally still a student
Which is why I'd also add that when you haven't mastered the fundamentals, you shouldn't have the arrogance to call yourself an artist either. You're just an aspiring artist, sit down and keep learning.

>> No.4551095

Shut up, pedo.

>> No.4551112

>Get good, then show off.
Only cowards do that.
Show your progress to the world through the years and prove anyone can make it.

>> No.4551125
File: 60 KB, 541x650, Da Vinci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only cowards do that.

>> No.4551134

Shut up, virgin.

>> No.4551142

After you, chomo.

>> No.4551143


>> No.4551149

New to art here. Is there any actual reason to get good? Cartoons are fun to draw, but I do like the idea of drawing realistic people. Dunno about spending years on something as simple as studying form.

>> No.4551152

Lewd nips and armpits

>> No.4551153

I would love to wake up with tits like that. But I guess the grass is always greener.

>t. chestlet

>> No.4551169

>Should one ever have the arrogance to attempt to create artwork before mastering the fundamentals?
That is like most of not all outsider art.
I would yes yes. Don't expect it to be the greatest masterpiece to ever exist. It will most likely be a pile of shit.
But the benefit or drawing with out the basic is honestly the most fun you will have with drawing.

>> No.4551212
File: 82 KB, 853x1280, Ester-by-Mike-Dowson-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly this. Super based. Grinding materials will give you skills but at same time take most of fun. Just start drawing/painting and when you will think ''geez, I could draw better face'' then go and study materials about face.
Recently I started progressing with art and also c# and unity. Before that I was rage hard on learning fundamentals of c# and everything in art that I can but I stopped. I just started to do things, thinking, applying what I learned so far, trying hard things in small chunks. In example I can't write everything in c# off my head but sure I can try to modify and experiment with what code I have. This way I can learn and memorize better. In art I just pick what I like and add a little different/harder things to do that I maybe don't like so much like harder pose/different materials.
Just fucking draw it is as simple as that. With time you will know if you want something more specific like studying forms or something other.

>> No.4551218

There is being humble, and then there is being a coward.

>> No.4551241


and its not arrogance

>> No.4551274
File: 493 KB, 1270x724, learn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to learn anatomy first if you want to have fun with it.

>It will most likely be a pile of shit...but it'll be fun xD
Yeah, still a waste of precious time that could be dedicated to studying.

>take most of fun
If you wanna make it you have to suffer. Drawing well is harder than calisthenics and mathematics, so bust your ass.
>applying what I learned so far
See >>4551072

See >>4551125

>> No.4551279

got a link to more pics of her?

>> No.4551281

you must be a sad person

>> No.4551292

P. Y. W.

>> No.4551296

Oh okay!

>> No.4551298
File: 94 KB, 800x1200, ester-topless(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

babesrater (dotcom) (slash) gallery (slash) 14335 (slash) ester-by-mike-dowson

I am.

>> No.4551308

>It's just embarrassing to see people thinking it's a good idea to share their work with so many blatant errors.
Hey, OP. I know that you only heard about art last Thursday, but there’s actually something just as beneficial as grinding fundies. It’s called (now bear with me) critique. I know, it sounds really fucking crazy, but that’s why people here post “abysmal” art.

>> No.4551315

What are your opinions on the best way to learn form? I could pick up any book, but I don't like to waste my time with trash teachers.

>> No.4551321


>> No.4551322

>Yeah, still a waste of precious time that could be dedicated to studying
You can't really say that If youre shitposting on ic

>> No.4551333

>he doesn't know it's a bait thread
even the OP image is bait lmao

>> No.4551340

Post your portfolio.

>> No.4551352

After you, degenerated.

>> No.4551353

It's still a valid point. You can't claim to be better and still post on ic. Posting on /ic is proof that you're the same level of shit as me.
It should be engraved on this site.
Welcome to /ic everyone sucks including you.

>> No.4551408
File: 86 KB, 1000x1501, jpgvkOj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got into critique before I got into art. I knew I could do better and I can in fact do better.

Study perspective first so you can acquire an understanding of three-dimensional space, then light & shadow, apply this to basic shapes and then, only then, continue with anatomy. You should basically be drawing groups of objects in your house for 5+ hours everyday before even attempting to construct a face. You're very satisfied with that drawing of your toilet? Good, now repeat it 50 times.

>> No.4551436

Post your cock.

>> No.4551442

this is the true /ic/pill

>> No.4551462

Post your cunt.

>> No.4551471

I'll show you mine if you show me yours.

>> No.4551483


>> No.4551494

Is there anything more disgusting than f*male body?

>> No.4551502

Yeah, your body.

>> No.4551507

Seethe, roastie

>> No.4551513

You will never have sex.

>> No.4551516

My favorite artists arent the most technically skilled ones. Art is about creating emotion in the viewer, having excellent fundamentals is not a requirement for this, but it can certainly help. Mastering fundamentals is not required to share your thoughts and emotions through a visual medium.

>> No.4551524

With a gross femoid trash? I hope not.

>> No.4551533

>>Drawing well is harder than calisthenics and mathematics

Keep telling yourself that. I got degrees in physics and studio art. Learning to draw is a joke in comparison to learning math

>> No.4551537

It's vise versa, you just have talent

>> No.4551542

or maybe you have a talent for math?

>> No.4551548

Everything is equally difficult because the criteria we judge ourselves on is how we perform compared to eachother.

>> No.4551622
File: 53 KB, 435x471, 1563424718313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I got degrees in physics and studio art.

>> No.4551637
File: 325 KB, 1080x1275, andrewlattimorefineart_92680120_280680079607990_5352724751854716930_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The female body creates life and is aesthetically superior to the male one which is a deformed version of it capable to grow only inside a female one, little boy.

>> No.4551640

And this is now a shitpost thread

>> No.4551682

Jordan Petersteinberg basically said being artistic is ultimately narcissism. Not in a bad way. But artists are inherently narcissists. All the time you could spend with your family alone in your room trying to vomit ideas onto paper until something good comes out.

>> No.4551688

and then he goes and gets hooked to drugs like a true keyf loving family man

>> No.4551694

Going into a self induced coma to avoid death from withdrawal after 20 years of heavy drug use is pretty badass 2b h
Also his daughter is a whore, but so is literally every woman on the planet.

>> No.4551735

I'd say 99% of the artists out there are. I'd really disagree that it's not a bad thing though. I know it's a bait thread, and this is /ic/, home of the gitgudders, but the number of people saying different versions of "don't be proud this way, be proud this way instead," sort of says it all.
A long time ago, Christians and Buddhists, etc, came to the same conclusion that pride should never enter the equation at all, and spelled out exactly why. Sadly, it's all but been entirely lost as an ideal.
Your example for instance could be entirely changed around to something completely different, all by means of perspective.
>All the time you spend with your family together, having fun tossing ideas onto a paper until something memorable and unique comes out.

>> No.4551791

>came to the same conclusion that pride should never enter the equation at all, and spelled out exactly why. Sadly, it's all but been entirely lost as an ideal.
Why? I think pride is a healthy emotion in moderation. Why would anyone feel compelled to create art without a sense of pride guiding them? Everything would be trash and they would lose hope 9000 hours before they learned the fundies

>> No.4551827

My thoughts exactly.

>> No.4551831

Male body is aesthetically superior because it's actually functional beyond being a baby-making factory, and you're not proving your point by posting an idealized drawing of a body which 99% of femoids don't have, simp

>> No.4551846
File: 293 KB, 2000x2000, perfection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Male body is aesthetically superior because it's actually functional
What do aesthetics have to do with functionality? Nothing. How do you define functionality? "muh strength"? A male body, being the inferior type, is more fit for manual labour, yes.
>a body which 99% of femoids don't have
I posted what a healthy woman's body naturally looks like, your obese fellow americans are not a good example.
Sissy bottom bitchboy.

>> No.4551889 [DELETED] 
File: 363 KB, 1318x1600, creator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The woman is the creator of human life, consciousness is generated in her sacred womb which designs the posterity of humanity and the holy nectar secreted by her milkers grows the brain and nourishes the mind.

>noooo!!! it's my war god Yahweh!!!
Cope, little boy.

>> No.4551890
File: 363 KB, 1318x1600, creator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Woman is the creator of human life, consciousness is generated in her sacred womb which designs the posterity of humanity and the holy nectar secreted by her milkers grows the brain and nourishes the mind.

>noooo!!! it's my war god Yahweh!!!
Cope, little boy.

>> No.4551905

This is a fantastic question, and one I've wrestled with. The first thing I'd say is I think you have a proud ideal of art going for you there, meaning it looks to me like you're valuing all the wrong things.
But that aside, pride is superfluous is why. You don't need it when you have something else. Like love. It's tricky the way you and modern people see pride to describe a better way, but there is. You see pride elevates the self, it comes between people. Every achievement in pride- in spirit- is a loss for someone else. It's the selfish attitude, insidious and downright dangerous. At the very least it leaves you shortsighted, dumb, controllable, robs you of enjoying the human spirit and its endeavors. But a craftsman who simply loves his craft and people? Pride is a misnomer if he's doing it right. It can seem a subtle difference, but I think that if you think about it, it's been the difference in some of the greatest minds in history, as well as some of the worst.
Pride is always absolutely foolish. Any, because it's always the lesser approach, as well as a falsehood. And to whatever level you decide to take it- well that's level of blinders you've put on to understanding and appreciating the wider world. It's the level to which you esteem your value against your friends and loved ones(what's ever genuine if you do this?). It's the size of the crutch kicked out from under your ego when it fails to adequately address a problem in life. (Which will happen eventually only a matter of time).

>> No.4551917

have you ever considered that you're just talented lmfao
get a grip on reality, not everything is trivial for 99.99% of the human population

>> No.4551931
File: 94 KB, 882x800, posture706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew her once. This is from last November

>> No.4551936

Are you a girl worrying about back pain or are you just a fag?

>> No.4551951

Best thread in a long time

>> No.4551953

Well, yes. Look. After you practiced cubes, what's stopping you from drawing a house? Or a direct street alley? Railways? After several exercises in watercolor, you can already make a simple landscape with mountains or fields, or a lake. When mastering a two-point perspective, draw rooms, interiors.
If you do only soulless exercises and do nothing for yourself, you will burn out very quickly. Entry-level education will take several years. I also study, i take academic classes, but at home I draw what I want. And sometimes i even like what i drew.

>> No.4551954

No, in fact you should never draw at all.

>> No.4551962

Sports is exactly the thing you should compare art to the most. It's the one other discipline that has an absolutely necessary physical component built up on experience, and where the rules and fundamentals are all to vague to actually teach in depth, you just have to play until it clicks.

Drawing is not like coding, it's not like math, it's not like music, it's not like learning a language or structured academics. Drawing is like sculpting, sports and literature. That's why you autists can never be good at it.

>> No.4551966

>Well, yes. Look. After you practiced cubes, what's stopping you from drawing a house?
Mediocrity. Don't worry, it's terminal.

>> No.4551976

What is not mediocrity? Girl with big ass boobs and a gigantic sword?

>> No.4551981

Not being afraid to do things.

>> No.4551984 [DELETED] 

>Sports is exactly the thing you should compare art to the most.
No. You can get the perfect technique multiple times in most sports when you're still a beginner (running/cycling pace, judo throws, football dribbling, tennis shots, etc.) you can't say the same for drawing.
>Drawing is like sculpting, sports and literature.
Literature? Hahaha, all this requires is linguistic proficiency, creativity and intelligence, literary merit is also very subjective. Drawing is like drawing, there's nothing like it and sculpting (realistically) is on another level too.
>That's why you autists can never be good at it.
You know nothing about me, post your portfolio.

>> No.4551986

So fear leads to stagnation?

>> No.4551990

dang wtf i was just doing some study's of Ester shots yesterday and today.

>> No.4551991 [DELETED] 

Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, drawing and sculpting are both most similar to playing string instruments as your progress is mostly (assuming you're not extremely talented) determined by the amount of hours you put into study and practice.

>> No.4551997

I think you should mix deliberate learning/practice with personal/random stuff
If you just focus on learning you will burn out and learn slower
When you see what you do wrong in personal works then you have a more defined direction on what are you lacking

but ofc, don't skip funds that's dumb

plain wrong

try to learn to play guitar without anyone teaching you chords, notes and all the basics

>> No.4551998 [DELETED] 
File: 846 KB, 1439x2178, y231ipx37ll41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sports is exactly the thing you should compare art to the most.
No. You can get the perfect technique multiple times in most sports when you're still a beginner (running/cycling pace, judo throws, football dribbling, tennis shots, etc.) you can't say the same for drawing.
>Drawing is like sculpting, sports and literature.
Literature? Hahaha, all this requires is linguistic proficiency, creativity and intelligence, literary merit is also very subjective. Drawing is like drawing, there's nothing like it and sculpting (realistically) is on another level too. Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, drawing and sculpting are both most similar to playing string instruments as your progress is mostly (assuming you're not extremely talented) determined by the amount of hours you put into study and practice.
>That's why you autists can never be good at it.
You know nothing about me little boy, post your portfolio.

>> No.4552000

I've literally had kids draw the 60's comics style 3/4 male head after 30 minutes guided reading from Jack Hamm's drawing the head and figure. Some even got it in their second or third try.

You are defective and/or afraid to fail. Art is simple and easy to learn, low floor high ceiling. Stop mystifying it to excuse your lack of motivation. Grinding like it's a chore won't do shit for you because you don't actually want to sit down and draw.

>> No.4552001
File: 314 KB, 1408x2112, Oj1cZJu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sports is exactly the thing you should compare art to the most.
No. You can get the perfect technique multiple times in most sports when you're still a beginner (running/cycling pace, judo throws, football dribbling, tennis shots, etc.) you can't say the same for drawing.
>Drawing is like sculpting, sports and literature.
Literature? Hahaha, all this requires is linguistic proficiency, creativity and intelligence, literary merit is also very subjective. Drawing is like drawing, there's nothing like it and sculpting (realistically) is on another level too. Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, drawing and sculpting are both most similar to playing string instruments as your progress is mostly (assuming you're not extremely talented) determined by the amount of hours you put into study and practice.
>That's why you autists can never be good at it.
You know nothing about me little boy, post your portfolio.

>> No.4552010
File: 219 KB, 863x1280, Emily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after 30 minutes guided reading
Could they excellently replicate those drawings 50 times in a row? I could with those judo throws as a white belt.
>You are defective and/or afraid to fail.
I am fearful of wasting time and sabotaging myself by doing things incorrectly, yes.
>Stop mystifying it to excuse your lack of motivation.
I have both motivation and talent. Again, you know nothing about me. My progress would shock you and make you cry.

>> No.4552014
File: 87 KB, 640x633, ay lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have both motivation and talent. Again, you know nothing about me. My progress would shock you and make you cry.
are you serious?

>> No.4552015
File: 41 KB, 728x780, you_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, cope.

>> No.4552016

What stops you from pyw?

>> No.4552018
File: 75 KB, 811x1190, aHR0cHM6Ly9pbTAtdHViLXJ1LnlhbmRleC5uZXQvaT9pZD1kZmZjODM4M2VkMjc2OTc5NDgxZDIwNDRlMTU5ODJlOS1sJm49MTM=.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't believe it's mine.

>> No.4552027

Now I'm even more interested in what you have to share with us.

>> No.4552031

he just did

>> No.4552064

Do you think you stop learning the second you decide to draw something you like instead of reading books/doing exercises?

>> No.4552098

You seem to have a pretty unhealthy relationship with females. Putting them on a pedestal in hopes it will redeem your repressed rage for the other sex.

It's an attitude that actually deters women - they prefer self-assured men who simply see them as people.

>> No.4552105

>falling for obvious bait

>> No.4552136 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 341x512, woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your assumptions are naive and know that the only rage I repress is of a misandrist nature, make of that what you will.

>> No.4552141
File: 214 KB, 1067x1600, 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your assumptions are naive and know that the only rage I repress is of a misandrist nature, make of that what you will...

>> No.4552196
File: 67 KB, 800x958, 1587220317_brjunetochka-s-klassnymi-formami-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just share it. Nothing to lose.

>> No.4552234

We know that human(male) body is capable of incredible feats of physical prowess, be it survival or sports(being an estrogen-filled manlet simp you are you wouldn't know the joy of it so you downplay it as insignificant) and essentially everything that molded society into what it is today. That's why the greatest empire that ever existed had the cult of athletic human body and saw f*male body as disgusting and interior by comparison. It's weak and pathetic, it can't survive on its own and it relies on superior sex for protection.
When we see human body we associate it with power, strength, force that moves the world forward. When we see f*male body we only see a walking incubator and not much more.

>> No.4552257

even when looking at mechanical function and energy to move and chance the environment, athletic females are still vastly superior to your average man today, average men being couch potatoes with doughy physiques who quickly run out of breath from just walking up stairs or jogging a little

>> No.4552258

I'm so lonely.

>> No.4552283
File: 214 KB, 997x1505, 44170_Peta_pp122_123_474lo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be inappropriate of me considering my thread's subject.

>bla bla bla muh strength bla bla bla
*rolls eyes* Your desperate yowling betrays you. Besides, try to avoid projecting your physical insecurities unto me next time, little boy.

>> No.4552299

are these artistic nudes or just "look how big my tits are/look how pretty i am" pics

>> No.4552303 [DELETED] 

Ok beta simplet. Try not to fly into whiteknight rage next time someone dared to say mean words about precious kweens. Also you Dunning Krugger is laughable.

>> No.4552304

>>4552283 #
Ok beta simplet. Try not to fly into whiteknight rage next time someone dared to say mean words about precious kweens. Also your Dunning Krugger delusions are just laughable as your simping.

>> No.4552305
File: 939 KB, 1998x3007, 47528_Peta_rt010_123_590lo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have you know that I study them very hard. I also plan on publishing a book on the nude female figure one day.

>> No.4552306

See >>4552141

>> No.4552307

>artistic nudes
Is just another excuse for femoids to say
>look how big my tits are/look how pretty i am

>> No.4552314

>getting baited this easily
you're so stupid it's funny

>> No.4552322

>it's this shitposter again
Saged and reported
inb4 the /u/ raid

>> No.4552323

Too bad you can't do the same with your dicklette, eh?

>> No.4552331


>> No.4552333
File: 1.01 MB, 498x273, IMG_5268.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4552342

Look at Sinix's sketchbook tour videos. He basically just drew whatever he felt like for years, slowly mixing his copies of other artists with more and more drawings from imagination. I think that's the best way to learn. If he ever did any long term fundies ginding, I didn't see evidence of it in those skethbooks, although maybe he could have done it somewhere else, idk.

>> No.4552353
File: 35 KB, 470x606, Sinix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He basically just drew whatever he felt like for years
Oh and it shows.

>> No.4552361

>drawing is not like coding
I dunno man.
I'm a programmer trying to learn drawing, so I compare the two a lot, and I compare my experiences learning them both. One thing I've been constantly frustrated with is that there's no repeatable method for producing drawings; it feels like luck of the draw whether something comes out good or not, and on the rare occasion some little piece of a drawing does work, I can't explain why. I either felt it out and got lucky, or I just used something that I remembered from a previous reference I had used. Yeah ok, "well if you JUST learned fundies and mastered simplified 3D forms then you'd always be able to draw anything you wanted", but we all know that's bullshit. If it wasn't bullshit, then beginners wouldn't draw like ass despite putting hundreds of hours into boxes and Loomis heads, and pros wouldn't have certain poses/expressions that they were more comfortable with than others, or use references, because they would always just be able to construct everything from scratch. It's just clearly not the real mental process for how drawing actually gets done.
And then I sort of had an epiphany, where I realized that, just like how pro artists can't give me a repeatable method for producing good drawings, I wouldn't be able to give someone a repeatable method for producing working programs either. There's really not much of a method for programming that I'm aware of; I get the problem statement, I just "know" the answer without much conscious effort, and then I start translating that answer into code. If someone asked me how I do what I do, I would only be able to give them vague generalities like "break the problem down into its simplest steps" (sort of the analogy of "break the drawing down into boxes"). But if they wanted to know more like "yes, but HOW do I break the problem down into simple steps, what is a list of all the simple steps I can use", then I... -continued

>> No.4552363

if your code is anything like this wall of text that I'm not going to read then yikes. anyway you should absolutely do something creative but jesus christ learn even the basics of formatting paragraphs for readability

>> No.4552366

how do I into anatomy?

>> No.4552369

...simply wouldn't be able to tell them anything else besides "practice more". And then they would probably accuse me of just hiding the knowledge from them and ask if they can buy my premium course etc. But really, that's it, there's nothing to hide. There's no method beyond "think really hard about the problem and hope your brain gives you the right answer".
Math is actually the same way. Most people on this board have not done any math beyond high school level, where the problems all have a very simple set of steps that will get you the answer. But professional math isn't like that at all. Professional mathematicians don't do calculations with numbers, rather what they do is come up with logical arguments to prove certain claims true or false. What's the method for coming up with correct arguments? No one can say. There isn't one. You just think really hard and hope your brain presents you with the answer.
Getting back to drawing. I imagine that all complex skills are ultimately the same in this regard. The method is, look at the problem, and either the answer comes to you or it doesn't. If it doesn't, you need to practice more. If there was a repeatable method that someone could just write down in a book, then it wouldn't be a very worthwhile skill, now would it?
I don't want to make the process sound TOO mysterious though. It's not something you have to be born with. It can be acquired. I certainly wasn't born with the ability to program. I struggled greatly for the first year or two with it. It was utterly mysterious to me how anyone could ever pull code out of their head without someone just telling them the answer. But I just kept practicing and practicing, and observing the way that other people thought about problems, and eventually the necessary way of thinking just sort of seeped into my brain, and now being able to just "see" the answer to coding problems is second nature to me, and yet somehow... -continued

>> No.4552375

...the whole process isn't much less mysterious than it was in the very beginning.
So how does this translate into drawing advice? I dunno, I suck at drawing. I think you should draw a lot from reference though and closely observe how other people approach drawing problems, and try and absorb their way of thinking. I think you should explore a lot and not force it. That's how I learned the other skills I know.

>> No.4552376

did you read all 5 loomis books? just read and go through them?

>> No.4552381

I read FWAP and the figure drawing book.