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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 167 KB, 850x1189, __original_drawn_by_alphonse_white_datura__sample-58f7a9d6c589a579def921c74724bd89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4546085 No.4546085 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get god-tier rendering skills like this nigga?

>> No.4546090
File: 3.00 MB, 500x207, IMG_5255.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4546199

By becoming cunnyseur

>> No.4546213

I always liked/disliked his art. His poses are stiff and i wish he used a softer rendering style but other than that his composition is great.

>> No.4546220

Become a lolicon

>> No.4546226

Masturbate less, stupid coombrain.

>> No.4546233

Fuck you

>> No.4546243

>t. buttblasted coomer

>> No.4546299

>the solution to all your problems is to castrate yourself
the absolute state of chastityfags

>> No.4546306

kinda interested as well, but w less shitposting

>> No.4546311

OP here, I was genuine in my love with his rendering.

>> No.4546320

Cum on loli

>> No.4546408

>anon thinks not masturbating furiously 24/7 in order to actually get shit done is the same as having your balls chopped off and removing all sense of sexual desire
the absolute state of tripfags

>> No.4546556

Uh, based?

>> No.4546583

Death to pedoscum.

>> No.4546778
File: 1.05 MB, 500x380, ultimate defene.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4546896


>> No.4547478
File: 153 KB, 700x700, 1582082665227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically by copying him, and replicating the nuances of his brush strokes and rendering techniques. Alphonse is one of the few /asg/ should be copying from but instead these retards would much rather copy from anime instead.

>> No.4547487

I wanna draw shit like this but I don’t want everyone to know I’m a pedophile.

>> No.4547494

Just claim you're a part of the LGBTQ and watch them shrivel away.

>> No.4547518

Most activists are very clued into to the MAP meme, it won't work.

>> No.4547524

Sage this bait thread

>> No.4547540

what's MAP?
Mothers Against Putin?

>> No.4547741

If your first response to "How do I X?" is to stop having sexual thoughts you might actually be an eunuch.

>> No.4548007

Eh, I draw stuff like this and keep it to myself. I make mo ey through patreon and so there’s two types of art I make: fanart of [popular thing] to get them normie patreonbux, and art I actually like that I keep to myself.

Truthfull, I just love drawing and painting so I’m happy doing whatever. But I’m happiest drawing loli. Sure the normie gig is a job, but loli is what I love. It’d be nice if I could combine the two but that aint the world we live.

Point is, nobody needs to know everyhting you draw.

>> No.4548028
File: 74 KB, 601x800, Traditional Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do it tastefully and it should be alright. Also don't show it to family unless it is very innocent and sfw.

>> No.4548136

>Just do it tastefully and it should be alright
lol you wish. I don't even draw loli, just skinny girls, and get triggered trannies asking for my head every fucking day.

>> No.4548228

just use a pen name/ fake name that's what most doujin artists do.

>> No.4548229

Maids against pol

>> No.4548237

they are japanese though

>> No.4548260

i don't think any toddlercon artist uses their real name.
even incase a porn comic artist who is from /ic/ doesn't use his real name.
as long as you don't reveal any personal information about yourself under an allies you can draw whatever you want and feel free to abandon that allies whenever.
it's why so many pixiv accounts go missing with nichie art because the artist gets board of the allies and then nukes their pixiv

>> No.4549119
File: 586 KB, 1024x1008, 134542545673685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one LWA doujinshi with Akko and Diana
>artist picked new nickname just to post and sell it and then disappeared

>> No.4549126

Why didn't the ancient master draw glorious lolis? Imagine how glorious the Sistine Chapel would have been with cute girls

>> No.4549129

people who lewd the witches dont deserve better

>> No.4549132
File: 115 KB, 850x676, 134546568679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you, a fucking faggot?

>> No.4549136

Considering how close it was to the original style, and the fact that yoh's secret pixiv with an erotic AkkoXDiana painting, There is somewhat of a chance that it was from an animator
Not yoh, yoh doesn't draw like that, but it may be an animator.

>> No.4549143

>imagine thinking of yourself as a man while jerking off to beg cartoon girl art by another man

>> No.4549150
File: 114 KB, 638x717, 135456576876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, who are you quoting?

>> No.4549169

Mate I don't think you've drawn anything in your life.

>> No.4549192
File: 1.78 MB, 1211x1723, 1582416587672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*whiff whiff*
ahhhhhh the fresh smell of the ocean, time to cook some crustaceans.

>> No.4549504

Was probably busy molesting real boys, so no need for coomer art.

>> No.4549526

considering he worked fro the Church he probably got frequently experience all the loli and shota in real life. It is a tradition in the church even up to this day after all.

>> No.4549574 [DELETED] 

Why is this thread still here? Why donwe have tonput up with CP?
Fuck. Burn this place with fire.

>> No.4549582

Why is this thread still here? Why do we have to put up with CP just because this is fucking 4chan?
You fuckers will burn in hell for eternity.

>> No.4549703

I'm being 100% serious when I say this
Child porn is genuinely an aweful thing because it harms real life kids, ruins their life, and the money used from its distribution is used for child trafficing, child prostitution, and other atrocious things.
Drawn children do none of that. Real kids don't get hurt, kidnapped, raped, and humiliated, money doesn't go to the monsters that continue the cycle.
I urge that as long as it is not trying to propagate something, or defame and humiliate someone by depicting a caricature of a real life person, if it is made by adults for adults it should be allowed to exist.

I'd also like to state that this image is perfectly innocent, and that often eastern looking art is subjected to far more of being called child abusive for the exact same images as western art. If this work of art in OP is unacceptable than the works of art in "The new order" >>4548203 would also be subjected to the same treatment, and not allowed on this site.

>> No.4549730

> same treatment
One is use to jerk off one is drawn to show beauty.
It is called intent, if you INTENT to draw something sexual involving children it is called CP and a lot of countries are viewing it as a criminal offense. That's why in canada they destroy a lot of doujins involving with children that people buy off japan.
>it doesnt hurt anybody
no it normalizes fucking children or viewing children as sexual objects.

>> No.4549761

>one is used to jack off
so are you admitting that you want to jack off to OP's image, or are you just assuming that based on your inane prejudice against eastern art?
You know, it's not very mature to hate art because it's origin. A great artist strives to learn from anywhere he can. If you blindly ignore the competence of other art just because of a certain distaste you won't be very happy, friend.
Also, the statement that fiction normalizes certain behaviors has been disproven time and time again with the constant research done on violent video games, you should know better than to spew out juvanoic superstition.

>> No.4549772

> disproven time and time again with the constant research done on violent video games
Ya that was researched and well documented?
That's why you are posting your results right? And posting your proofs?
So selling fake child porn at a connivence store is okay because people know it isn't real. And if people get mad or call it child porn is being hysterical because it is a fake child being raped.
Wait a child being raped isn't a normal behaviour? but is is art and soooo well drawn of this child getting raped.
> so are you admitting that you want to jack off to OP's image
pttfff don't self insert because you want to normalize fucking children. OP's image is sexualized because of her attributes as a female is greatly enhanced for no other reason than to be sexual.
Something well drawn like kiki isn't sexualized at all because you know why? Children aren't sexual

>> No.4549781


Fuck off you detestable loathsome kiddie-fucker-in-the-making. A whole generation of people grew up jerking to Baywatch. Thats Baywatch but with a child. You can deny it all you want but if you ever get caught being a chickenhawk in the wrong place God will not protect you or have mercy on you (nor will your fellow inmates and guards).

>> No.4549787

Let me guess, you also think that all men are just sex animals?

>> No.4549791


Are you guys pedos? I haven't had slightest thought about it being sexual before you guys started. Even now I don't see it. Go get some help ffs.
>Oh no girl has hips a little bit bigger, oh no she is in swim suit!
Have you not been on a beach ever before?

>> No.4549795

let me guess you think asexual is a real thing
People are sexual beings and if you wanna fuck a little girl who is like 10 years old go see a doctor because nothing about that 10 yo is sexual at all
also if u wanna draw a 10 yo hyper sexualized go see doctor also

>> No.4549798

Oh I see, you're trolling. Carry on, then.

>> No.4549799

no but for sure it is uncomfortable a 10 yos skin is render in such a way to enhance the smooth of it or draw shadows to show her breasts.
You can like this shit but dont call it non sexual

>> No.4549803

>Have you not been on a beach ever before?
Tragically you obviously have and If I ever caught you leering at innocent children on the beach youd be so fucked.

>> No.4549808

>OP image is somehow porn
>you must draw only what i deem correct and moral
>he bases his morality of laws

>> No.4549813 [DELETED] 

You seem like a cool guy. How would you like to meet and trade perfectly innocent decent pictures like OP? Where do you live?

>> No.4549816

ya so normal to paint a child wearing a swimsuit and try to enhance her attributes as a female even tho she is only 10
you can draw children normally like how normal ppl draw dogs and furries try to make it sexual for no reason

>> No.4549822
File: 53 KB, 384x433, 1529709745931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't tell if actually retards arguing over a fictional figure that doesn't exist nor does it affect them in any form except in their minds or merely pretending to be retarded or actual glowniggers ITT trying to bait oblivious edgelords claiming to indulge in cunny. The glowniggers must be in full force.

>> No.4549823

Have you not seen a 10-11 year old girl? They do start developing women features at that age. It's how they look, idk if I should say to go outside to the beach or pool, as it feels quite worrisome that you find this art sexual.

>> No.4549825

if u love children and wanna fuck em
say u are a cunny poster and wanna fuck em
dont tell me cunny is right and normal
be fuckign retard cunny posters but dont tell me everyone should be a cunny poster

>> No.4549828

dont spin this shit around fuck face
You know what you posted and you know what you jerk off to. I dont find this shit appealing or right or wanna draw shit like this. you can draw children NON sexual because they are NON sexual

>> No.4549833

If you think there is anything sexual in that view, the problem is (you) not the art itself.
It's always the predators who scream the loudest somehow.

>> No.4549841

>wait you find this collection of naked children you find on my pc sexual? lol cop you must be a pedophile

>> No.4549846

Trace it, like he did.

>> No.4549848

>girl in swimsuit on a beach
>collection of naked children
yeah, that's the same.

Idk how much kiddie porn you watch to have association like this with OP's picture, but maybe it's time to stop.

>> No.4549856

we're referring to op's image, you fucking 56 ipd monkey

>> No.4549857 [DELETED] 


stop trying to normal sexualizing
what are you a cunny post advocate?
If you like children depicted mature and showing their female features enhanced for no other reason to get you hard go for it dude
But dont tell me this is "normal"

>> No.4549859


stop trying to normalize sexualizing children
what are you a cunny post advocate?
If you like children depicted mature and showing their female features enhanced for no other reason to get you hard go for it dude
But dont tell me this is "normal"

>> No.4549878

Focusing on details that are normally present in girls her age, and acting like it's somehow oversexualized is worrisome really.
She isn't doing any oversexualized poses, she isn't wearing anything sexual, there isn't anything which would suggest sexual intend.
I don't know how the fuck you can come to conclusion that she is sexualized, why? Because she has breasts? Hips?
It really does give a creepy vibe that you see something sexual in this drawing.
Really maybe you should quit porn, I don't even mean it as a meme joke, but seeing everywhere sexualization isn't healthy.

It's just a render of girl with melancholic expression.
What are you saying basically is to not draw children, because it makes you have unholy thoughts, which is. again, problem with you, not the art.

>> No.4549892

>okay COP this so called "child porn" on my computer is PORN because you find it sexy? You a pedophile?
Find me a pic of a girl in a swim suit that gives the same vibe as op's picture.
and OP's artist made the conscience choices he did to enhance the parts he wanted.
So can that character appear on a disney show? Answer be honesty and think about why it can't be on a disney movie or a show for kids

>> No.4549899

I say disney show because you guys claim it is just an innocence child on a beach haah! so fun out at sea that the whole family can enjoy because it is just a child!
If you like cunny say u love cunny idc but dont tell me cunny is normal

>> No.4549905

Whatever you say scumbag.
Just be careful when you leer at children. Don’tvget caught.
All normal people hate your fucking guts for good reason. Many lack discipline and impulse control around your kind.

>> No.4549919

you guys sound like you just hopped through a portal from the 1950s

>> No.4549930

cool reply!
Go back to jerking off to drawn child porn! So cool and normal to think of dogs, cats and children as sexual beings

>> No.4549935

>dogs and cats aren't sexual

>> No.4549939

ya as humans we can FUCK em
2020 baby unlike the 1950s

>> No.4549953

Wow, you guys really are predators in disguise. Sorry I don't actively look for kids photos so I don't have anywhere to look. There is nothing in this picture other than your makeup shit in your head, go seek therapy before you harm some kid.

>> No.4549957

>judge you are telling me these pics of naked children is CP? wowo look who is the pedophile now

>> No.4549960

>naked children
>girl looking at waves in swimsuit

You really are fucked up

>> No.4549964

you know,
ignoring my paragraph on how I think people who deal with real cp are monster and screaming pedophile doesn't make you look very bright.
If you have no interest in listening, and just want to call everyone a pedo why not just hide the thread?
If you truly believe this is CP you can also report the image and see if the mods agree. If you think they are on our side then nothing is stopping you from leaving this place that you consider a degenerate hellhole

>> No.4549969
File: 92 KB, 600x341, ebbb4cc9f047ba89750d1128e2e592fe1561700409_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya this shit can be sold anywhere
stick it on a shirt and people wont give u weird looks
A child just drawn like a child just like a ghibli character kiki
where a child looks like a child
kiki and op pic exactly the same , just children drawn like children

>> No.4549970
File: 1.18 MB, 1400x856, __izumi_luna_original_drawn_by_akitsu_taira__01ba26094823e523430c0e5c87525b3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh it's just a big ca-

>> No.4549974

shut up beg learn how to draw and reply to me pedophile
> so are you admitting that you want to jack off to OP's image
pttfff don't self insert because you want to normalize fucking children. OP's image is sexualized because of her attributes as a female is greatly enhanced for no other reason than to be sexual.
Something well drawn like kiki isn't sexualized at all because you know why? Children aren't sexual

>> No.4549981

You are comparing different art styles.

>> No.4549983

>mimoiet got suspended after retards retweeted his animal crossing comic with one of the animals showing the ballsack

>> No.4549989

op could have done the exact same drawing without trying to sexual the child but that's not the point
the point was cunny

>> No.4549995

Only person sexualizing child is you in your mind, pedo.

>> No.4550001

So what to study to paint like OP?
You all should be ashamed of yourselves

>> No.4550003

ya she is just like kiki
op drawing of a child is just like how ghibi drew kiki

>> No.4550019

>the same person sperging about me is the same person calling everybody who likes anime a pedophile
why am I not surprised

>> No.4550027

The japanese know what they are doing, they dont hide the fact they like young children. It is a known fact that anime is associated with losers in such a tough society like japan. Can you admit you are a fucking pedo tho? of course not

>> No.4550039

you are comparing soul and wholesome, with forced nudity

>> No.4550041

>30 year old info
whoo boy you really are from the last century
Even abe considers himself an otaku nowdays,
think what you do though, you are only making yourself bitter

>> No.4550042

stop projecting your weird western fetishes into japan

>> No.4550062

It's funny when westerners say this, especially since in west you had Bravo magazine which featured submitted nude pictures by underage girls themselves.
>The magazine is controversial abroad for its section That's Me!, which often features sex interviews and full frontal nude photos of teen models from age 14 (although the age has been raised to 16)[13][14] which while legal in Germany, can cause problems with international child pornography laws. The magazine often works around these laws by having the models hold the camera's shutter button themselves, thereby showing explicit consent.