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4530635 No.4530635 [Reply] [Original]

>another day full of joy, love and practice of drawing

>> No.4530651

Weird counter thread but. Still better than the alternative.

>> No.4530652
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But what if you have no love or joy? How2draw?

>> No.4530654

Me too, today I just chilled watching some series reviews and drawing

>> No.4530655

extremely based
time for energy drinks and animu studies

>> No.4530658

There are people here who actually need this.. it's not even a joke to me.

By learning love, anon. First by destroying your pride, second by trying. Trying to show appreciation, and accepting it when it comes to you. I think it's a good start, if you're honest about it.

>> No.4530668

Pyw fagget

>> No.4530677

can't sry drawing right now - bb

>> No.4530679

Then it's used by those who can identify opportunity in your loyalty until you serve no further use

>> No.4530725

No anon. You are wildly mistaken about this. Have you stolen anything from me if I freely give it? No matter what you may do to try to destroy the ideal, even to the point of killing me, the ideal still stands simply because of that sacrifice.
Now whether or not this works out to my disadvantage is entirely secondary to what I believe I may give to others. It's not something I take on lightly at all. Partly I do it because I (strongly) feel there will be more suffering if I do not.
I wish I had the blind faith to make this easy, but the truth of it is, no one does, or it wouldn't be faith.

So, no, anon, tl;dr i don't believe it can be abused the way you say.

>> No.4530726


>> No.4530732

I don't know what this means sorry.

>> No.4530734


>> No.4530810

It means anon ran out of arguments and projects his own insecurities onto you, deflecting the notion that there may be merit in the words you say

That's a shallow world view and you know it. It's simply not how it works. You can be compassionate and stand up for yourself. Having a string cinviction is a positive trait. That said, if said belief makes you miserable, maybe it's time to open yourself up to dialog. Allowing yourself to change (for the better) is not weakness. Choosing to become more compassionate and conscientious will improve your social standing on the long term. No one implies to be a suck-up, but this avoidant personality will bite you in the ass one day and I assure you, man will it hurt.

>> No.4530812

Good for you anon. I wish I was capable of feeling anything but self loathing when drawing.

>> No.4530813

*strong conviction

>> No.4530825

Why do you feel self loathing? Drawing is supposed to be a relief. Why draw then?

>> No.4530839

Not me

Which I didn't argue against. You can choose to give all that you are to others, and if the self satisfaction of this way of life is the end goal and enough for you then you've done it. Love, however, is usually driven by transactional ideas. Primarily, if you love someone you generally want their love and appreciation in turn. Sometimes they claim to give it, but later prove to be fairweather and pick you apart for the aspects they need until they leave your life entirely. For some people this does not make for a very positive experience, and would therefore consider your strategy ill advised.

We're all talking prophecy here. Being kind has a high chance of finding kindness in return, but it is not a given. Life experience has shifted faith in probability and I no longer choose to leave it to chance. Love is transactional to others, and you better be offering something they don't think they can find elsewhere. Be valuable, not optimistic.

>> No.4530858

>Love is transactional to others, and you better be offering something they don't think they can find elsewhere. Be valuable, not optimistic.
You make a good point and I totally agree with you that you better have something of value to offer. However being valuable and optimistic are not mutually exclusive and that's where you're wrong. I din't talk about kindness. Kindness is cheap, unlike true compassion, or as you like to call it, love. I'm not suggesting to go out of your way to please people that have nothing to offer to you, but to strengthen your bonds to family and friends. Because that is the foundation of a healthy social life. And you can only do that in a sincere manner if you love yourself in the first place.

>> No.4530868

I can't claim my strategy is well advised. Nor can I claim to be anywhere approaching optimistic. While it's always been who I am, I find people's nature regarding one another in terrible need of this. What I feel i can give. Which happens to be not something a lot of people seem to understand or appreciate quite the way I see it. And like you said, not a place most people would put themselves.
Sadly, one thing or another always seems to muddy the gift, such that I've doubted at times whether there was even anyone to give to.
Which again, makes it that much more important to me to stay who I am. It's painful at times, yes. Is it satisfactory? Sometimes. But ultimately I don't think I can see another way to be. Particularly one I believe in.
Good chat though anons.

>> No.4530874

not anon39.

pleasing someone isn't love at that manner.
If you have love for something that tealls someone to have faith in something.

Going through love, someone always have to suffer - that does not mean it is damaging, it is something someone has to andure and will grow stronger - the real power of love for us humans is too strong anyways cause it is filled with a lot of feeling we can't even explain and would be too much to bear.
The love for someone else on the other hand can be very damaging if you don't reseve the same love you give, if the person use your love to gain controle over you.

Love for something (like for drawing), is love which is given from yourself to the "thing" - that's why so many people here have to vent.

They give unconcisely their love to drawing but don't receive the same result as they think

If they rly would give love to drawing, they would give it the same attention as to their crush or their beloved ones,

If someone hasn't expirienced love - than they need still life-expirience or should fall in love - but that is something which happens by itself no one can look for it since it appear on a time no one else would think of...

sry for my english not my native-lanugage.

>> No.4530877

And all I'm pointing out is that in some relationships there is no opportunity for improvement, which can be countered with a "well there's always opportunity for a technically net improvement," but that would be contrarious for the sake of it. You may not have personally lived it, but sometimes there is no winning. You give all that you are to them and their pursuits and in doing so lose their respect for you as an individual. You love them and support them to the point of forgetting yourself and they start to forget what defines you. Then they get bored, the enticement is gone, they lose a sense of value in your advice, in your personality. They use you physically until they find a replacement, then use your resources until they can procure their own. They break up with you, kick you out, and move in with your wealthier friend. They break off contact to save said friend from potentially being worried about interacting with an ex. And then they're gone, and all the time and love and resources and energy have been put into something that resulted in less than nothing, as now you have the scar, as well as the memories.

Suffice to say, ideals only get you so far when they're tested. Compassion does not always breed compassion. Some relationships cannot be meaningfully changed. And sometimes, for some people, those are the only relationships that matter.

>> No.4530893

In your well laid out scenario anon, there is no right answer, except that which will be. If you cut and run, you may save yourself at the price of wondering forever "what if," And if you stay, you potentially sacrifice everything. But even that can be looked at as noble, if foolish- and does in fact carry the possibility of changing everyone for the better. It can, I've seen it happen.
But it's a decision that rests only between the person's heart and willpower. - and their willingness to sacrifice. There's no blanket answer.

>> No.4530920

I've defaulted on the side of optimism and chance too long, and I'd be lying if I said I've fully quit. But what used to be a given is now a pipe dream and my life is not worth gambling for a person with such a limited empathetic capacity. It may just be an outlier, but that's all I ever said it to be. The heart is broken, willpower worn out, sacrifice too great already. Years of cherished moments now questioned by what must have gone through her head at the time. Realizing the first confession of love I've heard will now always be a lie, irreversibly so. This may sound like a recent event given the severity but it's been years apart, and it doesn't get better. There is no salvage, no winning scenario. It's a tragedy, not a travesty, and there are only two options. End who you were, rediscover yourself in a different life, in a different place, and leave it all behind. Or, end.

>> No.4530947

I understand this all too well. Some might say my conviction stems from denial of reality. But in my mind, the only choice is clear, use it as an example for others. To help those who have gone through what you have, and to deny the human nature in myself and others a foothold that would spread this type of destruction.
It's so utterly soul crushing and miserable, I can't help but try to create a better answer for others.
Besides being the only way I can see, I have to attest it works, to be able to hold to an ideal like this. It may take a long time, but it's a way to keep pointed forward and away from the dark.
It isn't going to work perfectly, it may be ugly, humiliating, tiresome, but it is so much better than giving in or up. I can't absolutely 100% promise you that for your case or anyone's, but I do believe it 100%.

>> No.4530968

What your describing is not love in the sense of compassion, but codependency under the disguise of a romantical relationship. I stand by my words; Persuing self realization will unevitably fail, if you don't get your shit in order and build a functioning social network build on mutual respect and care.

>You may not have personally lived it, but sometimes there is no winning. You give all that you are to them and their pursuits and in doing so lose their respect for you as an individual.
Life isn't always fair? Well, of course! You and I agree on that. Everyone has experienced failure to a degree. And if they haven't, they better start soon, because nothing else will make you learn and improve on a fundamental level. And of course the outcome is not always desireable, but chances are your failure is not an external factor alone. That's why I appeal to you to build a functioning social structure. Funny note: Chances are that people who lose their respect for you for pursuing your goals never had that in the first place.

This might be a bit of a stretch, but you sound like you've been in unhealthy (romantic) relationships. A good way to avoid that is to be secure in your other areas of life. It won't prevent you from being hurt. There are people who are out there to get you. But it helps being able to be self relient, so you can afford the risk that comes with finding a partner. You can't give what you don't have, no one is expecting that from you. So get your shit together, be it by being optimistic or not. Personally l think looking foreward to the future helps. You don't need to act foolish to have an optimistic outlook. In it's core optimism is the ability to feel confident in your abilities and tackle the issues to come.

>> No.4530974

based and gmipilled

>> No.4530997

Well best of luck then. I'd still recommend remaking yourself as opposed to sacrificing yourself in the name of combatting whatever misunderstanding, fabrication or tragic happenstance occured in your life. I've found that despite everything I can absolutely claim to love this girl given what I've done for her, and despite what she's done to me. But I don't consider it to be a failure or 'giving up' to move on. I do not betray her or her memory, nor my past or future self, by seeking to redefine myself. It isn't a failure to lose a battle and win a war, and it is likewise foolish to go down with your first ship. I will now always approach with caution, and I don't know if I can ever trust love, and I know I can never forget her and what I wanted with her but in spite of it all I know it would be a greater pain to prove her right, to continue to be consumed by her memory and amount to nothing because of it. I will provide value to someone, someday, through intentional efforts. And ultimately, that's who you betray when you give yourself up to a memory; the person you haven't met yet.

In short, it can feel like defeat to lose ground, but you need to double back at a dead end to find the way forward. End what consumes you, who you were under that, and rebuild while all the more prepared because of what you lived through.

That's why I started drawing, to make this atleast a little art related.

>> No.4531000

Man all this deep conversation is making me feel my loneliness more

Let’s group hug

>> No.4531013

And I stand by my words in that mutual respect and care cannot always be achievable, even in peoples most cherished relationships. There are times when you are forced to end who you are and give up on your life as you know it in order to start over, and it can't be solved by just trying to improve your existing relationships. There can be no winning move aside from forfeit at times is the gist of it, where you then have to start at the bottom of the pyramid all over again. Worrying more about avoiding pain than nurturing positivity, as even the best intentions can leave you hurt and alone.

>> No.4531018

I think we're in agreement really, as far as I can tell. And if not I'm too tired to tell otherwise so.
Good luck to you, carrying your torch. Keeping it lit is enough I believe.
Here's a hug

>> No.4531022

finally, a positive fucking thread

>> No.4531050

The hierarchy is right but also retarded. If you don't have yellow yet you have to skip it straight to green and blue before going back, since most people don't like depressed low self esteem people.

>> No.4531076


>> No.4531094

Proof again that psychology isn’t science lmao

>> No.4531133

I only draw when i feel like it. Is that enough.

>> No.4531141

Yes, thanks Bob.

>> No.4534191

Thanks Bob

>> No.4534793
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