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File: 388 KB, 1349x626, dcrlgi7-5ea4e9de-4a83-4c5d-a87f-245cd9263576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4525026 No.4525026 [Reply] [Original]

So Deviantart is about to collapse for good with its new shitty forced redesign. Is there even any art-focused site left? Instagram and Twitter are pretty bad for having a gallery.

>> No.4525030

Artstation if you're actually good

>> No.4525033

>Instagram and Twitter are pretty bad for having a gallery
In which ways are they worse than Deviantart? genuinely curious

>> No.4525040

just get used to it you autist
the site is pretty much the same as it was before with accessible features, just with a sleek, and updated look. it's great for showcasing your gallery.
the only people i see complaining about this update on dA are people with inferior, below /beg/ artwork and a gallery chock full of fetishes. literally cleansing the site

>> No.4525042

Instagram's image quality is pretty bad, and you often get your shit cropped.
You have to click an artist's media bar to get only their art, the regular timeline is a complete mess. Media bar mixes in all images including reactions and photos, so you never get anything concise.

>> No.4525046

Thanks. And what's the problem with Artstation, like anon said? >>4525030

>> No.4525082

I had an idea to make a "streaming" platform for visual art similar in vein to Spotify. Anyone can upload high res art to the site and they collect royalty payments proportional to how many views they get, which is entirely funded by as revenue. What do you anons think? I guess if the artist is truly interested in their work reaching as many people as possible there would be no reason not to upload their work.

>> No.4525090

Artstation is for professionals and good as portfolio

Deviantart is bad now, too many spam. They even steal artstation design. I hope one day there is a new art platform besides deviantart and pixiv

>> No.4525101

I’ve toyed around with art website ideas quite a bit, but you have a huge issue in dealing with bandwidth all the bandwidth serving large hi res images and heavy moderation if you want ad Jews to even think about spending a shekel on your site.

At this point the only thing I would bother with would be Chan/boors hybrid that I would only invite people I’ve vetted to hang out on.

>> No.4525112

what about toybox or whatever it was called? i think the only problem is that the site isn't open to everyone

>> No.4525136

Storage space is cheap as hell now, with my provider the cost of hosting static assets is negligible. Moderation will definitely be an issue though, but if the site got big enough for that issue to be anything significant I'd be fine with hiring some pajeets to take care of it for me.

>> No.4525143
File: 94 KB, 769x1039, asuka_langley___evangelion_by_cmorilla_ddhutly-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened with Daily Deviations? i remember that i look at them to find good artist, now i find this trash, it's quite sad.

>> No.4525226

Isn't that mostly populated by girls with adoptables n shit?

>> No.4525269

What's wrong with pixiv btw?

>> No.4525283

or jannies that does it for free, just make sure they’re aren’t trannies.

>> No.4525312

The bigger issue is getting people to go to your site to begin with, whether it's other artists (let alone quality artists) and traffic in general.

>> No.4525399

Yeah. It's not an art gallery site by any means. It's a place to share your original characters and art you have of them, whether that art was made by you or others. It's apples and oranges.

>> No.4525430

How is it that they copied Artstation's layout and still manages to look worse?

>> No.4525437

but is deviantart still worth posting on if you want to grow a following? instagram is just shit as a place to post art and you can't even do it from your computer and twitter keeps demanding my phone number and it's virtually impossible to get people to even see what you post on tumblr.

>> No.4525572

Yes, but only if you do soft coomer shit.

>> No.4525669

How is that even a question? Infinite scrolling timelines are always worse than proper galleries. Though can’t speak for instagram, don’t use it.

>> No.4525674


>> No.4525699

That sounds retarded, the artwork size on regular sites is more than enough. Moreover, anything you show on a screen can be downloaded/ripped anyway

>> No.4525830

The new UI really isn't that bad. It kills nostalgic people and I understand that since I don't like when things change that much too, but after a while you will get used to it. Eclipse is more intuitive and responsive.

>> No.4525919

Just gave it another try, they seem to have made huge changes since the last time I saw it. Way less jarring... actually just like the old site, just in flat design.

>> No.4525928
File: 227 KB, 750x1258, 1587710591800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wierd face, too colorful, foreground character not separated from background, values and anotomy is wrong. also whats with her left boob? is is supouste to by a reflection of her hair?

>> No.4525933

I can't stand this dark theme nonsense. Make it green or blue.

>> No.4525940

>just accept it goy
No. Userstyles or bust.

>> No.4525941

U can change it tho? Menu bar > dark, light, green theme, the green one is like the olden days

>> No.4525948

They will probably add that for core members, don't you think?

>> No.4525951

>bloated non-free javascript everywhere

I'm not running that shit on my GNU/Linux

>> No.4526187

Why do art websites insist on making UI changes that no one asked for while ignoring actual problems with the site?

>> No.4526195

>So Deviantart is about to collapse for good
youve been saying this for years.

>> No.4526260

What's wrong with Pixiv tho?

>> No.4526264

How about P2P connection? No idea why everything has to be so centralized these days. Am I getting old?

>> No.4526281

It already collapsed he just didn't notice

>> No.4526284

Yes oldfag. That just sounds like a recipe for hacking into people's shit my dude.

>> No.4526301

>Artstation is for professionals

someone please post that finnish autist's page, I am too terrified to save it.

>> No.4526397


>> No.4526415

Never seen a more cursed page before

>> No.4526418

You made me >>4525269 look like I'm samefagging you cunt.
I still want to know why it isn't a good option for these anons.
>Proper gallery
>Huge related works list at bottom of any piece's page
>Moderation isn't cucked to high hell
>Rising alternative to Patreon built into the site
>Art resources and programs provided directly by the site(haven't checked these out myself though).
Only con I can think of is you need premium to browse popular works, but I feel like that is easily circumvented with the use of boorus and the related works list.

The strategy I see a lot of successful Nips using is to blog on twitter and post works to both twitter and pixiv. It looks extremely convenient. I don't get why it isn't even being considered here. An anon a while back mentioned that some of the Nips got angry at westerners if they used the site, but I can't imagine it being severe enough to really turn down the whole site.

>> No.4526425

He is a professional though. The gallery as a whole is a work of art.

>> No.4526440
File: 366 KB, 140x160, 1565633743797.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon isn't just here to shitpost and actually give things he didn't like a second chance
This made me smile.

>> No.4526547

Wasn't my goal to prevent people from downloading anything, the idea is they would return to the site for new content.

>> No.4526672

i'm holding out for artrise since it looks like they're actually taking it seriously and are aware what artists do fucking want from these sites, but i can't say i'm exactly faithful in the team or if it'll even pull through. at the moment your best bet is artstation, but like other anons have mentioned it's a very professional/portfolio-focused website, it's hilarious that eclipse is just a really shitty knock-off of it

>> No.4526677

>This made me smile.
fuck off faggot

>> No.4526684

It sucks that once again you need an account to view nude content on deviant art

>> No.4526694

I wish someone would make a non-repost art site in the form of a Booru. It's the superior way of handling galleries.

>> No.4528942

Can you elaborate on that? Booru = the format of this bord?, superior in a data structure way?

>> No.4528946

>oh no they changed where the buttons are and the colors of them

>> No.4529317

Pixiv would be the best platform if they removed the mandatory censorship.

>> No.4529321
File: 31 KB, 417x474, 132534564575678568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We've made it easier to give a llama back

>> No.4530972

Except they didn't

>> No.4530993

This. Most current art sites suck as a consumer, either because they are organized as infinite scrolling timelines, are difficult to search or compress uploded images to hell.

A booru style image board with emphasis on tagging uploaded works correctly (doesn't have to be autistic like e621, but tags should at least not be misleading) and with some basic quality control would be great both as an artist and as someone who just wants to look at mountainous landscapes or Touhou fanart or fat fucking tits or whatever.

>> No.4531004

i'd make a better site but there'd be no users.

how do sites like these even get started these days now that people only want to be on a platform everyone else is on?

>> No.4531010

1. The website has to actually be good.
2. Default layout is decent and has drag-and-drop customization for both artist and viewer.
3. The website cannot solely be populated by artists, unless artists are able to give normal users a reason to be there like comics or other media like video games.

>> No.4531058

how would you get users with no ads or funding at all? you need artists for viewers but for viewers to come you need artists.

>> No.4531071

just wait for the next time artists get annoyed at whatever site they're using and offer yours as an alternative.

>> No.4531081

>they are organized as infinite scrolling timelines, are difficult to search or compress uploded images to hell.
yes. if you could simply find all content that exists for a particular topic by using the right combination of tags you wouldn't keep coming back to the site on a daily basis to check for new content, would you? now shut up and keep generating that user traffic. :)

>> No.4531122

let artists pay to have their works be shown on the front page or in the sidebar?

>> No.4531188
File: 21 KB, 512x512, 1563652242420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redesign is fine, Deviantart itself is a piece of shit and it has been a piece of shit for a long time.
>Is there even any art-focused site left?
Hentaifoundry if you draw only degeneracy.
Artstation if you don't draw degeneracy.
Newgrounds if you draw a mix of both.
Artstation has lots of /beg/s, they just aren't featured on frontpage which makes the whole site look nice, clean and professional.

>> No.4531244
File: 1.98 MB, 444x333, 1587766665924.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been on deviantART in over a decade, and I just checked out artstation for the first time ever.


99% of the shit posted is generic, over polished digital fanart, and the rest is shitty transexual anime.

I guess I'm just getting old, but I don't give a flying fuck about art unless it's on paper/canvas. Anyone can go into Photoshop and manipulate the ever-living hell out of their turds.

>> No.4531670

you could just make your own website to host your art and rely on twitter for interaction

>> No.4531674

actual luddite

>> No.4531697

>you could just make your own website to host your art
Creating your own, standalone portfolio site (either custom made or Squarespace/Weebly/etc.) that hosts a curated galley of your best work is one of the best things you can do as an artist. It blows my mind how little it's talked about here.

>> No.4531755


Why is it that great, though?

I imagine it's fine if you're already established but I doubt you'll get any traffic whatsoever if you're not, and you're paying to have it exist.

>> No.4531757

Last time I checked most of the features of Weebly were free. It's a much more respectable portfolio than having your work up around a bunch of traced anime girls with cat ears.

>> No.4533308

>Creating your own, standalone portfolio site (either custom made or Squarespace/Weebly/etc.) that hosts a curated galley of your best work is one of the best things you can do as an artist. It blows my mind how little it's talked about here.
i'm a brainlet tho. looking for hosting n shit is complicated.

>> No.4533697

>I doubt you'll get any traffic whatsoever
The amount of traffic your portfolio receives is not important, nor should it be a metric for considering whether or not a portfolio site is worth it. Don't think of it in terms how how much traffic you'll get, but who that traffic is.

A personal portfolio site that features a curated gallery of your strongest, most cohesive work is your main hook for landing opportunity from art / creative directors, or from any individuals that . That's who your portfolio website is geared towards. I'd rather have 5 targeted & relevant art directors visit my site than 500 random people from social media. It is your online business card, portfolio & resume all rolled into one.

If you want to work professionally on high-end commissioned freelance work, then you need to get a website. Even if you're not yet freelancing, it's still good to have one. They're really not that expensive (and there are free versions).

>looking for hosting n shit is complicated.
?? You do not have to find a separate host for these drag-and-drop portfolio sites. They do it for you. Unless you're referring to buying your own custom URL and linking that to your site (like www.anonart.com as opposed to www.weebly.com/anonart), then that's also not complicated at all. I am 100% certain you could figure it out.

>> No.4533803

lol what the fuck is this shit

>> No.4533908

DA has been my main/only site for uploading art, but dunno if I want it to continue to be that way. A lot of people are screeching they're leaving DA forever because of eclipse. I'm slightly worried that's going to affect my traffic, but it probably won't since I gained most of my followers through networking. The thing about networking on DA is it rarely goes anywhere. Progress is so slow, and you can never drop off from doing it or you'll stop gaining followers it seems. With that said, how are pixiv, insta, and twitter? I'm guessing that at least on the latter two, once you get the followers coming, it's more self-sustaining. I'm also guessing pixiv requires a lot more work, but I want to start using it since I like the UI, atmosphere, and art. But, I'm a /beg/-tier weeb, so I feel gross posting on pixiv. Should I still go for it?
Also, what has everyone's experience with Amino been? It took me 2 days and 5 posts to 35 followers on the art amino. It seems suspicious, like followers just spam interact on there and are probably completely worthless or something. Can anyone verify?

>> No.4534170

that's why you separate it out between places where you seek exposure and places you host your shit

>> No.4534192


>> No.4534202

Limited access to your works for unregistered users. I'd also look into why japs left in en masse, there's probably another red flag there.

>> No.4534577
File: 388 KB, 720x551, Found You.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly? I use ko-fi as my main gallery/portfolio site. It's easy to browse and I can link it to my main blog. It just works.

>> No.4534727

i put zero effort into pixiv and i already have more followers than DA. just doing the right tags will get you lots of bookmarks and followers trickle in. i dont bother with anything other than pixiv and DA (lol if you use twitter)

>> No.4534745

What about making your own website? You can do it for free if you don't mind having a wordpress domain.

>> No.4534752

and there's also behance although more graphic design oriented

>> No.4536425

I made an Instagram account and then left it alone for a few days. Then i tried to log on to set up my stuff and its prompting me to give my phone number. I'm not giving these data collectors any of my real info so i tried to use one of those sites that gives you a phone number that u can have texts sent to, but Instagram didn't accept it. What the fuck do i have to do to get my account back up?

>> No.4536617

Facebook probably already know who you are by reading data through interconnected cookies in your web browser but don't use Instagram if you don't wanna give them personal informations, you dingus.
You have to share your phone number if they ask to. That's it.

>> No.4536900
File: 67 KB, 645x576, 5f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want dA to make a return but seeing them bought out by ((Wix)) a few years back makes me dubious about how safe it is to hang around. The site used to have a lot of photojournalists and lot of really good caricature and meme artists a while back (the kind that would be hounded by Twitter today), and having an organisation like Wix curating the site makes me weary, especially if you're interested in discussing that sort of thing around the site.
Interestingly enough, if you hang around the About section of the userpages and search for comment posts of a user, they only go back as far as 2014 and no further.

>> No.4536981

That's probably worse than posting your concept art portfolio on furaffinity. No one is going to find your website.

>> No.4537000

>An anon a while back mentioned that some of the Nips got angry at westerners if they used the site
Then they're hypocrites, considering they use American made websites all the time.

>> No.4537104

Arstation is not for amateurs that are mostly for beer money, like many people here.

>> No.4537127

I'm not sure I understand, you're saying that dA/Twitter would sell out your contact info when push comes to shove like when you're being political or controversial? I always thought Twitter was >the< thing for that, and if it isn't anymore, what's left?

>> No.4537192

It might not be ideal for everyone because if you don't draw anime, you'll feel like a fish out of water. There was a trad artist who was surprised he was selected for the annual book because he felt out of place.

>> No.4537426

That happened to me with twitter. I ignored the account for a week and it never popped up again.
You might be able to email them to fuck off though, apparently that works for some sites.

>> No.4539009
File: 256 KB, 1280x720, 1579386244374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really sure if this is the right thread to ask, but I figure the topic is close enough.
I want to try my hand at making a webcomic that continues the story of an already finished manga.
Is there any site you'd recommend for uploading it to?
Also, if I were to have a pixivFANBOX and posting artworks not related to this webcomic project but only my pen name, would that be considered making money of the licensed product and thus infringing on copyright?