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4522692 No.4522692 [Reply] [Original]

TFW I trace 3D renders for my works and nobody seems to care
What is your excuse?

>> No.4522703

>What is your excuse?
excuse for what? What is this thread even? It doesnt even make sense as a shitpost, its straight up just nonsensical.

>> No.4522714

More than making money, I'd like to be able to draw more freely and not spend hours twisting a 3D model to get something that will vaguely match what I want.
But that is good for you if you have fun with the process.

>> No.4522765
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>> No.4522766

Let me guess, you do porn.

>> No.4522776

I've been asking myself this question too. what stops me from just straight uo tracing a 3d model i pose instead of learning proper anatomy no one will be able to prove i traced and I'm not stealing anything

>> No.4522780

nothing's stopping you, but you'll forever be a shitter relying on crutches and you'll also never be able to stylize your work while still being appealing

>> No.4522785

I see good point

>> No.4522787

Tracing usually looks very stiff.
If you're going to trace a 3d model, try not to perfectly trace it but give your lines a bit more variety.

>> No.4522804

I don’t need to.

>> No.4522805

When you trace photographs you're tracing the camera distortion too which makes your work dead. When you trace 3D models your work becomes obviously stiff, you become dependent on making "clean" lineart that you don't deviate from the model, which gives it that lifeless look. And you still have to come up with the composition even if you're tracing a 3D model.

At that point you begin to question what you're doing. Yeah you can pose this 3D doll in any way you'd like but--has this been done before? When you pose a model you're a puppeteer and a director of your own set. You're also arrogant and think your idea, your pose, the way you pose it has not been done before. So you refuse to steal from other artists.

In the end you end up being like OP, a hack porn artist who has his head up his asshole far deep.

>> No.4523042

I'm not good enough to trace 3D renders.

>> No.4523104

Why did kyle make this thread?

>> No.4523123

i like drawing more than clicking buttons lol

>> No.4523132
File: 740 KB, 1346x1080, smugku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you making art you like using this technique? Are you having fun doing it? That's really all that matters in the end. If yes, then good for you honestly.
If not, you're not going to get much lasting enjoyment out of trolling some art board by doing the "thing they tell you you're not supposed to do", and the few people who take your bait you won't even remember for very long. You don't have to answer to us, just remember you'll eventually have to answer to yourself.

>> No.4523137
File: 51 KB, 650x438, anim2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ever did any hobby 3D stuff, you'd know why trading figures is a bad idea. I'd even support tracing for perspective and architecture, but not for figures.
Figures in real time 3D (as opposed to pre rendered animations) are posed through skeletons, which are like a bunch of sticks connected with ball joints. Muscles are not represented, can't make them very gestural, can't exaggerate curves, muscles don't bulge, fat doesn't roll, and so on. It's like posing an action figure wrapped in jello.
Posing a skeleton and drawing muscles on top would be way more useful. But then you need to actually know your anatomy, and at that point, what's the point? Just draw the skeleton lmao.

>> No.4523261
File: 45 KB, 333x500, 03a9b7c33479f3b9f9030b8d97914a6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aren't 3d models not as pretty as stylished anatomy?

>> No.4523493

Ok, smurf.

>> No.4524541
File: 745 KB, 828x720, 1537047969927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to learn anatomy so I can create from my head and apply what I know

>> No.4524564

Most normies who look at artwork on social media don't know or care if you reference, or even trace a CG model. It's mostly other artists who sperg out uncontrollably about it.

>> No.4524594

What program can I use to set up a bunch of 3D boxes? I'd like to stack some boxes on each other, look at them through the camera from different perspectives and then fill them in manually when I pick the right spot. Like when doing a city scape background for instance..

>> No.4524617

SketchUp or blender
t. blendlet

>> No.4524634
File: 13 KB, 236x282, rg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOOOO not without muh heckin' fundies proko loomis gestures! En gee em eye!!!111

>> No.4527751

Only photos from wide-angle lenses, if your reference was shot with 50mm or higher it should look fine, no? 50mm focal length is approximately the focal length of the human eye as a rule of thumb.

>> No.4528245

Following in the footsteps of tracetaro, I see

>> No.4528251

Internet says the focal lenght of the human eye is 25 mm

>> No.4528303
File: 111 KB, 960x366, Focal-Length-Comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google is being a moron by only showing that number in bold as first search result. For me it's this link

> Unfortunately our eyes aren't as straightforward. Although the human eye has a focal length of approximately 22 mm, this is misleading because (i) the back of our eyes are curved, (...) Incidentally, this is close to a 50 mm "normal" focal length lens on a full frame camera (43 mm to be precise)
If our eyes had a 25 mm focal length, we'd see the world as a fucking Kim Jung-Gi picture

>> No.4530488

You have officially made it.