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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4520839 No.4520839 [Reply] [Original]

What’s with all the pyw spamming?
The second someone actually posts their work, the entire purpose of the thread disappears.
If it’s good, people just stop replying.
If it actually solved something, it would be fine but if people just post pyw and then leave the thread immediately, what was the point?

>> No.4520845

post your work

>> No.4520854

There is literally NOTHING crabby about asking someone to pyw.
If you got btfo and you ask someone to pyw because you're mad, that's still not what crabbing means.
Typically though when people say pyw they're asking someone to provide backing for their opinions and advice. It's perfectly valid.
The fact that so many people here are afraid to post their work is because most people here don't draw, and most of the ones who do are shit.

>> No.4520866


>> No.4520868

I mean seriously. The fact that "show us your drawings" is considered some kind of underhanded attack, on a board dedicated to DRAWING, says something rather unfortunate about the culture and mentality here.

>> No.4520880
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>> No.4520901
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Really? I can see why it would apply in some cases and I would even agree that having to post your work when giving critique should be mandatory but it isn’t used this way.
People just type pyw and then when the person does and it’s good, the thread just dies.
An anon even made a post asking what they should do after they said pyw to someone who was actually good at drawing. This shows that people don’t use pyw for proof of skill but to shutdown any argument someone brings up.
>Pic related is what happens when someone actually listens to a brainlet who spams pyw. Notice how nothing is achieved and both sides remain ignorant.
Not to mention that your work only actual value when you’re redlining or giving critique since you can’t prove that you know how to take someone out of /beg/ with your skill in drawing alone because some people don’t even know how they got good. This is seen easily by all the “Loomis” spam and “read the sticky.”

So yes, in theory pyw should be mandatory but the way it’s used on this board is the equivalent to a shitpost.

>> No.4521428

Pic related wasn't even an argument though.

There's just literally nothing else to say. The poster's words are now grounded in reality and lurkers can simply judge the merit of their words objectively without getting into heated arguments.

The only reason people keep spitting words with each other is because the ambiguity from the lack of visual reference baits people to get into useless arguments. People who don't post their work can simply keep constructing more and more outlandish claims while others gets tempted to knock them down a peg.

Once the work is posted all of this temptation disappears as people can now more calmly judge the poster's statements. The fact that the argument dies down afterwords is a GOOD thing, because very little can be achieved through trading slurs in art.

Of course this only applies to low-mid quality works.
Only very high quality or comedically bad stuff gets a lot of response.

>> No.4521998
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Fine then.
Let me present you with another example.
>you literally have to be jap to be able to draw anime
>anon posts an anime image by a mexican claiming that this statement is false
>gets asked to post his own work
You can’t fucking tell me that pyw isn’t spammed on here.
Sometimes there’s merit in it but most of the time it’s just used by people who don’t draw but want something to type so they use a typical placeholder comment.
I’m just saying that it shouldn’t be spammed all the time is all. There’s time when pyw is valid and times when it is not. I just don’t like the fact that no one seems to call out these times where it is absolutely asinine to be asking for someone’s work when it proves absolutely nothing in that context.

>> No.4522020

Sometimes people do call out when it's totally irrelevant, and they just get hit back with "seethe/cope/umad". It just proves your point further, it's almost never about actually having good work or wanting anons to back up their claims, it's just about killing time on the internet.

>> No.4522052

That's cute and all I guess but post your work now son of a bitch

>> No.4522057

I think the critique should speak for itself. Honestly it's on the artist to decide what's good or bad advice and take it or leave it. I think the pyw shit is all shit posting and really only makes sense when someone is bragging on some way of studying that is superior or touting one book as the god of all art lessons. Then at that point yeah I'd like to see how their shit turned out and if they actually studied or if they're shit posting.

>> No.4522081

what’s cute is your inability to notice irony

>> No.4522088

yes, exactly
when people spam Loomis, I’m definitely curious of what their art looks like
but then there’s also people who started drawing as kids and improved without Loomis who recommend Loomis without ever reading it
even if they post their work, it really doesn’t make much of a difference
now when I really think about it, pyw really doesn’t work in your case either because it could just be someone who draws that is shitposting
like if someone said studying fundamentals is a joke despite the fact that they studied fundamentals hard
also, now that I realize it, this whole board is a joke so I guess spamming pyw fits in this board

>> No.4522090

Ok but post your fucking work, if you don't draw then fuck off there's plenty of boards around

>> No.4522114
File: 66 KB, 500x512, 1584255852847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the merit of someone's words doesnt change after they post their work. the words themselves wouldnt change whether a beginner artist or an expert typed them

which loops back into another problem with /ic/ taking critique - the teaching a man to fish problem. if you get crit like "the construction is bad" then the onus is on you to identify the problem, come up with a solution, and then implement it. You learn far more from doing that.

Ive seen literally the same advice from beginners and experts, in fact most pros ive seen when asked for "how do you get so good" answer with "years of practice, just draw". Its not that years of >just draw make you good, but that there's so much you have to learn that the single most important skill is learning *how* to learn them all yourself without being spoonfed (obviously part of that is finding good resources and mentors to help)

by even asking someone to >pyw youre already taking away the focus from yourself - from whether you believe this is a mistake or weakness in your work and how to improve - to someone else, and trying to force them to "prove" their words.
you can always choose to *ignore* someone if they're blatantly shitposting or if you disagree. Asking them to >pyw is always confrontational.

>> No.4522120

well said
it also falls on top of the fact that people who actually draw can easily tell good advice or crits from bad crits and don’t need the crutch of their work to verify if they are worth listening to
after realizing this, I also realized something else
>most of /ic/ doesn’t actually draw

>> No.4522128

whats weird is i only became able to explain this realization after watching a video on fighting games:

A completely different discipline, but he really encapsulates and explains how simple, almost even condescending advice can be a catalyst for you to really dig deep and come to a much deeper understanding

>> No.4522183
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Post your work is an attempt to derail conversations and invalid any criticism by trying to expose the weak points of the critic.
And due to the fragile nature of the average drawfag, it usually works.
Most of the time it's just anons shitposting, though.

Now pyw.

>> No.4522206

seems cheap to me
if someone argues with you about a topic you are actually competent in, you could easily outsmart them and point out the flaws in their argument which helps everyone
if you kill a thread by spamming pyw, everyone remains ignorant

>> No.4522224

That's the point, Anon.
It's a cheap cop out for everyone who makes threads promoting themselves and samefags hollow praise and then starts sperging out when other anons enter the thread and point out their flaws fairly and correctly.
That's why no one posts their work anymore.
>you could easily outsmart them and point out the flaws in their argument which helps everyone
yeah, you'd think it works but those anons are there to push their own game or push a certain opinion rather than discuss a topic or to improve.

>> No.4522225

I just say pyw, so i can decipher whos trying to fuck me over or not

>> No.4522244

I don’t know about that.
Their work typically seems irrelevant to be completely honest. I can’t really think of a situation where it would make actual sense, even if the person was crabbing or shitting on a professional artist.
If the guy is good, it just means he’s a bitter person that is good at drawing, it doesn’t mean that the person he was trashing should be thought of as any lesser because the crab can actually draw.
Usually crabs don’t draw but you know what I mean.

>> No.4522297

"pyw" is the artistic equivalent to "show me your empirical evidence" of the scientific world. Only with it, we can tell what's bullshit and what's true. Now post your mother fucking work OP

>> No.4522304

Your art looks like shit btw. It automatically invalidates anything you have to say. Go back to /beg/

>> No.4522308


>> No.4522312

Why should I? You already proved you're a fucking /beg/, you don't deserve to see my work kiddo LOL

>> No.4522315

Thought so, another /beg/ larping.

>> No.4522317

you have a point, but 'pyw' is about credibility. a /beg/ could in theory give far better advice than even some pro art teacher, or an industry expert. that sort of thing is going to happen very rarely though.

as it is hard to differentiate between good and bad advice, it's easiest to just ask someone for their work. the other issue is, you can have two people give you great advice and it will be contradictory. it's often better to just get advice from 1-2 people, someone who you can trust.

all of that pales in comparison what /ic/ ends up being about though. most people(99%) asking for critique are just attention-whoring, it's not so much about the critique itself but getting recognition and a (you) for something you did even if it sucks.

if people actually cared about critique, or getting better they'd post galleries of their work not a single image asking for some dumb shit. you can't critique someone if all they show is a couple of drawings/paintings they've done, that's just dumb.

>> No.4522337

Projecting, aren't we? :^)

>> No.4522341

Can’t be projecting when it’s true.

>> No.4522346

Except that you're projecting lmao

>> No.4522354

>That cope
I mean keep coping, denying everything will just cloud your judgement in the end.

>> No.4522356

You're the one coping, with an artwork as fucking ugly as yours I would have shot myself already LMAO

>> No.4522358

Speaking from experience eh? That makes sense.

>> No.4522362

Lol this guy. So sad reading this but I can’t stop. Lol! Fucking loser. Lol!!!!

>> No.4522372

Seething samefag LOL

>> No.4522373

Not really home boy but good try lol! So sad :(

>> No.4522377

Holy fuck this is sad, the retard is so insecure he had to project his frustrations on others. Get help

>> No.4522380

Get the fuck out of my thread.

>> No.4522381

This is truly pathetic...

>> No.4522388
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The same principle applies to drawing.

>> No.4522390

Not as pathetic as this retard >>4522372

>> No.4522396

I just figured it was the same no talented lame ass fuck twat.

>> No.4522398

>as it is hard to differentiate between good and bad advice
not really. once you’ve drawn enough, you can easily tell apart the shitposts from the real critique and advice. my brain actually automatically ignores these for me. i don’t even Loomis or pyw anymore unless it’s spammed bc my brain automatically categorizes it as spam.
>if people actually cared about critique, or getting better they'd post galleries of their work not a single image asking for some dumb shit. you can't critique someone if all they show is a couple of drawings/paintings they've done, that's just dumb.
Now that you mention it, you do have a point. One single drawing also couldn’t possibly determine your actual skill level. I remember seeing an artist who made a really aesthetically pleasing sprite for a game but when I looked at the other 99% of their drawings, it was nothing of the same quality.

>> No.4522424

Projecting again aren't we? I mean, if my art was as shit as yours I would probably need to cope like that hahaha

>> No.4522426

Cool story faggot now post your work or get the fuck out

>> No.4522429

>One single drawing also couldn’t possibly determine your actual skill level.

Bad artwork tends to also attract the most attention, you are usually gauged by your worst piece and not by your best. Probably has to do with how it's easy to see why someone might be bad, but much harder to see what makes them skilled. It goes both ways.

>> No.4522439

>Being this assblasted
You are seething so much that you think i'm that same anon from earlier. this is embarrassing, once again get help.

>> No.4522440
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more reason to post more

>> No.4522444

Cool story fag, now post your work

>> No.4522451

>felt threaten enough to call out pyw

>> No.4522453

>not your thread
>not your board
>not your website
also there’s no fucking way i’d post my work for a flaming faggot such as yourself
go seethe elsewhere buddo

>> No.4522460

>refuses to post work cuz he knows it sucks
Every time, every single time
Because you know it sucks lol

>> No.4522466

The irony

>> No.4522470

you’re far overdue for the “because you know it sucks” response buddy
notice how i ignored your 5-6 other replies telling me to post my work since actually doing so far a flaming faggot is basically admitting that i am so beneath you that i listen and comply with your demands
>lets see what other things you’ll say to cope

>> No.4522471

t. the ngmi

>> No.4522478

Cope harder homo LMAO

>> No.4522484

You have to be 18+ to post here.

>> No.4522490
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not even the entertaining kind

>> No.4522493

I am 42, I probably fucked your mom and am your actual dad LOL

>> No.4522497

Lol this dudes a bitch lol! Anyone got some butter for this salty crab?

>> No.4522499

>42 year old being this assblasted on an anonymous site
Ok this is getting too fucking sad, i'll just give you your last (you). Enjoy yourself

>> No.4522500

ok now we know this is some 12 year old still sucking on his moms tit.

>> No.4522502

People here hat drawing and their fragile egos can’t accept their own mediocrity and how much time it takes to become good at drawing. Instead they shitpost here and still think they might absorb the ultimate secret of getting better while lurking the threads

>> No.4522504

Hahahaha you wish fucking homo, I broke you since my first post and you've only been trying to fix it up, failing harder each time LMAO

>> No.4522509

>hurr durr assblasted
Stop projecting your gay fantasies, it's fucking gross

>> No.4522516

it's just some retard that doesn't understand what an anonymous is supposed to be and wants 4chan to become facebook or something

>> No.4522522

What’s the point of this board then?

>> No.4522523

Not same dude you dumb sad fuck lol!

>> No.4522524

>REEEEE stop being anonymous on 4chan!

>> No.4522526

to pyw and talk about stuff that isn't about your social status like a braindead normie

>> No.4522554

I thought it was for shitposting and larping as artists while shitposting

>> No.4522562
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if they were at least good quality shitposts

>> No.4522564

>subhuman squabbling

>> No.4522585

I broke you. I won. Now kill yourself.

>> No.4522589

You broke yourself by mentioning that you’re an autistic 42 old fag.

>> No.4522595

LOL, look at this homo, he can't even reply to a post correctly, he's just that mad HAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.4522598

Oh no he’s sperging out again.

>> No.4522602 [DELETED] 

LOOOOL look at this piece of shit, he's so butthurt he can't reply anymore hahahahaha oh my fucking sides HAHAHAHA

>> No.4522638


>> No.4522645

(You) are

>> No.4522660

autism itt is truly off the charts
imho, trips were created precisely for people that wants to validate their reputation, everybody else is assumed to have choiced to remain anonymous
PYW crying is useless and against the very spirit of this particular forum

>> No.4522666

Posting art is against the spirit of this board, you are absolutely right about that.

>> No.4522679

Amen bruh

>> No.4522682

I meant more when they say "What really helped me was the riley method" or "I learned how to sketch perfectly in 3D from scott robertson books" I'd like to see the results. That's all.

>> No.4522813


>> No.4523231

are we posting our work now?

>> No.4523243

I vow to post my work whenever someone asks me to post my work

>> No.4523319
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You know what to do.

>> No.4523324


If you're going to criticize, that means you're in a position to do so. If you're not, keep your shitty /beg/ opinions to yourself.

Put up or shut up, coward.

>> No.4523351

Out! Out! Out!

>> No.4523363
File: 831 KB, 970x1067, DBD26AA5-4E60-4FA6-A55A-8ED1A755C9B8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spams pyw without posting their own therefore negating any risk
>calls people who don’t reply to a non-work-posting-pyw-spamming-faggot a coward
anon, I...

>> No.4523387

It’s kind of stupid to even do so too bc now anons will try to dox you as people here have been known to do.

That person will no longer be free to post anonymously anymore bc their specific style will be associated with what they said previously which gets rid of the point of remaining anonymous.

>> No.4523476

Discord trannies are raiding the board again

>> No.4523549

Trannies are not even real.
What are you on about?

>> No.4523556

They’re scary anon.

>> No.4523567

I think what you meant to say is that trans women aren't women but a bunch of men in dresses

>> No.4523580


I don't think you understand what that anon was trying to say, friend.

>> No.4523584

It just show this place is full of crabs that can't draw and spend their days here just flinging shit at others. As soon as somebody posts their art, they get BTFOd.

This place is just a venting playground for their insecurities.

>> No.4523624
File: 26 KB, 600x450, 1586527950050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, i really meant; trannies are not real.
I mean, this is a shoop of a man made to look like a tranny.
No way trannies are real.

>> No.4523742

Dunning krugers always have a hard time accepting critiques. "Pyw" is just another excuse to close their eyes at what they don't want to see. Even if you'd went all the way to indulge them in their tantrum, they'll still won't listen
Also, this >>4523387 nobody wants to get doxxed

>> No.4523892

>The second someone actually posts their work, the entire purpose of the thread disappears.
Its almost like the threads were bullshit to begin with!

>> No.4524461

Who is it anyway?