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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 53 KB, 200x200, 1488017521117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4519507 No.4519507 [Reply] [Original]

am i the only one that wants to get good at drawing just for the sake (of many) getting girls interested in me? like i have a better chance at having an arthoe than anyone
and girls in general are intersted in guys with talent

>> No.4519511

I only want trannies

>> No.4519513

for me
as long as its cute, everything goes

>> No.4519515

Not girls, but friends. I just want to make friends like I used to have.

>> No.4519516

i want a girl to fart in my mouth

>> No.4519518

If I thought drawing would get me a cute girlfriend (which I don't) it would be one of my reasons for drawing but I don't think it would ever be my sole reason for drawing

>> No.4519521

Learning drawing to get girls is kinda like learning 3D modeling to get better at drawing.
In both cases what you really want to do is X, but X seems too hard so you learn an unrelated skill Y in the hopes it'll make you better at X. But really, you should just be practicing X.

>> No.4519525

op here, i forgot to say that its ok if i just get more interesting friends and not a gf like anon said>>4519518

its not learning, i know how to draw and its my second best hobby after lifting so thats a plus
im not switching from drawing ever

>> No.4519529

Anon that art girl you like, she still likes Chad and doesn't see you as that, because she has already assessed you as a beta.

>> No.4519531

Wouldn't music be a better choice?

>> No.4519537

what music do artsy bitches like

>> No.4519540


>> No.4519543

gore metal

>> No.4519565

t. man who has never met an arthoe

>> No.4519647

I don't know man I don't keep up with the trends.. Maybe K-Pop?

>> No.4519654

>implying you did

>> No.4519659

Trust me, being an artist has never helped me with that.

>> No.4519662

Tell us your story anon
I will keep drawing anyways tho

>> No.4519690

I did, and I fucked her, and that turned out to be a mistake because she was bipolar.

>> No.4519691

Do yourself a favor and just learn the guitar.

>> No.4519713


on an unrelated note OP is delusional

>> No.4519811 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 576x720, 29664_427333063477_6182495_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my first girlfriend by drawing on my Intuos 4 + MPB in public, around a decade ago. I was in a local hipster coffee shop that I frequented for years. I was home for the summer from my first year of art school, and I liked taking my drawing stuff to the coffee shop as an excuse to get out of the house, and it was a great conversation starter. This was before drawing on iPads and such was so common place, so people were still really curious about digital drawing.

She was at the coffee shop with a mutual friend that I sorta knew. She pointed me out to her friend and she was really interested in what I was doing. Her friend said she knew me, so they both came over to talk and we hit it off. I let her hold my pen and scribble on a new layer and it was just a great introduction. Followed up with her on Facebook and asked her out and we ended up dating for a year.

Funnily enough, pic related was what I was working on. I was about ~10 months deep into digital drawing at that point, and I thought this drawing was really, really good. Please note the Filter > Render > Lens Flare, and the Gaussian blurred background. It's a caricature of my friend and he paid me $35 for it.

>> No.4519820
File: 83 KB, 576x720, 29664_427333063477_6182495_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my first girlfriend by drawing on my Intuos 4 + MPB in public, around a decade ago. I was in a local hipster coffee shop that I frequented for years. I was home for the summer from my first year of art school, and I liked taking my drawing stuff to the coffee shop as an excuse to get out of the house, and it was a great conversation starter. This was before drawing on iPads and such was so common place, so people were still really curious about digital drawing.

She was at the coffee shop with a mutual friend that I sorta knew. She pointed me out to her friend and she was really interested in what I was doing. Her friend said she knew me, so they both came over to talk and we hit it off. I let her hold my pen and scribble on a new layer and it was just a great introduction. Followed up with her on Facebook to ask her out and we ended up dating for a year.

Funnily enough, pic related was what I was working on. I was about ~10 months deep into digital drawing at that point, and I thought this drawing was really, really good. It's a caricature of my friend and he paid me $35 for it. Please note the Filter > Render > Lens Flare, and the Gaussian blurred background.

>> No.4519827

Stop with this beta shit and get lookspilled if you want to attract women.

>> No.4519893
File: 197 KB, 850x889, 1581135562872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. it really looks like something made in 2010. was it a bar or macdonalds, coffieshop: I remeber that I was drunk in my local pub in 2012. I found a pen in my pocked so I stared drawing on a paper Ive god from barman. I might find a photo of drawing later. anyway. I was like 20 minutes ballsdeep autism drawing and drinking beer ignoring all people around me. then chick showed up with vodkas. I end up fuckink her in the concert hall in that very bar literaty 10 minutes later. whats up with hot girls and art guys??? I need explanation. everyxtime I draw or paint in public some crazy horny chick whants to rape me.. wtfuck.. I am a hunk. 197cm tall white bick dick male with wide shoulders, so I was guessing it might play in my favor, but idk anymore. send help

>> No.4520093

>Please note the Filter > Render > Lens Flare, and the Gaussian blurred background.
No rules, only tools

>> No.4520109

Autism post and not funny

>> No.4520192

its true. are you a virgin or tranny? or manlet crab?

>> No.4520202
File: 3.64 MB, 1932x1932, AEFD878A-4AB6-49E5-AC3B-A15C82AC4604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a virgin

>> No.4520209

>>4520202 are you triyng to becoma a wizard?

>> No.4520218

I’m destined to become one..
My faith has been sealed since birth.

>> No.4520221
File: 601 KB, 1500x1144, 1543255251907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Choosing one of the most introverted hobbies next to programming in order to be more social

>> No.4521261

Did you have a stroke while writing this or something? Are you drunk?

>> No.4521307


>> No.4521321

only beta males draw
name ONE artchad
>you can’t
if you really want a chick, you should leave /ic/ immediately and start working out

>> No.4521325

End yourself.

>> No.4521336
File: 86 KB, 759x811, 1587515982881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4521400

You’ve clearly never met the photography dudes.

>> No.4521678

>implying i dont work out

>> No.4521825

Yes, you are unique and different.

>> No.4521841

my mom says im in the cool side of the spectrum

>> No.4524076

You proved his point. >>>/p/

>> No.4524135

I got my fiancee by drawing her in some coom art. To this day it is the only coom art I drew so far, but it does work in a way.

>> No.4524162

Picasso was a bald manlet who was literally banging prime 17yo pussy into his seventies. Then he settled down with a nice 30yo who offed herself when he died 20 years later.

>> No.4524172
File: 40 KB, 582x582, 9716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am mediocre looking hikikomori living in a 3rd world country but I had multiple girls openly interested in me online during the previous year and tried LDR with foreigners a couple of times. Right now I have a 9/10 looking girl (I asked people on /soc/ to rate her) lusting over me. Certainly drawing made me much more interesting, and the fact that I am not afraid of flexing my muscles by "promising" to draw somebody's portrait. You don't even have to draw shit, some girls will be euhporic if you are on friendly terms and you tell 'em that they have angelic face and you would like to paint their portrait. Still, I did sketches of 2 girls because I was interested in them romantically + a sketch of my friend.

>> No.4524200

>Right now I have a 9/10 looking girl (I asked people on /soc/ to rate her)
How fucking insecure can you get, lmao.

>> No.4524207

Why are people on /ic/ are so agressive and retarded, am I not allowed to enjoy attention from pretty people? What was the point of this fucking comment, do you have nothing else to do in your life, my man

>> No.4524228

It's just amusing how you first need to get the approval of other people before you can decide how attractive a girl is to you, lol. You are free to do whatever you want of course, but when you end up showcasing your insecurities in such a theatrical manner, you shouldn't be surprised if others will pick up on it and laugh at them.

>> No.4524248

>seething over a 4chan comment
this isn't facebook fag. If you're going to blog about your boring average life be prepared for criticism.