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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 42 KB, 558x532, 9bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4519324 No.4519324 [Reply] [Original]

What makes western animation so fucking artistically bland and lazy compared to great artistic anime like Monogatari or Tatami Galaxy? Are movies the only hope? Steven Universe repulses me art style wise and I don't know how some people can like this shit while thinking all anime is moeshit and nothing more.

>> No.4519335

Asians are the artistically superior race

>> No.4519369

Producers are cunts and you only get a show through nepotism or wanting to make the blandest most proven shit at the moment for the cheapest possible.

>> No.4519371

>anime isnt literally the same copy pasted shit faces every time
Nice cope faggot. Youre just mad because they have a stable job drawing cartoons.

>> No.4519392
File: 54 KB, 500x618, the illustrious kinkbassar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please retard, name one single non-disney/pixar/dreamworks western cartoon that is on the same artistic level of this. Of course I know you just can't, go watch your shitty ugly bean-faced cartoons aimed at tiny children.

>> No.4519395
File: 263 KB, 620x473, IMG_7056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its another 'western bad' thread

>> No.4519397

>Went to Calarts
>Went to the School of Visual Arts
>May not have even gone to college
>Studied fucking environmental science

>> No.4519400
File: 110 KB, 736x556, 1586301830934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False, consider this western artistic masterpiece. The fact that he can convey so many sophisticated emotions and how people STILL USE his faces for reaction images 2 decades later shows what an enduring masterpiece this is.

>> No.4519419
File: 111 KB, 1053x548, MV5BY2M4YzI5MGMtZTdjYy00MzYwLWJhODYtMGJmM2Q0YzBjMDAxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODExMTAyMjU@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ez lad

>> No.4519421

West does not care about animation, they just want to push their agenda

>> No.4519425

western simplifies, eastern complexifies, both ends of that gradient require extreme skill and creativity to master and obviously a lot of studios are full of hacks and are producer controlled so it gets regulated and filtered into the same fine powder of similarity for maximum demographic appeal and therefore profit, with exceptions, also you're only referencing kids shows which is stupid, cause if you broaden it there is a lot of good and unique examples, juts like in the eastern world, which has it's own share of mediocrity and cashgrabs

>> No.4519432
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With Rise of TMNT and Glitch Techs we are actually seeing a slight switch in the '20. Those who grew up with 90s-2000s angular shows and action anime are starting to have an influence in animation, and the style is pretty popular in art twitter.

>> No.4519447

Because it costs far less to animate than anything more detailed, like anime, it's proven to be safe and make loads of money, and producers will only ever support a project that is both incredibly cheap and incredibly safe. It's not about "Western artistic inferiority" or anything, it's just corporate shitcunts ruining art for the sake of money.

>> No.4519487

I think lazy is the wrong word to describe it, a better word would be "uninspired"

The anime style has its roots in traditional Japanese art. The key characteristics such as subdued facial features, decorative hair, backgrounds that are referenced from real locations are all visible in modern day anime. Even if they are not as elegant all the time, there is a clear preference for artistic style that the Japanese people have held for centuries.
When a Japanese person wants to draw something, they look towards what has been done by the people in their country and reference that. This is why the art world in Japan is so strong, it's easy to get into because they already know what they want to draw like.

The west is different, we don't like to copy, we naturally want to be individualistic, we want to go our own way and stand out from the crowd. We have art that inspires us but only to a certain extent, we do not wish to be a clone of that art, instead we want to understand its essence and create more original art from this.
Another thing is that around the 1900's the camera effectively destroyed the art world in the west. The dominant artistic preference for most of history had been realism, while some great artists took their art beyond what a camera could ever do, the vast majority of working artists at the time only desired to paint in a realistic manner, and the camera thoroughly ended that industry.

Without a shared cultural artistic style to hold to, nor the desire for one.. budding artists in the west are lost. Any desires for artistic style they may have are vague and undefined at best, a slight feeling of what they want their art to look like but nothing concrete to work towards, instead they must carve their own path, make stylistic mistakes and hope to someday create something appealing...

>> No.4519492
File: 25 KB, 320x611, 1498658001376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

essentially they are reinventing the wheel.. and this is the result.

The reason western art always looks either childish or bland or in some other way inelegant is because it has no history backing it.
There is no meaning in anything drawn.
It is no longer the result of over a thousand years of gradual development in arts, arts that through the trial and error of countless artists have created a style that perfectly embodies the ideals, preferences and idiosyncrasies of those people.

All that there is to see is the stylistic development of a single twenty something year old artist, with no reference to the past at all.

>> No.4519493
File: 158 KB, 2048x1107, klaus-movie-still.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people sleep on Klaus?

>> No.4519510

Netflix doesn't advertise their shit so anything new that gets put up is just lost in the sea of garbage. Not to mention, people only use it for watching the same crap every time; the office, breaking bad, etc.

>> No.4519547

Capitalism was a mistake

>> No.4519575

every male character has the same face.

>> No.4519583

Western animators earn more money. So, animation is cheaper to make in Japan, they can make better looking animations with less money than in the west.
>What makes western animation so fucking artistically bland and lazy compared to great artistic anime like Monogatari or Tatami Galaxy?

>> No.4519587

We need more right wing animation like KotH. Comfy as fuck.

>> No.4519595
File: 962 KB, 171x172, 1523246727141.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gay jet set radio is the future
Doubt it but if it is, god help us.

>> No.4519598

This post perfectly captures the crisis of art in the western world.

The lower salaries of Japanese animators play into the equation as well but this seems to be more important.

>> No.4519614

lots of these artists don't even ingage in identity politics, dunno what you're on about

>> No.4519732

How is it the fault of capitalism? The main point of capitalism is to let the market regulate itself through competition, supply and demand with minimal intervention from the state. It's the fault of the people who are willing to consume the same shit over and over again without any standards for the quality of the visuals for enabling production companies to get away with this.

>> No.4519734

ironic when anime has the same face for every character, hero, villain, background character etc.
the only way to tell a character apart is their hair

>> No.4519791
File: 2.34 MB, 975x5349, 1584880914224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice bait but to not waste a thread, here is some good western animation.

>> No.4519799

The fault of capitalism is letting plebs decide the cultural development of a nation.
Every great civilization rose up on the backs of slaves and plebs who did the labor, while the patricians made the culture. When you let plebs decide on what kind of culture to produce, you get pleb shit.

Besides, capitalism can be "hacked" and influenced from the outside. What value is demand and supply when you can artificially influence the demand by brainwashing the populace, or dumbing them down, or just importing a new population of consumers with lower standards?

>> No.4519810

Shit liar revealed plot

>> No.4519814

>implying whites aren't the biggest consumers of hollywood garbage

>> No.4519816

What's wrong with moe? Do you hate cute girls?

>> No.4519832

I don't dispute.
Racism is dumb and gay, greeks and romans were swarthy anyway.
I support platonic authoritarianism with philosopher kings and artists and intellectuals as the social elite. I mean, plato hated art, but he had generally good idea on how to run society.

>> No.4519839
File: 146 KB, 1441x471, firefox_2020-04-23_10-11-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People do reference previous works in the west.
Many an artist have learned from copying their favorite artists.
Execs (pic related).

>> No.4519841

Volotron, she-Ra, Rick and morty, midnight gospel, camp camp
Need more?

>> No.4519842
File: 2.97 MB, 1430x1422, this is a neural network.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate blandness

>> No.4519863

>bald chicken man

Diogenes fo lyfe muddafukkaaaaaa

>> No.4519876

diogenes was just a coping incel

>> No.4519906

Lmao chad Diogenes still making normies butthurt over 2000 years later.

>> No.4519922

ah yes the two male faces, the 3/4 face and the frontal face

>> No.4519926

Anime girls tend to look similar? You don't like one thing because there's a lot of other things like it? I don't understand your complaint.

>> No.4519941
File: 397 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Golden Kamuy - 14 [1080p].mkv-00002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same faces
>Rick and morty
No, you shat enough bullshit.

>> No.4519948

I don't know if you're falseflagging, but LoGH is not hailed for its art or animation even among the fanbase

>> No.4520107
File: 15 KB, 480x203, iron-giantig08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically think it's because of the artstyle. Klaus has a Disney inspired look but none of the characters fit into a cool, cute, or beautiful look. Iron Giant had the same problem. A great story, but even I remember most of my friends at the time weren't interested because they thought the characters looked like less appealing Disney characters. Obviously both films are technically fantastic, but I genuinely think the artstyles are a barrier to entry of sorts to the casual non-artist audience.

>> No.4520124

That would based as fuck

>> No.4520168
File: 119 KB, 1527x321, How to vanquish degenerate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every great civilization rose up on the backs of slaves and plebs who did the labor, while the patricians made the culture

>> No.4520191

ikr. hooray, non-round characters!!

>> No.4520695

>Why is bad examples from x not as good as better examples from y?

>> No.4520707

He means gay in the traditional sense, not literally homosexual.

>> No.4520791

>college kids who want to stand out
>college kids who want to fit in


>> No.4520903

Your are just proving his point you traitor

>> No.4520907

>that perspective and foreshortening

>> No.4520913

80% of the list is not even good. What the fuck are you guys? Some guys of trolls that trolls the trolls. Fuck

>> No.4520915
File: 6 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amricans are much scared to lose their money they have become frozen people

>> No.4521016

>fucking disney garbage
What a fucking joke. No wonder everybody prefers anime nowadays. Give all the shit you want, at least it's still hand drawn.

>> No.4521026

complacency. No idea why more artists aren't outraged that their shitty impractical jobs went overseas, and that was enacted when it was motivated purely to save money and not out of some fake veneer of good will.

>> No.4521049

It looks nice, but I it'd probably get sterilized into ugly vector-shit once it actually gets animated.

>> No.4521150

there is no demand or market for Western animation

>> No.4521167

We’re not.

>> No.4521173
File: 195 KB, 260x385, 7A6A7947-F90E-46D2-B633-5EE2BFBE7644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up redditor nigger

unironically the chinese are

>> No.4521198

Not this shit again.

>> No.4524351

>unironically posting this degenerated shit

Mc fucking kill yourself

>> No.4524815

Here it goes again right back to the top :^)

>> No.4524904
File: 1.41 MB, 280x210, 1492501503918.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God /ic/ is growing more delusional by the day if people actually believe any of this garbage.

>> No.4524960

>artistically superior race
If the Europeans or Spanish didn’t exist that is, then maybe.

>> No.4525276

because it has a generic story

>> No.4525339

Amazing World of Gumball looks great though.

>> No.4525345

Western animation is highly nepotistic, you get employed under an animator and then use that connection to pitch something to producers in a style that is familiar enough to get greenlit.
Eastern animation is mainly picked out of comic source material, which is used to copy keys verbatim by existing animation teams.

>> No.4525422

anon, how long had it been since you’ve had any human interaction?

>> No.4525549
File: 2.13 MB, 854x480, aaa178082acf1f5eade1130fff7d6260.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin' gorillaz ya nignog

>> No.4525555

I can't believe people actually bit the bait

>> No.4525560

Unfortunately, people like that anon really do exist. Also LoGHfags are notorious for being dimwitted edglords, it's nothing special because this is how they usually behave.

>> No.4525590

Exactly. Hollywood is consumed by white trash hoodlums and lower middle class bygmen.

>> No.4525626

Overload of soul

>> No.4525629

if my genes are that good why am i still shit? take that nigga

>> No.4526235

You so retarded you confuse CGI with stop-motion.

>> No.4526240

This but unironically

>> No.4526361
File: 48 KB, 924x560, 15683565465478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find out my ancestors were mongols
>mongols are asian
>i have asian blood in me
>my anime is authentic
Later losers

>> No.4526458

The Mongols are the reason Japan has anime while China doesn't

>> No.4526484

eastern russia?

>> No.4526526

Monogatari is a fucking slideshow. Shaft doesnt animate shit.

>> No.4526570

Based Coonskin, genius movie with genius animation. They hate you because you speak the truth anon

>> No.4526628

Kizu is great

>> No.4526657

>right wing

Its centrist you giblet head

>> No.4526660

It’s the fault of capitalism because when you pay 90% of people garbage wages all they can afford is what’s at the bottom of the barrel.

>> No.4526687

Mother is. Also had a painter in my family, my great grandfather was famous I think

>> No.4526788

Are you really generalizing all of western animation because of some half baked meme from /ic/?

>> No.4527114

not him but R&M has genuinely good animation
you have watched it right? https://youtu.be/nfyDs7lHHWw

>> No.4527131

how is the story generic?

>> No.4527277
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>> No.4527286
File: 221 KB, 800x735, k2l1pHnNIYmxAEjLjsfO2tjVjM5inu536wAejkBOd84 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4527302

Fuck you Iris IS cute and better than all your weeb shit. You weebs ruin everything from monster girls to porn.

>> No.4527318

Western animation never actually took off, it is self cannibalizing, and driven by style over substance and sales over passion. in fact most of it isn't even done in studio. They outsource most of the work.
Max Fleischer, Don Bluth, ralph bakshi, peter chung, all incredible western animation that were chewed up and spit out like trash for the favor of plagiarism and works that makes a quick buck. Hopefully this won't keep going and will one day be better, but are you gong to stick around just to be kicked back down for being too good?

>> No.4527337

that's right, also cartoon girls are ugly.

>> No.4527429
File: 1.84 MB, 3469x1409, cartoonfagsbtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4527452

this is gonna sound stupid, but source???????
I know its the art for the Clint Eastwood mv but I've never seen this clip before.

>> No.4527701

it is literally a flat egg clipart with an eye clipart on top of it flash paper puppet, permanently fixed in 3/4 perspective.

Everything about it screams CHEAP

>> No.4527715

Hey Arnold has beautiful colouring and design

>> No.4527717 [DELETED] 

I wanna fuck equally.

>> No.4527720

I still wanna fuck em both.

>> No.4527725

weebs are so delusional that they dont believe anime dont make similar shortcuts
all anime girls look the same havent you noticed

>> No.4527735

>tweeen animation made for tweeens

>> No.4527738

based and blackpilled. this applies for most philosophers and artists.

>> No.4527739

plain girl is the most kissable@!

>> No.4528034

It's from a series of shorts.

>> No.4528970

I personally liked Fritz and The Wizards better.

>> No.4528995

Mongols were badass, nearly could have conquered Europe, save for internal problems if I recall correctly.

>> No.4529019
File: 376 KB, 813x1212, 010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ahaha anime is so much better than cartoon
>Uses generic soulless moeshit trash

>> No.4529037

the american animation industry is more incestuous than a japanese family reunion

>> No.4529053

Mangas aren't animations and are a different world from modern cartoons, you're better off comparing them to american comics.

>> No.4529065 [DELETED] 
File: 2.60 MB, 854x480, 89e53b62e3bfc4f69dd5236738533071.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anime almost always neglects the fuck out of character acting and typically all you get is bland mouth flaps with a vacant stare, of course this is due to most anime having to run on a TV budget but hell it happens a lot in feature films too.
I didn't even come to truly appreciate western animation until AFTER I came back from anime. It was then that I noticed how much anime tends to lack in animating any gesture or body language.

>> No.4529076
File: 2.60 MB, 854x480, 89e53b62e3bfc4f69dd5236738533071.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anime almost always neglects the fuck out of character acting and typically all you get is bland mouth flaps with a vacant stare, of course this is due to most anime having to run on a TV budget but hell it happens a lot in feature films too.
I didn't even come to truly appreciate western animation until AFTER I came back from anime. It was then that I noticed how much effort western cartoons put into animating gesture and body language.

>> No.4529398

>All they can afford is what's at the bottom of the barrel
What? Art is quite possibly the only thing where price isn't necessarily correlated with quality

>> No.4529465

Bakshi's did so much with so little money, he's amazing and a true artist.

>> No.4530047

What about the well-animated anime; like Bebop or Lupin?

>> No.4530065

Why are you dumb mother fuckers comparing cartoons aimed at children vs cartoons aimed at adults?

>> No.4530322
File: 718 KB, 973x721, Digimon adventure episode 21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is a cartoon aimed at children, what's your point?

>> No.4530352

>episode 21
Too bad it was censored outside of Japan, so most people won't get what you mean.

>> No.4530394

Weebshits status: btfo

>> No.4530420

Hey look, little billy just found out that you can view media older than 10 years, and he thinks alita, akira, and gits are underground
Please come back when you are 18

>> No.4530424

Not him but what happened? I watched it a year ago (subbed) and I don't recall anything really controversial about it.
I do remember it having 3x the budget as the other episodes though

>> No.4530670 [DELETED] 

>Not him but what happened?
Here's the archive, look

>> No.4530672

>Not him but what happened?
Here's the archive, look

>> No.4530680

I forgot the TL;DR video link:

>> No.4530719

All of the right's constant guides on self-improvement just seems to me like some sort of cheap larp shit advice they get from /fit/ or some other place.
Despite that image saying that talk is cheap, all they ever did was talk.

>> No.4530778

Failing to live up to your ideals is not a sign that you don't care about them, but that they are difficult to live up to.

To just throw away any goals or ideals and live like an animal is not better because you are truthful to yourself, you have just given up and declared the top of the mountain is now where you stand

>> No.4530925

It wasn't censored outside of Japan. The whole series was butchered in the dub (music, writing, etc)
It's just that Mamoru Hosoda used a weird metaphor (japanese humor) to describe the relationship between Taichi and Hikari in *this* episode and incestfags are exploding

>> No.4530927

Also I wasn't talking about the incest undertones. I was saying that even though it's aimed at children there is a real artistic vision, a strong understanding of mise-en-sècne and color theory

>> No.4530931

anime was never good

>> No.4531115

I misunderstood your intent, but you were doing yourself no favors by pointing out episode 21 of all things considered without pointing out specifically what you meant. On the other hand I should've just asked instead of assumed as well.
>It wasn't censored outside of Japan. The whole series was butchered in the dub (music, writing, etc)
I am not a "iNcEstFaG", not even close, but by censored outside of Japan I didn't mean the American localization alone. I grew up with the German one, watched it several times even, and watched the Japanese dub with subs.
Yours was butchered, if you are talking about the American one. The German localization was great.
Perhaps censored was too hard of a word to use in this situation. Maybe it was just badly translated.

>> No.4531204

Agreed has always been better than good

>> No.4531511

where was it ever applied that this was supossed to be underground?
we projecting?

>> No.4531543
File: 1000 KB, 500x1281, digimon backgrounds 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Krauts were pretty based when it came to Digimon. I don't dislike dubs but this is the most horrid one I've ever seen.
Also yeah, episode 21 is a bit of cheating but the rest of the series is nothing to blush about. The backgrounds especially.
The excuse that "it's for kid" doesn't hold up, either something is artistically well-made, or it isn"t.

>> No.4531590

>western animation
You mean american animation. It’s a problem of no existing culture and the need to make money as fast as possible. Americans couldn’t care less about art

>> No.4531597

Compared to your soulless art that springs from the american dirt, this is pure and passionate art

>> No.4531747


>> No.4531811

because America's animation industry sucks and these schools essentially exist as pipelines training you to emulate the style of the decade - if you take the commercial route.

do you know calarts also has an explicitly experimental program separate from their character animation course? there's tons of good innovative western animation, only just no money in it so you have to go to actual festivals or hunt on vimeo.

>> No.4531898

>Also yeah, episode 21 is a bit of cheating but the rest ...
>The excuse that "it's for kid" doesn't hold up, either something is artistically well-made, or it isn"t.
I never understood this "excuse", be it for artistic merit or what media targeted children (and older) in general looks like (mechanically, in video games, for example). You wouldn't want to serve a/your children a plate full of shit, so why the different approach