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File: 1.52 MB, 900x698, killing-joke-brian-bolland-recolored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4511654 No.4511654 [Reply] [Original]

Why did coloring in comics got much more worse than in the past?

>> No.4511662

everyone is scared of bright saturated cartoony colors, everything has to be gray now because we live in a gray world. ever notice how gray the 2010s were? boring.

>> No.4511685
File: 2.26 MB, 2026x2961, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both are shit, black and white masterrace

>> No.4511698
File: 449 KB, 1032x1401, wood_moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah, black and white is beautiful.

>> No.4511718

your pic is not a good example since the recolor was bolland's move, and a discrepancy with Moore. I don't mind it since the story was made so Bolland could draw Batman, so it's more or less his thing. I have an edition which includes the recolor but also a b&w version and it's great.

>> No.4511720
File: 539 KB, 800x1014, 4 color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't even stand most digital coloring, give me 4 color process over that shit.

>> No.4511894

I don't like either of those, the left one is better though

I like this

>> No.4512106

In the past, the paper they printed on basically required bright colors or they would be completely washed out, so left isn't even an accurate representation of what printed comics looked like.

The color limitations meant they had to be more aware about how thing would look and use strong colors to create contrast, nowadays they just paint semi-realistically, which loses all of the stylistic flair comics used to have.

>> No.4512213
File: 331 KB, 936x1436, 1587065988994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4514313

Cherry picked example. I think coloring got better in comics especially in more surreal takes outside the big 2 because they just mess around with more colors now and more can be done.

>> No.4514418

both left and right are shitty. maybe youre reading the wrong comics

>> No.4517907


I dont think I've seen this post in 12 years. Used to be on /co/, too.
GODDAMN. Where does the time go?

>> No.4517998

That's a broad generalization.

Until the 80s, color palettes for comics were extremely limited. You had 100%, 50% and 25% values of yellow, cyan and magenta each for a total palette for 64 colors. DC was even more limited, as they did not use the 25% and 50% yellow values, and the total value could not go above 200%. The coloring itself was a mechanical process, with the colors being hand separated at the printers based on the color guides. Alignment and color accuracy were often off.

In the 80s colors broke open in a big way. Comics shifted printing to Quebecor in Canada, all of the old restrictions were lifted and 75% values were added to the palette for a total of 12 values to work with. This was mostly at the insistence of Neal Adams

Frank Miller also pushed comic coloring forward significantly by insisting Ronin be printed on a much higher quality than normal, allowing for Lynn Varley to color in gouache for print.

So you had colorists who made their mark working with extremely limited palettes, who were forced to understand and utilize the principles of color theory just to not look like shit, and then they were given actual freedom to work creatively.

In the 90s when computer coloring took over it was almost too much power, too many people who didn't understand their tools and were just using whatever was new and flashy.

It's mellowed out now. Colorists today are very smart and are using computers properly.

>> No.4518072

why don't americans have b&w comics like everybody else?

>> No.4518082


>> No.4518201

cape shit usually doesn't do ink only comics but when they do they're actually really nice looking shit. try checking out batman black and white.

its amazing how easily color can make or break comics. lots of comics are actually physically unreadable because the completely awful coloring style ruins any immersion and takes you away from the pencil/ink work which was the only redeeming quality in the first place.

imagine being a colorist and being "forced" to learn color theory.

>> No.4518206

How are they gonna red white and blue USA USA then?

>> No.4518422

A man who knew neither art, nature nor his fellow man.

>> No.4518461
File: 200 KB, 1010x561, Fuck renoir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4518495
File: 1.00 MB, 573x757, xxxxxxxxx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never liked American comic book coloring.

Euro-comics have the best color schemes.

>> No.4518504

Which comic is this from?

>> No.4518771
File: 656 KB, 1988x2194, drfdz162nx431[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most colorists are shit these days but there's still a handful of decent ones out there. Not a fan of capeshit and I prefer B&W but Capullo + FCO Plascencia were a great combo.

>> No.4518774
File: 508 KB, 2000x1128, 1406143628000-tokyo-ghost-01-02scol[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sean Murphy with Matt Hollingsworth was also a nice pairing.

>> No.4518781

Might be wrong but that looks like a piece by Moebius/Jean Giraud.

>> No.4518786
File: 102 KB, 366x512, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barbara Canepa tho.

>> No.4518788
File: 1.10 MB, 900x1200, 9783868690170-interior-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I posted an image for ants.

>> No.4518861

I remember this lol. Yeah Dave Gibbons was just coming off of watchmen I believe, i don't think he did the lines but he definitely did the colors in the one on the left. I never read killing joke, but I'm like 90 percent moore co- wrote it. The guy he wrote it with didn't like Gibbons colors, and went in and colored it the way he wanted.

Don't quote me on this, I know 100% that I fucked up somewhere explaining this lol

>> No.4518946

That overlay texture looks like complete shit, then again it's Matt Hollingsworth coloring which was never a fav of mine.

>> No.4519103

Because photoshop kinda sucks. Now that people are doing their comics in sketchbook, csp, procreate, etc, we're back to actual colors.

>> No.4519139

I'm still upset Ultimates 3 is the only time Madureira and Lichtner worked together.

>> No.4519160

because usa comics are made for kids

>> No.4519162

elaborate pls

>> No.4519173

Older versions of photoshop merged colors by desaturating because it's a photo editing software, not a digital art software. It's color modes were also calibrated for magazine press, not funny books. The result was 15 years or so where any comic that was colored digitally looked like muddy, banded shit.

Madureira, Jim Lee, McFarlane, etc. asked for traditional colorists because of this.

>> No.4520114
File: 462 KB, 2063x3131, sm_cv1_ds_111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alex Sinclar takes the prize as far as awful coloring goes, there will always be a purple secondary light source, yellow and pink rimlight and glow covering up the artwork plus gormless color choices when it comes to saturation, it's like his monitor is defected or maybe he just has bad vision.

>> No.4520130
File: 148 KB, 640x800, harvey_miller_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He also did a really poor job coloring old Frank Miller to the point it created a mockery online and someone had to recolor them. Top fixed, bottom Alex Sinclair colors.

>> No.4520137


>> No.4520688

why do people hate miller so much? even at its "worst", his work is 100% recognizable. you take just one look and know it's him. i didn't even hate dkr2 or the batman and robin book, they were pretty fun. i want to read holy terror, but i'm going to buy that instead of pirating it, if only for creating butthurt all around the world.

>> No.4522001

his style is really striking and unique, i think its more a subjective manner if you like it or not, but i personally love the chunkyness and grit it has

>> No.4523214

Digital coloring. Plus the colorists just suck ass. Gradient fill was a goddamn mistake

>> No.4523487

dustin nguyen is probably the only capeshit colorist i've ever liked

>> No.4523543

Euros stopped doing black and white decades ago, unless the story demands it or the artist feels like it. Manga is mostly black and white because it's still printed on shit paper with shit inks, and having it all on color would ruin everything.

>> No.4526311

Left hurts my fucking eyes.

>> No.4527077
File: 263 KB, 976x1517, SinCity_TYB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Miller but his best work was objectively
His shape stylization and linework can sometimes look really bizzare when colored which I think is what most of the critique comes from
The guy's at his best when he's purely focusing on panel composition and using large swats of ink for establishing scenery and character's poses

>> No.4527078

*best work was objectively Sin City

>> No.4527170

It's supposed to be on newsprint paper not a computer monitor

>> No.4527749

>there will always be a purple secondary light source, yellow and pink rimlight and glow covering up the artwork
It's like he figured out how to use pastel light sources and didn't grow out of thinking that it's always so cool and A E S T H E T I C

>> No.4528128


Alan Moore wrote 100% of The Killing Joke.

John Higgins did the colors on both it and Watchmen.

>> No.4528135


Miller has always been an artist marching to the beat of his own drum. He really is an artist, because he draws 100% for the expression of himself.

Miller got his start in corporate comic books, which are as commercial as possible, so the majority of his readership is going to be in that circle and he is always going to be compared to his peers: Byrne, Perez, Smith, Simonson, Romita Jr, etc. But he's always been an Indie guy at heart, and those are his true peers.


It's supposed to. Joker has turned a carnival into his own vision of Hell, with himself as the Devil, and the artwork reflects that.

>> No.4528472

Isn't it coloured the same way outside the carnival?

>> No.4528487

>making a complex technique look good is hard, therefore we must stick to kiddie doodles
the most flawed philosophy in every field in existence.

>> No.4529032
File: 442 KB, 1200x1860, RCO008_1583398291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Him and Dave Stewart are the best colorists that I took notice. The late Jason Ponsor was also great.

>> No.4529555
File: 645 KB, 1816x1416, Batman_ The Killing Joke #1 - The Killing Joke - Page 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No. Every scene is colored a certain way, often correlating to the mental state of the people involved. So for example Jim and Barbara's apartment is completely normal, while the Batcave is a psychedelic trip just as off the wall as Joker's carnival.

The recolor just paints everything literally and it's just so bland.