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File: 22 KB, 500x500, 1586553961325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4508587 No.4508587 [Reply] [Original]

how does drawing porn in a daily basis affects you?

>> No.4508590

I get money
So I would say it affects my life by giving me the ability to eat

>> No.4508627


Only retards would think that drawing porn can affect a normal functioning individual's psyche in any kind of way.

>> No.4508817
File: 206 KB, 1349x1687, 89722648_1609013749251193_3793885173951496192_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was porn artist for 4 years. I had gf an friends. I am a real girl now and I dont need friends. Dont call me tranny. I am a real girl now.

>> No.4508824

it's a job like any other
stop being so prudish, retards

>> No.4508831

It makes the numbers on my bank account go up, is basically paid practice, I get paid for draw, LMAO
Unfunny and cringe

>> No.4508840

post HRTitties, troon

>> No.4508842
File: 134 KB, 680x1020, 1583157143756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much do you make monthly and how does it make you feel that you are helping other dudes with jerking?

>> No.4508889
File: 108 KB, 240x240, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is fine
They're just PNGs bro

>> No.4508916

yeah, and prostitution is just vaginal excercise. nothin personel

>> No.4508920
File: 970 KB, 1280x1224, image%3A3435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've begun developing aesthetic preferences about the porn I consoom, which is honestly a blessing since even restricted to english translated hentai that fits my tastes, more comes out than I have the motivation to masturbate to and that makes me sad in a wistful way.

>> No.4508922

That has nothing to do with drawing porn

>> No.4508933

Is anyone else embarrassed by drawing anime/porn? Not social embarrassment but I feel shame from being a fat white loser drawing anime alone in my bedroom. It's so fucking typical.

>> No.4508939


>> No.4508940

lose weight anon

>> No.4508959

Nah I think h-artists are awesome so I feel awesome whenever I draw porn

>> No.4508970

I make 2000/2500k a month
Don't care what people do with their dicks on their own free time, i'm human too, I too jack off, don't care, is even flattering since the art needs to be "at least" a bit good for them to Jack off I guess, people who commission decent price pica do have standards

>> No.4508973

Thats your best argument? Kek, I hope this to be bait, otherwise you are heavily mongoloid

>> No.4509054
File: 565 KB, 2048x2007, image%3A5144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you feel shame rather than embarrasment, you should try to stop.

Embarrasment is the emotion that tells you your social status is going down, which used to be a bigger deal before status was embodied with money, and was instead instantiated in other people who kept track of your contributions and withdrawals within the group. Now it's overtuned and all the most successful people are risk-taking extroverts who are willing to burn bridges to get what they want.

Shame is even worse because it's literally just you beating yourself up for your own perceived failures, which is beta and gay and also stupid, because what right do you have to whip yourself over your own flaws? It's basically a loser's emotion and is only good for slaves who live at their master's discretion and need to walk on eggshells.

>> No.4509113

He who fights monsters

>> No.4509263

If I draw enough cute girls will I become a cute?

>> No.4509289

interesting. can you pyw? also. where do you find clents?

>> No.4511362

Thanks anon you helped me to understand myself better

>> No.4511391

Start exercising and also stop being white

>> No.4511540

status is measured by MONEY
unless you're a female. in such case status is measured by your husband's money

>> No.4511692

this is what the new rich actually believe

>> No.4513330

I don't think you will ever get a genuine and honest reply out of the anons here.
Why not try being a pronfag and find the answer?
I'm curios about this myself, so i will also try.

>> No.4513399

Can some noncrab person answer this question? Spoonfeed me with direct links. How it works on pornhub?

>> No.4513402

>stop being white
What do you mean?

>> No.4513419

This. lift weights, become a bodybuilder or powerlifter. A person that draws anime porn while mogging everyone is the ultrimate chad contradiction.

>> No.4513423

Imagine being white in 2020 :D
Whats wrong with you?

>> No.4513424

These people are envious shitholders with no dating prospects whose only income comes from furry and anime porn art.

Get yourself into shape and break your porn addiction. You'll be a lot more attractive than any of these degenerates down the road, if you can commit.

>> No.4513433

Will I become white if I start drawing anime?

>> No.4516177


>> No.4516344

just go there and start doing coomissions. whats so hard to understND ABOUT THIS?

>> No.4516393

Its rough to tell family or friends what you do to pay the rent. Family I just tell them I work at a call centre and they literally have no questions because its the most boring job. Friends I have a close one who knows but otherwise at an event or something when I'm meeting people I don't try to bring up what I do. When I tell people I draw in my spare time they almost always jokingly say "you should draw porn I hear there's money in it" and I laugh it off and tell them "not my style". I would roll with it but I ended up telling a friend who joked about it and now they think I'm super weird so, never again.

>> No.4516433
File: 313 KB, 715x1009, untitled_succ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know yet, I just fucking started.

But my wife doesn't seem to mind me drawing tiddies.

>> No.4516698

>I am a real girl now and I dont need friends
THIS is what porn does to you

>> No.4518373
File: 45 KB, 499x649, EdThumbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking based. Just sent this to my GF who is too hard on herself and her art. Literally goes through everything you described. She thanks you immensely anon.

>> No.4519683

nice, you're self aware. are you going to do anything about it or is the degeneracy going to take complete hold of you?

>> No.4519987
File: 125 KB, 718x524, 1585254005273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is somehing giga-gay and disgusting in working hard to make other nigas cooom...

>> No.4520098
File: 228 KB, 828x593, 1586308952378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's the opposite, a guy told me recently that he was going to edge to my furry porn for hours after I linked him my blog. Made me very happy that I could make someone spurt.
People have also on occasion messaged me just to tell me they loved various aspects of my art out of the blue, it's also a good feeling

>> No.4520105

this is your male brain on female hormones

>> No.4520131

Is making other people feel nice a product of female hormones? Then if I get a gf will she also be inclined to pleasure me? That sounds pretty dope, I didn't know women were like that

>> No.4520136
File: 16 KB, 490x275, 1585876033653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant for

>> No.4520200

If you want to make other feel good, you're NGMI. If you care about others or base your success on others, you are NGMI.
99% of people are retards with shit taste. If you try to please them, you will be forever tethered to their level.

The goal is to soar above them, and fly up to the sun, so all the plebs can look up and seethe at your greatness. But you won't care, because you will have achieved understanding of Divine Beauty.

>> No.4520207

This is so funny that it can't be real. Nice shitpost though.

>> No.4520214

>I didn't know women were like that
They aren't.

>> No.4520224

>"Made me very happy that I could make someone spurt."
>"im not gay if i get a gf haha"
ok tranny

>> No.4520334

py favorite artwork

>> No.4520378

You can receive compliments while also having your own independent drive to improve, it's not so cut and dry
I'm curious what your work looks like since you write so authoritatively. Youre talking about achieving greatness but typically anons who talk like you aren't very good

>> No.4520424

quzilax's graphic novels

>> No.4520426

Other anon's argument wasn't about receiving compliments, he said he specifically enjoys pleasing others.

>> No.4520858
File: 53 KB, 500x375, 147521478451 (35).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pros and cons. Pros are money obviously, and there's usually someone eager to see what you've made.

My only con is that I'm afraid that someone will connect me to my coomer account to me. I still work outside of drawing and go to school, I don't need that coming out. I also draw stuff that doesn't align with the personality I show everyone (I'm lesbian but draw hetero and occasionally gay porn for $$$).