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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4508118 No.4508118 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there still no definitive step by step guide that will hand-hold you through the whole process of going from 0 level beg to gmi?
Inb4: jUSt dRaW BrO

>> No.4508120

Because there is no definitive step by step method to go from zero to GMI.

>> No.4508130

Fucking die spamer piece of shit

>> No.4508132

USt dRaW BrO

>> No.4508133

There is.
It is called 'read the damned sticky'

>> No.4508137

That sort of guide doesn't exist for any complex skill. It's just not feasible.
However you're also right that all existing art education materials completely suck ass and there's a lot of improvement. Some day I'd like to write a really comprehensive step by step guide that can empathize with people who are coming into art "from the outside" (later in life, switching fields, etc), that gives structured exercises, points out common problems and how I overcame them, etc.
Of course I'd have to stop being /beg/ first in order to write this.

>> No.4508142

You just have to draw my dude. If you enjoy the process then this is a no brainer.

It's is very very easy to get frustrated by your shit drawings and get discouraged. But you need to recognise that if you keep at it every day then you will get better. You will only improve a little bit, in fact you it probably won't be able to notice any improvement, but you will be improving.

You will build muscle memory and accuracy.
You will really begin to understand depth, form etc on an instinctive level.

Find artist you like, figure out why you like them and begin by emulating the things you like about their work. Then stop trying to emulate them and begin building on this foundation. Your style will diverge from theirs (multiple styles even) and it will become your own.

Work on foundations - perspective, shading, shapes. I dont know how new you are but if you have to literally fill pages with just circles then do that. Train yourself to do lines quickly and confidently.

Believe in yourself. A skinny boy does not become a ripped god in a day. Same goes for drawing.

Every mistake is a lesson.

>> No.4508158

A thread died for this Stupid FUCKING

>> No.4508161

Are you one of those losers who thought school was useful because you didn't need to think about anything yourself?

>> No.4508257

>step by step

Your skill in drawing improves through analysis, cognition, repetition and perseverance. You wont learn jack shit with step by step guides. The only certifiably quick way to improve fast is to grind the fundamentals, but not everyone can brute force their way though it Scott Roberson style.

>> No.4508491

Use the search and look at Volen CK's videos, they're not how to draw instructions but more how to go about self-learning, kind of what >>4508137 proposes. He shows his old beginner drawings, too