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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4504963 No.4504963 [Reply] [Original]

Huion is planning on releasing a 4k pen display this year with the new pen

How will Wacom ever recover bros?

>> No.4504970

Competition is always good. Stand looks nice. Maybe some of you can crack into digital with it.

>> No.4504973

How much is it tho?

>> No.4504982

if they release one I'm planning on selling mine and buying just for the 4k.

Wacom's 16 4k is around 1400, so I guess something like 900 bucks.

>> No.4505351

Great, another crappy chinese knockoff.

>> No.4505468

Fuck China and Chinese products.

>> No.4505486

which tablet do you use

>> No.4505496

I used to hate Huion because it kept fucking up when I used Krita, but now that i use Clip Studio my Huion tablet's been operating flawlessly, 4 years going strong.

Just pay for real genuine software and you can definitely save money on your drawing tablets. Don't pirate it or crack it, or use crappy open-source software like Krita, and you'll be fine with a Huion.

$50 Clip Studio + $50 dollar Huion tablet is better than a $300 dollar Wacom. Same logic would apply to pen displays.

>> No.4505497

Wacom is made in china, retardkun.

>> No.4505525

>How will Wacom ever recover bros?

gee I dunno, maybe by having better products that aren't entirely geared around putting out spec numbers so beginners who can't appreciate the levels of difference between Wacom and any of their "competitors" (there aren't really competitors, just bottom barrel feeders, really) continue to get preyed upon

have fun with your little toys and all but leave actual serious work to professionals and wacom

>> No.4505526

I'm psyched about it man. Saving my trumpbux for this

>> No.4505529
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>> No.4505540

Lol this is such a pathetic mentality. A good artist can paint with their own feces and blood and produce something worth hanging on a wall. The differences don't really matter, what matters is being aware of the limitations of the tools. And the differences of limitations between tablet brands is absolutely minuscule.

>> No.4505551
File: 209 KB, 1424x822, quality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, the quality of Wacom

>> No.4505619

What's the point in cutting 500 in a high end device anyways? People here barely can pay for the regular screen tablets, no way they are going to buy the ones that cost 1k, and people who have the money will always buy wacom, chinese tablets niche is on cheap displays for fags who can't pay any better or who don't want to invest more than 500 on a hobby

>> No.4505626

Everything is ASSEMBLED in China, what's the point? Is not the same shit, wacom has it's own patents and tech while huion has others, damn with this fucking shills and their retardation

>> No.4505634

>That cherrypicking
>thoose reviews sperging about nibs wearing down too fast
>thoose reviews crying about drivers

Lmao, normies are so stupid

>> No.4505667

>wacom dickrider

>> No.4505682

we'll see. nothing beats the pro pen 2

>> No.4505685

I really wonder how long does huion shit last? I remember someone saying it lasted for 5 years in constant use, the screen started to mess up from what iirc.

>> No.4505691

you should probably stick to paper and pencil and getting your "techie" grandson to scan in your /beg/ doodles (but don't worry you aren't a pro you're just doing this for fun ;)) if you don't want to learn to use a damn computer

just saying ;)

>> No.4505696

Lol this is such a pathetic mentality.

>> No.4505709
File: 48 KB, 372x351, hehehehehehehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do know that Wacom uses the same shitty parts as the chinese knockoff brands now, right? Ever since Wacom's builds were taken over by Dell this has been happening, look into it. That's why tablets up to Intuos 4 are still running fine but the newer ones have very serious complaints about planned obsolescence and poor quality.

Wacom had the market cornered back before the Dell days, their patents were still effective at keeping out competition (which is why everyone else only had battery-powered pens up until recently). Back then they were a quality company, and they could charge whatever they wanted. However, people weren't buying enough tablets because they lasted too long, so Dell fixed that for them. Cheaper parts + big markup = profits. Cheaper parts also means you have to buy a new one every year or two. More profits.

Plus, their current VP of Global Product Management, Hartmut Woerlein, hails from HP, a company that's totally known for making great quality stuff and totally not comfortable with getting shitty old parts from china and tossing them together to make barely decent computers.

Parts are also sourced from China as well. Wacom's patents are also slowly running out. Go to their website and look at their list of patents, they've already run out on their basic bateryless pen tech. All they're running on now is just patents on the design of their tablets.

>> No.4505722

300 social credits has been deposited into your account.

>> No.4505742

>smug animu girl

Into the trash with you, I didnt read shit :^)

>> No.4505743

>before the Dell days, their patents were still effective at keeping out competition (which is why everyone else only had battery-powered pens up until recently). Back then they were a quality company, and they could charge whatever they wanted. However, people weren't buying enough tablets because they lasted too long, so Dell fixed that for them.
How do you know all this? Proof that the quality is inferior now?

>> No.4505753

unrelated but if you're trying to show off your product why not let a better artist use it? What the hell is that drawing

>> No.4505861

It’s the best they could get.
And then you have the people that claim Wacom tablets aren’t any better looking at that image and saying “better than I could do lol” :^)

>> No.4505871

They can't afford people like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzha5R-yXZI

>> No.4506200

do you have the source of this? i just found one announced on ces 2020 tat is 2.5K

>> No.4506207

based we have the same tablet model, we're like wacom brothers

>> No.4506209

A better artist is busy making artwork, not youtube videos.

>> No.4506213

intuos pen & touch medium cth-680 has lasted me since 2014, and has survived being slammed full force at a brown recluse

>> No.4506215

kamvas pro 24 which was announced on CES 2020 is 1440p and is going to go for 1K usd, better screens makes it more expensive

>> No.4506311

t. Aussie

>> No.4506323

For 1k more you get 4k and full adobe RGB color space on wacom, the point on chinese tablet is they are the budget option, 1000 bucks is not a budget price, most faggots here sperg when something cost more than 300 usd, LMAO

>> No.4506344
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Sorry I was away, just searched and it seems its not announced yet, but I asked couple of days ago if they were planning on doing a kamvas 16 pro (2020) with the new pen, the guy then responded pic related.

>> No.4506351

>for twice that much you get a smaller display with pointlessly high resolution
You can keep it.
>is they are the budget option,
They think they are a competitive option capable of selling a better product in comparable price range.

And I can't see why not. Wacom doesn't have any patents or secrets left, they can't keep the competition out anymore.

>> No.4506356

competition is good for us, not sure what your point is, OP

>> No.4506372

>How will Wacom ever recover bros?

Serious answer: they aren't.
Wacom were a bloated corporation that reelied on exorbitant profit margins by keeping a monopoly with patents on everything.
Now all of their patents expired and smaller companies can create an equal or better product at a lower price.

Wacom are an actually dead company,

>> No.4506388

>the wacom 24 pro is smaller than the 24 inches huion

This is the power of the ccp shills

>> No.4506393

>wacom 24 pro
That one costs 2500$

>> No.4506396

Source: me

10 yuans have been deposited in your huion wallet

>> No.4506399

>not buying on Xmas when has a good disccount


>> No.4506405

The Huions go on sale too.

>> No.4506425

Good for them and for poorfags

>> No.4506452

I stopped using that a while ago for my display tablet though. I use XP Pen now. It has worse pressure curves but whatever. Good ol intuos is in my closet now as backup

>> No.4506466

Wow, lets see the price then, if it is 1K then this is going to be interesting, if wacom doesn't respond with something this might seriouslly bad for them.

>> No.4506490

dont talk shit about my homie teoh yi chie

>> No.4506572

Possibly appealing to animators, since they're who value speedy linework the most.

>> No.4506590

wheres the link? they have a 24inch on the way with 1440p where is the 4k info?

>> No.4506602

I know me saying I got the info from an email is kinda shitty source, so you should honestly just ask them about it,

>are you guys planning on releasing a bigger model with the new pen?
>any plans for a 4k display any time soon?

so source: my email, trust me bro.

>> No.4506608
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>> No.4506610

that's him?? I like his watercolors but his digital work looks so beginner level

>> No.4507172

just send a ticket bro.