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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 370 KB, 750x1334, IMG_8579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4501875 No.4501875 [Reply] [Original]

Oh no no no no no

>> No.4501877

What? It's pretty good.

>> No.4501880

Guarantee you that if some rando posted this in /beg/ then people would tell him to read Loomis.
Even the shading in the hair looks /beg/ tier

>> No.4501882

Can any anatomy fag tell if the ass is correct? It feels like the right ass cheek should be bigger and the left one hidden behind slightly (considering the position of the leg)

>> No.4502069

it is not correct at all

>> No.4502085

This seems like a common problem for teachers who focus too much on one aspect such as gesture or construction. They omit the most fundamental aspect - observation. Instead they try to shoehorn in the subject into their memorized "stylized" shapes.

>> No.4502095

>Even the shading in the hair looks /beg/ tier
Congratulations, you have no idea what you are talking about.
Begs commenting on art is hilarious every fucking time.

>> No.4502103

Mattesi is probably the one teacher that is a bigger hackfraud than prokek himself.

>> No.4502106

its called stylization, he probly spent 30 years doing figure studies unlike you.

>> No.4502112

these are the fags that tell you to use loomis

>> No.4502116

what exactly did you expect when you subscribed to mister kangaroo proko himself. stop yourself

>> No.4502121
File: 28 KB, 480x470, 4df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's just my style bro

>> No.4502126

Holy fuck, how will matteshits ever recover?

>> No.4502128

it's so fucking obviously stylized you have to be a drooling mongoloid to not see it.

>> No.4502158
File: 36 KB, 600x1067, quick_sloppy_drawing_with_bad_anatomy__by_fpgninja157_dakr0aa-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's just my style bro, you're retarded if you don't see it

>> No.4502182
File: 131 KB, 1024x663, 04-griffon copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This made me look up his art. I don't have a problem with the exaggerated gesture, but his art is just boring as piss. Seems like a common occurrence with these artist teachers who claim to have some uber special lifehack drawing technique. They usually make the blandest shit with their supermethod.
Also pls don't tell me to pmw or try to convince this isn't fucking lamest griffin ever. It's not incompetent just lame.

>> No.4502186

>LITERALLY it's muh style

>> No.4502187

pretty good. looks dynamic

>> No.4502189

>Even the shading in the hair looks /beg/ tier
Oh no no no no no

>> No.4502200

I've gotta agree with you.
I've watched the proko videos he's in and I can't get behind his method because of the way his art looks. I can't explain why, it's just not for me.

>> No.4502204

I can explain why.
It's boring as fuck.
Just like the DAB guy.

>> No.4502210
File: 334 KB, 1122x724, crocconcepts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has no style, he has no grace. No really. There's such a thing as being too logical about art. You have to trust your intuition after a point, and some never get to that point. When you see the real deal, you just know it. It's in the delectable shapes, the inventiveness and care that comes bubbling up out of the design itself.

>> No.4502270

the DAB guy can't even do perspective for basic shit right and that's all he grinds all day.
But at least he's not a scammer like this dude

>> No.4502278

Who the fuck is DAB

>> No.4502293

Draw A Box

>> No.4502313

You kuffar dog shall see no mercy for you're guilty of ignorance Inshallah for the prophet, pbuh, i will make you pay this transgression

>> No.4502314
File: 25 KB, 241x127, STYLE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4502322

Muh style bruh

>> No.4502329

Who is proko shilling matessi so much lately?

>> No.4502334

$$$ I guess

>> No.4502335

is that a... female ass... oh god i think im gonna.... COOM

>> No.4502397
File: 102 KB, 561x768, Pablo-Picasso-Spanish-Cubist-Oil-Canvas-Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"wtf he needs more loomis"

>> No.4502429

It's called a collaboration. They're literally making business together.

>> No.4502454

oh no no no

>> No.4502469


>> No.4502471

these gaters and crocos are god tier

>> No.4504519
File: 5 KB, 250x250, 1581829241837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she shitting a shoe? Is that thing coming out of her stomach a huge pennis? Why that left arm is so small?

>> No.4504583

regardless if any of us like it or not, he's a got a job doing it, so he can do it however he likes.

I honestly don't even wanna think about if it's a correct drawing or not. If it's there, there's something right. It's the sad truth.

>> No.4504600

that logic is retarded. just because somebody has a job doesn't mean they're good at it.

>> No.4504603

Boring, what so great about this? His Po are better, but most of his art is just "i'm SO fucking savy, look how I repeat forms and patterns"
Blegh, if this was posted on deviantart you wouldnt care two shits, but because is "muh famous character designer I saw and heard on many courses" you must suck his cock

>> No.4504611

That looks like it was painted by a 7 year old

>> No.4504614

Shut the fuck up, captain contrarian. I follow broke artists with no name and virtually no following, only because I like their art. Just because you're shallow doesn't mean you need to project onto me.

>> No.4504618

Dumb fucking infidel

>> No.4504620
File: 289 KB, 468x312, F762915F-813C-458E-826C-152D6F0E3720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death to the Kafirs ishallah

>> No.4504622

>oh my you are so shallow

Keep sucking the cocks the media tells you to suck, he is good but is no that good, so stop being so fucking pretentious.

>> No.4504632

Bro I don't care that he's popular, and the point wasn't to impress you with my obscure, weird taste. If he's good he's good. If he's a hack I call him a hack popular or not. Like Mattessi for instance, you imbecile, who is popular and whose work actually WOULD fit right on Deviantart, ironically. Stop being a hipster faggot and just admit he's good. Oh you already did. He's just not "THAT" good. Kay. Contrarian bitch.

>> No.4504636

Alright i think it's fair to say that Proko is a fucking fraud.

>> No.4504637

Thats a nice ass

>> No.4504643

Matessi is also good, but maybe not that good :^), the point is, that you think matessi is a hack doesnt turn him into a hack, great artist use his methods with quite good results, but you have to discard a complete school of figure drawing just because he doesnt draw spiky crocodiles with repeating patterns to enchant your peasants eyes, you are so fucking stupid is laughaeable, i'm guessing you also shit on Proko and Vilppu because he never finishes a piece and only draws sausage men, please erase your vile seed from the face of the Earth, you deserve the oblivion un silence like the dunning Kruger mongo you are

>> No.4504646

Kinda cheating when you have to make the pelvis stick like a tumor to make your shit dynamic

>> No.4504654

Lmao a Mattesi fanboy. He's really not good. I said he's "competent," and maybe his techniques work for artists with actual ideas. Of course if they have ideas they probably don't *need* Mattesi. But no, not good. Do you actually like that milquetoast shit, not his teachings, but his art?
I don't have much of an opinion on Vilppu. He seems all right because he doesn't pretend to have some secret hax drawing method, it's just plain old figure drawing done well. Proko's a teacher and businessman, yes his art is boring, but who cares? Why are you projecting so much? Believe it or not I don't think as much about these guys as much you evidently do, fanboy.

>> No.4504677

But that's the thing, I have never seen anything on beg that looks as good as that

>> No.4504679
File: 48 KB, 456x740, 80a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop projecting

>> No.4504685

It's exaggerated in such a way that you can tell they know what they are doing versus your shitty pic related. When you stop sucking ass maybe you will understand fundamentals better to then take the next step to making something visually appealing

>> No.4504703

Man you really are a fucking dummy who has the gall to call anybody else a dunning. Too stupid to realize bad taste and contrarianism aren't a virtue. Sometimes the popular stuff is actually good, but also sometimes it's not. You can't perceive nuance though, so since I didn't respond according to your script and gave a nuanced opinion instead, you collapse into retarded chan memes, as you must. Now go ahead and greentext me with another baby picture, as you must, you dumb kid.

>> No.4505280

It's good figure drawing for expressive purposes. This would work well for animation. Not everyone draws to have perfect loli anatomy faggot

>> No.4505578
File: 63 KB, 640x839, DRRM_oBV4AAXwOe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads after his video came out show that this board should just be deleted because you all don't understand a fucking thing.
If this boards purpose was to understand art, it has failed and thus should just be erased

>> No.4505586

From a stylized point of view that puts emphasis on S curves, C curves, and exaggerated gesture I'd say this is bretty gud.

>> No.4505593

???? Good and dynamic gesture drawing
What's wrong?

>> No.4505624

OP is a faggot.

>> No.4505695


>Guarantee you that if some rando posted this in /beg/ then people would tell him to read Loomis.

And you would likely be one of them. When has /ic/'s taste been an actually relevant metric for anything?

>> No.4505705


The one proko posted is definitely not his finest work but Mattesi is obviously not a /beg/.

People also need to fucking remember that these people draw gestures, they're not meant to be anatomically perfect rendered paintings they're supposed to be fucking quick captures of movement and position.

>> No.4505714

l2draw mike

>> No.4505746

Give up, you simply do not have the mind for art

>> No.4505766

Fundies seething

>> No.4505785

Nice sperging :^)

>> No.4505904
File: 19 KB, 262x236, 1507080595940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you guys be this retarded?
The drawing is not about anatomy or shading or realism or any of that shit.
It literally spells it out in the fucking tweet
>dynamic shapes that create rhythm and appeal
the staggering stupidity of everyone in this thread that criticized the drawing based on its anatomy or proportion is a fucking lukewarm iq subhuman holy shit.

>> No.4505924

facts. Admit it republicans, your mind is too atrophied for art.

>> No.4505948

Yeah that's nice, except for the fact that the drawing is neither rhythmic or appealing.

>> No.4505953

hah, he's right total dunning. You literally dont know what youre talking about, and actually think your opinion holds value.

>> No.4505954

the drawing a goofy caricature you meme addled fool.

>> No.4505965

If your idea of "dynamic" is jello then I can see how this looks right.

>> No.4506066

Okay? Then that would be a valid criticism. That's not the point of my post.
There were tons of people criticizing it as if it was supposed to be a finished piece.
And then there were a bunch of people with the most awful rebuttals making excuses for why the anatomy wasn't perfect and saying it was his fucking "style" or some shit. Also completely missing the point.
It's merely an exercise.

>> No.4506127

jello is pretty dynamic though

>> No.4506182

This thread only proved that /ic/ is a brainlet ridden hole.

>> No.4506222

You write like an AI program. Are you just repeating things that have already been said? Do you understand what any of it means?

>> No.4506234

This thread: "I don't like this style, therefor it is bad art! Hmm? Post my work? UH- UH-UH LOOMIS, FUNDIES, YOUR STYLE IS BAD DEFLECTION DEFLECTION DEFLECTION"

Guys do we need to have this thread EVERY fucking day, or can we talk about something else for once?

>> No.4506250

You certainly dont understand what Mattesi does, what he teaches , and what is the point of drawings like that. You dont know what style is, animation, the words in the tweet. You embarrass yourself.

>> No.4506268

What is this word salad? Do any Mattesi fanboys speak English as a first language? I already said I have no problem with his gesture, you just can't read English very well. But his art IS fucking lame. Deal with it. Some guys make better teachers than artists.

>> No.4506276

I understand perfectly what that anon said, enough with the excuses you s.o.y cuck, just Say you don't like mattesi and end of the argument, no need to make this kind of retarded show of yourself.

>> No.4506310
File: 118 KB, 1080x745, 1577404344624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't dislike him on a personal level. But his art is boring. You'd think with such an incredible drawing technique, so incredible in fact it must be written in all caps, his art would be better to look at. The biggest disservice guys like him do is tricking NGMIs into believing if you can distill art down into a formula of S, C and I curves, you'll be the next Milt Kahl. I'll keep recognizing real talent, you keep sucking off mediocrity.

>> No.4509752


>> No.4511836
File: 53 KB, 375x212, nigger WHAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons... Tell me this is okay...

>> No.4511864

It's gesture. You can't spend too much time making loose drawings perfect. I think the back should be more curvy but I believe the female is lifting her left shoulder higher than the right so there's no need to curve that side. The shoulders look stiff.

>> No.4511899

I’m actually a big fan of the force method, but that drawing is just dogshite. Forget about the anatomy, it doesn’t even feel forceful. I hope Mike’s not losing his edge

>> No.4511919

It's okay because it's a gesture drawing. You don't really understand the point of gesture, do you?

>> No.4511973

That clearly indicates an understanding of flow, gesture and shape design, only other /beg/s would tell him to read loomis
He unironically got to the point of stylization: Where your choices are deliberate instead of a crutch

>> No.4511980

Mike shitteshi can't properly draw tho.

>> No.4511981

What IS the point of gesture?

>> No.4511984

His deliberate choices are bad.

>> No.4511990

That's a question of appeal tho, not if he's good or not
He knows what he's doing, but what he's doing is not appealing at all
It is, however, not even close to being /beg/ tier


>> No.4512001

I mean you're getting into "you see you just have to FEEL Mark Rothko's big colored rectangles and then you'll see how great he was" territory.
OP pic looks like shit, I don't view it as evidence of artistic skill, and it's hard to imagine what you could say to convince me otherwise given that it so obvious looks like shit.
Some of Mattesi's drawings look a lot better than this one, I'll admit. But this one did not turn out well.

>> No.4512024

Good posts. A few years ago, when I was struggling with gesture, I found a series of videos by Mattesi that were extremely beneficial to my progress. That said, I do find it odd how so many art instructors have shitty personal work (as you say, it’s because they’re so overly analytical that they kill their intuition)

>> No.4512073
File: 407 KB, 359x371, 27.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you see the fucking ARM? how the fuck will the right arm connect together at the elbow? With science? With a welder's torch? Did she break her arm? Answer me you dick sucking homo

>> No.4512089

Can never unsee, and I thought the whole drawing was bad enough.

>> No.4512119

Asukaposter made it, wow.

>> No.4512148

God damn this board makes me laugh like none other

>> No.4512199

>OP pic looks like shit, I don't view it as evidence of artistic skill
Maybe educate yourself on gesture and you will. And I don't mean that it's a matter of taste, it's not, you straight up lack basic fundamental knowledge. You're right about one thing though, there's not much anyone can say to you when you're this ignorant.

>> No.4512200

>He has no style, he has no grace

>> No.4513475

Not him, but that particular drawing is shit even from a gestural perspective. I don't know why you're defending it so much when it's the weakest thing Mike has put forth

>> No.4513479

That looks like shit, I can’t believe anons ITT are defending it I can only assume they’re beginners who worship proko projecting themselves. That really does look like its from /beg/

>> No.4513489

You don't even have the eye yet

>> No.4513496

Capturing (((FORCE))) just means drawing one side of the body with a straight line and the other side with a c or s curve. There I saved you 5 hours reading a shitty book. Seriously I got halfway into it and the way the dude writes is like a blog post. I can see the accusations of being cult-like. It's written like a get rich quick book.

>> No.4513501

Nice reddit quote. I know exactly the style Proko was going for in that piece and he didn’t achieve it at all, it has no flow and he clearly doesn’t know what he’s doing. And it objectively looks like shit too. YOU don’t have the """eye""".

>> No.4513503
File: 135 KB, 494x576, 25626262365241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4513509

>here is a list of artistic terms I learned to today and they are all a fail with this one image

Wow very good, I'm putting this post on my fridge

>> No.4513732

what does this even mean

>> No.4514070

Do you people not understand gesture? Can you not feel the form in this?
Y'all are outing yourselves here.