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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 40 KB, 501x613, E01190AF-FFD1-4D32-A2F0-52E2923DFC91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4492902 No.4492902 [Reply] [Original]

If you're not intelligent enough to learn from this book alone you should just give up now and find something else to do. You will literally never make it.

Not being mean, just saving you time.

>> No.4492914

Nope. Anyone who genuinely believes this IS NGMI.

>> No.4492918

>unable to comprehend the most basic of basic fundamentals
>can’t even finish step 1
>thinks he’s gonna make it
You poor deluded soul.

>> No.4492925

>Getting information from only one source
>Purely mechanical drawing

Fuck off idiot.

>> No.4492940

Exactly. Pyw OP.

>> No.4492941

Meh, there are better books on perspective.

>> No.4492950

Try perspective made easy or framed ink then get back

>> No.4492984

You mean Framed Perspective

>> No.4493034

There are?

>> No.4493100


>> No.4493119

>ignore the recommended material cause “it’s too difficult”
>get advice from second rate retards
>spend 3+ years grinding away
>still a /beg/
>wonder what went wrong
You’ve only got yourself to blame m8

>> No.4493121

I've read all the books on perspective. Chelsea is more difficult than Robertson. For one thing it goes through curvilinear perspective which no other books do. So get fucked brainlet.

>> No.4493132

Pyw m8. Everyone knows you won't

>> No.4493145

Porn artist here, currently working on Squeenix making concept art for characters, I draw commissioned porn, I earn 300 bucks from commissions and Squeenix pay me 350 bucks for the concept arts, I don't know a fuck about perspective and I shit on it, I just draw hot girls and Sci-Fi characters that I like, keep drawing 3000 lines every day bigboy

>> No.4493163

You already know what's coming right? Pyw

>> No.4493232


>> No.4493236

>only 350 from Squeenix
Nice lie.

>> No.4493281

Sigh. Pyw.

>> No.4493504

Gimme a prompt to draw in curvilinear and I’ll prove to you it’s not fucking hard at all. Both curvilinear and fish eye are easy as fuck once you understand how it works. They’re just building off of 2pt and 3pt, and if you’re able to freehand those two (which you should if you finished Rob’s book), then doing Curvilinear and Fisheye becomes easy as fuck.

Those two are just massive newbie bait cause it looks hard but it’s actually not.

>> No.4493522

You don't need a prompt. Stop delaying anon. Post your existing works. You've worked with it right? You must have drawn something with it

>> No.4493556

a japanese castle

>> No.4493564 [DELETED] 
File: 600 KB, 1953x1430, 75145668_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hidden /ic/ server is https://discord.gg/pWJ8JK
It has to stay secret or (((discord))) will shut it down
As far as discord knows, it's a server based on the famous show called Rick and Morty....

>> No.4493619

if you're not smart enough to see roberson for the hack he is, you'll be cheated and tricked by con-artists like him all your life

>> No.4493643


>> No.4493665

Someones mad they couldn't finish their exercises lmao

>> No.4493680

everyone should be able to do that. you're taking pride in doing something even a 12 yo kid can do
The point is, robertson is a boomer that never made the effort to change his workflow to 3d software tools, and now is selling his outdated, useless, deprecated, archaic, nonsensical relic rules of thumb to the easily impressionable zoomer audience that don't know better

>> No.4493691

Dude he's just trying to teach you perspective. chill

>> No.4493719

Have fun 3d modeling and not knowing how to draw in perspective when you want to do literally anything interesting. :)

>> No.4493722

have you even checked the books?
everybody understands intuitively perspective just fine, but the books are full of rules to manually kinda aproximate stuff that any 3d modelling program can do faster-better-stronger giving you freedom to focus on the ART instead of the mechanical bullshit

>> No.4493742

I have the book on my shelf my dude. I went through the whole thing. It was my perspective textbook for art school.

Are you even an artist? Cause you sound like a crabby-kun that doesn't actually know what he's talking about. Also if you like 3d that's fine but you should just go to /3/ and stop harassing people trying to learn their fundamentals here.

I feel like I've been very civil with you and you're just being a salty asshole for no reason. Sorry you have a hateboner for Scott and people learning to draw in perspective? If you want to keep using 3d as a crutch instead of learning to draw it yourself, again that's fine, but don't push it on everyone. I'm assuming you just can't draw in perspective yourself but you're welcome to pyw and prove me wrong

>> No.4493752

Scott Robertson is bad at communicating his ideas. This book is only popular because it works.

>> No.4493810

you literally don't know the first thing about making perfect cubes in any curvilinear perspective, let alone 3pt linear perspective (because robertson doesnt even teach it), please never post in a perspective thread again until you do

>> No.4493818

What if I don't want to read this book because it's not fun and drawing is my hobby?

>> No.4493877

I'm sure glad I didn't waste too much time with that book. After five years of studying under my belt, I'm baffled that its been pushed so much on this board, even being memed as the standard book on perspective that EVERY artist must study. Unless you want to be an industrial draftsman, a product designer, or some kind of sci-fi concept art, there are more worthwhile sources on perspective out there

>> No.4493881
File: 257 KB, 248x405, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This book is only popular because it works.

>> No.4494193

Scott Robertson doesn’t have what it takes to be an engineer so he resorts to trying to make simple things like perspective sound more complicated than they are.

>> No.4494196

you'll be fine. those bullshit books are only useful if:

1. you're into drawing exclusively cars, and maybe planes
2. for some reason you insist in not using modern tools, but doing everything by hand like it was the 50s

>> No.4494217

You mean doing it yourself instead of having a computer do it for you?

>> No.4494241

i get 100% the same impression
he's a quack at heart

>> No.4494256

This may be an interesting thr---
>two idiots in a "my dad can beat your dad dispute" for most of the thread
Never change /ic/, never change

>> No.4494294

My IQ is 117.
My three stronger intelligences are intra personal, verbal and logical mathematical
My fourth highest is visual-spatial
My visual-spatial intelligence is slightly above the average.
My personality is INFP-T
58% emotional 42% logical.
Also got 90 out of 100 in a visual-spatial test

>> No.4494301

>never changes, x, never change
suspiciously reddit thing to say

>> No.4494306


>> No.4494619

I’m not gonna post my previous works so you can track me down and harass me asshole. Get real.

Alright, I was honestly expecting a figure since it’s mostly coomer artists that make the retarded argument that you don’t need to learn perspective.

I’m not gonna draw it in detail though, just the general construction.

>you don’t know thing because this book doesn’t address it and it’s impossible to learn something without being spoonfed by someone

Robertson doesn’t need to teach you meme perspective cause it’s building off 2pt and 3pt, once you understand how it works, it’s easy to use applying the basic foundational concepts you learned using Rob’s book.

>> No.4494649

What other books would you recommend then? Besides Perspective Made Easy.

>> No.4496954

not that anon, there are several books on perspective, some more technical than others so it truly depends on where you want to go. my suggestion would be Basic Perspective Drawing: A visual approach by John Montague because it's good for either case.

>> No.4497068

I fell for that meme "fastest way to improve" collage and actually bought this book. Gave up at mirroring rotated tilted planes because I couldn't comprehend it even with the video explanation and couldn't see how this shit even applicable to drawing anything besides boxes and mechs.

>> No.4497251

unironically, one of them loomis books explains in like 10 pages all the practical stuff you might need to use on a daily basis
now, maybe if you're into automotive design, robertson could be a fine introduction

>> No.4497257
File: 126 KB, 621x621, 1584713035456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's change this thread to something more useful.

How can we practice perspective to the point where we can use it like Kim Jung gi or krenz? I know that Kim used a simplified mannequin when he started learning and learned to use perspective by looking at the world around him, krenz realized that every object had an X/Y/Z axis and worked hard to be able to manipulate them. What do you guys think is the best way to practice those concepts? Any books you know that might help one learn all this?

>> No.4497263

That one.

>> No.4497270

Ok this is a start, how would you apply whats in HTD to figures for example?

>> No.4497282
File: 128 KB, 756x1024, DnOwDGvVAAIsVOX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this

>> No.4497327

why aren't you mirroring the curves? where the fuck are your top-left-front views?

>> No.4497346

are you seriously thinking that's his work?

>> No.4497749

unironically, just draw

>> No.4498177

I have this book and it's just mechanical drawing. Difficult for me to grasp and not fun to do. Nobody needs this book to draw god-tier art, but it is helpful for understanding perspective and geometric form.

>> No.4498327

You don’t understand do you? If you can draw a box in perspective, you can basically draw anything. Going through this book and practicing what it teaches you innately trains your brain to accurately see in 3D while drawing, giving you the ability to naturally draw anything in 3D space.

Posts like these are like the same kind of retards that would complain about Math classes in school being “stupid” or pointless. Because “when am I ever going to use the Quadratic Equation in real life, lmao. Calculators exist!” Not realizing that the whole POINT of Mathematics classes, be it Algebra, Trig, Calculus, or what have you, was to train your logic and problem solving skills, both of which are necessary life skills.

Doing stuff like this, the benefits of it might not be immediately obvious to you, especially if you’re a moron whose aspirations are to be nothing more than a lowlife coomer artist, but the fact is that drawing a car, and drawing a person, both require the exact same skills. Learning perspective is the most foundational of foundational art skills, it’s the very base of fucking EVERYTHING. Without it, you don’t know how to draw. Not MASTERING perspective means your brain still struggles to see in 3D, it means you can’t project images in your mind in 3D space without putting them on paper, it means you lack the ability to deconstruction complex forms into simple blocks in perspective. Skills that you need not only to draw, but ALSO to EASE your learning.

Stop skipping steps. If you don’t want to learn perspective, then give up. You’ll never be a competent artist without it.

>> No.4498368

Nice copypasta, not worthy of a (you), though.

>> No.4498377

>58% emotional 42% logical.

>> No.4498384

>everything I don’t like is copypasta
Right back at you Retard-kun.

>> No.4498501

Well fucking said. Everything, EVERYTHING can be reduced to a basic form or a combination of them. And being able to draw those forms in perspective is extremely, extremely useful.

But I do think that How to Draw isn't for COMPLETE beginners. I would suggest picking up Marshall's course or Perspective Made Easy if anyone is having a hard time with Scott Robertson's materials. Then go back to H2D because there are still a lot to learn from that book.

>> No.4498513

Best post.

>> No.4498542

That’s fine, just make sure you go back to Scott Rob once you feel the earlier books are easy, hell, jump ahead into Vilpuu and Hampton, and then come back to Scott Rob if you like, but doing all of Scott Rob’s book is almost like a necessary initiation. Hell, even advanced artists brush up on the basics from his book from time to time because perspective is THAT important.

>> No.4498607

perspective IS important
the overcomplicated, outdated, inexact methods teached by -but not used irl for- robertson are basically a waste of your limited time
and yes, i got the books, i'm a fucking engineer and the books are dumb and basic

>> No.4498636
File: 510 KB, 1200x675, newton-prism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, math haters are the plebbest

>> No.4498650

Oh please retard shut the fuck up, stop with the bitching and shit slinging for no reason.

>> No.4498663

the funny thing is how roberston stuggles to explain simple stuff and how hard tries to disguise his ignorance of academic stuff with and authoritative bullshit attitude
insecure beginners seem to fall for the bluff, tho, as this very thread shows

>> No.4498708
File: 2.26 MB, 3724x2096, AB405F37-4F9D-4E4E-856D-9337B4BF5F36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah son, it’s all explained perfectly well.

pyw, here’s mine

His book is in fact better than the beginner ones because he actually goes into full detail for how to do things. The “easier books” leave a lot of stuff out by oversimplification.

They’re not a waste of time, they’re “over-complicated” because he’s giving you detailed explanation of it all. The point is to do it “the long way” to gain a full comprehensive understanding of it, so you internalize it, and through practice it becomes second nature and you can do it freehand without any guidelines. When I was starting out I spent roughly 2 months with JUST his book, drawing cars and planes, until I could sketch them out freehand, purely from imagination, in any perspective. You then apply that to other stuff, bugs, interiors, exteriors, people, etc... etc...

He’s giving you the base foundation, it’s up to you to take that further.

>> No.4498752

he's trying to mock the actually useful stuff robertson teaches because they are not applied in every single drawing

>> No.4498759
File: 1.41 MB, 5050x3604, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

classic stockholm syndrome
you don't need to practice ridiculous methods (ala "put a protactor on the computer screen") until you learn to learn to eyeball, retard
robertson himself kinda admits at some point that you'd be better using a 3d app instead of following his book
and you're lying to yourself if you really believe you need any of his bullshit to do that basic 1vp buildings and landscapes
the "useful stuff" you can learn it in 10 pages on any other perspective manual without filler

>> No.4498776
File: 127 KB, 750x750, 253c28569157a30b8c93245c6c40b36e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perspective is fun! Why wouldn't you learn it? Sometimes I like to pretend I'm some kind of old engineer drafting up mariner boats or something when I'm doing this stuff.

>> No.4498783

>didn’t post his work
>calls others beginners
>moves goalposts when proven wrong
Every time... let’s see...
>you don't need to practice ridiculous methods (ala "put a protactor on the computer screen")
First off, your first mistake is not doing this on paper. What the fuck are you doing not starting this in traditional.
Second, it truly speaks to the level of absolute stupidity that when given such an instruction, your first instinct was to put a protractor to a computer screen, and not to do the whole thing on paper from the start.
Finally, answering your question “if you feel it’s necessary” learning to asses your own weaknesses and strengths, ie when you need to be more thorough and when to be less thorough is an important skill when self-teaching. I personally didn’t do the protractor shit cause I didn’t need to, some people might need to, that’s why it’s there. That said, cherry picking an example of advice that’s more situational and using it as a broad statement of the contents of the book is disingenuous and you know it. Robertson gives the most detailed explanations AND activities for learning perspective, and it’s presented in a more interesting way than “just draw boxes” as you’re actually drawing detailed things (vehicles) right from the start.

>and you're lying to yourself [...]
You really don’t understand the value of the book do you? Listen up crab-kun. Learning to draw cars teaches you how to draw people, and basically everything else, in any perspective, accurately. Why? Because in art everything is made of boxes, and “if you can draw a box in perspective you can draw anything at all,” this is what Loomis teaches you, and why you’re instructed to start with that first. Clearly you weren’t paying attention, I guess you must have been too eager to draw anime porn than you took the drawing guides as style guides, and didn’t realize that all art styles use the exact same fucking foundational blocks.

>> No.4498787

i AM an engineer. i enjoy making illustrations for the artistic aspect, if i'd need accuracy, i'd use a proper tool instead of doing it by hand

>> No.4498793

Post your work. Vehicle drawings are fine.

>> No.4498798

He won't. He's all talk.

>> No.4498833
File: 482 KB, 977x661, 89572340895720525`151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this yesterday. I couldnt even BEGIN to grasp this book without perspective made easy and david chelseas' perspective for comic book artists

The title of this book is the most misleading fucking thing in /ic/. The name "How to Draw" doesnt fit. It should be called "Advanced Perspective Techniques" I failed this book when i started on chapter fucking 1, yet here I am now.

>> No.4498838

Oh Damn, nice

>> No.4498845
File: 138 KB, 1283x1468, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck bro, ive always said that sharpening my math skills to such an absurd level is just retarded for someone who will literally never do math in the future, but you know what, you're fucking right. Atleast i dont feel that retarded because I agree with you 100% on the perspective aspect, those who ignore the technical sides of perspective and literally ngmi. Well fucking said.

>> No.4498852

*are literally ngmi*

>> No.4500172
File: 14 KB, 360x370, measure1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound like a retard
book should be called "how to draw basic car shapes without using any modern tools"
there's literally zero math content in those books, imbecile. if maths make you feel smart study some introduction to calculus or something
perspective is kind of a basic, long time solved problem using 3d tools, but if you wanna know the basics, this is an interesting reading:

>> No.4500597

Is this the “engineer” who won’t post his work?

>> No.4500617

God bless. If only more people like you were on this board.

>> No.4500660


>> No.4500677

>Thinking you are smart because you know perspective
Anyone can learn it. Don’t act like you’re above others

>> No.4500680

>anyone can learn it
so why hasnt a good chunk of /ic/ havent

>> No.4500688

Because it takes a lot of commitment and it’s more appealing to draw waifus

>> No.4500698

>If you can draw a box in perspective you can basically draw anything.

You need to add that you "can basically draw anything" after ALSO studying references, studying life, experimenting with colours, learning anatomy, studying backgrounds, learning harmony in composition, developing a style, getting to know your tools, and like 10 other things.

But yeah, perspective is a start I guess.

>> No.4500703
File: 405 KB, 359x371, 1578938674776.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this faggot

Imagine getting this upset over a couple of replies that ironically make sense.

post your work or gtfo you absolute waste of human resource

>> No.4500718

>You don’t understand do you? If you can draw a box in perspective, you can basically draw anything.
wow the same faggot who thinks that a box has the same level of a Body with curves shading proportions etc, that's why perspectivefags need to get nuked, fucking useless chimps who can't see the difference between a fucking box and a human body, that's why most of the Perspective books/tutos are snobs drawings a box and saying NOW DO IT WITH A HUMAN BODY IS EASY BYE fucking retarded monkey, kys faggot

>> No.4500724
File: 80 KB, 164x178, OYVEY!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man is the peak of human inteligence

>> No.4500735

You missed the point

>> No.4500736

ok retard

>> No.4500742

You need perspective in order to be able to do those things. Once you’re able to properly break down references into their construction forms, be it on paper or your mind, you’re much better able study what you’re looking at. Hell, TRACING only ever becomes a valuable learning tool if you know perspective (and gesture), without that, you’re just symbol drawing.

>> No.4500751
File: 31 KB, 445x690, 95D19188-121A-4B24-A26F-4D5F50EB02ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is. It’s significantly easier.

>> No.4500755
File: 183 KB, 1441x906, krenz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't let the copefags learn about krenz

>> No.4500762

>draw a human body
>now put boxes in the middle
peak autism

>> No.4500771

I can't believe artists never made it before this book existed.

>> No.4500773

I'm going to ask even though I know you won't do it. Pyw.

>> No.4500780

This guy is rolling on some good shit,


>> No.4500839

No. You are objectively wrong. You can learn by observation and experimentation without delving into box making and vanishing points.

>> No.4500850

This is basically what robertson's cock suckers wish his entry level book for retards was
If you get this stuff, i get some respect for you. No like it makes you a better artist, anyway

>> No.4500868

I genuinely believe you’re just a troll at this point. I refuse to believe someone on /ic/ would be THIS stupid.

>> No.4500875

Imagine being so frustrated you’re bad at art you start to shit on perspective. This dude is the biggest crab on /ic/.

>> No.4500880

and I believe you are the fucking chinkoid autist and you samefag your own posts.

>> No.4500881


>> No.4500884


You just can't resist yourself chinkoid?

>> No.4500890

Mad cuz bad.

>> No.4500894

Based as fuck

>> No.4500898

>The point is to do it “the long way” to gain a full comprehensive understanding of it, so you internalize it, and through practice it becomes second nature and you can do it freehand without any guidelines.
this is the part that you dont get, robertson's book is hilariously incomplete as a perspective book, it just teaches outdated industrial drawing techniques even though learning to 3d model would serve you better in that regard,

OR if you are interested in actually learning real perspective, read >>4500850 or Perspective Drawing Handbook because both blows robertson out the water as a perspective book.

I will never understand how "How to Draw" got memed into being a "perspective" book when it barely gives a serious explanation of how linear perspective works.

It doesn't even teach you how to draw perfect cubes in 3 point perspective!

>> No.4500900


>> No.4500901

See, it was not hard to smell you out. If your delirium based posts and constant samefagging calling your own posts "based" weren't enough, now you are fixated in this perspective shit. I hope the US will nuke Singapore our of existance.

>> No.4500902

Nobody's shitting on perspective
Of course perspective is basic for all illustration work, including nudes girls and even simple portraits
The thing is, perspective is very easy to get intuitively, the "how to draw book" is a just waste of the limited time and stamina most beginners have, and is ridiculous to recommend it as basic or even useful for artists

>> No.4500903

>OR if you are interested in actually learning real perspective, read >>4500850 or Perspective Drawing Handbook because both blows robertson out the water as a perspective book.

>> No.4500905

>Assuming everyone who disagrees with you is the same person
Lmao ok crabby-kun

>> No.4500909
File: 6 KB, 523x117, ok fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao you're fucking pathetic

>> No.4500914

I'm just helping you read

>> No.4500919



>> No.4500926

>The thing is, perspective is very easy to get intuitively,

Show us. Pyw.

>> No.4500941

Name one thing how to draw is missing.

It teaches the fucking entirety of drawing including the basics the technical and architectural drawing.

>> No.4500959

>It doesn't even teach you how to draw perfect cubes in 3 point perspective!

>> No.4501054

>Bruce MacEvoy
uh, hello based department?

>> No.4501055
File: 16 KB, 278x226, 2020-04-17-09:06:12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and for good measure, handprint, a freely accessible website, outlines a luxurious 2 (TWO) methods for getting perfect cubes in 3 point perspective. neither of which are that difficult.

>> No.4501058

Ok, so as far as i can tell, robertsons book teaches you ALOT about drawing without any vanishing books on the page, these techniques are actually really useful. However, i would not recommend it as a stand alone book. It really does have a misleading title.
On a side note
Some autistic anon in here mentioned that it doesn't even teach you how to draw a cube in 3 point. He is wrong. Robertson relies heavily on the construction of the ellipse. if you can draw the ellipses in 3 point(which is the same as 1 point and 2 point) you can draw perfect squares out of the perfect ellipse, therefore you have your perfect square.

>> No.4501094

>it just teaches outdated industrial drawing techniques even though learning to 3d model would serve you better in that regard
This x1000
Scott Robertson might be a terrible teacher, but you gotta admit he's a master con-artist

>> No.4501102

This is you on brain damage

>> No.4501114

not actually true, robertson's method is drawing a circle in perspective so you can inscribe it in a perfect square, for each side or your cube
the problem is, his rule of thumb only works in very center of view, and will give you more and more error the further it gets, at the point that you'll do much better by just eyeballing the whole thing, which is what robertson does irl when doesn't model the thing using MODO

>> No.4501116
File: 831 KB, 3219x3808, the actual minor axes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not going to get perfect squares with imperfect circles, his method is just a heuristic anon, an artifact of him insisting on working with outdated methods and with pencils and paper, it's not actually how perfect circles work in perspective. His method breaks down the closer your circle are to the periphery of vision.

robertson isn't a perspective guy and his book is a perspective book, he just draws vehicles really well and made a book about his techniques for it, which incidentally covers SOME linear perspective.

>> No.4501120

does this thread just prove it is isnt a good idea to listen to /ic/

>> No.4501135

>rule of thumb
>perfect anything

>> No.4501156

it works perfect in ONE particular point of the canvas, kinda like a broken clock

>> No.4501179

Crab to genuine advice ratio is too high.

>> No.4501183

>robertson isn't a perspective guy and his book is a perspective book, he just draws vehicles really well
Do you actually even draw? Like, holy fuck. The fact the you fail to see how illogical the statement you just made is proves that you know fuck all about art.

>> No.4501185

there's a whole world outside of the little bubble that is How to Draw that you're missing out on.

>> No.4501190
File: 82 KB, 645x729, 1508983875615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4501194

being proud of being ignorant shouldnt be considered cool anon, no one should be allowed to read How to Draw and declare they know all there is to know about linear perspective.

>> No.4501217

it's the same naive attitude /ic/ begginers have towards everything: they expect that some basic hacks will give them all they'll ever need
as the saying goes: a little knowledge is truly a dangerous thing

>> No.4501238

All this talk and still no work posted. Ofc you should seek out further counsel elsewhere if there’s some things you weren’t enough, but Rob’s book is still the defacto best on perspective, and a must read for anyone wanting to learn art. I already posted my work.

For all this bluster over what’s good and what isn’t, acting as if you were some sort of expert authority on the matter, you’d think you’d have backed up your words with some proof of where your studies got you.

>> No.4501244

>is the defacto on perspective
more like the defect-o lmao

>> No.4501267


>> No.4501318
File: 510 KB, 680x446, 1586991023621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just need you to do one favor before anything else op: pyw

>> No.4501332
File: 135 KB, 235x252, 1586835933888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine dickheads I'll fucking learn perspective.
Calculus can still suck my dick though.

>> No.4501433

First post best post, thread should have died here

>> No.4501434


>> No.4501450 [DELETED] 

First post best post, thread should have died here

>> No.4501474

robertson doesn't do figures

>> No.4501599

Based a f

>> No.4501635

it's just fact, if you don't know even basic calculus you'll never be a good artist.

>> No.4501810

>See post with lots of agreement in the numerous replies
>Post edgy style contradicting opinion
>"Now the replies are MINE! :)"

Good job. What's step 2?

>> No.4502812

>post with lots of agreement in the numerous replies
it makes me sad thinking on someone so lonely and insecure that feels the need to samefag so hard. hope you'll get out of that dark place someday

>> No.4504708
File: 62 KB, 860x725, 1587086217669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone disagreeing with me is samefagging
Don't make me hit you anon

>> No.4505530

In this case is fucking obvious. Keep at it, if it makes you feel a little less miserable, but don't pretend you're fooling anyone
Just hope someday you'll be able to look back at this and laugh at the insecurity and naivety of your younger self

>> No.4505573

You know you can make any 3d form out of cubes, spheres and cones in perspective... right? ...anon? You ok bud?

>> No.4505576
File: 46 KB, 128x128, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you serious or are you really this retarded, nigger?

>> No.4505598

Okay, i'm sorry to rub salt in the wound with my posts (>>4502812 >>4505530). My bad, i'll just stop right now
Peace, and have a nice life

>> No.4505789
File: 619 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200418-212608_Mimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure are a piece of work anon

>> No.4505847
File: 20 KB, 480x451, 1586732110388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are phoneposter on my board
no wonder this place sucks

>> No.4506605

There are phone posters on every board and there has been for a very long time you dumb tourist.

2nd, I’m the guy >>4498327 here that you’re accusing of samefagging, and NOT the guy you’re arguing with right now. All of those people that replied, aren’t me. Stop being butthurt.

Finally, >>4498708 I’ve already posted my work to back up what I said, while all you’ve done is shitpost all thread and accuse people of samefagging cause you’re too inept to realize that none of what I said is some groundbreaking statement, but common fucking sense among anyone who’s picked up a pencil to draw. That’s why so many people are agreeing with me. Because it’s not a controversial statement. It’s like saying “Water is wet” and then you going out of your way to try to argue against that.

My advice to you is to drop the pretense and to stop acting like you’re an experienced oldfag, when you’ve demonstrated to all of us you don’t draw, and aren’t able to back up any of your statements by showing us where your art education has taken you. I hope you’ve enjoyed wasting your time these past week or so arguing with me, and with people you thought were me, because you assume everyone spends as much time as you in here, instead of drawing.

It should also be noted too, that the reason I went out of my way to shut you up, and post my work, which I normally wouldn’t do, is so newbies wouldn’t be led astray by bad advice from butthurt crabs like you. Nothing you say about what method is better or not holds any weight until you post results of your art education. Period and /thread. There’s nothing left to say on this matter.

>> No.4506737
File: 78 KB, 1080x646, 1570325230601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

completely different anon
But since i'm here
>writing long shit out of insecurity
>plebbit spacing
>hurrr look at me and how much i can suck dick durr
>stop disagreeing with me
>arguing about who sucked the most dicks
No wonder kids shoot up school with normies like you roaming the place
an hero, you retarded quadrupleMacNigger

>> No.4506749

I don't believe that's your work.

>> No.4506750


>> No.4506761
File: 160 KB, 1067x797, Screenshot (158)--anon is the biggest fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gtfo my board

>> No.4507344

Then don't? I'm concerned you even have to ask.

>> No.4507356


Use Scott Robertson or Feng Zhu :^)

I'm not kidding he draws his figures as if they're products or machines hence the strong perspective.

>> No.4508877

Skimming through this book it mostly looks like a mid-level text on mechanical perspective. It may contain a few good tips if you're sketchy on how to approach intricate rigid forms but I imagine most of the value you'd get out of it would be the practice incentive.

>> No.4512561

holy shit, you're a total retard, and also a complete nutcase