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4482433 No.4482433 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody else working hard? I know I am.

It's a tough slog but I'm improving everyday.

Post whatever you're working on here.

We have a discord for aspiring Mangaka if you want to join:


>> No.4482435
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https://www.manga-audition.com/ (has actual advice from real Mangaka specifically the author behind Fist of the North Star.


yoshikadu streams himself doing his Manga and publishes the videos on YT, it's interesting to see the process of an actual Mangaka (digital only)

There's more resources on the Discord and I have saved a bunch of inspirational videos related to Manga. For further inspiration, I'm sure reading your favourite Manga will suffice.

>> No.4482474

i'm not joining a gay discord, but here's the vids of mangakas working i've seen seen on youtube so far.

https://www.youtube.com/user/minorukara/videos akihito tsukushi
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeySBnV71dyC-gwqapq9NwQ/videos akihito yoshitomi
https://www.youtube.com/user/yoshikadu2011/videos yoshikazu hamada
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXg1pcBb1Ldkb5qEbqIzEzw/videos yusuke murata
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeOwge9dpSo1yter3SRfejI2rXchTL5_d more yusuke murata

>> No.4482476
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Im drinking hard. Fuck this life.

>> No.4482480

That's fair, I made it because I wanted to just be around like minded people. If you have any other social media feel free to share it and maybe we can talk sometime. Thanks for the links by the way.

I know how you feel...

>> No.4482482

Huh i'm not practicing to become a mangaka but a comic book artist. This looks inspiring however.

>> No.4482483

Good luck with it, it's hard work...

There's a lot of communities out there for comics though if you wanted to be around other comic creators thankfully. Good chance to network with other creators and get useful critique.

>> No.4482488

Can't be a mangaka if you're not Japanese.

>> No.4482490

>you can't be x if you are not y
Y u gotta kill the vibe man?

>> No.4482495
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*blocks your path*

>> No.4482499

You can't be Japanese if you're not Japanese.

>> No.4482527

Literal who

>> No.4482529

I wish you bottomless energy and big success!
I'm hoping to submit something to Silent Manga by the end of the year.

>> No.4482537

Good luck anon!

>> No.4482550

>Silent Manga
Do they allow hentai there?

>> No.4482554

No, it's a competition that focuses on making manga with no text and letting the pictures tell the story.

>> No.4482555

You don’t have to practice much to be a comic book artist, kek.

>> No.4482558

But why no hentai? Are they gay?

>> No.4482561

as if it wouldn't just be gay hentai being submitted.

>> No.4482620

i saw your bedroom a day or two ago, hyvvee päivee frenti

>> No.4482625
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I’m submitting an entry into one of Jump’s montly contests once this one is finished. It’ll be translated, don’t worry.

The idea is basically submit two different one shorts to two different Jump contests this year, see how we fare in those, win or lose it’s no biggie (though the money is never bad), it’s mostly practice. Then prepare a 1st chapter for an original concept, and show up at Shueisha’s offices in like late Jan 2021, to present that chapter, as well as a bunch of art and previous work. The goal is to at the very least get hired for assistant work, and have my visa sponsored by them so I can now work doing that, apprentice under someone, while over the course of a year, we continue to show names to an editor until we get Rensai.

I know art-wise, I have the skill to at least get hired for assistant work, what’s lacking is my Japanese, that’s why I’m sinking 3 hours daily into Netflix and Anki mining, as well as an additional 8 hours of book study at work (currently thanks to corona), I’m currently at N3, I just need enough to pass the N2, and I’ll be one step closer to my goal. In the meantime, my writer-buddy is also crunching away at the Japanese while hiding out in Serbia, and working on improving his manga drafting skills. His goal to to make two names a month, so that’s that. That’s where things are at.

Oh, as for people who might have heard of me before and are wondering what we did to the eSports manga, we scrapped it and moved on. Didn’t like how it was coming out (too Seinen, too melodramatic, and it was holding us back creatively trying too hard to perfect the ONE idea), so we scrapped it and focused instead on writing good stories in general, and just getting stuff FINISHED rather than perfect. Whatever our flaws our work had, we use that as a learning exp for the next one. That’s also why we’re doing the contests as well. It’s an opportunity for professional feedback.

>> No.4482643

Wow, that's impressive. Good luck with the plan!

>> No.4482676

You can do it anon

>> No.4482791

rooting for you anon

>> No.4482822
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>Literal who

he was popular enough to get his own anime.

>> No.4482836

You ever notice how similar his art style and even some character designs are to MHA? Not saying he copied MHA, I’m actually saying the opposite, as Radiant came first.

>> No.4482838

seeing yoshikadu's use of anatomy and perspective is always great

>> No.4482842

I better see ur ass on jump and kill hxh anon you better do it or im coming over to kick your ass

>> No.4482845

Since Radiant is a western manga and BNHA author is a westaboo it may just be because of western influence maybe?

>> No.4482848
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A lot of anime designs look the same, if anything Tony's style looks more like toriyama/ dragon ball

>> No.4482872

No, I mean the way some of the faces are drawn. There’s two characters especially that look exactly like characters in MHA. I haven’t read more than the 1st chapter of Radiant, but some look awfully familiar to MHA. And again, what I’m suggesting is that the MHA dude copied Tony, not the other way around.

That’s my suspicion too.

>> No.4482942

Im reading Homunculus. Its pretty interesting.

>> No.4482982

Yeah it's certainly memorable

>> No.4483160
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Also "humanmgn" from Chile has been pumping out some pretty good art.

>> No.4484608

Päiwwee vaa teillekki

>> No.4484610

If I join will I make it?

>> No.4484612

do you have a minimum art level to join? I'm just a perma beg shitter. But I have dreams of starting my manga someday...

>> No.4484670
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Doing my best

You can read my main comic stuff here:

I'm archiving it on mangadex too

I wish I could work faster on comics in general--like, making 10 pages a day. I feel like I'm going to die soon, so I want to make as much as possible. Though, I at least got a runner's up award for the Silent Manga Audition, so that's thankfully staved off some of those feelings--though I can feel it crawling back day by day.

Been approaching comic making like this--working on my main comic (it's called Project SHaDe), while making oneshots alongside it that can be read stand-alone. That way, even if I die before finishing Project SHaDe (which I probably will), I can at least leave behind a few things that are worthy of someone's time.

It's so hard though, ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )

Yoo, I remember seeing you around. Glad you're still around, and I'm happy your ambitions are so high. あなたとあなたの友達とがんばってよ~

>> No.4484700

Hey your comic work has been pretty inspirational to me, and I read your silent manga and saw a huge improvement in your storytelling skills.

Why do you feel like you're going to die soon? Does it have to do with the coronavirus pandemic or is it that 20 something feeling when you're close to approaching your 30s?

>> No.4484739

I feel like I'll never be good enough to make my own manga.

Hirohiko Araki is my biggest inspiration but I look at his art and I feel like it's a mountain I'll never be able to climb.

>> No.4484763

I have the same feeling I'm dying soon, at least you got your passion project out, I don't have time to do mine, good to know another person with a premonition of dying soon at least got his stuff out.

Going to read your stuff while I try to sleep.

>> No.4484764
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Can I ask if the white space on the silhouette of the characters are a stylist choice or they are just add later on?

>> No.4484785

You mean the halo of white around them?

Could've been an assistant drew the background while the character was only penciled so they didn't draw all the way to it. It does also generally help a character stand apart from the background and improve clarity.

>> No.4484811
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Usually I don't pay attention on these details, but lately I'm asking myself where are the digital edits and what is real paper

>> No.4484835


Any skill level is welcome.

This looks awesome, I'll be rooting for you anon

It's to separate the character from the background, it's a pretty common technique you'll find in a bunch of other series as well. Some Mangaka don't bother whereas some see it as a good way to visually break up thnigs in the foreground or the focal point from the background

>> No.4485008

I'm actually not even approaching 30--I'm turning 20 this year. It's not just the corona virus that's making me feel like that, but it's definitely a factor--it's more so that I fear the scope of my main project is bigger than I can chew, and I'm conflicted between stopping and rendering my 4 years' work as null, or to keep going even if the whole venture is futile. Also, the fact that death is so sudden and unpredictable in nature--that shit's got me on my toes.

That's what the occasional oneshots are for really, but I really don't know if what I'm doing is right. I still want to tell this story--just don't know if it's possible to do so in its entirety.

If things get bad, I'll just write a novel or something. Doubt it would ever get read if I did so, but it's all I can think of right now.

>> No.4485038

you'll be fine. unexplainable dread is our punishment for living such comfortable lives. keep up the good work, anon.

>> No.4485269

Ever since I started lifting and introducing some form of struggle every single day the exestential dread hasn't appeared whatsoever. I think of combination of intellectual pursuit, working on your passion and doing something physical is the trifecta for keeping dread at bay.

>> No.4485277

Text, logo, and volume advertisement are all digital, everything else is paper

>> No.4485286

>-it's more so that I fear the scope of my main project is bigger than I can chew
So in other words you just said that you`ll die because you are an attention whore? Got it

>> No.4485292

I mean it's because it might run longer than I thought it would--the fear is that I'll be an old man by the time I finish it. Don't presume shit man.

>> No.4485296

That's not how it sounded though. It sounded as if you had a terminal illness or something

>> No.4485371

I guess you're right about that--that's a mistake on my part.
It's just that in the past few years, a shit ton of my family members have been dying, so the topic's been on my mind--especially with the corona virus going on. So the dread's just there.

>> No.4485442
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Was waiting for a thread like this. I'm about to jump into drawing mine, I finished the scenario but still need some practice with faces before I can do the real thing, though won't take long. I'm pretty sure it's the kind of thing one does never feel completely ready for so might as well go in as soon as you can!
The only issue I've been thinking real hard about these past few weeks is whether I should make it read left to right or right to left.
Most of the shit I read goes right to left but my gaijin writing system obviously goes left to right. It has no bearing on the story, and I have no apparent trouble storyboarding in either direction, so the choice lies in what I believe the audience would prefer.
What do you anons think? Would that have an impact on a supposedly manga-reading target audience? What would (you) personally rather read?

>> No.4485475

Make this a gen please I'll bump it alone.

>> No.4485485

How ahead mangaka are with chapters? Hard to believe they pump out chapters monthly

>> No.4485491

naruto was pumped out weekly.

>> No.4485511

theres this japanese mangaka on youtube that shows his progress for making a chapter of 30 pages in 18 days


there are other mangaka that can do it faster like the naruto creator but id say this is kinda standard to do a chapter within a month usually

>> No.4485546
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he start with already the whole draft?

>> No.4485549

some mangaka have their names worked up well in advance.

>> No.4485552
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Looks like his storyboard to me.

Been working on my web comic, but its in fits and starts. I actually went back to finish coloring a chapter, but I wasn't able to work on it everyday on a consistent basis. The progress is slow, but I hope one day I can get all the story out.

>> No.4485570

>Hard to believe they pump out chapters monthly
It just requires to draw 8 hours a day. If you are able to draw as if you'd do a normal day job, it's not that hard if you know what you are doing.

>> No.4485573

i was talking more on storybord rater than the draw itself

>> No.4485577

It's the same. After a while you get used to this and develope your own style. Then you just draw whatever comes to your mind and it will fit.

>> No.4485578

Don't forget to turn on subtitles, BTW. In some of those videos he describes not only what he is doing now, but also his approach in general.

>> No.4485580

Personally, I don't think it matters but I read Manga right to left so if I had to suddenly read left to right for a Manga it would throw me off a bit. I didn't have trouble reading Veritas which is a left to right Manga but imo I wouldn't want to out up an additional barrier for people who are probably already going out of their way to view original english Manga.

But then again who knows, it might depend on where you upload. I prefer right to left reading order but others may not care. I know when it comes to doing your Manga I found it weird planning it left to right so just stuck with right to left.

>> No.4485584

Looks very nice Anon, I like your work

>> No.4485590
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oda is years ahead, though might just be scripts

>> No.4485601

I read right-to-left, but if you put a note at the beginning "read left-to-right" it is not an issue whatsoever. Make sure though that you rearrange your content accordingly though: https://youtu.be/jJK7oysHoMw?t=599

>> No.4485930
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Wish the art store wasn't closed, stuck home with only fineline pen 0.4 mm

>> No.4485952

interesting concept you have there anon

>> No.4486217

Any mangaka draws in an ipad? I want to feel that my purchase was justified...

>> No.4486221

non that I know of

>> No.4486317

Asano Inio used a mac a lot when he was on Manben a few years ago, closest I know of.

>> No.4486507

holy shit, fuck off coomer.

>> No.4486595

Sumito Ōwara drawing Eizouken sometimes, but he also streams playing minecraft sometimes.

>> No.4486693

Based Tsukushi

>> No.4486887

Where can I learn about script writing in manga? Preferably by someone who draws manga/comics themselves. Spoonfeed me please.

>> No.4487066
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>but I look at his art and I feel like it's a mountain I'll never be able to climb.
Just remember that most incredibly high detail manga like that is generally only like that because the authors hire 4-5 assistants to apply screentones and do gruntwork in the drawing. Only example I can think of with high detail and lots of ink is Dorohedoro, which was drawn solo, and really really shows because it's extremely sketchy/slapdash looking (which IMO works in its favor).
But anyway my point is just remember that most mangaka are not drawing 100% of their comic, they have help.

>> No.4487225

many indie mangakas i follow do it

>> No.4487243


>> No.4487252

Who are you people and how did you get so good?

>> No.4487278

Eventually I want to draw a manga. But I am an absolute beginner. What software should I use to draw in? (I have a Surface Pro 4)

>> No.4487306

I'll take a look on what the whole workflow looks like on an ipad.

>> No.4487318
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the main protatonist of this new gen, Im the background beg character that is so bad he is the comic relief of the whole show.

>> No.4487421

Pros use either CSP or PS for linework.
CSP has tools that can serve as very useful shortcuts, which is incredibly important for pumping out pages as fast as possible.

>> No.4487423

Why do you fucks always post manga "art" when its literally clip paint studio assets or convert to lineart or random mannequins posed and traced over? Youll post entire spreads where like 2 googly eyed weeb shit eyes are the only thing drawn by a human being. Rest is just clip assets. Even most of muratas stuff is traced poses with anime faces and backgrounds from clip paint.

>> No.4487433
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Homunculus was drawn trad, though I believe there are some digital effects thrown in.
Kokou no Hito >>4482435 is definitely heavily digitized photos/effects, though the artist is still very very good, which is evident if you read it.

Apart from those I'm not seeing anything like that in this thread.

>> No.4487489

finnish is such a funny looking language lol

>> No.4487550

Link expired, anon, may I request a new one?

>> No.4487572

Thank you anons, I value your opinions. Your words nudged me in the right-to-left direction, so I'll start working on the drafts and see where that takes me.
You too keep working on whatever you're working!

>> No.4487743

that's not actual manga though

>> No.4487744

Does your server have discord trannies secretly giving people HRT and join their tranny suicide cult?

>> No.4487745

ok where can we actually read some of your pages to get an idea

>> No.4487793

Still works fine I think

>> No.4487797

Surprisingly, no trannies so far as I can tell.

>> No.4487817
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In the real world however, whilst it's of course rare and harder for a non-Japanese, there are multiple non-Japanese professional mangakas in Japan who have still managed to make it.

If you're good enough and can write in Japanese, then there are multiple manga publishers in Japan willing to publish you, including among others Weekly Shounen Jump.

>> No.4487833

No westerner has been in WSJ so far because hurdle toward getting in there is astronomical, but not impossible. You need:
>To be a good artist.
>To live in Japan.
>To know Japanese fluently enough to write in it. As well as communicate with editors and assistants.
>To have the work ethic necessary for weekly publication.
>To have a great manga, that catches on with the Japanese public.

Shounen Jump is basically the top of the top. Bar none, the most competitive place to be in the industry, and westerners are at an inherent disadvantage due to the language barrier. But it’s certainly not impossible for anyone with the drive to go that far.

>> No.4487898

> not impossible
> makes it sound impossible

>> No.4487901

None of those are impossible tasks. Plenty of westerners live in Japan and are fluent in Japanese.
Plenty of people are fantastic artists.
And the other two requirements apply to Japs as well.

>> No.4487908

Not to misrepresent things but incase people are confused, by Mangaka I more mean in the general sense of "someone who makes Manga" not somebody who works professionally as one and submits to a magazine, not that I would reject anybody like that and I think it's a great ambition.

For instance, I simply want to improve my manga skills and post it online for others to read. I wanted the discord to be a place we could all come together for advice, encouragement, to be among people with a similar goal to yourself.

Any skill level is welcome and basically, if you have a passion for making Manga, I think it's the place to be.

>> No.4487966
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Well, Araki was himself once there too, kept being rejected by the publishers and he was doubting if his art and story-writing skills would ever get good enough, but he didn't give up, and eventually he made it. You can really see how his art and writing has dramatically improved from his early one-shots, to his first serialization, and onward.

TL;DR: remember that Araki was once a beginner doubting if he would ever reach the level of the pros and get serialized.
Just don't give up!
Perseverance is key.

>> No.4488024
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>but I look at his art and I feel like it's a mountain I'll never be able to climb.
Huuh anon? He had to start somewhere too.

>> No.4488025

How much ahead do I have to write? and in how much detail?

>> No.4488028
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but dorohedoro is my goal...

>> No.4488036

Aspiring hentai artist. I want to do proper hentai like high quality doujinshi. I will probably pay to have them translated to Japanese for the hell of it.
becoming an actual mangaka seems nigh impossible.

>> No.4488037

One chapter.

>> No.4488047

Why not just learn Japanese, it’s literally not that hard.

>> No.4488079

same anon

>> No.4488081

Hentai doujinshi creators are welcome to the discord as well, we have a pretty good hentai artist there already. They're good imo anyway.

>> No.4488195

Idk lol, I’ll be posting random pages ITTs from time to time if they’re around for the next 3 or so months. Unless you want me to drop some random pages from the scrapped eSports manga. Unfortunately some of the best ones are in my old Cintuq’s HD from over Xmas break, and the screen is busted on it, so I can’t access them. But I think I have some decent ones lying around.

I also got the two one shots on Medibang from like 3 years ago, but... that was 3 years ago.

What so you want to get an idea of btw? Story is more important than art for a gig like this, and as I posted here >>4487833
Japanese is a necessity. It becomes clear if you watch this:


You HAVE to manage a team of assistants. Who will NOT speak English, and won’t be used to working with foreigners.

All that aside, Good art + Japanese will land you an assistant gig. I’ve heard of a couple Gaijin who work for Shueisha as assistants, so it’s not unheard of. The key is getting a story good enough to be given a chance in Jump, and then seeing where that goes. If the public likes it, you get Rensai, if not. Try again.

>> No.4488232

Watch the link in

He uses an iPad for meetings with editors.

If your target audience, be it through art style or otherwise is people who read manga, then go R-L, people get tripped up otherwise. Do be mindful of the differences in flow and page construction if you go the Japanese way, particularly with bubble placement. In Japanese, panels are read R-L Top-Bottom, in that order, unless you specifically organize them to be T-B first. Additionally, most dialogue in bubbles is written vertically. This affects the reading order and thus placement of bubbles in a page. To get full appreciation for what I mean, I’d suggest trying to read manga in Japanese, but ofc, that’s a bit of a stretch for most people. Translated manga tends to feel janky because of L-R writing, but it flows really well in Japanese. I’d still suggest making your bubbles more vertical if you can for BBC aesthetic purposes.

Hard question to answer. You want to look at writing for TV and Film (screenplays) and read books based on that. Also check out Araki’s book if you haven’t. For manga, you also want to employ the KiShoTenKetsu structure both at a macro level, and a micro one. I could go more detail into this if you’d like. As for the process itself. Think of an outline, the main beats, write them out. Break those beats into scenes. And then go into “writing” visually in the form of a storyboard, carefully thinking of all the camera shots, and panel placement. Add placeholder dialogue and prose, as it’s most important the story reads well WITHOUT any dialogue.

To further understand what I mean by that, watch this video on how George Lucas filmed the SW movies.


But yeah, the idea is “learn from Cinema, snd apply it to the language of manga. Understanding/Making Comics help woth that.

>> No.4488322

>If your target audience, be it through art style or otherwise is people who read manga, then go R-L, people get tripped up otherwise. Do be mindful of the differences in flow and page construction if you go the Japanese way, particularly with bubble placement. In Japanese, panels are read R-L Top-Bottom, in that order, unless you specifically organize them to be T-B first. Additionally, most dialogue in bubbles is written vertically. This affects the reading order and thus placement of bubbles in a page. To get full appreciation for what I mean, I’d suggest trying to read manga in Japanese, but ofc, that’s a bit of a stretch for most people. Translated manga tends to feel janky because of L-R writing, but it flows really well in Japanese. I’d still suggest making your bubbles more vertical if you can for BBC aesthetic purposes.
I actually am slowly going through Yotsubato! in nip, my level doesn't let me try anything more complicated, but I get it.
What you mentionned about the order of bubbles is an important reminder. Thank you.

>> No.4488346 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 1536x1918, EA886468-65DD-4C70-B771-5F8FCA0285D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the NMA equivalent for managa?
Certainly a solid online school has emerged that teaches it all.

>> No.4488367
File: 178 KB, 1536x1918, BDD7D385-4FA7-4C36-9B6D-AFADEF138569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the NMA equivalent for manga?
Certainly a solid online school has emerged that teaches it all.

>> No.4488370

There isn't one really, there's resources spread everywhere. Silent manga audition is pretty good imo for basic manga advice

>> No.4488388
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Thanks, anon. I am glad you enjoy it.

>> No.4488398

It's an admirable goal, but do keep in mind Q Hayashida is an anomaly. All we really know about her is that she's been drawing since she was very young and that she works without assistants. So, she probably draws very very quickly given the detail of her work. To draw so quickly and maintain such high quality art for decades like that is deceptively difficult. That is definitely not a level you should be comparing yourself to as a (relative) beginner. Good to admire but just keep in mind there's so many years of experience difference even back when she first started Dorohedoro in the 90s.
Also remember that Dorohedoro was monthly, not weekly, so the time scale for each page is a little different.

>> No.4488408

>You HAVE to manage a team of assistants. Who will NOT speak English, and won’t be used to working with foreigners.
Keep in mind you don't actually NEED assistants, as in they're not a requirement for the job, they just make it astronomically easier and it will absolutely show if you do not have any or only have one or two. If you don't have an assistant and you work on physical you can pretty much forget about spending more than a couple of hours on each page, which means cutting unnecessary steps like screentones or detailed backgrounds, and probably keeping pagecounts fairly low. You'll also be lonely and over years of doing nothing but drawing you'll really want someone to talk to (and I say this as the roneriest NEET).
So if you're hard as fuck this step isn't really required, but it'll be significantly harder if you don't so you should. Would you rather spend a couple years learning a language to a conversational level (if you're slow) or try to break into an industry dominated by small teams solo?

>> No.4488677

If I'm using the hero's journey as the base structure of the story, is it ok if I spend a good amount of chapters setting up the "normal world" before doing the call to adventure if I feel that nailing down the setting is important for future reference? Or will it make the start of my manga feel sluggish and badly paced?

My big fear about building the "normal world" setting too much is that I will attract readers that want more of the normal world and those that would otherwise love 90% of the rest of the story will drop the series even before it "gets to the good point" which is a thing I see a lot of times.

I'm thinking of completely overhauling the structure I have been planning for the intro just because of this. And just skip everything and begin right at the call to adventure by making my protagonist have no other choice to accept said adventure.

>> No.4488733

>is it ok if I spend a good amount of chapters setting up the "normal world" before doing the call to adventure if I feel that nailing down the setting is important for future reference? Or will it make the start of my manga feel sluggish and badly paced?
Like anything, it's all in the execution. If you must spend chapters setting up the world, try to provide conflict to keep it interesting.
That said if the world after is significantly different for the rest of the series then there's no real reason to bait-and-switch people by building a world for a handful of chapters then immediately throwing it all out, unless you're specifically trying to surprise/shock the readers. If you don't care about it being a surprise and you're worried you can't make it interesting then there's no reason you can't show how the world was before as a dripfeed through flashbacks/dialogue or even starting in medias res.
But really, regardless of what you do, execution will determine if it's good or not, moreso than concept.

>> No.4488794

Thank you for the input a lot anon. I think I already got the solution on how to introduce everything important before the call to adventure in a fast manner while retaining the small shock factor I want to retain. Really don't think a bait-and-switch for more than a single chapter is fair to the reader.

>> No.4488805

Indeed. I think if that's a bomb you're going to drop on the reader, it's better to build it up over more than a handful of chapters. It's either chapter one or chapter 10+, y'know?
I always think of VNs when it comes to this. They tend to have a large stretch of SOL/comedy before tone shifting when shit goes down. The SoL/comedy is there specifically to give the tone shift weight, though often fail to make the SoL/comedy parts actually compelling.

>> No.4488825

yuyu hakushi spent some time getting the audience to care about the characters before yusuke started fighting demons, bleach goes right into fighting demons in like the first episode. Guess which one has the better story.

>> No.4488841

Yeah I understand what you are saying just started (and almost finished; waiting on ch.8) higurashi.

Hmm I really liked how Yu Yu Hakusho introduced the ordinary world and made me care about the characters.

Shit I can't decide what I want, I'm going to take a nap and think later.

>> No.4488906
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If I were to make a manga I would want to take the Death Note approach where I would write the story and do thumbnails/roughs of the drawings but hire someone else to do the inking.

>> No.4489011
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Tradfag who finally bought a tablet and just started trying to learn to use it. I want to start a manga but where do I upload it?
Where do you upload your manga and why?
Doing English R>L if that detail matters

>> No.4489062

yu yu hakusho also introduced the spirit world in the first episode, they just didn't have him fighting demons until like the 5th. So spend some time in the normal world and build up your characters but you can have elements of the fantasy world in it and build up.

>> No.4489278

>it's a mountain I'll never be able to climb
You shouldn't compare yourself too much with others. Just do your own thing and have fun with it. The most important thing is just to draw a lot.

>> No.4489775

I would say Webtoons or Tapas but some of those websites tend to push their more popular titles and I think webtoons is more biased towards vertical, mobile friendly titles.

>> No.4489817

What vid is this from?

>> No.4489989

Anyone know how strictly you're expected to adhere to Silent Manga's theme?
I saw the theme was fantastical creatures and monsters n shit, decided on an idea that I like, but I only just noticed that they want you to include a human character interacting with the beasties. Sadly my concept atm wouldn't work as well with humans involved (I wanted it to be a beast vs beast thing). Will they care at all if I disregard the whole human thing or will they disqualify it for deviating from the theme?

Thinking about it I could actually fairly easily add humans instead of something else I was going to do, so I might just do that, but I'm still curious as to how strict they are on theme.

>> No.4490297

Strict in the sense that you get scored based on how you stick to the theme, it's one of the criteria I think?

>> No.4490327

Make it about a human passerby witnessing the battle of these creatures.

>> No.4490862

I thought Bleach was fine...

>> No.4491415

Alright, that answers the question well enough. Thanks.

I think I'll just change the idea a bit. It'll be somewhat more cliche but also much less complicated, as it was I think what I had was going to feel kind of tightly squeezed into the 31 page limit.

>> No.4491538


Mangadex is a nice option.

>> No.4491707

Just a bunch of dumb zoomers. Naw thanks

>> No.4491743

>Drink 2 full mugs of dark coffee because that's what artist do amairight guys
>After finishing second mug start feeling weird
>Feel like shit is going slow and fast at the same time
>start vomiting
>feel numb
>Lay down for 3-4 hours looking at the roof
>feel so high and numb that my mind starts reading me a cool manga story
>start feeling better
>got high on coffee and made a good manga story.

bros I got it.

>> No.4491748

>got high off coffee
That’s not how caffeine works my dude.

>> No.4491751

then why the fuck did I feel numb as fuck

>> No.4491864
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>I brought it in Japan lol

>> No.4491906

Yeah it does. Normally people get it in small doses, but if you take in enough of it, you can get high or even die. Russians in jail will brew stupidly strong tea to get high off the caffeine.

Now, if anon brewed it too fucking strong and almost died because he's stupid, hell, I don't know.

>> No.4492044

Thanks! There are no issues uploading to several sites right? Mangadex looks good but webtoons seems to have a large platform for new stuff. Can I still have two page spreads work in webtoons?

>> No.4492227
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Now here is a random attempt( not serious)

>> No.4492233
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>> No.4492236
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Page-3 slightly shaded for some reason

>> No.4492241

Then they hugged...the end :)

>> No.4493313

a nigguh never lies, only hugs.

>> No.4493637

I see that you are a man of wisdome..

>> No.4496151

prepare to sell your soul faggot

>> No.4496197

Is this still /ic/? Why is everyone here so...supportive?

>> No.4496202

give it a week until crabs come here and try to bring us down.

>> No.4496227

I get to be the first westerner to get into Jump, and become rich and famous.... yeah, gladly.

>> No.4496444

me too

>> No.4496485

no wonder why it went to shit

>> No.4496500

why does it feel like mangaka sell their souls

>> No.4496518

dont do it you'll burn out and end up like bleach

>> No.4496523

Because you’re allergic to hard work and thus feel the need to criticize those who do and tear down their efforts with pointless labels in order to validate your own laziness and general apathy toward life.

>> No.4496527

No I won’t, because I’m not in this alone. I’ve got a writer buddy to collab with.

>> No.4496869

dunno, just saw some anon post it here a few weeks back.

>> No.4498854

Manga is ultimately a product and it's hard to keep writing quality good whilst also having such tight deadlines.

>> No.4498855

Youre more likely to break into whatever independent comics scene there is at home so who not do that?

Going straight to japan and starting there as a first step is silly and more like the 100th step.

>> No.4498870

This is more for people who like drawing manga and want to improve/submit online not for people who want to genuinely go and work for a magazine. Not that I'd discourage anybody from doing that if they genuinely wanted to.

>> No.4498871

There have been manga artists who have literally died from working, or have died earlier due to fucking with their health (Eiichi Fukui for example). The most popular mangakas who produce weekly series only have a few hours of sleep a day.

You'd be stupid to just call that "hard work". An artist who just does monthly serializations would be better fitted, not weekly

>> No.4498874

>Shounen Jump is basically the top of the top
lmao no

>> No.4498876

And other artists do just fine like Akira Toriyama who never missed a deadline and had time to jack off between drawing. Cherrypickable examples exist on both sides of the spectrum, clearly the truth lies more in the middle, and is depending on numerous factors.

>> No.4498883

>the overwhelming majority of best selling comics in the world are published by Jump
lmao yes

As OP said, this is a thread for people who wanna draw manga. I’m doing what I’m doing because I want to accomplish something big in my life. What I’m doing is something pretty much all westerners consider impossible. I’ve already come this far, why would I settle for less, when I know I have it in me to do it. And the reward for making it is far greater than anything else I could do with my life.

>> No.4498890

>do just fine
Toriyama literally pulled four all-nighters in a row back in the 80, and generally didn't sleep much.
Again, that's not "hard work". That's outright abuse to your health, mind you the Japanese literally have a term for death via overworking for a reason.

>> No.4498897

Learning Japanese is neither simple nor easy but comes easier if you have the drive and discipline. That's literally the greatest secret to everything. Discipline. Sacrifice now for success eventually.

>> No.4498898

there isn't a single comic magazine on the planet with a larger readership than WSJ.

>> No.4498906

Still gonna do it m8. No matter how much you try to convince me otherwise. Already have the art skill necessary, already live in Japan, my Japanese is currently intermediate level, roughly halfway to where I need to be to work in such an environment, and I’d much rather be working as an artist than as an English teacher.

You’ve only one life to live, what’s it worth if you’re not going to try and live up to your potential. Having come this far it’d be an utter waste to just give up. I’d much rather try and fail, than to just settle for less.

>> No.4498908

>No matter how much you try to convince me otherwise
I...wasn't convincing you of anything? I was just pointing out that anon's very retarded to call somebody lazy because they aren't working 22 hours a day for 6 days a week.

You got any examples of your work? I'm curious. Keep in mind with manga, the quality of writing is also important (which is why series like Beastars or AoT did well despite having shit art)

>> No.4498909

Based anon, gambatte

>> No.4498912

Holy fucking based

>> No.4498920
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> the quality of writing is also important
More important than art I’d say. Which why I’m collaborating with a friend who’s a talented writer (who is also learning Japanese), and why I don’t expect anything till after bout a year of working as an assistant and submitting one shots to an editor.

The next step is to get IN, after that I can focus on Rensai. There’s always the possibility they might like our work so much they push us into serialization right off the bat, but I’m not banking on that. I aim as high as I can, try my best, but keep my expectations low. A step forward is a step forward.

>> No.4498927

That looks pretty promising, I love all the fill-in blacks. Ganbatte to you too, anon

>> No.4498968

Pretty damn good. How's your speed? That's what I always struggle with in drawing, I could never help taking 4+ hours for every page and still looking unpolished.
Also why are you photographing your screen? Snipping too nigga.

>> No.4498972

>Snipping too nigga.
Snipping tool, rather. Remember to proof-read kids.

>> No.4499035
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im having trouble naming my manga

>> No.4499141

Go for something that's not generic, so it's easier to search. Unless it's really popular (eg. "Bleach" manga) it'll be difficult to search

>> No.4499235

Extremely based. Rooting for ya lad

>> No.4499243

any tips on onomatopoeia?

im trying stuff for fun but is harder than it looks

>> No.4499269

This. Something that's unique enough or specific enough so when you search it, it would be hard to miss in a search engine.

>> No.4499344
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i was thinking Coconut conquest
difficult decisions
indigo spades
man of paws

>> No.4499345

shit tier
>difficult decisions
>indigo spades
ok tier
>man of paws
sound good tier

>> No.4499377
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Depends on how focused I am. Currently I’m only drawing like 2 hours a day cause of work and Japanese study, so progress is slow, but I try to compensate by having reasonable daily goals to complete, snd making sure it’s 2 hours of nothing BUT drawing, no phone, no internet, etc...

Back when I used to NEET it up I managed to finish two one shots for a contest (55 and 37 pages respectively) in like 2 months give or take. It really depends on the art style though, but a comfortable pace is two pages (a spread basically) in a day, I could probably push harder with an easier art style and hit like 4 with a 10-12 hour day. But I think for Jump, assuming I get in and have assistants, 2-3 assistants should be plenty. If you distribute the work equally between 3-4 people, finishing in 3/4 days is easy to do. Each person does roughly a spread in an 8 hour day. That’s 6-8 pages done in a single day, ideally. Out of a necessary 16-20 pages weekly. Factor in an extra day for meeting with editors, and one for prepping the ネーム my buddy finishes, and living a reasonably normal life is very well doable weekly.

That’s why I’m not too worried about the burnout doomposting. Running monthly solo is much harder than running weekly split between two people and with assistants. The biggest bottlenecks are always the writing (and writers blocks), and the art style. That’s why having one person focus ONLY on writing, and going for an easier to draw simpler art style is the thing to do.

Once you get into the flow of “this is your job now” and you have the tools and financial means necessary to sustain this lifestyle it’s way easier.

>> No.4499409

more titles
what can go wrong
chains of backlash
Mind Mazes
endless possibilities
internal inferno
the scourge
by any means

>> No.4499412

>Mind Mazes
I like this. Aliteration is always good.

>> No.4499416

what can go wrong is a good under title

>> No.4499417

i wish my room was this comfy

>> No.4499428

it has more to do with your own desire to lose your soul and enslave yourself for all eternity more than actual skill

>> No.4499445

Do you even speak Japanese? Have you ever been there?

>> No.4499448

kek these sound like chapter names or episode titles

>> No.4499453

speaking of soul enslavement how long are shonnen jump contracts

>> No.4499466
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Your naming sense is just terrible I'm sorry.

>> No.4499533
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I’ve been living Japan for the last 13 months, lol, and I speak the language at a conversational level. Not deep conversation, but enough to get by. I can read manga in Japanese and understand like 95% of it without needing to look up anything. I watch the news daily, and like 2 hours of J-sub anime, lol.

Here’s a gnarly manga you for sure haven’t seen in the west, as it hasn’t even been scanlated.

>> No.4499567
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Current Japanese proficiency is smack dab in the middle of N3 I’d say. Not great, but not terrible either.

About 3500 vocab words acquired, just about ready to start transitioning to monolingual study, I have solid grip on all the grammar barring stuff for prose and official text, and other really advanced stuff. I speak every day with my co-workers... by around August I should have a vocab of around 6k words, and then I can dive into N2 study hardcore, reading Japanese books, using a Japanese dictionary, etc... N2 is where I want to be, but I’m gonna go beyond that, by around March of next year, at my current pace I should be at around a vocab of 10k, and closer to N1 stuff.

J-sub Netflix and reading are what work wonders. You learn crazy fast once you’re able to properly comprehend text.

>> No.4499568

Thats weird because it looks like every other edgy manga I’ve seen come out in the last ten years.

>> No.4499585
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I like it. It’s got a nice sense of humor, a badass Kamina-like protagonist, and a hot bitch who’s pretty much got her tits out ALL the time. At least in the first volume.

>> No.4499589
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>> No.4499591
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>> No.4499595

>a hot bitch who’s pretty much got her tits out ALL the time
Brb learning Japanese

>> No.4499608
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He’s basically saying “Ok, I’ve decided. It’ll take the Wind Demon’s neck for you if you become my wife.”

She’s not happy about it.

Manga is called Zingnize btw. You might be able to find raws for it. I think there’s only one volume out at the moment. Big fan of the art and the panelling. The mangaka, Warainaku, has had previous works prior to this though, I defo plan on checking them out.

>> No.4499623

hey bois, I'm new to drawing but I dream of being a mangaka, what do you guys think I should practice other then the fundamentals, I study them but I want to know if there is something else I should work on that is more specific to manga and the making there of

>> No.4499629
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>> No.4499761

i admit i'm not familiar with them, but most artists are kept as long as their series are profitable. shonen jump turns it into a very cutthroat type of deal. many mangaka, more famously takehiko inoue, have denounced this sort of shit and he even "retired" from drawing manga because of it

>> No.4499765

learn how to draw comics and then flip them around

>> No.4500591

Memorize katakana and hiragana. That's it.

>> No.4500726

>tfw want to name my manga Ookami++
>tfw there is a furry yaoi manga named Ookami plus.


>> No.4501453

Good fucking lord you are so full of yourself and delusional. I took one look and no wonder your shit only gets 120 views. You talk like you're writing the next Tower of God or something and the faces look autistic as fuck no wonder nobody wants to read these. What's even the point of pumping out 400 pages of scribbles? What a depressing read. Your ego is immense.

>> No.4501458
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>> No.4501869
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>separate channels for writing, drafting and manga submission

>> No.4501889

It's fixed now

>> No.4504680
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is there any sources on how to direct and write scrips stories for manga

>> No.4504688

If I just wanna make comics and I am loosely inspired by 70s-80s manga, am I still mangaka?

>> No.4504691

Are writing and drawing comics in japan, in japanese and for a japanese audience?
Then you're not a mangaka.

>> No.4504693

Uh notepad? comic scripts don't have to be so complicated

>> No.4504698

Doesn't look like anyone else is doing that

>> No.4504904

We're not, if you show your work and it looks manga-like that's good enough for us.

>> No.4504913


>> No.4506275
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hey guys, new here, what do you think of this?
I want to draw a longer story, and this style was a good blend for me in terms of speed/fun, but is it okay to read?

>> No.4506331
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Reads mostly fine. My only issue is this reaction shot is a little poorly placed. As it is it's a little bit confusing since panel 3 and panel 6 both have one character pointing to the other, so it's not clear when that reaction shot is supposed to be happening. My suggestion would be to move it somewhere else to avoid that confusion, like immediately after the third panel, or maybe even to the left of the panel behind the pointer, so you see the pointing first then it zooms out to show the pointing woman.

>> No.4506364

Also I just realized I defaulted to reading it left<-right, but I take it that's not how it's meant to be read. My bad, that reaction shot makes a lot more sense where it's currently placed with that in mind.
That said reaction shots leading into the action are still a trick that's good to remember, and wouldn't be out of place here. Keep up the good work anon.

>> No.4508256
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Serious question. why do you guys specifically want to move to japan to do cartoons? I don't want to discourage people if they have legitimate reasons. but it seems more like rose tinted goggles than clear legitimate business reasons.

to be honest I'm not even harping on anyone I can completely understand. I just wish more artists tried to create a more complex cartoonist culture here in the west instead of going through all these extra lengths to do it in another country that's already super competitive about it. western cartoon and comic media is actually on its last legs over here and once it hits rock bottom people might have a chance to introduce a new brand of entertainment to people and make the industry in the west less insufferable. maybe.

I go hard on manga too. completely inspired by it and still am. western shit is always a trash fire to me because it's nothing but convoluted story lines with inconsistent creative direction and art that wanted to be an over realistic cluttered mess with IPs completely owned by the business and not creators. "comics" are their own thing now. but actual cartoons still exist here. and they haven't changed almost at all though and still run on simple strip formats but they're definitely a thing.

I think people assume doing manga in the west sounds like weeb shit to most but your already going the extra mile to be a japanese citizen just to try at cartoons. the real benefit I would think to making manga in japan and knowing japanese is that you have easier access to japanese animation studios to do business with them. but there's a lot of barriers for that kind of thing being broken already. it's all just about business and making money nobody gives a fuck what ethnicity you are unless you were like some leper that people hated or something. because that would lose sales.

tl;dr: why not make manga-esque material in the west to develop a better cartoonist culture since west shit is at rock bottom?

>> No.4508389

I don't think anyone really wants to do that, I think it's just me. I mean, I know it's the dream of many weebs to someday work for Shounen Jump or whatever, or it's something I've heard a lot in certain circles. But I don't think most people are actually crazy enough to attempt to seek out that goal fully. Takes a lot of work and sacrifice.

My reasons are fairly simple, when I began I actually wanted to just make my own comic and sustain myself off of that, set up a Patreon, etc...

After some projects sorta kicked off, we began looking into finding publishers in Europe and in the US to print books, looking into the logistics of it, and seeing how much it pays out... and therein lies the problem, it's not much. There was a breakdown on a website that cites exactly how much indie comic artists make, you're barely scraping by, and you still gotta put out 30 pages a month. That's a lot more than it sounds, it's heavier too, since unlike Japan, you won't be able to hire assistants, and even if you could afford them, there's not much talent competent enough to choose from. Simply put, the western industry isn't exactly primed for that sort of thing, cause the demand isn't there, you'd have to invest into cultivating it, like Whyt Manga is, or get really lucky at drawning a native audience through the fairly good French publishing (which requires you speak and write in French and have contacts there).

Like, I'm not saying it's impossible to get set up and going in the west, ofc not, but it's not easy either, and the highs you can hit don't even remotely match what you could hit in Japan.


>> No.4508393


So, the Medibang Jump contest happened, and that kinda opened my eyes to the idea that hey, Japan IS thirsty for new talent, including foreigners. Japan, IS a possibility, and their industry is not only larger, but also better primed for training you AND sustaining you. You've got all the tools, and labor you could find, with 100s of publishers who'll basically print anyone. So there more I looked into it, the more it started to look like the comparatively better option, and from there, my ambition grew, from JUST wanting to tell stories and putting them on the web hoping they catch on so I can sustain myself. To actually getting in with the big guys, like Shounen Jump and making history. There's also one key factor that's important here. You work hard in the west, you put your comic out, and if you get lucky, you make the next Walking Dead, you're big, but you're not super big. You'll be respected among comic circles, but you won't necessarily reach a global audience. By contrast. Win Japan, and by mere virtue of being a foreigner, EVERY Anime/Manga fan in the west is AT LEAST going to check out your work.

>> No.4508394


Hell, even in Japan, being a foreigner can play in your favor, because it's unusual, and additionally, growing up in a different culture, you have a chance to bring western ideas and influences that Japanese writers simply wouldn't have access to, or full comprehension of. Just by being different, you become more of a fresh take on a rather stagnant medium thirsty for new life. I'm not saying it's gonna be easier, but "making it" in Japan, even moderately, will make you explode in the west. And your outreach in Asia is much much larger. As it's not just Japan, but markets like Korea, China, etc... are right there and in close commerce. You don't have to worry so much about TRYING to win over a western audience with an "immitation" manga (because you know that's what most weebs will do, scoff at your stuff no matter how good it is, and dismiss it, BECAUSE it's not Japanese - because that's how the western anime manga fandom is, horribly elitist), the fact that you've accomlished the dream of so many people in the west, means you're going to instantly gain a lot of interest from the western fandom without really needing to bother too much to market yourself.

The second reason is more personal. Since I was like... 17 and I started getting more into Japanese culture, and I mean like, outside of Anime and shit, I always had the desire to at the very least visit Japan, and if I liked it enough, live there for some years. So to avoid meandering in details, long story short, at the age of 28, the opportunity came to move to Japan, after having visited once at 24 and loving the country, and I just took it. My writer buddy whom I was living with at the time was kinda bummed out at first, until he realized that me being here basically cleared all the initial obstacles we had foreseen about finding publishing in Japan, and suddenly the dream of being the first two westerners of actually making it big in the Land of the Rising Sun, because a very possible reality.

>> No.4508400


And thus, here I am, there's no real logisitcal reason for why I COULDN'T do this at this point.

From this angle, your focus only falls on one thing, MAKE a good manga. Not, "make a decent manga, and shill the fuck out of it, and slowly gain fans to try and get your feet of the ground." Both take a lot of work, and yes, you've got extra geographical, linguistic, and cultural barriers to contend with. But I always had the intention of living a portion of my life in Japan, so for me it's simply a logical step to take, on the contrary, two seperate life goals have aligned perfectly, and now there's a REASON for me to be in Japan, rather than just being here for the sake of being here.

And for clarity's sake, it's not that "I've always believed life would be better in Japan" like some classic weeaboo. I've actually live in 4 parts of the world my whole life, and travelling is something I've always liked. childhood in Mexico, Teenage years in the US, 20s in Europe (Spain), and now Japan. To me it felt like a life experience I needed to have, for better or worse. Ofc there are pros and cons to this country like anywhere else.

Sorry for the rant, but you wanted a serious answer, so I felt I should be more detailed.

tl;dr - As I got further down the rabbit hole of making comics, being published in Japan seemed like the objectively better option, especially as my ambition grew, and it lined up with other life goals.

>> No.4508414

One more, cause there is one more thing I wanted to expand on...

In regard to cultural differences and the advantages it brings. I don't mean politics when I say this. I mean stuff like having access to authors and literature and western-born mindsets, that a lot of Japanese simply won't have access to, or likely won't really think of first due to the culture they are raised in. Just on the surface level for example, if a Japanese author or artist tries to depict Christianity in a work, it won't come with the same rich and deep cultural understanding that a westerner born in that would, the same way for example, a westerner really can't have the same deep intimate connection with Shinto and Buddishim that a Japanese person can have. Additionally, think of how difficult it is for Japanese people to have access to western authors, and their forms and styles of writing. Literature that you as a westerner can use as a form of inspiration to influence your work, that a lot of Japanese probably don't even know about, the same way I'm unfamiliar with many Japanese authors, literature authors, and have never read any of their work. And therein lies a second strength to being here... by BEING in Japan, I gain access to that knowledge, through language through culture, and that further enriches my work by further opening myself to new and different ideas and blending them with my own cultural background.

That's something I've come to learn living here. Westerners and Easterners do have very different ways of thinking and viewing the world, but in sharing each other's perspectives and ideas, you can arrive at new conclusions you wouldn't have been able to otherwise. It's at least been my experience thus far living here.

Being a foreigner, can actually be your greatest strength, if you play up to it right. Because a Japanese audience IS interested in hearing what you have to say and think, if what you have to offer is worthwhile.

That's a more nuanced take on why...

>> No.4508443

>I just wish more artists tried to create a more complex cartoonist culture here in the west
move to France

>> No.4508448

that anon is probably just a burger who thinks west = burgerland (and comics = cape shit)

>> No.4508450

Mangaka aren't swimming in money, anon. I read some mangaka saying that there were like 5 mangaka who made actual money and the rest is making ends meet.

>> No.4508467

It's not 5, it's the top 100(?) out of the 10k plus mangaka being published actively (basically all the Shounen Jump, WSM, WSS, Young Jump, V-Jump. and the strays from other publishers that get a hit manga going) are making a lot more than you ever would in the west. The higher you go (all of Shounen Jump and all the big names in WSM -7 Deadly Sins, AoT, Fairy Tail, etc... making millions yearly) the more you make.

The rest, it depends on how popular their series is, but they generally make enough to have a family, through their own work. Which is like, the jackpot for the west.

I read the book by the why who wrote Jack Black, and I even did further research afterwards. It's a very competitive industry, yes. And there's no guarantee, but if you aim for Jump or WSM, and you make it in either of those two, you're raking in millions. Even the lower tier Jump titles that last more than a year made big money, and even the ones that were cancelled after 3-4 volumes made pretty decent bank for a year's worth of work.

Exposure is a meme, unless exposure is with the largest manga publisher in the world in their star magazine. There's a reason Jump is so competitive. It's like making it in Hollywood as a director.

>> No.4508846

Doesn't have to be a burger, Australia has no comic culture to speak of outside of us weaboos importing manga.

>> No.4508923

>I just wish more artists tried to create a more complex cartoonist culture here in the west
Not gonna happen, at least not quickly. The Comics Code, and more importantly, the culture that led to it, made sure of that. Americans look are cartoons and comics as stuff for kids - yes, less so now than before, but that mentality is STILL firmly entrenched in the American psyche. It's an uphill battle to sell works that aren't for kids that can appeal to a broad audience - hell, most Americans don't even read regular books, and those don't carry the stigma of being for kids. Make it even vaguely anime-esque and you've turned it into a sisyphian effort to get people over 12 to look at your work.

Oh, and the two biggest publishers, Marvel and DC, are assholes who publish dreck and any work you do for them they own. Fantastic.
David Bull moved to Japan to become a woodblock carver and got several appearances on TV because he was the weird foreigner. It can definitely play in your favor if you're savvy about it.

But fuck moving to Japan if it means working the kind of deadlines they demand.
This, look at the published history for Blacksad and realize how much time those lads can afford to put into the work to make it really great.
Are there any numbers on how much mangaka make off merch and anime?

>> No.4509003

>fuck moving to Japan if it means working the kind of deadlines they demand
This. Paul Pope worked for Kodansha for five years and said his record output was 70 pages in a month. And none of those pages were ever published.

>> No.4509008

to be honest I'd only ever wanna move to Japan so I could have a booth at Comiket or some shit; that'd mean becoming fluent in Japanese first though

>> No.4509042
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them deadlines not worth it desu shout out to oda kishimoto toriyama etc the pressure they go thru giving us manga i too aspired to become a mangaka but i forgot and got discouraged seeing and hearing what mangaka go through providing us these amazing titles i will fold under that pressure

>> No.4509074

LNs sound more reasonable all of the sudden... just draw couple of pics here and there for visual aid, and just write.

>> No.4509207
File: 1.16 MB, 1468x2048, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This manga is awesome lmao.
Thanks for making me discover it anon

>> No.4509212

>not gonna happen

I feel like that's somewhat of a quitter attitude. I think people in the west are thirsty for cartoon stuff that is actually a bit more than just wacky kid shit. that's why manga and anime is pretty decently popular here. they aren't looking for grit and realism otherwise they would have turned to comics or tv. but they enjoy cartoons with plot lines and themes that feel more guided and directional and entertaining. something not aimed at kids but more oriented towards older teenage audiences, which is established through the anime influence here. and whole generations are growing up on the internet where they're exposed to all kinds of media constantly so i don't think the mindset part is the issue. if anything things like nintendo games have been making cartoonish content common place in the general psyche of people for a while now.

anon did make a point about how publishing in burger land is fucking awful but it also overlooks the whole concept of web comics and such. I think these kinds of outlets feel more untapped than anything. I get the feeling people just see the subpar content in the webcomic field and think this is dumb so they never see its real potential as a market and ignore it for something like manga which has a very strong dominant comic culture already. manga is even starting to dwindle in japan because people who would normally read manga as a pass time spend time on their phones instead now. seriously the only reason I can think of for going to japan for comics is to try and get an anime since anime really is high tier shit.

france is pretty great

>> No.4509244

>I think people in the west are thirsty for cartoon stuff that is actually a bit more than just wacky kid shit.
Maybe if it's like Family Guy, and even that struggled at first.
>and whole generations are growing up on the internet where they're exposed to all kinds of media constantly so i don't think the mindset part is the issue
They do still have that mindset, talk to some normies. They've mostly seen stuff like Dragon Ball Z and Naruto, and almost nothing with any depth.
>nintendo games
Nintendo games are almost universally for children and lack any serious depth. I don't know why you brought this up.
>I think these kinds of outlets feel more untapped
Normies don't read webcomics. Hell, most normies don't read comics PERIOD. If it's not a video game or TV show they won't have anything to do with it, especially if it's not something where they can just turn their brain off and not have to think about things.

>> No.4509248

Ah yeah, since it's a mangaka thread I really should have mentioned!
" reaction shots leading into the action" - that's a really cool idea, thanks for the pointer!

>> No.4509288
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>Endless possibilities
i like this 1 anon go for it

>> No.4509335

the point in mentioning nintendo was to point out that cartoons are something people indulge in constantly. even normies. normies are all over nintendo stuff and nintendo is straight up nothing but cute japanese cartoon shit.

But lets consider normies for a sec. do you really think they're gonna read manga or watch anime either? why not just make the comic accessible to japanese if you care so much. all you'd need to do is translate the material. they love western shit if it's both good and accessible to them. same way we love their shit if its good and accessible to us. as much as there are weebs there's a good amount of westaboos too and they're getting more common.

>> No.4509368

>do you really think they're gonna read manga or watch anime either?

they do. it's not 2005 anymore, this shit is available for everyone now. they keep up with the same series you watch and read. you're not part of the secret boy's club anymore.

>> No.4509374

Outside of WSJ and the handful of entrylevel seinen (Berserk, Vagabond et al) that's not true.

>> No.4509380

>the point in mentioning nintendo was to point out that cartoons are something people indulge in constantly. even normies. normies are all over nintendo stuff and nintendo is straight up nothing but cute japanese cartoon shit.
That doesn't translate to buying and reading comics.
>why not just make the comic accessible to japanese if you care so much.
That would be preferable, working on manga in japan is for suckers

>> No.4509398

>Not gonna happen

>published history for Blacksad
Blacksad actually came out faster than most eurocomics do. Euro artists actually have work on many things other than comics, and they also work in more than one book at the time. Barbucci is pretty fast for euro standards too. When the black and white Ekho book came out the fans where like, "wow, so soon? the last one came out six months ago!". But it's also a cultural thing too. Americans love to poison everything they create, with shit like the Comics Code and the PMRC. The best solution would be to rely on someone other than America to provide quality content and France has been doing it for decades.

Australia is not western and even then they lost to the ostrich's retarded cousin. They don't exist.

>> No.4509411

talk to people anon, you'll be surprised

>> No.4509416

He was obviously talking about America when he said "the west" you drooling retard, because he was unaware of Eurocomics. That's why I said Americans repeatedly in my post.

>> No.4509428
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>Australia is not western and even then they lost to the ostrich's retarded cousin. They don't exist.
Epic meme bro, upvoted.

>> No.4509444

where can i learn japanese any advice?

>> No.4509485

I know for a fact you have a connection to the internet, nice bait tho

>> No.4509528

Endless possibilities sounds very promising and it reminds me of sonic unleashed

>> No.4509536


>> No.4509548

anon, don't listen to jamal whatever you do.

>> No.4509586

jamal? whos that

>> No.4509638

thanx anon now off i go

>> No.4510050
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Most comics and manga online are fucking awful. Besides a couple of gook webtoons I can't think of anything good. No wonder this shit barely makes any money most of the time. There's a huge hole to be exploited there for anyone that can scramble a decent plot together and present it with half passable art, like that Ava's demon chick did. Now that story is trash too, but it was presented well enough for people to open their purses. Don't skimp on the writing aspect of your manga, anons.

That got me thinking, how are you anons going to publish your manga? Any plans in mind? Finding an editor, Tapas/Webtoons, online self-publishing or something?

>> No.4510148

Barbara Canepa has to write more stories then. I read the fourth book and it's pretty good but it's like a super cliffhanger. The thing is I bought the Decade integral book, which has the first three ones and some extras, but now they released another one which includes the new book... oh well.
also skydoll>ekho

>> No.4510482

Just use a run-on sentence that explains the plot in the form of a question

>> No.4510892

are there any threads like these that give you advice on making stories and world building for manga

>> No.4511061

I'm sorry to tell you but the writing looks appalling. Art is amazing though.

Maybe you should consider writing yourself. Literature can help.

>> No.4511255

I only see webtoons being profitable to be honest.

>> No.4512239

aspiring vn maker here, can I post my progress here when I start making the vn?

>> No.4512250

>doing it for profit

>> No.4512269
File: 800 KB, 2026x1135, fe71a675ecee64837e8e08b7d14e10e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how hard is it to draw over a photo

>> No.4512306

if you watched the doc, he at least takes his own pics and the whole deal does not speed his workflow. it's just one more tool.

>> No.4512312

Also using a photograph for anything other than a reference only helps for one specific style: photorealism. Not every comic should have photorealistic BGs.
I don't think mangaanon is going for photorealism either.

>> No.4512491

i was thinking gates of fate

>> No.4513176

The time it takes out of your life is detrimental to the quality of the work.

>> No.4513180

If you get in Jump prepare for your series to be incredibly based and right-wing, i hope your not a leftist Jump does not approve of those.

>> No.4513208

tell that to rebeca suggar

>> No.4513261

That sounds a little too rhyme-y imo. Something more like Destiny's Gate would sound nicer if it's not taken.

>> No.4514133

It really depends on the era and the artist. I could easily point out that the popular mangaka has a bad case of sameface, and cartoon sameface at that.

>> No.4514229


Dude she’s trash garbage dump hole of an artist

>> No.4516187


What the hell is this from?!

>> No.4516203

Just follow in ShindoL's footsteps. Remember 4 leaf lover

>> No.4517745
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This is who people in these threads look up to?

>> No.4518209

cope harder
steven universe is not anime

>> No.4518265
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Seconding this question. Also looking for guides and resources for making VNs.

>> No.4518276

I think there's a /vg/ general for that?
As long as it's drawing related I don't mind at all personally

>> No.4518302

Write your script FIRST. Even if it's only ver 1, at least have a complete story done and readable, since everything else depends on this step and it's the hardest and longest step and is the hardest to find someone else to do for you (it's a surprisingly large commitment, there are many more people who would accept the role then flake after a few months than who would actually write something finished, let alone something finished and good).
Once you have a script to work from, now you can look into working on BGs and sprites and music. Or you can hire someone to work on that stuff while you refine the script. After the artwork is done and the script is or is close to final, read a ren'py tutorial and start scripting. Finally once you have a workable game you just need to make a UI and all the extra stuff, like extras and marketing stuff (splash pages, banners etc) so people will actually play it.

And because it's a long process and a huge commitment, you should ideally do small stuff first rather than working on your 80 hour, 7 route long masterpiece.

>> No.4521586
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Bump for interest

>> No.4522952
File: 535 KB, 800x1113, Minami in the Night_051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted a oneshot I made--I drew it earlier this year.


>> No.4523032
File: 141 KB, 514x800, img028 s color2s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not trying to make "manga" per se, just comics, but I've been told I have a manga style to my drawings. Planning on self-publishing some short stories before working on something more long-form

>> No.4525252
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>> No.4525296

what is this from?

>> No.4525343

stick that cactus up your bum and post pics

>> No.4525359

where's this from?

>> No.4525411
File: 56 KB, 790x796, 53690258-1447-4CB8-B379-E99D98098247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don’t really think that many people read manga or comic books these days but i hope you guys make it

>> No.4525729

Reverse image search it mate.

>> No.4525779

Chainsaw Man

>> No.4525783
File: 306 KB, 953x1200, 1581904473569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people I know do, actually
Thank you for the kind words anon

>> No.4525794

Fuck manga, get some taste

>> No.4525805

You first

>> No.4528371

same, I've always been majorly a eurofag with couple of American influences, only started getting into manga couple years ago so It's probably unrealistic for me to try and make it there

>> No.4528670
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Fag cartoons.

>> No.4529117

what is it called???

>> No.4529137
File: 2.49 MB, 910x1280, Volume_15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your path

>> No.4532202

same question, it looks funny