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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4482089 No.4482089 [Reply] [Original]

found this video called 'why artists need to lift' that suggested that you should lift weights to get better at art. i've been weight training for a while but it doesn't necessarily make me better at art. still, lifting before i got started on drawing helped loosen up my lines a bit.

does this work for anyone else? i wanna know if theres actually any correlation between sculpting your muscles and improving your art

>> No.4482095

I'd rather do cardio, lifting makes my hands all shaky after, not ideal for drawing

>> No.4482106

What if i do calisthenics do the same rules apply?
Also post video pls

>> No.4482110

Come on man. You're acting like you produce the most intricately detailed high-value art known to man and you can't afford to have shaky hands. The more you lift, the stronger you get, the less shaky your hands...also I'm not sure why your hands would be shaky after anything except an arm workout which, as a beginner, you should only be doing once a week. Seeing improvements in your body and strength improves your mental fortitude and also gives you a better understanding of anatomy, both of which can only improve your art.

>> No.4482114

Been lifting for 16 years. IMO the relation is that both are developed skills that require near daily dedication aka discipline.

I can draw further comparisons like, you lose gains just as you lose draftsmanship gains, but the underlying muscle memory connections are still there and return very quickly. You never lose your knowledge of training regimes, just like you never really lose your knowledge of form / lighting / anatomy etc.

Art practice generally has you cooped up anti socially drawing all the time, if you don't own a home gym lifting puts you out in a semi social environment.

There are many similarities and many distinctions. You will become a better rounded person if you do both, and physicality is generally a weak point for artists, lifting helps counteract that, and make a weakness, possibly a strength.

However, the most important part of 'you must lift' advice to artists, is that EVERYBODY should lift, and lifting is for EVERYBODY. Even disabled peoples, trannies, girls, but especially MEN.

There are a thousand youtube videos and redpills about why this is, go take them, IC is not the place to present those arguments.

Be like the Greeks, be the warrior philosopher that societies need.

Also, if you see all the sexy women (or boys if you like that) in the gym, you can stop drawing anime abstractions and see the true beauty of the real human form, and then train in realism rather than these deconstructionist new art forms which are Pozzed.

>> No.4482119
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How do i become hot artistic gurl anon
P.S not a tranni

>> No.4482120

Ok I'll try that out, I do do push-ups every day

>> No.4482130

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3UK-FX8CkU here you go man

i'm not a fitness expert but i think as long as youre training your muscles in varied ways, it'll help build discipline and muscle memory

>> No.4482133

I do martial arts. Makes you flexible and your hands stable. Great against RSI works whole body. Gym rats won't get it.

>> No.4482148

wow, i had no idea that this was the case. this really motivates me to keep lifting.

also i really agree with that last bit, observing other bigger, beefier dudes than me (since im a 155cm manlet) helped me draw muscles a lot better. thanks for your input anon

>> No.4482209
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I like exercising. What I don't like is eating like a motherfucker all day in order to gain weight and having to worry about what I'm gonna eat 2 hours from now after having just eaten.
Seriously, I'm almost force-feeding myself some days and I gained what, 2kg in 3 months.

No parasites in my poop. And at any rate even if the food worked, I'd be forever locked into this eat-every-couple-hours stupid routine.

I'll enjoy being a skeleton to the day I die.

>> No.4482360

>eating like a motherfucker all day in order to gain weight
you dont have to do that, you have received some bad advice. Sorry.

>> No.4482361

also 2k in 3 months is fine.

>> No.4482383

Look up the exercise called face pulls, it eliminated a lot of my back pain in a short period.

>> No.4482384

back pain I would experience while working that is

>> No.4482741
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It teaches you discipline and anatomy

>> No.4482750

Bodybuilding is also an artform in itself I like to call auto sculpture

>> No.4482779

i like this bitch. she is like if /ic/ came to life.
and fittingly her instagram only has sketches and 0 finished work

>> No.4483008

I would say that if you want better motor control the best exercises to focus on would be
>overhead press
>grip training
>tricep/bicep exercises

>> No.4483024


>> No.4483041

Oh and back exercises such as rows and chin ups

>> No.4483071

are you a girl ?

>> No.4483076
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No me male(boy)

>> No.4483169
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Closest thing I could find.

>> No.4483285

To anyone wishing to start
Ignore the /fit/ sticky
It is outdated and shit
This one (yes reddit) is significantly better

>> No.4483323 [DELETED] 

No anon i wanna be stronk waman. Like in >>4482119 pic related. I already have big boobies and skinny body. I just need upper body strength, lower body strength and an ass and i can be like miruko.

>> No.4483384

Lol thanks anon i couldn't read for a second lmao

>> No.4483531

actual tranny here (ayyden not alice) but the diet shit here is retarded

if you want to lower your test go online and order spirolactone or cyproterone and shoot up some horse estradiol in a bath house dumpster or some shit, this basedboy meme bullshit is fucking annoying, theres no way eating greens would mess with your whore moans enough to see any results whatsoever

just as retarded as 'eat red meat and onion to get more t'

as for me i'll keep injecting my T and sucking doctors' dicks to get it

>> No.4483614

Yes you should lift it is good for your bone density and cardiovascular health and has other benefits as well. However, I used to play college rugby and myself and the other dudes were pretty strong (not strongman level or anything crazy) but I can say from firsthand experience that neither myself, nor any of the bros who were much stronger than myself benefited artistically from lifting weights. That's like correlating sucking dick makes you taller or something retarted like that

>> No.4483743

Yes anon weights lifting instead of drawing will make you good at drawing, keep running around to avoid making actual effort in something that requires your brain to put in the work

>> No.4485108

This post is proof that FtM trannies are the only good trannies.

>> No.4485114

BPA doesn't 'stimulate estrogen,' it leaches a chemical that acts as an artificial estrogen. This chemical can also lead to fertility problems and heart disease.

>> No.4485124

Gross i hope you die of an overdose

>> No.4485131

When you lift you make it a regular routine thing and build a lot of discipline that carries over to art, if you stop you lose all your gains and it just feels wrong. at least thats pretty much how it worked for me.

>> No.4485151

OP here, what do you think about shoulder exercises? working out my shoulders helped me a lot in using both my elbow and shoulder to draw instead of my wrist

>> No.4485204
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I've been lifting since i was like 13/14 and am 25 now, almost never skipped unless necessary. I dont know why but this so called discipline hasnt transfered over at all.

>> No.4485293
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>> No.4485301

I hope you stop being so bitter to anyone different to you

dudes rock.

>> No.4485345

last post ill make about this because this is an art board and not a faggot clubhouse, but trans girls got it real hard, give em a break. not to say that ayydens have it easy by any means, but man, i feel for mtfs, they get the majority of the tranny hate shit and gotta deal with way worse hrt. i know some wonderful trans women and some awful ftms. just remember we're all people, you know?

>> No.4486438

not an expert either, but here are many arguments concerning the benefits that excercising has over our learning capabilities, including art gains.

>> No.4487407

Post cock (for reference)

>> No.4487503

Different anon, but I don't see anything wrong with ftms getting swoler and aspiring to become closer to biological males. I see it as a kind of self-improvement.

And even though I don't respect mtf trannies as much as ftms, they all still deal with very high suicide rates in general, so I don't see why they should be kicked while they're down by wishing even more death upon them.

>> No.4487508

cardio is healthier than lifting

>> No.4487513

They're both very healthy

>> No.4487560


>> No.4487644

OP here, thanks man. it's some nice reassurance that my efforts have not gone to waste (in all aspects of my life, but i still think everyone should exercise/lift)

>> No.4487776

I'm sorry anon but you're just skinny.

t.same body type

>> No.4488711
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>> No.4490707
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You're making me sad anon

>> No.4490729


>> No.4490886


>> No.4490887

Why is there a /fit/ thread on /ic/

>> No.4491350

The secret seven will not be showing an appearance

>> No.4491489

Yes if that cardio is sprinting