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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 609 KB, 984x596, daftmen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4478588 No.4478588 [Reply] [Original]

season 2 ep:1

>> No.4478593

It's episode zero and it's useless.

>> No.4478600

Thanks, but i rather draw than wasting my time with these douchebags.

>> No.4478623

based and gmi

>> No.4478628
File: 60 KB, 640x640, 7F92D95D-EA65-48B1-AB0D-A8269C0DB61B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How in fucks fuck is marshall a douchebag?

>> No.4478629

Hey Proko, can you talk a bit less? Maybe just turn off your cam and let Marshal talk. Maybe like spin around in your chair while the adult answers our questions and such.

>> No.4478637

He's with Proko, end of discussion.

>> No.4478640
File: 1.04 MB, 2320x3087, 191030144725-samantha-in-mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are rummors true? Is Marshal a mod on this board?

>> No.4478643

that would explain all the Proko shilling

>> No.4478713

Aha, he's the one posting proko fetus's cause he knows stans lurking.

>> No.4478720


>> No.4478724

every post in this thread so far is just fucking braindead. youre all ngmi

>> No.4478728

this proko is okay but happyartreview is somehow bad when they are the same informative media i dont get, im not happyboy btw.

>> No.4478735

because that fat attention hungry blubber lipped chink doesnt know shit about art and is a massive aspie faggot spamming AMAWU AMAWU U GUY RIKEY ME NEW MEME AMAWU AMAWU COOF COOF

>> No.4478739

that chink was the faggot forcing the amawu shit?

>> No.4479028

Penetrating insight.
Thats why you’re shit and will remain shit.

>> No.4479066

The podcast started getting bad after proko started talking about his stupid app that redlines cubes

>> No.4481608


>mfw when the apocolypse happens and Marshall ends up part-cyborg

How did it come to this, lads? Why didnt we protect him?

We left him with Proko and now he is a machine.

>> No.4481953

Never heard this rumor. Quick rundown?????

>> No.4482039

The quick run down is that you're an autistic and gullible retard

>> No.4482059
File: 70 KB, 500x395, 1580761149000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4482072

These are some of my favorite artist

>> No.4482202

Yes, the only climatologist telling the truth and knows what's up is the one that stopped doing science and took money from big oil, an american. 99% of the rest of them all over the word are liars and lie for grands. Am I right? fucking /poltard

>> No.4482216


>> No.4483000

You'll run across retards from all walks of life, especially on this website. It's very easy to spot them when they post quick info pictures like >>4482059
that are put together by other people who are biased when making infographics and don't cite resources.

>> No.4483038

>lie for grants
that's the most concise summary of contemporary science I have heard of.

God, I am glad I am done with this shit.

>> No.4483050

I thought that was Illustrat. Looks like illustrat is not the only annoying person on /ic/

>> No.4483121

>its contemporary and a lie if it contradicts my political views.

world is flat confirm, nasa liars.

>> No.4483125

of course, it's literally his made up sperg word

>> No.4483130

imagine being this BASED

>> No.4483179

there's actually like ~15-20 somewhat notable climatologists who're climate deniers, of course 99% of them are part of the heartland institute which is funded by big oil

there was one guy who isn't a shill, don't remember his name and he didn't really deny outright but he was a type of a skeptic.

>> No.4483881
File: 43 KB, 780x780, 18836005_10155308937805979_3732480424725668643_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh yeah. That a big (((resource)))

You kids are so naive its cute.

>> No.4483919
File: 215 KB, 600x600, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice strawman.

It's contemporary because education has become more of an industry now than it ever was. Just check art school threads on this very board.

And the grants baiting is a serious, serious, very serious problem of science nowadays. Science is mostly a joke now.

Regarding political views: I had some, back in the days, but now I truly am done with impure politics.

>> No.4483921

Any effort is wasted on you, youll believe any conspiracy if it fits your agenda or confirms your biases, like pizzagate or what not.
The evidence is all there, most of the world is caught up, you deny the obvious.

But ill just leave this here.


>> No.4483929

whats taht?

>> No.4483939

A conspiracy about a pizza shop in Florida that a bunch of rich people use to diddle kids

>> No.4483942

Something very real

>> No.4483948

you sound like a conspiracy theorisdtds


>> No.4483957

Nothing you said makes for a valid argument, no evidence, nothing. What media says is completely independent from science, and cant be used as argument to question its validity. Journalists arent scientists, politicians arent scientists, Al Gore isnt a scientist.

Art isnt science. Wtf is "contemporary science", You have no clue what youre talking about. Climate science is as valid science as any and incredibly important to the world.

People like you would doubt claims of scientists about ozone layer or cancer risks from smoking and drink coolaid spouted by those who were paid by the affected industries.

Many climate science deniers today, did the same think for tobacco industry back in the days, and you prefer to listen to them.

Science is the only reliable method of really knowing anything, and youll rely on science to save your ass when you hopefully get infected by corona.

You are a fool, facts dont care about your feelings. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJ6Z04VJDco - this is basic science.

>> No.4484024

So you complain that he hasn't posted arguments because all his posts have are claims, and then proceed to do the exact same thing he did? All the while ignoring a legitimate crisis that's happening in the research world? Are you fucking serious?

>> No.4484162

I'm serious. What is your game anyway? What are you arguing? What viewpoint you are supporting?

What crisis? Is the article evidence of crisis in the research world? Crisis is when creationists want to teach creationism in school as alternative to science like evolution.

You have alternative to science? No? Has scientific method stopped working? No. Does some article, some event, allow you to dismiss any science that conflict with your views? Cuz maybe its all manipulated AAH.

Scientists dont think there's crisis between actual scientists in the field and they are continuing to do science.

Just fearmongering to justify science denier position. It's gaslighting literally.

>> No.4484381

>no evidence, nothing
I posted an article about an institute that tries to reproduce scientific findings but that's not evidence?

That very post you quote said what contemporary science is:
>It's contemporary because education has become more of an industry now than it ever was.

its industrialized citation churning science. That's a relatively new phenomenon, maybe just ~60 years old, but don't expect "evidence" here. if you want to know exactly, why not look into it yourself. I don't care when it started.

>People like you would doubt claims of scientists about ozone layer or cancer risks from smoking and drink coolaid spouted by those who were paid by the affected industries.

my previous post was about me being smug about you using a strawman argument and here you do it again.

Stick to art.
Don't @ me. I don't care to win this argument. Consider your reply to this a victory. I am defeated! You are smart. I don't care what you think, what you vote, or which branch of science you ahve a PhD in. I am busy drawing. That's what matters to me. Anatomy, Construction, Color.

>> No.4484432

Don't ">" me with the other retard, I didn't post that wiki website.

>> No.4484501

>I posted an article about an institute that tries to reproduce scientific findings but that's not evidence?

evidence of the institude not being able to reproduce some scientific findings in medicine.

Nothing has changed periodic table is still there, Einstein is strong as ever, laws of physics havent changed.

The scientific method has become more robust over time , not less.

>its industrialized citation churning science.

that's an opinion and a very useless opinion. I can imagine only someone trying to dismiss established science to even try to argue that.
It's more like "ohh yeah, the weather is bad, sucks doesnt it?".

And it is not defined like that anywhere. Contemporary science is cutting edge science, new knowledge. One must be very ignorant to ignore major advancements and discoveries made in various scientific fields.

And speaking of climate science, it's based on hard physics and the main facts regarding human causes of global warming are experiments that have been replicated a million times, even in schools.

To say science is a joke is incredibly anti-intellectual. And it isnt a strawman to say what i said, it's just deliberate attempt to make you realize how misguided you are by comparing to something that is considered stupid to believe today, because if you dismiss science, if you deny climate science, it is same as denying stuff like about ozone layer or cancer from smoking.

It's the same kind of people, same sort of misinformation in public, and mostly in America. It's people like you and other anti-science idiots that are the problem and do great damage in the long run.


>I am defeated! You are smart.

Good boy. Dont speak about things you are unwilling to understand.

>> No.4484712

>What is your game anyway? What are you arguing?
That you're an absolute hypocrite retard who does the same shit you accuse others of. That your worldview is full of logical blindspots because you think consensus has any fucking place in science. That you don't even seem to understand how there are, built in on the requirements for climatology grants, biases towards one side of the spectrum. That your type of rhetoric simply stops any actual useful discussion from taking place. That you're too ideologically possessed to even be capable of self reflection.
>What crisis? Is the article evidence of crisis in the research world?
Are you fucking serious? Do you even understand what the term "independently verified" means and why it's important?
> *SOME Scientists dont think there's crisis between actual scientists
Here fixed it for you. And by the way, scientists are still human, just as capable of pride and tribal mentality.

>> No.4484769

Remember kids, even if you win an Internet argument. You are still a retard.

>> No.4484819
File: 217 KB, 800x489, 041020a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck these guys are hideous