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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4477850 No.4477850 [Reply] [Original]

I quit video games since yesterday so i can have more time towards art and learning it but it feels so boring. Realizing you're so shitty for so long and trying to get better but the process of getting better is boring as shit.

Maybe it's because i'm either autistic or have the mind of some phone addicted teenager or some shit but reading books and watching video courses is grueling. It hurts so much to know you're also shit at easy excercises as well.
I can't fucking quit art i wanna get better but this process is so demotivating.

How do i make it fun and associate art with a positive feeling so i can love art again?

Do i need to wait for a full week so i can become addicted to art since i quit videogames?

>> No.4477872

>Realizing you're so shitty for so long
I've always been good at art. You are just a talentless hack.

>> No.4477874

Stop opening retarded threads.

Do the world a favor and kys, lazy piece of shit.

>> No.4477882
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>> No.4477889

Get COVID19 please.

>> No.4477893

Anon why are you so angry man? What did the world do to you?

>> No.4477900

Oh god, thanks to that thread about some Japanese artist becoming good in 3 years, now all the retards are screeching.

>> No.4477901

Who peed in your cereal this morning? lol

>> No.4477907

What thread? Thread name so i can check archives?

>> No.4477910

This one

>> No.4477937

Well fuck i'm inspired again. Now i can delete this nonsensical thread it's taking up space. Sorry crabs lel

>> No.4477943
File: 99 KB, 541x960, 1581421592565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck.

>> No.4477962


>> No.4477967

I draw OW girls being raped when I'm feeling like that, drawing asses is easy and just put a girl screaming, idk is funny as fuck lmao even if they look shitty, knowing that in some months I'll draw a proper Tracer being raped makes me feel better so I just continue
also fuck Loomis

>> No.4477973

Fucking based

>> No.4478045


>> No.4478051
File: 191 KB, 605x850, 9C996E5E-2DCB-4325-8011-CE8FE0224F37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4478953



Watch this video.
Draw small, simple objects in the real world to get the ball rolling.
Rocks, plants, trees. Simple insects and earthen homes with easy geometry. Dont just leap into a complex subject if youre not comfortable with drawing yet.
I followed FZD's advice after about a decade of "quitting" art, and after a few months, I made it to a place where I can focus on learning without anxiety or too much boredom.
Tbh, if youre just starting out, you should only be drawing for 1hr and 30 minutes max.

>> No.4478967

Stop doing things fo instant gratification.

This problem is deeper than your art.

Here's what got me improving: just fucking draw. Don't worry so much about the end product, just put your pen to the paper, move your hand, and keep going.

Try new things. If it doesn't turn out, laugh about it and then try again, or try something different until you can reliably do what you sought out to do, or at least until you're at least kind of pleased with what you've made.

Then try something new again.

If you hate doing this, then do something you don't hate.

>> No.4479119

Post your work bro

>> No.4479176
File: 14 KB, 201x217, Based_Loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anons i watched the video and realized i've been doing everything wrong starting off with drawing bodies and nothing else first. Those rocks and dead trees look fun to draw desu. I'll start tomorrow with some dynamic sketching it's late and i need sleep.


I'm nothing but a mere lurking /beg/ that really never draws full pictures because i feel like i'm not "ready" for that yet.

Actually no fuck that lemme try and draw at least something that's not a study.
Hang on imma take an hour on a stick figure.

>> No.4479201
File: 117 KB, 1440x810, 1586322230798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>day 2 of no video games turns you mental

>> No.4479253

A simple comment can lead to suicide, be nice, it’s 2020 man

>> No.4479434
File: 1.29 MB, 2160x2160, Uhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay it's late af and it looks /beg/ af because i drew from imagination, but this was actually fun to draw. This was supposed to be a warm up to a bigger drawing but i just said fuck it and finished it.

>> No.4479483

Art is a difficult thing, its a matter of inspiration and motivation is when you will ascend past your current limit. you need to digest life and other peoples works, try to figure out how or why they did something a certain way in there art work.

I often look at artist and like to nitpick things i do, like what brushes they use, is it a gradient. how did they color this.

Once you start to nitpick stuff and pull it apart it becomes a lot easier to put it into your art.

Also quick tip, you should be more confident in your lines when you draw, it looks better

>> No.4479874

At least if youre gonna rant about your shitty art, post your work or anything

>> No.4480069

Thanks anon. I'll practice more line work excercises and will try to be more confident in my lines. I think i actually feel myself get better when i draw somethinf that isn't a study. As i was drawing i was nitpicking the horn and redrew it about 4 times so i'll incorperate that in my other drawings as well.


I did bruh:

Okay now i can finally let this thread die.

>> No.4480698

pyw or gtfo

>> No.4480717

>it looks /beg/ af
That's not a problem, everyone is a /beg/ at some point.
>this was actually fun to draw
That's good!
>I just said fuck it and finished it
Good attitude, but, I would call this a sketch, not finished. Maybe next time you can try coloring something. And don't be afraid to redraw parts that you're not happy with.

>> No.4481100


glad I could help, anon!

>> No.4481132

Art needs to primarily be about creating shit you want to create and not about improving at art. If it's just about improving then you are going to have a really bad time, speaking from experience.

>> No.4481150

I know this sounds pathetic but I'm in the same boat I just can't sit through tutorials or books.

What is the best paced course for me? I'm a beginner

>> No.4481163

> I quit video games since yesterday
I don't have enough smug anime girls to express my contempt. Sorry, anon, but I can't take anything you wrote after this seriously.

>> No.4481176

Maybe you can draw something you like, for example a kitten or an icecream cone.

>> No.4481602

I'm not good at coloring yet but i'll start trying it this month. Thanks for suggestion anon

Yeah i'm opening up to that mindset alot. Art is actually fun to me again.

Just draw anon. Another anon somewhere around here also said that jumping into books and courses without a clear goal in mind on what you want to improve at makes stuff boring for you. Just draw, realise you need to improve on something, get a book/video anything on it, then apply it to your drawing. I'm starting on Peter Han's Dynamic bible since drawing bodies is complex for a beg like me.

Lol that's fine. But seriously, it's day 3 of me quiting videogames and i haven't thought about them until you said it at all. I depended on them because i wanted to improve at art instantly and needed the instant gratification since i couldn't get that from art and associated art with a bad feeling since it wasn't fun for me.
Now art is actually fun thanks to other not only helpful anon's replies, but other threads about how people are improving fast in 3 years and that's inspiring to me. I realized you can have fun at art and still improve fast. Let go of your fear and worries and just draw something fun and ez man.

Now if you excuse me i need to draw dead trees lmao.

Also please let this thread die i got my questions answered.