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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 37 KB, 645x773, 1585276897931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4477299 No.4477299 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize talent is real and actually the most significant determiner of artistic success?

>> No.4477303

I didnt because it's not true

>> No.4477312


>> No.4477313

When I realized that people get born with different IQ. Of course there is something like natural talent, but I think even a complete dumbfuck could gain success in art. In the end almost everybody can develope a style if you just work hard enough. It probably won't be a very sophisticated style, but there are many people who also like shit styles.

>> No.4477327
File: 195 KB, 324x379, bretheren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did you realize that talent is the biggest cope and anybody who's "talented" has put hunders of hours into their craft?

>> No.4477330

ok retard.

>> No.4477332

It seems you have yet to realize that real life isn't like some RPG where puttin a bunch of hrs into a skill doesn't guarantee you'll be good at it.

>> No.4477333


>> No.4477336

Show me an artist who is good that has not worked hard for it.

>> No.4477339
File: 55 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_20191126_093742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm sure Kim Jung gi was born holding a brush pen and drawing Lewds right out of his mother's womb

>> No.4477341

Show me a good artist that didn't have talent.

>> No.4477342

Shut the fuck up and draw

>> No.4477343
File: 1.13 MB, 2048x1536, 1586273672286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are doodles by Yusuke Murata's 10 year old daughter.

>> No.4477344
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>> No.4477345
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This is from Yusuke Murata as freshman in high school.

>> No.4477346

They look better than 90% of ic lmao

>> No.4477350

That's not what I meant.
Realistically, its much more complicated than just devoting countless hrs to something expecting to get good at it.

But whatever, continue being a bluepilled faglord.

>> No.4477351
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>> No.4477352

>literal kids making shit like this
Why even bother.

>> No.4477356
File: 136 KB, 498x299, 1499959018100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talent IS real but that doesn't meant that with hard work you can't push and become a great artist.
It just takes a lot more work and hundreds and hundreds more hours...
I have been shit at art for years between having narcolepsy and having memory problems that interfere with how well I can remember different processes for my work but finally after being mediocre all my life I buckled down and started drawing for 4 hours 4 times a week for 2 years. Now I am at a point where people will actually commission me and I am not perfect but I at least have marketable work and that is a huge step for me.

Keep pushing and don't give up your art dreams just because they are more difficult, OP

>> No.4477361

Japs symbol draw and copy their favorite artists as kids while learning and end up being fine artists with distinct styles.
Meanwhile the "correct" way of grinding fundamentals leads nowhere.
When will you take the oriental pill /ic/?

>> No.4477366

I will literally never understand this mindset. If you think that it's impossible to succeed without talent then yeah that would be discouraging. But when people say "this kid is so good, I should just quit" I just don't fucking get it. If you keep working then eventually you will be better than the kid (unless you think that's impossible without talent). The kid will not just keep on getting better and better forever, everyone levels out at some point.

>> No.4477369

That little girl will art-mog 99.9% of /ic/ by the time she's 18 as long as she doesn't get in an accident and crush her hands.

>> No.4477371

I'll never realize it, cause I'm that retarded, so nothing will stop me from getting good. + i'm not good in anything in particular, so it doesn't matter where I'll fail at

>> No.4477376

>Father one of the best manga artists out there
>Get taught fundies and his tips and tricks.
>He praises how proud he is of your drawings
>Love for art just grows and you become a great artist faster than any of your peers.

This is talent. The father of Mozart was one of the greatest music teachers of his time. If your parents didn't nurture your growth from an early age you will never be the best.

>> No.4477377


>> No.4477380

Yes that's the true red pill. "Talent" is the luck to be born in a nurturing environment. The only things wrong with your brains is negative thinking.

>> No.4477382

I literally just don't understand this mindset at all. It's incoherent. It also seems pretty juvenile, "omg a kid is better than me how embarrassing".
It's either possible to get to a pro level even with a lack of talent, or it's not. If it's not possible then I guess you should just quit now. If it is possible then you will get there eventually if you keep working, where other people are in relation to you right now is irrelevant.

>> No.4477383

This. You don't have to believe in genetic art talent to come to the conclusion that trying to get good in your late teens/later is hopeless.

>> No.4477384
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>Was drawing in perspective and had some grasp of 3D form as I constantly copied cars in the parking lot in kindergarden
>christcuck mother bashed it out of my hands and pushed me to bible school

I some times stay awake at night where I would've been if I had some nurture

>> No.4477387

>It's either possible to get to a pro level even with a lack of talent, or it's not. If it's not possible then I guess you should just quit now.
Yeah that's why I'm quitting.

>> No.4477391

I said "the best" people who start later are lagging years of training behind people who had "talent" like Mozart. Doesn't mean that you can't become, good great, amazing, godlike, just not the best.

>> No.4477393
File: 18 KB, 243x258, 1566446929599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talent does exist. I like to think of it as a fixed multiplier (genetics) to the effort exerted towards improving in drawing. It varies for everybody. Some can improve at a fast rate, while others need to work twice as hard. Talent exists, but you still have control over effort. If you're passionate about drawing, don't let other people's being more (or less) talented than you are deny you the opportunity to improve your own craft for as long as you live.

>> No.4477397

Show me this 'talent' you speak of. Prove it exists

>> No.4477399

Thank you, the board will have less negativity now.

>> No.4477402

If talent exists in things like math why wouldn't it exist in art?

>> No.4477406
File: 136 KB, 649x650, 1586243084748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Day 182
>Still can't properly construct heads or understand the planes of the head
Maybe I was retarded all along

>> No.4477409


There's so many variables to learning how to draw(like how many hours you study, what you study, how much effort you put in, what exact way of learning works for you etc) that boiling all that shit down to "talent" just seems like laziness.

If you suck, figure out what you're doing wrong, instead of going "lol, i'm just not talented!" and giving up.

>> No.4477412
File: 75 KB, 498x500, 484FF028-A48C-4887-847A-941B444B6501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even after half a decade of grinding the fundies I’m not even one tenth as good

>> No.4477419

Stop grinding fundies, start making art.
/ic/ reminds me of the people who spend dozens of hours grinding combos in fighting games, then when they actually go to a tournament and play other people they get knocked out in the first round because they never learned how to actually play the game.

>> No.4477424

This. There will always be people better than you, that's why it makes no sense to get discouraged by this. As long as you have fun creating your own stuff, it's all good.

>> No.4477430

You have to do both. Imagine going to a tournament without any idea of your optimal combos on a hit confirm, pressure and mixup setups or even overall frame data.

>> No.4477432

I don’t know how to man. Maybe I’m retarded but it literally just doesn’t work, I’ve tried.
>try drawing something
>looks like shit
>grind the fundies
>try drawing something
>still looks like shit
>grind the fundies, etc

The painful part is my fundies actually look good. I can feel the form, I can draw loomis heads better than many pros. But it simply doesn’t translate to anything substantial

>> No.4477437

50% fundies, 50% personal projects. That advice of the box-caliph is good.

>> No.4477445
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>> No.4477446

If you are implying Mozart was "the best" in any way it only shows your stubbornness. Beethoven had a shit life and outclassed Mozart in every way.

What a shit thread. You either enjoy making art or you don't it's that simple.

>> No.4477448

>I can draw loomis heads better than many pros. But it simply doesn’t translate to anything substantial
Sounds to me like you are just uninspired. As an artist you have to look for inspirations and digest them. Just being able to techniqually draw well is not enough.

>> No.4477449

Guy who runs Draw-A-Box

>> No.4477451

>Beethoven had a shit life and outclassed Mozart in every way.
WTF are you smoking?
>grandfather and father both musicians
>tought music from youngest age possible by father
>literally dragged out of bed in middle of night to practice music
>by age 10 was being tought by the premier musician in Bonn
Nobody on /ic/ had the equivalent upbringing.

>> No.4477454

I don't have the motor ability, neuroplasticity or discipline I need to get good.

I can stare at a page and try its exercises for hours and barely understand. Sometimes I just give up after a few strokes because I realize I fundamentally don't understand, or the direction I'm going in is wrong but I can't see why, or it's just flat out daunting. I can spend more hours trying to just feel it out and it's the same. I usually do the latter because reading has become painful for some reason. I've noticed similar problems at my job and I'm starting to wonder if I have some kind of learning disability.

Often, when I look for references, there's some ocd reason I can't bring myself to use something, it's retarded but it's very real to me. Either that or I simply cannot find what I'm looking for. It's not always, but it's enough to seriously hamper me. I hold my pencil in a way that has brought me chronic pain, but I've come this far using this grip and I can't seem to get anything else to work. I don't have time to relearn what little basics I've retained so far.

I realized my lack of ability a long time ago, so I decided to just settle for what I could, if only I could have enough skill to not utterly embarrass myself and make something maybe halfway appealing. It's no use though. No matter how much I lower my expectations from my original pursuit, no matter how much I cuck myself and shave off the weight of my initial goals, I can't dig myself out of this hole. I'm not trying to make this a cereer, I don't want a thousand, or even a hundred followers on some shitty social media platform. I just want to put my ideas, dreams and dirty feelings on paper.

This kind of inability follows me around in every single facet of my life. I despise most people I meet, and all my friends got tired of me or abandoned me and I'm too stupid or boring to make new ones. There's no one I can talk to, no one I can trust with anything. I'd kill myself but I'm a pussy.

>> No.4477458
File: 10 KB, 236x221, 1546904505968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just draw anyway, you don't need to have a 200 IQ or be a memory expert to get mileage from drawing. The more you draw the more you improve even in the slightest.

>> No.4477466

This is peak talent. It's about making it in the shortest possible time

>> No.4477467

Or accept it and pick something else you're more talented at to do.
If I had tried to become an artistic professional I'd probably be homeless right now.

>> No.4477469

It is not talent per se that is needed to mi.

It is some kind of a will and wish to say something and depict something meaningful through your art.

Yes, even if it is a pair of furry tits.

>> No.4477472


>> No.4477474

I made it out of round 1 pools (so kind of like /int/ level at art) at a recent national Melee tournament by Just Playing. I know very little about frame data, specific damage percentages, when people have guaranteed combos on me and when they don't, etc, compared to other serious players. At least, I never sat down to consciously acquire and apply that knowledge. All of my skill came from just playing the game for years, and also watching top players and trying to emulate what they do. I certainly know SOME things about those aspects of the game, but it's all just stuff I passively picked up from experimenting or talking with other people, never stuff I grinded.
I derive great pleasure when I play less experienced fundies grinders and I embarrass them using only very simple moves because they have no feel for the flow of the game.
Granted, I've hit a plateau with how good I can get from Just Playing, and if I wanted to keep improving then I would have to actually start studying and grinding specific things to fix the weaknesses in my game, so in that sense your post is true. But I've already gotten further than most people ever get, using mileage and intuition alone. It's definitely a more enjoyable way to start out with a skill than grinding.
I think most good artists follow a similar path in art, strong base of intuition that just comes from experience and then studying comes later.

>> No.4477476

Drawing is just difficult. I already draw since decades on and off, and still learn things which are completely substantial when drawing.

One important thing I learned is, that you shouldn't be too perfectionist when drawing. Even if you make a mess, you can always erase. Just try to have fun and bring your visions on paper. Perfectionism is only good when you are near the end of a drawing and you want to polish it. It's very important to stay relaxed when drawing. Don't be too focused on trying to make everythign perfect. rather be focused on actually finishing the damn thing.

>> No.4477482
File: 692 KB, 784x744, d82k8cb-4145ae14-a2b1-4939-ba98-c3a6be2aa2d4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am working hard despite having not much natural talent and am happy with my progress since last year but holy shit pics like pic related are really discouraging and make me feel retarded

I won't let it stop me but Jesus Christ

>> No.4477487

If you put all your time into learning how to paint a good Reimu instead of aimlessly grinding gesture drawings, and then anatomy, and then maybe some hands, then back to gesture drawings etc, like most of /ic/ does, then you too could paint a good Reimu.
It's all about setting specific goals and then working towards them.

>> No.4477488

Pics like this just show that drawing well has a lot to do with having the right mindset.

This person probably could have been much better in 2012, but he simply didn't put in the effort.
If you don't put in the effort into your pictures, you also can't expect them to stand out.

>> No.4477496

When you draw something bad, redraw it until it looks good.
Digital makes this very easy, you can erase and redo infinitely, rotate/scale different parts of the drawing to see what looks good, etc.
When you draw, don't see yourself as putting down a finished drawing the first time every time, view yourself as a sculptor working with clay, allow yourself to play with things on the page and move things around and see what happens.

>> No.4477497

into the trash it goes

>> No.4477500
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>> No.4477501

Is this really a thing now

>> No.4477502

I understand, and so far all I've done is just soldier on. Just yesterday I felt like I realized something after a lot of work, got really loose and happy with my sketching and had this really blissful period, a few hours later, it's as if it never happened and I can't make anything work again. I realize I'm making progress, but it feels like too little, too late. I don't have a problem just drawing away for 6-8 hours, even at my job I'm blessed with enough privacy and freetime to get around these hours. Some weekends/holidays I do very little else than jerk off and draw. It's maddening not to even get close after that.
I've never finished a single drawing. I erase 90% of what I sketch on stickynotes. I'm not even asking for much but I just can't have it.

>> No.4477505
File: 41 KB, 477x477, 1583740895883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or accept it and pick something else you're more talented at to do.
That's why I mentioned those who are passionate about drawing. A truly passionate person will not let their lack of talent deter them from drawing. They will keep on drawing no matter how long it takes and will use any means just to make it. And if ever they 'drop' drawing, they'll keep coming back to it because they're passionate towards it no matter how shitty they are at it.

If you drop drawing and there's no sense of longing to draw again, it means you didn't have the passion in the first place.

>> No.4477509

>I've never finished a single drawing. I erase 90% of what I sketch on stickynotes
That's exactly what I mean. You are too perfectionist, that's why you don't even finish drawings. I know this from myself.

I often looked at other artists and how they draw, and noticed, they draw really crude lines compared to me. But still, they drawings actuually looked decent, and in contrary to me, they actually could finish their stuff.

That's when I realized that you shouldn't be too perfectioist, and stay relaxed when drawing. If you are too perfectionist, you will become indecisive and your drawings will look stiff. You have to be relaxed, spontaneous and just have fun while drawing.

>> No.4477512

I do long to draw again but I've accepted I will never be good so I bear the feelings and focus my efforts elsewhere.
It's like transgender people. I have artist-dysphoria.

>> No.4477517

Mileage doesn't mean much, when all you are doing is just shitty scribbles. You have to actually know what you are doing when drawing, otherwise you won't make much progress.

>> No.4477524

>If you drop drawing and there's no sense of longing to draw again, it means you didn't have the passion in the first place.
What a shitty attitude. Plenty of people have given up on their dreams because they didn't get any encouragement or promise of success for years, while others who would have given up much sooner got a lucky break and made a name for themselves. You think van Gogh wouldn't have offed himself way before he ever brought his own artistic vision into a mature form if he hadn't been financially and psychologically supported by friends? You think depressed early-20s Sinix would have continued making videos if he hadn't gotten positive feedback on the first videos he put out, content without a clear focus, voiceover narration or anything resembling good presentation (not to mention that his skill level was barely intermediate back then)?

>> No.4477528
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So then why don't you quit if you realise this?

>> No.4477531

>When did you realize talent is real
Since I was able to understand the concept of talent.
>actually the most significant determiner of artistic success
Unless you consider talent to be related to passion/determination as well, and you are also talking about non art related talent, like marketing and social skills, then you are wrong.

You can make up for a lack of artistic talent with hard work.

>> No.4477533

Because realizing talent exists isn't the same as being able to gauge where exactly you fall on the spectrum. People have to pursue a craft for a long time to figure out where their limitations lie.

>> No.4477535

I'm not sure about artist-dysphoria but if it spares you from frustrations, then go your way. I've experienced it and those frustrations can really crush one's drive
> I will never be good
You can be good, even if the talent's not there. It might just take decades, at worst. I've come into terms with it and accepted that it wouldn't be anytime soon that I'll reach the level I'm satisfied with. I'm just enjoying the journey for now and trusting the process.

>> No.4477536

I feel like I try this approach sometimes and it still doesn't work for me. It's just really hard to shake that mindset, like I'm crippled or something.

>> No.4477539
File: 5 KB, 300x168, vilppu 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch some papa vilppu anon, let go of the stressful spasm you're in constantly
go with the flow

>> No.4477549

Never, fortunately i still preserve my brain functionality.

>> No.4477561

This is a good example. Kim Jung Gi had a wild curiosity on how things worked and as consequence he observed a lot. It’s not about putting the most hours. It’s about working consciously, thinking critically about what you do and loving the craft

>> No.4477562

Whenever I'm seeing begs who started days ago and are already miles better than me after 4 months of drawing 2-4 hours every day

>> No.4477569
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>> No.4477571

I guess what I said was shitty. In your context though, there's an emphasis on making it in the industry. I was referring to drawing just for the sake of drawing, not for earning money or gaining a following. For a person who's passionate towards drawing itself, fame or money is just a plus but not needed. To be good in drawing itself is already making it. But for the artist who wish to make it in the industry, the stakes are high and positive reinforcement and support is important as you've said.

>> No.4477638

No, I have a ton of ideas that I draw in a simplified sketch style. However if I try drawing that shit as a finished piece it just doesn’t hold together. Then all the mistakes become obvious and I move on to studying the fundies

>When you draw something bad, redraw it until it looks good.
I’m been doing that recently. I sure hope it gets me out of this rut

>> No.4477653

this makes me wonder if i misjudged box terrorism.

>> No.4477655

>Then all the mistakes become obvious
Then just correct those mistakes. Everyone has to correct mistakes when drawing.

>> No.4477672

This is the absolute truepill: Talent is real, but is not what you think it is; talent is the ability to dump countless hours into a craft without burning out, not being able to learn a craft in less time.

Normal people without talent aren't able to draw for 10 hours a day without rest.

>> No.4477680

Why do so many retards in this shithole have such a defeatist mentality? This is pretty fucking sad.

>> No.4477684

Because we keep bullying each other until it mutually destroys everyone's self-esteem

>> No.4477704

Why do so many retards in this shithole cling to childish illusions of anyone being able to make it if they just try hard enough? All of you must have had classmates who, despite their best efforts, were always in the bottom third academically, where anyone not willfully blinding themselves to the unfortunate reality could have seen early on that they wouldn't pursue any kind of higher education.
One can not achieve greatness without trying, but there are also people who will not achieve greatness - or even mediocrity - no matter how hard they try. This applies to all areas of life, why should art be different?

>> No.4477727

So people should just give up and do nothing about it? Got it

>> No.4477731

I realized talent was real when I realized I had it, and that's why I can keep on no matter what.

>> No.4477733

No, I'm saying that people should try to be realistic in their expectations of themselves and others, and that there are plenty of situations where there's nothing shameful or weak about giving up on one particular goal.

>> No.4477738

If talent isn't real how do you explain this shit?

>> No.4477746

Only idiots think talent isn't real. Even bigger idiots (like you) don't realize talent is a spectrum.

>> No.4477758

I never implied talent is binary.

>> No.4477777

This hits close to home, had a classmate wanting to learn Japanese and made me go trough the journey with him. We both started studying Hiragana and Katakana over the summer, and while I already started getting into N4 kanji he was still struggling with basic hiragana. When I told him I learned hiragana and katakana in less than 4 days and that most of the summer I spent reading light novels and playing untranslated videogames with a dictionary, he was trying to act happy but became sad as fuck and gave up on learning Japanese.
Then I asked how he learned, he didn't seem to notice how shitty his pace was because seeing posts on reddit of people getting praised over learning simple stuff in 4-5 months gave him hope that he was in the right track, while I was being called a retard on /DJT/ for making newbie mistakes and asking stupid questions.
In the end I just didn't care enough to continue learning but I still retained a lot of info which is no useful at all to be honest.

Progress and learning all about environment, fuck genetic, fuck talent, fuck everything, being in the right environment is all that matters.

>> No.4477780

>If talent isn't real?
>kim jung gi
It certainly feels like you are dealing in extremes.

>> No.4477787

Got nothing better to do.

>> No.4477824

I'm sorry but not everyone is cut off to become an artist. G.O.A.Ts like Kim Jung Gi, Yoh Yoshinari, Krenz Cushart were created to be artists as soon as they come out of the womb. Before I go on further, I'll explain the 3 qualities that makes an artist a GMI

1.) Talent

No matter how much you argue talent is a real thing. Not everyone has the genetics to reach high levels of art. There are of course many components of the brain that goes into creating decent art but the most important thing is IQ. Intelligence Quotient. Having an IQ of at least 115 which is roughly 20% of the population is the first key to achieving greatness. People with average IQs can be successful however it takes years and years of hard work. Sycra vs Sinix is a great comparison of this. In terms of actually talent, Sycra is about average but it took him a decade of hard work to raise his skill to a high enough level, Sinix by contrast puts in far less effort and is able to run circles around Sycra. Of course, I'd say they're about the same level right now, but thats only because of Sycra's hard work that he was able to catch up.

2.) Hard work

Unfortunately, this is genetics as well. Conscientiousness is a component of your brain, not everyone is born with the will to work hard. If you were lazy your entire life( I mean majority of people here are neets) who can't even manage to get a job much less work hard enough to go above and beyond and put in the effort that only a few people have.

3.) Networking/Business

There are certain elements of marketability that can be learned but ultimately it comes down to having a great product( a great product is the result of hardwork/talent which comes down to genetics) and luck. Maybe you're at the right place at the right time, maybe you decided to create an art channel when youtube was launching( Mark crilley).

>> No.4477835

You are forgetting socialization, which builds talent as well. It's not only genetics.

>> No.4477839
File: 199 KB, 720x633, 14543654376573586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moment I started to draw better than people who got me into art in the first place

>> No.4477849

This has to be ironic, anon. There’s no way something like that is possible.

>> No.4477853
File: 146 KB, 537x452, IMG_8037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I spend 20 hours on a drawing and it barely looks better than that
J-just gotta work harder guys, talent isn't real h-haha...

>> No.4477856

Oh as a turbo ngmi myself I can assure you it's quite possible.

>> No.4477869

spend less time on individual pieces and iterate your fundies by going through variations, baka

>> No.4477875

That's an obvious lie. Noway anyone could spend so much time and get such abysmal result.

>> No.4477877

Nope, not gonna fall for that meme anymore. Been "doing fundies" for a year and everything I draw still looks like shit. When I spend as much time as I want working on one piece, well it still looks like shit, but at least drawing is somewhat enjoyable and I actually look forward to it instead of wanting to quit forever. I'll just live with the gamble of putting all my eggs in that basket instead of the fundies basket.

>> No.4477881

When did you realize that your standard of success is being defined by someone else?

When did you realize that if your happiness is determined by your standings to others you'll never be happy?

>> No.4477883

>He's only been doing "fundies" for a year
>Complains he isn't at his favorite Coomer artist's level yet
Come back after you've done those fundies for at least three years.

>> No.4477887

>Been "doing fundies" for a year and everything I draw still looks like shit.
Welcome to the real world. Now spend 2-3 more years and then maaaybe you'll be better.

>> No.4477888

I'm not talking about grinding anatomy or perspective all day like a moron, I'm saying you should iterate your process of producing finished work by going through the first stages (ideation, shapes, gestures, composition, basic lighting) over and over again and building a solid foundation instead of polishing turds.

>> No.4477896

art is expression, communication. Screaming into the void is fine if that's what you're *trying* to do, but I want my art to resonate with other people, I want it to touch something in them, disturb the comforted and comfort the disturbed and all that.

>> No.4477911

I iterate different parts of a drawing and will re-sketch a part like a face or a hand multiple times sometimes.
Honestly I'm done taking advice on how to study and improve from this place, everyone here contradicts each other wildly, and many people are shitty artists themselves who are trying to give advice that hasn't even worked for them. I have a drawing process now that makes me like drawing instead of hating it so I'm going to trust that over anonymous posts on a Mongolian knitting forum. However I will continue to post pieces here for critique and feedback as I think getting feedback about specific problems in a piece is more useful and objective.

>> No.4477913

>However I will continue to post pieces here for critique
do it faggot

>> No.4477916

I can realistically say i've improved upon my drawings in the last two months of practice, no matter how hard anons say otherwise i will continue to actively improve my drawings because it helps me relax and i have fun doing it.
I try to draw shit like saxon album covers, they are awesome

>> No.4477919

So you have to be talented to do that? Your art has to be like others art to do that? If you're the best at that form of art that's what matters more than the doing?

It's not screaming into the void, it's making what you're trying to make. The rest is marketing.

>> No.4477920

Well obviously I'm not going to in this thread.

>> No.4477939

that's kinda like saying because your post is retarded all 4chan posts are retarded ya know?

>> No.4477940

I have talent because I achieved a great drawing in the second day that I started on this, but I'll tell you something worse, IM LAZY AS FUCK and every day I'm wasting my talent doing nothing because I'm a lazy fat fuck playing videogames 15 hours per day and sleeping 9, I'm a fucking failure

>> No.4477946

It probably wasn't a great drawing.

>> No.4477954

It was a Slan from berserk being raped, with tears and everything, I was high and mad and I was mad as fuck because I lost 20 games in a row, so I hotglued my Figma Slan and I had that idea, Slan being raped and I did it and it was pretty good, maybe I'll found the drawing later

>> No.4477960

Kim Jung Gi fucking loves drawing, and uses nearly all his free time doing it, or observing life to get better at it. And he's being doing that for several years since he was a kid.
How much of your free time do you spend drawing every week? How much do you enjoy drawing? When did you start drawing?

>> No.4477971

So you telling me that the kid of a professional artist can draw very well for her age? Woah dude its almost like we are molded by our enviroment. Truly shocking. I gotta tell this to the scientific community

>> No.4477975

There is no scientific basis for the concept of talent. Are you gonna start discussing which zodiac sign is better for drawing?

>> No.4477978

I also love drawing, but you also have to be in the right mindset to sit down and draw. He probably just had a good family which taught him how to live a happy life. That's why he has the discipline to draw that much.

>> No.4478003

>Woah dude its almost like we are molded by our enviroment. Truly shocking. I gotta tell this to the scientific community
The scientific consensus is that IQ is largely genetics + nutrition. Social constructionism is a cheap, implausible rationalization people fall back on, because the idea that there's injustice in the world that can't be blamed on or be fixed by getting rid of systemic man-made inequality makes them anxious, because it calls into question their positive self-image as "someone who perseveres", because it confronts them with the dreadful possibility that they might simply be delusional.

>> No.4478012


>> No.4478014

That is literally not true my guy. There is plenty of evidence that the enviroment you are in influences your IQ, its not a fixed genetic number. Maybe you got lost on your way to /pol/.

>> No.4478017

did you miss the phrasing "largely genetics + nutrition"somehow, or are you being disingenuous on purpose?

>> No.4478019

you must have had a very unfavorable environment growing up

>> No.4478040

Thinking talent is real is just an excuse for shit art. Keep going and draw the things you love, not just fundies or whatever. The most important thing is passion. That’s how you get better.

>> No.4478049

>Thinking talent is real is just an excuse for shit art.
Then why do great artists say the same? Saying everyone has talent is like saying every woman could become a supermodel. Of course not everyone is born to become a model. That's just common sense.

>> No.4478065


imagine being /beg/ at 60.

>> No.4478085
File: 57 KB, 503x600, B47D7449-1269-40A9-B7B2-6F88C50C4C61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Physical appearance is not equivocal to developed skills. It’s something you can change at will without much expense to yourself beyond spending the time to do it.

I also think “great artists” that say talent exists are still regular people who don’t realize that anyone can do what they do. It’s just extremely discouraging to be at such a beginner position in art that looking at a Rockwell piece makes you feel worthless as an artist. How can you draw as well as you can when you’ve already decided that you’re going to suck forever? If you want to be an artist, you can be.

>> No.4478104

If you think you not going to make it just quit

>> No.4478122
File: 14 KB, 636x358, 24931742-0-image-a-23_1582119084978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ its like you faggots try to find any excuse to stay shitty and avoid drawing. You're trying to argue how to be world-class without even knowing how to draw at an intermediate level. It's like poorfags arguing about how to reach a billion dollars. You don't need to be world-class, or even that good, to be able to sustain yourself off a job or patreon shilling.

Keep telling yourself these things. Just fucking quit doing art if you're so bitter about it.

>> No.4478137

>to be able to sustain yourself off a job or patreon shilling
Even getting to that level requires immense talent, hell this is what considered GMI on this board and what everyone aspires to but only select few actually achieve

>> No.4478147

>that level requires immense talent
Not necessarily. This dude makes a living with /beg/ tier art
In general if you're drawing porn and/or catering to a specific niche then the standards are lower.

>> No.4478159

posting outliers like this is deceptive af. If you want to get an accurate picture of what you're competing against, browse through all 150+ patreon accounts labeled as art. There aren't that many, btw.

>> No.4478164

https://www.patreon.com/BardoPlus Uh anon...

>> No.4478170

>spend 10 thousands of hours drawing
>become great
>laugh to the bank

>> No.4478175

Yes, the average skill level of pro artists, even Patreon coomer artists, is quite high. It doesn't feel unreachable though. I can't bring myself to be all doom and gloom about it, but if you want to convince yourself that it's impossible and quit then go right ahead.

>> No.4478180

jesus fucking christ can you stop putting words into peoples mouths.

>> No.4478200

Not even Michelangelo thought this.

>> No.4478211

>How can you draw as well as you can when you’ve already decided that you’re going to suck forever?
Just because you realize talent exists, doesn't mean you must think that you suck big time.
I can draw well and like my stuff, but I know that I never could a really great artist. You have to be born to be that good.
If you simply don't have the genetics for it, and not the right environment, then you are out of luck. This doesn't mean you can't still develope something neat (most people probably could), but you will never be one of those amazing artists.

>> No.4478238
File: 9 KB, 200x200, sitting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ok with being mediocre desu
I don't know why everyone always tries to be the best

I'm ok with just putting the stuff in my head on paper

What's the point of seeking glory ya know?

>> No.4478240

Genetics only matter if you're competing with the top 1% of artists. But you do not need to be nearly that good to see success, or even money or fame or a job. Heck money is mainly your ability to make appealing drawings and market yourself more than it is raw skill. You think Proko is a legendary artist? He isn't but he knows what people want to see.

And just like the video game market, art is oversaturated and competitive so the few people who outshine on raw skill are really insane. You put an overemphasis on how much genetics really play a factor. You probably won't go down in history as GOAT but you can make a good living through hard work, continuous interest, right environment, networking, marketing, and right support system. Anyone who complains about >muh genetics as the reason for still being /beg/ is colossally retarded and are just looking for an excuse to escape because they aren't enjoying it. Like just quit, nobody fucking cares. Your genetics have nothing to do with your shit attitude.

>> No.4478246

But is that plateau the same for everybody? What if you "level out" at a much lower level?

>> No.4478253

Only one way to find out.

>> No.4478254

>Genetics only matter if you're competing with the top 1% of artists.
Bullshit. I think you just heavily underestimate how stupid people actually can be. There are people out there who can't even properly read or write, and you expect them to become a full professional artist. It's hillarious.

>Anyone who complains about >muh genetics as the reason for still being /beg/ is colossally retarded
Why do you constantly acting like I was /beg/ tier? Get your head of your ass. I am not beginner at all. I just know that talöent exists, because I know many people could never do what I do, just like I could never do the stuff really great artists did.

>> No.4478263

Post some artwork that you think is really great that you could never do?
Someone else's work, not your work.

>> No.4478269

wrong this was senior year, freshman was the dinosaur thing

>> No.4478280

doesnt his son draw well

>> No.4478282

You’re guaranteed to always be terrible when you don’t put in the hours. What’s your point?

>> No.4478288

>Japs symbol draw and copy their favorite artists as kids while learning
give proof of this and other examples of kids being this good

>> No.4478292

yeah it is but not artistic talent its the talent of not being a fucking idiot

>> No.4478294

That seems like a case of nurture more that nature. Have him send a new son to a different family and see how well he draws after 20 years.

>> No.4478303

she is so powerful... strength she has...

>> No.4478309
File: 997 KB, 1120x1600, oneshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inshin no Yuki the debut work of 13-year-old mangaka Hoshiki Nana.

>> No.4478327

Lmao @ you faggots, you never gonna make it if you waste time in threads like this one, I read the op, I'm posting this here, bye

>> No.4478354

This is where prioritizing on learning matters. Break art you like down and replicate it. Try to understands each component like shape, color, etc individually than just going into a final product like the pic in the post you replied to. Once you have a better understanding of each individual thing only then can you be faster and better. It's like grinding fundies but with the art you like. Don't expect instant gratification progress comes slowly but it exists.

>> No.4478361

post it

>> No.4478370

This doesn't show her copying their favorite artist this is just original work. I want a comparison between a kids work starting out and the source material they copied from. I copied artists I loved when I was a kid and was (still am) obviously big. I want to see other kids being as good as muratas daughter using the same tactic.

>> No.4478371

meant /beg/

>> No.4478449

You think she learned fundamentals then came up with that style?
It's a very average manga style.
There's multiple manga about manga where they discuss copying their favorites growing up.

>> No.4478473

I am not denying the practice, like I said I even did it myself. I doubt every kid in japan doing it gets that good so young though like it is foolproof. I wanted to see other examples so I can be proven wrong.

>> No.4478563
File: 313 KB, 1200x2053, LIGAMEME is a thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never. May as well worry about my genetics before even putting a foot in a gym. If talent exists, I'll find how talented I am by working. If it doesn't, I'll make it by working. Same shit.

>> No.4478797

People who dont believe in talent are literal morons.

>> No.4478801

Dunning Krüger effect. Same kind of people who see someone doing something impressive and then respond to with "I can do that too, hold my beer!"

>> No.4478807

Didnt say i was gonna leave

>> No.4478829

keep fooling yourself talentlet, theres nothing else for you to believe anyway since your art must be shitte.

>> No.4478834


>> No.4479005


>> No.4479138

>Normal people without talent aren't able to draw for 10 hours a day without rest.
so basically ADHD

>> No.4479424
File: 112 KB, 680x506, 1525134939284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the feeling that im not going to make it creeps on me more and more, Im going to end up blowing my brains out for being so retarded

>> No.4479432

after i realized some official things are piss poor because the """""talent"""""" behind it is a hack

>> No.4479452
File: 84 KB, 800x903, icunts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a great fallacy in here that only proves that most of /ic/ are high school dropouts. IQ generally measures the mathematical-logical-verbal parts of the brain. And the part of the brain that is directly involved with drawing IS NOT the same one that IQ exams test.
Here's the scientific proof:
"Drawing and spatial abilities share common conceptual ground. Both have been associated with
similar cognitive functions. They are related in mental function through a relationship in which
drawing is dependent on spatial ability and spatial ability may be enhanced through drawing."
Retrieved from: https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED409859.pdf
You're a bunch of fucking dunning-krugers

>> No.4479455

I’ve known my whole life because I was born with it.

>> No.4479468

IQ measures how quickly you learn things. People with high IQ are able to learn pretty much anything with ease, skills, foreign languages, problem solving, etc...

Art is a skill. People with high IQ are able to learn how to draw very quickly, just the same as they can pick up foreign languages in a shorter time than your average person.

>> No.4479472

You didn't read the pdf don't you babe? Funny how you talk about IQ yet you can't read a few paragraphs. Dunning-Kruger at its best.

>> No.4479473

I don’t need to read your pdf to understand what IQ is intended to be a measurement of.

>> No.4479476

very based
very cringe

>> No.4479487

Low IQ retards like you should go >>>/Reddit/

>> No.4479489
File: 79 KB, 540x651, 64351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over. An entire generation of these kids growing up with a free infinite library of refined resources at their disposal, just mouseclicks away. New digital tools that allow them to do things old artists would've taken days to accomplish. How the fuck are millennials who grew up with AOL supposed to compete?

We HAVE to crab. Millennials/boomers, RISE UP

>> No.4479491

you guys can't draw?

>> No.4479494

Ok, Dunning Kruger. NGMI.

>> No.4479506

anime style is aesthetic but its not on model to human features, shes ten but those are some shocking fingies

>> No.4479510

The seething jelly off this retard. Bro, she’s 10. TEN. Show us your drawings as a 10 yo.

>> No.4479513
File: 999 KB, 2048x1535, murata_daughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her hands are good considering she's 10.

>> No.4479516

Probably reading any demoralization thread would
deteriorate your motivation if you start dooming.
He's probably teaching her thats why
>tfw never get a dad like that

>> No.4479520

Think of it, right now HUNDREDS, maybe even THOUSANDS of zoomers with all the resources in the world in their pocket are grinding away DOZENS of sketchbooks a year each, dedicatingly learning and gathering knowledge from the best of the best, not even limited by medium with the avent of digital art. Even a teen starting now has a huge fucking boost, and with the quarantine the have even more time! It's fucking over

>> No.4479524

I think she just copied them, showed it to her father, and he corrected her hard enough so should she could copy effectively and try to draw them from memory.
Yeah this is what having a great artist as a teacher does to you when you're young.
You guys immediately assume talent but never thought about all the incorrect copies and mistakes she must've made to get to that level. She has had to put hours of drawing into making this which every beginner here should do instead of whining about how shit you are at drawing.

>> No.4479527

none of you can draw at all can you?

>> No.4479530

Her line control and gesture are nuts for a 10 yo. She’s already able to master drawing in 3D despite being so young. That’s insane.

He’s trying really hard to not cope, nitpicking at the details on a 10yo’s piece, despite that fact that the strengths she shows, shows a lot of competence in art for a 10yo. She’s already overcome a lot of the hurdles most people struggle with in their first few years. Things like perspective, line control, gesture, construction, proportion, expression, and most importantly: composition. This kid is already drawing better than most people who study art for a couple years do.

>> No.4479531
File: 151 KB, 787x796, 1520943284544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talent exists in every area of human endeavor
How do you delude yourself to believe this?

>> No.4479532

obviously aquarius's have the advantage as we have a harder time coping with people thus we find comfort in drawing and observing it as thats what keeps up grounded

>> No.4479534

I don't know but I bet you can't even draw at all

>> No.4479535

And who taught Murata, genius?

>> No.4479539

Confirmed retard

>> No.4479545
File: 257 KB, 901x1600, F3796B09-2A78-4B63-8CE7-DAD39555088B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but I agree with him. And yes, I can draw. I’m speaking as someone WITH natural talent. Idk what it is with people trying so hard to deny that some people are born with better latent ability and potential than others, when we’ve grown up our whole lives not KNOWING IQ exists, but also growing alongside people who were more and less competent than us at various things.

IQ exists.

It affects how quickly you learn things.

But it also requires you apply yourself.

People with high IQ who apply themselves will always be better than people with low IQ or who don’t apply themselves. That’s life dude. IQ is and always has been a good indicator of success in life.

>> No.4479548

I'm looking for someone who can draw and this whole website is just so depressing

>> No.4479549

You’d be wrong.

>> No.4479556
File: 2.90 MB, 4096x2304, AE24CCB3-593A-404E-B509-B1F57685F0D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who can draw exist on this board, we just don’t post often cause we’re busy drawing and we’re so sick of the constant stupidity thrown around on this board.

>> No.4479560

I want you to eat the loomis book, bake it, microwave it whatever. Cut it up and eat it like its a steak dinner then come to me about who can draw

>> No.4479561

Rather not post my art in this shithole.

>> No.4479563

you don't have any art, because that would imply I gave you permission to draw at some point

>> No.4479565

You don’t have to crab, anon. You gotta deal with other peope being better than you at things.

>> No.4479567

AI steak sauce, I have found it goes down better

>> No.4479568
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1584648034873s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are panicking hard right now and you need to stop. Of course zoomers are sketching hard in their books rn. So are the old masters, the pros, intermediates, and beginners. Just because you see some fucking children drawing better than you you're gonna give up over some fucking "talent"? This 10 year old has a fucking master artist basically an art teacher behind her back.

You don't think neither of them had worked their ass of to get gud art?

I just don't get /ic/ you guys praise jap artists as gods and whenever they spit something out you bitches wanna call that "talent". Nigger no, everyone should know that jap culture is VERY hardworking. 4chan out of all places should know this.

Stop pulling out the these "talent" threads, start fucking drawing, grinding fundies, and emulating some soulful beautiful shit.
I'd be damned if i let /ic/ became the ultimate woe is me crabbaby zone while a FUCKING QUARTINE is happening out there and you shitheads are wasting time pissing panties because art isn't instantly gratifying enough for you.


>> No.4479571

I think you should all give up, that's just my opinion. My diagnosis is you all aren't hungry enough

>> No.4479574

Fucking this. You gotta accept that in life, there will always be people who are better than you. People who were born better, luckier, had more advantages, etc... reasons are endless. But that shouldn’t discourage you from doing your best. Do the best you can with what you got, and live up to your own potential rather than trying to outcompete people with more natural advantages out of some absurd insecurity-driven ego trip.

>> No.4479575

my problem is I can't find anyone better than me, it sucks because I don't know where to go from here, I got nothing to compare to

>> No.4479576

Post your work buddy. You’re sounding very Dunning Krugger right about now.

I get the feeling I’m better than you: chagoxchago.artstation.com

And I can name at least 5 artists on /ic/ who are better than me.

So go on... show us what you’re made of.

>> No.4479583

why do you do this to me? why do you give me false hope that I could find someone better than me? You are just cruel. At least tell me this krugger guy is better than you?

>> No.4479587

You'd have an easier time killing God himself than making a piece better than even Kruggers worst sketches.

>> No.4479588

Anon, he’s baiting you.

>> No.4479594

I have to see these sketches, my life depends on it

>> No.4479604

I disagree with your opinion anon. We both don't know how any anon on this board is living and what environment, place, situation, etc that effects the hungriness for getting better at art

Sure there are some crabby anons that are full of spite anger and patheticness but i believe anyone can make it if they are pushed hard enough to their limit.
People could actually become pros if they wanted to and finally get out of this place.

Since the loudest majority on this board are beginners i feel like what they need right now is inspiration and motivation to keep going. My theory is that once they have fun with art, learn fundies, emulate etc that's when they have the hungriness for art. To truely get better.

If i could inspire at least one person to buckle down and make it then i at least know i made it while knowing another anon has made it with me.

>> No.4479608

Best girl

>> No.4479613

This entire board really is crabs in a bucket, Jesus Christ.

>> No.4479629

Why do you keep screaming cope at people that disagree with you?
Lets say that talent is real.
So what?
Is this thread literally just for you to scream about talented people?
Why come to this board or try art in the first place?
If it upsets you that much, go do something else.

>> No.4479643

I'm sick of normies and talentlets trying to pick up drawing complaining that they haven't made huge leaps of progress and convincing themselves that they've gotten burn out, when in reality they just didn't actually like drawing that much.

>> No.4479646

This. Even moreso when they try to pretend talent doesn’t exist.

>> No.4479650

Why would anyone give wojak an ear?

>> No.4479669

I don't care if they cope, I know what its like to feel talentless, As that's what I felt when I started drawing pretty late compared to some people and it took many hours and motivation for the talent too really show. My problem is them bitching and screaming about it everywhere they go, in every community, bringing along with them destructive concepts like burnout, shitty self help books, and other crap that could end up hindering, or even stopping someone with potential. Its incredibly infuriating to watch.

>> No.4479686
File: 24 KB, 729x658, van_goghjack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gauguin says you're ngmi again

>> No.4479693

Talent does not exist. Only effort does. I used to not be able to move around the camera in Unreal Engine when I first started but these days I have no issues designing entire maps and importing animations of 3D models I have made. Hell I just started drawing seriously less than six days ago and I am already seeing improvements in just three completed works. It’s all about that overcoming that fear and self-doubt that determines whether or not you will achieve your goals. You are your own biggest obstacle with that attitude.

>> No.4479705

Speaking of, I find UE4 interesting, but difficult to learn. Aside from their YT what’s a good place for resources. I mean, stuff you found useful. And how long did it take you to learn it?

>> No.4479707

when I was born talented

>> No.4479708

Any pics? Not trying to trash you, I'm just curious how levels/models by one person can look.
I always imagined making game needing lots of people. Do you make it all or use asset shops?

>> No.4479710

If talent was real I wouldn't have to grind all this fucking anatomy you fucking pleb.

>> No.4479724

>If talent was real I'd be able to dunk!

>> No.4479727

I have been earning my BFA in Game Art so I had some good teachers at my tiny online school that were always there to answer questions. Honestly I probably could have learned everything I did by YT videos and other websites but you teach yourself a ton of things when you experiment by yourself and mess around with all of the different tools. Just like Photoshop you will probably never use half of them for anything in 3D related programs like Maya typically.
It’s a mix for me. Buying/getting free assets off the Unreal marketplace and other 3D sites helps with saving time. Making a bunch of different assets mix within a single level can be a bit tricky though. I have been mostly just designing levels based off of the framework of a TPS pack I found. Once you have a lot of the work done for you, you can you go in and swap out character and weapon models or hud elements like I did. Hell I even changed gun sounds and things like jump height to fit with my theme more. I’ll post some pics if the thread is still going later when I get back to my computer.

>> No.4479751

>"but my point is..."
>dur wutd ur point

Fucking moron

>> No.4479779

You ARE aware that IQ tests have sections explicitly aimed at measuring the subjects linguistic, mathematical and visual problemsolving skills, precisely to differentiate between different aspects of intelligence, right? Do you think that for some strange reason everyone is equally skilled at visual thinking?

>> No.4479807

You focus way to much on fundies anon. Like learning guitar scales and chords are the foundation of being a musician but if you never copy your favorite songs or artists or constantly risk techniques or music outside your wheel house then you will always be a soulless hack that just knows fundementals but can’t make music or know how to jam with someone. Make art anon, constantly. Even if it’s shit. Just make a constant effort to not get comfortable and complacent. I guarantee you Kim jung gi has drawn almost every pose a person can have 10000 fucking times. And it didn’t start out looking good I can tell you that. He draws non fucking stop all the time. If anyone grinded art as hard as he did they would be amazing.

>> No.4479833

t. blames their parents for their shit life decisions

>> No.4479884

Ok boomer

>> No.4479927

>significant determiner of artistic success
Is nepotism

>> No.4479936

>If anyone grinded art as hard as he did they would be amazing.
Wrong, you can grind art your whole life and still be shit. It also takes a certain intellect to draw well.

>> No.4479967

anyone can get decently good at anything with enough practice for self satisfaction anon. You faggots are just too hung up on being the next Einstein, Bach or kim jung gi. Im a bonified retard and through sheer force of will and practice have gotten gud at different musical instruments and hobbies.

>> No.4480088
File: 640 KB, 274x403, 2020-03-07_03-14-54.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohh my fucking god im twice her age but her lines already have a good feel to them, look at the pupils size, both are the same size the same with eyebrows, with such observation skills at 10 if she felt like it 3 months and she is better than me
time to kms
jk lool
im still going to do my thing, seeing someone be dealt a better hand at life is nothing new at all.

>> No.4480093
File: 276 KB, 436x418, 2020-04-03_22-40-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he wont come back ever, brain makes old memories seem far better than they are lool

>> No.4480147

Making it out of round 1 pools against some other trash boat who is also terrible is not impressive at all so that novel you just wrote means nothing
Youre nowhere near tournament level and its because you dont know all the shit you just said you dont know

>> No.4480168

>ITT: peepul who make it have high iq.
>kim jung gi has high iq
>murata has high iq
>murata's daughter has high iq
>vilppu has high iq
>great masters have high iq
>you have no high iq u won't mak it
>btw i'm beginner i not know how draw lol XD

>> No.4480171

And they will all still be absolute shit, only ever copying what's popular at the moment

Talent is what allows an artist to set a trend instead of following it. You can grind forever but all you'll ever be without that creative intellect is a human xerox machine

>> No.4480174

Nice strawman, but I have high IQ, draw better than you, and am already making it.

>> No.4480175

Pyw and a verifiable iq test

>> No.4480176

I have high IQ I hope I will make it

>> No.4480177

based and redpilled

>> No.4480187

>Im a bonified retard
you didn't respond by parroting the current fotm buzzwords and your sentence structure and vocabulary aren't that bad either, so I doubt it.

>> No.4480193

post patreon I want to subscribe

>> No.4480199

Why do you keep obsessing over this begginer cope? I doubt anyone itt thread is a beginner artist.

Just because ypu acknowledge that talnet is a very real thing doesnt make you a beginner faggot.

Yiu need to understanf that Theres always a bigger fish.
Not everyone is going to make it.

Prople are different and have varying levels of skill that sometimes propels them leagues above their peers that no amount of hard work can compare to.
Thats just fucking life.

>> No.4480209


>> No.4480367

I am 30 and could say I'm twice as better than Murata's daughter and I never drawn anything significant in 20 years. Feels good to be talented

>> No.4480375

When I made it and all of my peers didn't, even though I was pretty lazy the entire time.

>> No.4480377

where were you when murata daughter literally destroyed this board?

>> No.4480380

Talent isn't an inborn skills, it's inborn potential.

Someone with "talent" (Iq 130+ with a high degree of natural creativity, lateral thinking, and spacial understanding) will progress very rapidly as their brain solves the spacial and aesthetic problems of art very quickly. EG: Sinix

Someone without talent (iq 105 normie who desperately wants to be an artist) will spend 3 times the amount of time as the talented one and not progress as far, just because he can't think as good, can't come up with as interesting idea on the macro level of subject matter, or on the micro level of design/pose, and will plateau much earlier. As a result even if they put a ton of effort into trying to consciously improve, they just spin their wheels in the mud trying things that don't work. EG: Sycra

>> No.4480386

Like every IQ test now is a spacial intelligence test, like raven matrices.

You're the DK anon.

>> No.4480478

best description of talent in this thread

>> No.4480486

This thread is painful to read
I didnt realize how many defeatist pussies frequented this board
Go practice idiots
Just because your daddy isnt a famous artist giving you 24/7 professional level coaching doesn’t mean you can’t learn to make good art
Go fuckin cry somewhere else

>> No.4480495

you don't have to be a sad, delusional dreamer to work hard at achieving your goals.

>> No.4480545

I’m expecting more vent threads being created now, lmao.

>> No.4481073
File: 265 KB, 612x612, 1585751122057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf ?

>> No.4481108

Let me guess, you also think that the MeyerBriggs Test is totally accurate and not just hogwash pseudoscience?

>> No.4481113

IQ test measure something, but it’s definitely not fluid intelligence. It’s more comparable to playing useless brain games that have no connection to the outer world

>> No.4481117

>Things like perspective, line control, gesture, construction, proportion, expression, and most importantly: composition.
what do you mean? those are copies of toilet bound hanako kun, only line control applies

>> No.4481118

The study confuses correlation and causality. It is not clear if it’s drawing that improves spatial abilities or if you need good spatial abilities to draw.

>> No.4481120

Ok pyw

>> No.4481122

Everyone who believes in IQ must also always post their work, or else their advice is useless

>> No.4481124

Is that sol badguy

>> No.4481231

It's extremely correlative with income.

>> No.4481249

show me one artist that has "talent" who didn't start drawing when they were young

>> No.4481277
File: 191 KB, 480x327, EMSrPxxW4AEQOK6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it matter? just draw and have fun. i believe in you all, even if you don't.

>> No.4481351

I will begin monday anon, I will learn vilppu and proko stuff and be the best /beg/ there is.

>> No.4481372

How to teach a kid to be this good? What’s Murata’s secret for spreading the spark?

>> No.4481373

Having fucking decades of experience?
On top of interacting with others who also have fucking decades of experience?
And knowing the person and all of their learning quirks because shes your own fucking daughter so you can personally tailor her lessons perfectly?

>> No.4481376

Natural talent is real, but it's not really that important, except you are dumb as fuck.
What is much more important is growing up in a good environment. No matter how much talent you have, if you lack the work ethics, you can't do much with the talent.

>> No.4481383

in other words, you don't have an answer to >>4481372s question, you're just filling in the blanks in your understanding with symbols representing authority
decades of experience that amount to what? interacting with other who taught you what? knowing your daughter and tailoring lessons to her how? you can't answer any of those questions.

>> No.4481384

If that’s the case why can’t you teach us crabs you know and understand so well with your decades of experience?

>> No.4481387

>not realizing education is key here
Discipline your child to not be lenient in drawing and she’ll get good too

>> No.4481406

Not him, but when you grow up with a real professional artist as a father, you will probably just naturally pick up the pencil yourself a lot, and you will be surrounded by a lot of inspiration too.

The pics are not even that impressive. When I was 14 I could draw much better already and I didn't grow up with any artists in the family.

>> No.4481463

I dont have decades of experience
I dont recall claiming i did

>> No.4481465

If you want a fucking specific lesson plan or something you would have to ask the dude himself what the fuck kind of psychic do you think i am idiot?

>> No.4481470

How about you answer my questions before asking more questions?

>> No.4481474

Fuck you.

>> No.4481479

Imagine having a pro looking over your shoulder 24/7 noticing your every mistake and being able to tell you EXACTLY what youre doing wrong and knowing EXACTLY how to express it to you in a clear and concise way that you can easily digest, perfectly tailoring your learning experience to you using techniques they have picked up over decades combined with techniques they have learned about from other professional artists who themselves have decades of experience that they have interacted with extensively over the years as a pro
Its the perfect environment to raise an aspiring artist in

>> No.4481556

This self-defeating bullshit thread again?

I don't care if talent is real or not. I don't care if I'm talented or not. Why whine about shit you can't control? This insecurity is worthless and only makes it more difficult to enjoy art and appreciate other people's art when it's better than yours.

I draw because I like drawing. Call it a cope if you want, but it is what it is. All I can say is, the drawings I make today are better than the drawings I made a few months ago. And a few months from now, I'll say the same thing. Knowing that, and knowing I enjoy the craft, is all I need to know to keep going.

So can we just stop this incessant, self-pitying bullshit?

>> No.4481586

but anon learning how to get gud is a never ending journey

>> No.4481596

Glenn keane faggot, his father was the artist of family circus. Talent isn't real, some people just started at a younger age and had someone mentoring them.

>> No.4481621

who is that psycho making wojack edits with ears?
i've seen a lot of those

>> No.4481623

So your one example you pulled out of your ass suddenly dispproves that talent isnt real..?
I dont think so buddy.

>> No.4481636

i agree
you should give up
dont bother trying
you dont have the gift idiot

>> No.4481721

Yea you should give up art, anon.

>> No.4481751

It's so fucking obvious that all the anti-talent faggots here only don't believe in talent, because they are talentless themselves.

I have talent, that's why I know it exists. You are just fucking morons with Dunning Krueger effect.

>> No.4481785

Your statement is false.

>> No.4481797

>talent = iq
>talented artists have high iqs

funny how anons ITT say this but never seem to back it up, you'd think they'd be the first to be posting the iq scores for like kim jung gi or dave repoza or whatever.

>> No.4481818

Your post is cope

>> No.4481840

idk this feels like a gross oversimplication. there's a lot of factors that go into someone being artistically successful.

>what school they went to
>what media they consume
>how much they practice
>who they were influenced by
>teachers, friends, family
>their culture surrounding art
>the environment they grew up or worked in
>their self motivation
>and maybe, talent

what I mean to say is that you can't really control all of these factors to create 'the perfect talented artist' so just take what you have and make the best out of it instead of giving up so easily. just do your best, dont worry about the little things

>> No.4481847

You improve at art by thinking good, IQ is how good you think.

Very simple brudder.

>> No.4481978

Low IQ post.

>> No.4482417

Never because every great artist has grinded for thousand of hours. Honestly if you don't enjoy the grind then what are you doing? I think a bulk of you need to stop hating yourselves, you don't just hate your art you hate yourself. Seek help. Get therapy. How to be a 3% man by corey wayne is great take a break from making art.

>> No.4482452
File: 2.06 MB, 1684x2448, MiaFarrowRickandMortystyle2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When ZONE fucking got the Skullgirls job over ME!!!

me - WTF *flames and cyberstalks Lab Zero for the next 6 years or so*

them - damn you hold a grudge a long ass time


>> No.4482472

High education (including art) is available for anyone with IQ>80.

>> No.4482545

Sounds like you’re just a dumb self-centered faggot who thinks he’s better than he actually is

>> No.4483048

Literally who

>> No.4483051

Oh, apologies fella I googled your tripcode, you're just some random autist

>> No.4483347
File: 30 KB, 495x362, Im+apu+apustaja+you+meme+deprived+s+not+ing+pepe+_72a7028672d542bb8cac8fd8354a6e12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not fair bros, it's not fair. If I dye my hair black and get plastic surgery on my eyes to make them more slanted then will I finally make it! Is that what it takes to become a gmi? Will I magically start making art gainz if I do that?