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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 90 KB, 620x799, posing2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4475126 No.4475126[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Not sure if anyone else finds this frustrating!
I am actively dating and meet a new girl once every fortnight or at least once a month, (aside from possible one night flings)

As soon as I bring her home and they see my art lying around they start asking me questions.
>Wow Anon how long did that take
>You draw girls?

I tell them I could draw them, and they all accept, I let them know they have to be at least in their underwear - NOT ONE HAS SAID NO.
I highly suggest it when you bring her home for the first time sex, before they get too comfy.

OP is a recent 20 year old girl from my sports club

>> No.4475154


>> No.4475165

Jesus, hope you washed her butt first.

>> No.4475168

>dating as an artist

>> No.4475174

>brings girl home
>Y-you wanna see my drawings?
>Sure anon kun uwu
>T-theyre all girls I-I hope you like them
>Gets drawings out
>Lol needs more Loomis faggot
>Spaghetti falls out of OPs pocket
>Looks back at drawing
>It is now spaghetti
>B-but I didn't draw-
>Looks back at girl
>She is now spaghetti
>Looks down at dick
>Covered in spaghetti
>OP was fucking spaghetti
>Spaghetti everywhere
>Runs into bathroom screaming
>Throws up in sink
>Looks up into mirror
>OP is spaghetti
>Pulls out spaghetti gun
>An hero
>Spaghetti everywhere

>> No.4475175

you date zombies?

>> No.4475177

Best creepypasta 4ever

>> No.4475186

wow how frustrating for you

>> No.4475203
File: 12 KB, 221x238, 1540072400767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you get to fuck. Im bad at drawing AND im an incel

>> No.4475218

I've been there pal, You can hire escorts that will be much hotter than normal girls, pay her, fuck how you want and rinse repeat once a month, at least till you gain confidence.

Even if you score a date with a girl you are still paying so might as well pay for sure sex etc.

>> No.4475220

Escorts are a meme, i don't wanna risk aids and jail-time for some sloppy pussy. I want love

>> No.4475222

Na, like em dirty haha, she was cute though, bit inexperienced for a 20 year old. But loved the drawing.
haha sometimes I wish man, less talking, more fucking and can just kill them and get rid of them.

>> No.4475226
File: 100 KB, 550x436, leo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're really not a meme - any western girl these days has slept with an average of 20 guys by 21 years of age (granted I'm only 21 and have been with a fair amount), what comes with that are all sorts of sti/std's - no women are 'clean'

Escorts have heath screenings and practice safe sex. And wont just use you for meals, money and then give you a kiss on the cheek the 4th date.

>> No.4475231

Each to their own I guess, my studies have read that mosts creative people have healthy sex lives, which in turn drives their art further.

Works for me.

>> No.4475241

Sounds like you are hungry for mums spaghetti lol, thanks for looking and posting !

>> No.4475245

Im not an autistic purity tester, i don't give a shit if she's fucked people before, i just want a real human connection that's not based on me paying them to hang out with me.

Im not a coomer who just wants to get my dick wet. If that was the case i'd have paid a whore long ago.

>> No.4475252
File: 6 KB, 540x553, 1585859438562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 18 and haven't even hold hands with a man

>> No.4475253

The point to grasp is that western women sleep around BECAUSE they are not able to stay with a man and GIVE him 'that connection' you think you want.

Good sex is all you need these days, girls come and go, there's a few nice girls I keep around tho, mostly the virgins

>> No.4475268

Might as-well just fucking kill myself then. Tell Loomis i love him.

>> No.4475273

if you're op then it's clearly not working for you, Both the text and image are shit

>> No.4475274

Holy shit now i wanna draw this

>> No.4475280
File: 45 KB, 598x600, 1566532534488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 year old girl
>that face

>> No.4475294
File: 36 KB, 640x480, 381030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want love

Then die alone, anon

>> No.4475296

Haha thanks for that opinion, i really appreciate you coming to comment and view my art.

The face - I could add this is that unfortunate moment you see your girl (or any girl you fancy) without makeup on, it's a sham lol

>> No.4475316

Anon just because we're roasting your /beg/ art doesn't mean we don't know what women look like
Grow up kek

>> No.4475341

This is roasting? loving this thread bro!

I definitely not a beginner though, I'm pre-beginner and can admit - I suck!! and started drawing waayyy too late to become good, but like I said it's kinda erotic having a young girl pose her supple body for you (And to keep telling her you messed up and need to start again lol)

Hang tough.

>> No.4475360
File: 56 KB, 534x467, 3vqzc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4475367

Cmon man

>> No.4475493
File: 50 KB, 450x812, C721XIGV4AAkjC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>28 and still with the guy I first slept with


>> No.4475504

>Not sure if anyone else finds this frustrating!
What did he mean by that? Where's the frustration in all this?

>> No.4475570

many people here are very lonely and struggling with things like premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. (not a joke) a multitude of mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, social phobia. The fact that someone can use art to get laid is legitimate cause for many people here to get really jealous and hurt. It's not a rational thing to have, but we are humans with boiling emotions so yea..

>> No.4475579

She looks disgusting anon.

>> No.4475595

>any western girl these days has slept with an average of 20 guys by the age of 21
Is this really that common for you guys out there? I honestly wonder what kind of women you've associate with in your regular life for you to believe this is standard?
All of my friends have AT MOST in their life had TWO partners and have always been in committed relationship.
My friend who is 28 year old recently lost her v card with her partner. I'm the only one left now at 29 in my circle of friends who is still a kissless virgin, but I don't mind, since sex is something you can really easily get, so it never interested me that much. What I wish for instead is a genuine connection with a person, whom I will love to spend my life with and create a family with him. I believe I'm not alone on sharing this opinion out there and there are many women out there who like me want this.

I'm not denying that women who've slept with the entire neighborhood doesn't exist, that's not what I'm saying. But I refuse to believe this is a majority or a common thing among women to do.

>> No.4475670

its a meme

>> No.4475690

It's a pretty good drawing if you don't see the face. Good job op. But I do wonder how she fucked you after seeing how you drew her face. I'm geniunly curious what was her reaction and if you have more of these drawings saved. They are very sensual imo

>> No.4475696


>> No.4475704

You're really dumb enough to believe everything on this forsaken website?

>> No.4475750

22 and four years strong

>> No.4475753

Anon I don’t know what you were trying to prove but this looks like shit

>> No.4475812

Wait for the right person. I'm a virgin and doing the same thing, but the times that I have gotten intimate for pleasure it was never worth it.

>> No.4475881

ok then, I took the bait.
The thing is, I come across this argument all over the net, on different forums and so on, it's not only on 4chan. Sure much of it is just trolling. But I've actually meet people (extremely rare but they exist) irl who also hold this belief as gospel, tho I tend to avoid these people afterward since their negativity towards life is a bit too heavy for me.
I'm just curious if this really is such a strong held belief in the general public eye as the internet make it out to be?
>Wait for the right person
That's what I'm going with. Tho I'm okay with a life in solitude as long as I'm healthy and can draw what I love, I'm content. But I'm not gonna lie, it would be nice to have someone I could hug and share my nature walks with.
But I agree, as long as you feel happy with your decision on how you approach this subject, such as relationship and love, that all that matters.

>> No.4475885

>any western girl these days has slept with an average of 20 guys by 21 years of age
?????????? Where the fuck do you live holy shit

>> No.4476331

I think we had that thread already, fuck off

>> No.4476411

That was sad to read but I respect it. you're wrong though at least where I'm from the average is probably between 15-20 by 21 for a girl.

>> No.4476439

Who's average? Where is this statistic coming from? Is it really a representative group of people that this was tested on? What part of the world are these women from?

>> No.4476740

>Believing a girl

Your post screams either virgin or very beta.

>> No.4476748
File: 41 KB, 714x671, monkeybone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for your comments, really great to hear.
But believe me, half your skills go out the window when a naked girl is standing over you and you try to concentrate on anything but feeling aroused and wanted to cuddle and make love to her.!

>> No.4476788
File: 223 KB, 1024x759, the_new_subway_four_inch_with_free_diet_coke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4476797

You don't have a bad style op. Reminds me of old pin ups. Do you draw from imaginaton any pinups? And what's the other art that the girls see around your house? Still life? Gesture?

>> No.4476818
File: 77 KB, 710x984, marlasinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, thanks for your comment, I draw from reference and imagination, mostly graphic novel style art, cars and scenes.

Pic related

>> No.4476825

>Fight club

Fucking based.

>> No.4476893

Last time you told us it was your gf OP. Something tells me you’re actually a sexless virgin LARPing as a chad.

t. actual handsome chad

>> No.4476899
File: 211 KB, 1084x766, feet2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have two girlfriends at the moment, not that know that lol.

But I regularly rotate to a new set of girls, keeps things interesting, and a new figure to draw so its a win win, haha lol

Thanks for looking

>> No.4476902

Sure faggot. Either that or youre an annoying lying little shit who wont stop making threads for your dogshit art every single week.

>> No.4476903

Sure you do OP. Do your “two gfs” look identical? Cause you used the exact same pic last time, but changed your story.

>> No.4476904

I think that's called sex addiction

>> No.4476906

Well I'm sorry you feel that way sir, I think you might have me confused with someone else, this is an original work, unless some bastard has been stealing my work and posting it? haha that would suck!
anyway thanks for looking, appreciate your thoughts and comments, stay safe.

>> No.4476909

Fuck you nigger youre such a beta passive aggressive bitch. Sorry you suck cock at drawing maybe get a job at mcdonalds

>> No.4476910
File: 92 KB, 643x1009, sexynudebabes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely, I've found the less I draw the more
'rough' my sex with the girlfriends and hook ups are.
They are all dirty animals, trust me - choking, bdsm, feet licking, fisting - girls will do anything, you know what I mean anyway.

>> No.4476911

You sound like Data when he was writing a subroutine for small talk.

>> No.4476912

The sheer level of roleplay

>> No.4476914

Hi, I'm not Africa American no, I'm caucasion, but yes you are correct - getting a job as an artist post 1990 is impossible!!! I might take up that offer for a job at McDonalds in this climate.

Anyhow thanks for looking, keep going, chin up dude!

>> No.4476915

I’ll give you a protip buddy. People who have lots of sex don’t try to humblebrag about it on the internet, because when sex is as natural to you as eating, and you’re constantly floored with validation from women, you not only don’t see getting laid as anything worth bragging about, but you also don’t seek validation from loser strangers on the internet.

You’re not fooling anyone, despite your best efforts.

>> No.4476916

Not really a Star Trek fan, but thanks for the compliment!.

>> No.4476918

Those poor women

>> No.4476919

Haha choke to death you fucking faggot haha!
Give up art you /beg/ faggot haha!

>> No.4476922

HI friend, I'm sorry you feel that way.
The purpose of this thread was to talk to other people about drawing girls, I hoped there would be other anons posting their work, but as it happens the thread turned into a bit of a diary and they wanted to know the saucy details, haha naughty boys, you failed your first test! lol

I digress, lets have some people post their drawing of girls they have met, doesn't have to be nude (but would be nice)

>> No.4476923

This board truly has reached a new low

>> No.4476925

Hey mate, thanks for your opinion, I understand that's how you feel.
However I am not homosexual, but definitely am a BEGinner hahaha, ill admit my art SUCKS ASS, but I enjoy doing it, I may not be at a standard that is shown around here, but like to contribute and hopefully improve.


>> No.4476926

You would have improved the board by not opening your own shitty thread. Post beginner work in /beg/ you fucking attention whore

>> No.4476929
File: 302 KB, 609x826, 9EEECDBB-4AE6-4665-824D-580D3A8A7AE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The purpose of this thread was to talk to other people about drawing girls,
Enjoy. 6 years ago. Actual gf at the time. I don’t draw girls unless I have feelings for them and want to give them a gift. I don’t need art as an excuse to bring girls to my house.

Now stop being a passive aggressive roleplayer and making shitty threads.

>> No.4476932

Wow man! that's crazy good! you should do more of those, really love the softness of the lines and the overall look. awesome stuff

>> No.4476942 [DELETED] 
File: 785 KB, 3300x2600, Dragon Princess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a towergirl

>> No.4476943
File: 201 KB, 1100x870, Dragon Princess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a towergirl

>> No.4476945
File: 77 KB, 683x324, NHSLS-lifetime-sex-partners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're completely talking out of your arse.

>> No.4476947

Thanks for posting this, but we also have to consider that both parties are potential liars. Women tend to under report, where men over report (like OP). There is a flaw in accuracy, but it's definitely not as high as 15-21 partners for women.

>> No.4476948

The majority of casual sex is had by a minority of people. Millennials and zoomers don’t fuck as much as the generations before them did, but popular misconception has everyone thinking that everyone else is having way more sex than them. The average person in the millennial or zoomer age group hasn’t actually banged *that* many people. My personal experience bears out, there’s a lot of people who pretty much stop dating around at their fourth partner. There’s a minority of people who have interesting, varied sex lives. Guess what kinds of people have movies and tv shows made about them?

>> No.4476951

Thanks normie

>> No.4476960

Awful drawing. Awful personality.

>> No.4476983

Wait. Op is the car fag with the shit mechanic comic? Didn't you have a thread a while back asking us how you can convince your wife to let you do art full time? Guess that didn't work out

>> No.4477007

This is bullshit. I got my first partner when I was 21 and we're still together for 2 years.

>> No.4477009

this post and its replies show why /ic/ went to the shitter, populated by femanons that are probably also purveyors of weebtrash

purge when?

>> No.4477010
File: 99 KB, 680x941, JoggerJoker_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about another drawing I did, Murray?

>> No.4477076

same,4chan users are just delusional

>> No.4477085

I legit thought it's a Walking dead character design

>> No.4477149

haha wow thats a great compliment, thanks.
Marla did want to die so it makes sense.

>> No.4477153

Lmao its you. Didn't you say in previous threads you were like 40 or something? Going after 20 years old girls is kinda creepy

>> No.4477340

haha, how is having sexual intercourse creepy? my main girlfriend is 21 and the other is 19, so I'm only 5 years older.

You have dated before haven't you, anon?

>> No.4477360

>expecting anyone to date 40+ yo girls
Lmao does this nigga really

>> No.4477498

>Going after 20 years old girls is kinda creepy
OP is a faggot, but your horribly misguided views are laughably stupid. You're 100% a stupid fujo roastie and you're seething and it's hilarous. Sorry babe, but women who never settled down into a steady relationship before 30 are worthless. They're alone for a reason, and men know this.

>> No.4477521

I'm from the UK and this stat comes from being a human being who knows other human beings. Feel free to ask any young person in this country and the number they give you will either be the same or higher. Plenty of 18 year old girls that have hit over 40. Plenty of 21 years olds that have had double that. Im not saying there's anything good about it but this is the reality, your experience is not the norm.

>> No.4477525

>Women REPORTING this number

>> No.4477578

>Point out I'm a virgin in post
>Your post screams virgin
No shit, Sherlock, that some amazing deduction skills you got there.

>> No.4477661

>thinking your going to get aids or go to jail for fucking a hooker
Most escorts get tested regularly and are actually cleaner then most thots on the street sucking chads dick for free. As long as your not picking up street walkers, your not gonna get caught by the police. And always remember, as a man, being loved is incredibly conditional, so your gonna have to be at the top of your A game to have a bitch even care about if you live or die.

>> No.4477666

Back to fucking crystal cafe with you femanons. Exceptions don't disprove the rule.

>> No.4477670

Are you really sitting on /ic/ bragging about how much pussy you get?

>> No.4477673

>I have two girlfriends at the moment, not that know that lol.
FUCKK I wish I had two girlfriends. Two is the perfect number of gfs. Two gfs = max art gains
I don't want to rotate gfs tho

>> No.4477723


>> No.4477729

I'm a 23yo virgin male and I have lost hope a year ago. Also I don't have a job and I'm Polish

>> No.4477730

Actually it is in reverse. Going after 30+ old girls is super creepy, the guy is either after money or connections.

>> No.4477795


Until I read that I thought there was hope. My condolences

>> No.4477842

>on 4chan

larping this hard

>> No.4477846

El Basado

>> No.4477865

do you really think someone could do something like that here?
why would anyone lie on the internet?

>> No.4477914

They’re also fujos and probably fat, so they don’t count. Undesirable women who bagged a desperate loser aren’t the norm.

>> No.4477922

lol fuckin hideous

>> No.4477997

haha thanks for your opinion

>> No.4478021

Fucking cope neet fag

>> No.4478043

Not a single source backs those numbers.

>> No.4478120
File: 907 KB, 1280x720, 1508746755112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My source is me and all my buddies, the way all the women act around men and countless other people on the internet.
>inb4 your an incel
I've had 2 girlfriends and fucked atleast 4 other women.
Most of the girls in my middle school where already fucking dudes (and girls) by 15, some of them had older boyfriends in highschool. This trend continued into highschool, college and beyond. All my friends tell me the same shit, as do my internet friends. People self reporting on studies are not to be believed 6/10 times (Look up a study on average penis size on men, they found alot of men lied when self reporting). I'm not saying ALL women are thots and take 3 miles of dick before settling down. But a good portion do, especially if they're on the more attractive end.

Your using confirmation bias, looking at the stuff that proves your point and not the stuff that disproves it (divorce rates along side who initiates the divorce and why, dating statistics with what men are found attractive by women and who gets the most matches). Women are angels and they are just, if not more horny and degenerate then men.

>> No.4478133

>My source is me and all my buddies, the way all the women act around men and countless other people on the internet.
>Your using confirmation bias

“A 2014 study of CDC data from 2006 to 2010 found these numbers:

Ages 15-19: 72% of women and 71% of men had had 0-1 partners, and 17% of women and 17% of men had had 2-4 partners.

Ages 20-24: Among women, 35% had had 0-1 partner, 29% had had 2-4 partners, 23% had had 5-9 partners, and 13% had had 10+ partners. Among men, 32% had had 0-1 partner, 25% had had 2-4 partners, 20% had had 5-9 partners, and 22% had had 10+ partners.“

>> No.4478196

Anon, thats a self report study. I can guarantee half those people lied through their teeth, especially the younger ones. Also that sample size is small to make conclusive statemen Maybe because I live NYC, people are more degenerate, but people are having tons of sex all the goddamn time.

>> No.4478355

I hope you are enjoying the corona party

>> No.4478362

I like this story more

>> No.4478407

I wouldn’t assume that, cougar fetishes are pretty common.

>> No.4478425

Anecdotal evidence is worthless, especially since my anecdote differs strongly from yours, and I’m not the only one. In my time I’ve had three partners, and just speaking for the entirety of my family and friends (granted a small friend group), they would report the same numbers. The point is not that either of our statements are true; it’s that we cannot make broad statements like that without realizing our scopes our limited to ourselves. Women are likely just as promiscuous as men, and both of us are right.

>> No.4478435

Holy kek these faces. I hope you dont show these to those poor girls. Worsr part of this thread is OP faking like hes enjoying all the thread activity and not like hes about to an hero over his /beg/ tier "art"

>> No.4478497

That Link drawing is p hot ngl

>> No.4478503

yikes OP's interactions with a girl is probably him donating to them on a stream or something while watching incel fetish porn.

>> No.4478857

Exceptions. I've been with my gf of 8 years and we took each other's virginities, but her friends and my friends are sluts. If we broke up I wouldn't be happy to take on the field...

ever heard of the study where the hooked up women to lie detectors and their partner counts doubled on average? The lie detectors don't even work, but they were scared into telling the truth. It's double, no triple that.

>> No.4478946

But I’m neither a NEET nor coping.

>> No.4478982

>some of them had older boyfriends in highschool.
I witnessed this too. In 7th grade the “cool girls” were dating high schoolers. They were around 13 yo and still wore braces, and they were seeing dudes who were 16, 17, etc... then there was also that one event where one of them got fingered at the movie theatre by the quarterback in Middle school and everyone talked about it. In another case, a girl I wound up dating much later actually got raped by a dude at the age of 13, she was dating him btw, and he was 17. After that she was scandalous, as she got caught having sex in school a couple times (I didn’t witness any of this btw, this is her sharing this with me). Most girls in fact, by the time they were Seniors in HS had had about 2-4 bfs. And most of them were certainly having sex, because people talk about this in HS. Blowjobs in the bathrooms, etc... you heard it all. Like, the only girls who DIDN’T were the small minority who were super studious or hyper religious, but even they had a bf or two and eventually lost their virginity before they graduated. Girls also got passed around between friends, especially since bitches like to stir drama, and people tend to stick to social circles. In fact, it happened a couple times, that chicks who were freshmen in HS and lost their virginity to a buddy of mine who was a senior, eventually started hooking up with me after I’d graduated and they were in their senior year. It was always older guys though, it’s like a status symbol for girls to date an older guy.

So, considering most girls had fucked at least 3-4 dudes (on the low end, I met girls who fucked WAY WAY more before graduation), you can only imagine how much crazier shit got once they started living on their own.

>> No.4478986


Eventually I moved to Europe, and the debauchery got more insane there, as sexual liberty is a LOT more open in places like Spain and the UK. With girls going out every weekend to find some dick. I had a flatmate in Madrid, in the year I lived with here, she fucked at least 10 guys, and I know because we would talk and give each other dating advice. Eventually, we fucked as well. And all of this was before Tinder mind you. I have NO doubt the majority of attractive women are punching in at over 100 guys, depending on their age. Like, when you go out, as a man, and see how EASY it is to fuck a girl who likes you, and I don’t even mean ONS, but girls within your social circles too. A “handful” by late 20s is total bullshit. No doubt some girls do, but the more attractive and thirsty for validation a girl is, the more dudes she’s had sex with. Cause it’s SO easy.

The only place I’ll believe that girls are only hitting like 10 dudes by their late 20s is Japan. Because dating culture is way different here.

Like, if you don’t believe me, just TALK to women. Attractive ones. The deal about girls is that they’ll never be honest with you about this sort of stuff if they think you’ll be judgemental about it. Just be open with them, share your life exp, and talk about this sort of stuff, and slowly they’ll start detailing all their sexual experiences to you (coincidentally this is what gets you laid btw), just be like “yeah, it’s ok blah blah, I think it’s lame people judge blah blah.” And they’ll tell you the REAL numbers over time. Hell, they’ll lie to you at first. Oh yeah, only 10 guys or whatever, counting “the ones that count” like bfs or significant lays, or whatever. But the number is MUCH much larger than that, lol.

And the only reason I’m not able to verify exactly what Japan is like, is cause my Japanese isn’t good enough yet to have that level of conversation with girls here yet.

>> No.4479118
File: 185 KB, 768x820, 1544404909161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, I basically experienced the same thing, thats why I found it fucking ridiculous that people where claiming that no one was fucking anyone outside of their few long time relationships. Maybe its because most people here are neet and/or femanons that don't talk to anyone outside their small friend group, but its the norm that women (and men) have ATLEAST 2-3 bodies to their name before they even get to college. For example, me, a slightly above average autistic, anon with a resting bitch face was having girls throw pussy at me when I didn't get any interest in highschool at all, so its not a far stretch to think that these girls where getting their back blown out atleast every other weekend. Also, all you have to do is talk to normie social butterflies for more then 5 minutes and the topic of sex will come up. The crazy shit that the average person gets up too is stranger then fiction.

>> No.4479196

nice story, im guessing it makes the virginity easier

>> No.4479203

>I definitely not a beginner thoug
that's defined by the quality of your art, not the amount of time you spent on it. If that is what you produce then youre most certainly a begginer.

>> No.4479215

Nowhere, they're just making it up and assuming shit from random screencaps of people they see online.

that's some impressive reading comprehension you have there, I like how you apparently only read the parts in caps

>> No.4479250

OP is a fag who is so insecure about himself he needs to humblebrag about getting laid in an art forum of all places. We should not hate on him, but have pitty on his poor soul.

>> No.4479268

Yeah not sure I get the point of this thread at all honestly, there's a couple cool pieces I guess but mostly it's just bizarre. who comes to a forum as small as this to do some weird brag routine about having sex with a few people?

>> No.4479269
File: 1.16 MB, 7322x3894, yf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9 years older than her
>oh anon your eyes are so cute <3

in all honesty its the charm of having someone in prime youth and you in your creepy older male drawing hobby satisfied with the best model ever and getting to fugg

>> No.4479286

OP for the record, when a girl comes to your house and it's the two alone, you don't need the excuse of drawing her to get laid. I did a similar thing with my shitty piano and told them I'd play them music I composed when I could barely play. Now I just grab them, dump them into bed and get on with it.

>> No.4479309

It must be nice to have a girlfriend to draw nude and do artsy fetish stuff with like shibari

>> No.4479347

The worst part is that it’s definitely not true.

>> No.4479400

Try to curb that emotion, anon. That's probably why no girl (whore or otherwise) wants to fuck soneone who is as emotional as a bitch.

>> No.4479415

Stop pretending to be a chad, we all know you’re a virgin.

>> No.4479420

For sure, guy wasn't exactly super convincing. Though honestly it would be pretty pathetic even if it was legit

>> No.4480201

Not at all friend, I feel inspired and spoiled! haha
Really didn't expect such great comments to my not so good drawings.
I expected others to post photos of women they have also drawn,
But the response to my art has been phenomenal! thanks again and hope you have a good day.

>> No.4480548

Somebody has to draw it