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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 213 KB, 378x420, 863d33665ad337e2bd65c685498b47b6(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4473761 No.4473761 [Reply] [Original]

>he fell for the freelance meme

>> No.4473785

what's the meme?

>> No.4473797

look brother, it's either freelance or physical labor until death. as someone with no debts to pay, let a guy dream

>> No.4473830

>he thinks freelance isn't physical labor until death
lol if you have bills to pay it's literally the same level of work or more
"but it's more creatively fulfilling because I get to choose what to work on and have creative freedom, so it won't feel like as much work!"
only if you're particularly well established as an artist, and have a big enough client base to boot that you don't have to take shitty jobs for scraps
otherwise you might as well go into a traditional game/animation/art studio(that isn't BlizzEA levels of management disaster) and work your way up until you get to helm your own creative projects

>> No.4473862

dude I stand at a fucking conveyor belt, lift shit up and put it on a rack for eight hours a day, please pay me to draw your sonic fan fiction I will slurp that shit up

>> No.4473995

It’s not a meme if you know how to make yourself visible and establish solid relationships with your clients to secure future projects.

>> No.4474077

Fucking based

>> No.4474585

I won't open my own thread, so here it is.
I've failed big time to make it. I hate social media and in more years I like to admit, I never got any followers / whatever I needed to earn money, gave up for good about a year ago and I've progressively quit drawing as well due to feeling alienated and obsolete. Recently, someone asked me to draw for an advertising job and I did, as a throwaway thing. Everyone was enthusiastic, the job turned into another job, and so on. Advertising pays really well. The clients have no standards as long as it looks clean, and if you think entertainment is incestuous, this is hell. There is nothing of art in this, except that you're drawing things. People are dying en masse from this virus and you work for people whose only concern is how to phrase their fake concern so people give a fuck and buy shit. I'm not manufacturing bomb shells, but I hate advertising. I hate this retarded hamster wheel of a world.
For a short period I tried drawing erotica, and I had felt a similar disgust, but somehow this feels worse. Yesterday I was offered an opportunity that would have made this a stable job. I refused, I said I'd do the last few things I commited to and then I'd be out.
I'm not an idealistic kid, the implications of this are real. I have a chronic illness so working remotely would've been my ticket out of a future of poverty or maybe homelessness. But I can't stand that I have drawn passionately for so long and my only chance to make a living with it is this shit. I can't swallow my pride and say such is life, let's be thankful for this "opportunity". Everyone's furious with me, but more than that they're just baffled. They can't imagine why I would refuse a job so easy and well-paying, they feel insulted by my entitlement, they are asking me to consider my future, well I don't have plans for the future. I can't tell them that. They can't figure out what my plan is.
This last experience has completely killed my desire to draw.

>> No.4474617

Don't kill yourself Anon. Turn to Jesus and capture the beauty of nature in your art.

>> No.4474650

working from home with a job that takes 1 hour out of an 8 hour day. now that's based

>> No.4474683

Kek. Based.

>> No.4474716

you're either larping, living a neet life with your parents or just a naive shithead. maybe a mix of all three.

>> No.4474792
File: 144 KB, 764x1534, image%3A11143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would anyone pay you to make shit you enjoy?

The fact that you can draw in the first place is testament to the reality that you people will do this shit for free, if the job wasn't soul crushing some privileged artschool kid would already be doing it better than you for poverty wages.

>> No.4474802
File: 73 KB, 920x517, pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I just wanna die so much that offsetting that desire would need something unrealistic.

>> No.4474811

get face tattoos and become a rapper, it’s literally the only way to make it

>> No.4474824

there's a meme?

>> No.4474829

>expecting to make it with such pussy ass low effort
>not opening CSGO crates on stream and every time you get loot you say OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH and take off a part of your fursuit
>not being an actual genetically altered technicolor human wolf hybrid underneath the fursuit
>not wearing a diaper to auction at the end of the stream so you can afford brand name lentils

>> No.4474831

Based af. Rooting for you buddy you can do it.