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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 58 KB, 500x550, 29c704d870c82e11690cb93ed7a6ad9d-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4472990 No.4472990 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people so often shit on coomer art, when in reality it's the most natural theme choice a man can make?

>> No.4472991

Bait thread time to hide et

>> No.4472992

Cuz they're either:
Or all of the above

>> No.4472996

>when in reality it's the most natural theme choice a man can make?

If you think a man is devoid of all animus and is defined solely by his sexuality then you might as well go out and shit and live in the woods with the rest of the animals.

>> No.4473000

What made you think I said that? Draw whatever you want, but stop bitching about people who want to draw the most natural thing in the world. That's all I'm saying.

>> No.4473008

They're upset people are drawing things they don't like for money and fun

>> No.4473014

why do people seeth/cope whenever coomers get made fun of? could it be that coomers are insecure?

>> No.4473017

Hello Tumblr!

>> No.4473020

So this is the state of coomhaters

>> No.4473023

why are you faggots so goddamn buttblasted that people make fun of lowest common denominator shlock?

>> No.4473026

no one mentioned abstract minimalist art

>> No.4473027

@4473017 & 4473020
easily triggered coomers
>muh nature
foot long dicks and ultra gangbangs and monster rape isn't natural

>> No.4473030

>Art isn't natural
Go on retard

>> No.4473039
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>the countless other fetish coom scribbles
>"y-y-yeah, goys, this just natural?"
I honestly just want to die but i am angry.
Angry at just everything.
Stop existing.

>> No.4473047

>gore and guro are separate
>tomboy is the gun and not missionary sex or sex with wife or impregnation

>> No.4473054

Not him but guro is not the same as gore. I like grotesque things, but I blood is not really my thing.

>> No.4473055


>> No.4473073
File: 288 KB, 1200x1699, puritans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It comes down to the protestant guilt prevalent in our culture. There are puritans on both the left and the right.

It's why our entertainment is filled with casual violence but graphic sex is considered off-limits.

And despite having a 'shame culture' in Japan, being a hentai artist is a viable career path.

>> No.4473075
File: 13 KB, 480x480, 1541875570586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and not missionary---
>What is vanilla?
>being this retarded

>> No.4473085

>having a 'shame culture' in Japan, being a hentai artist is a viable career path
aren't they fucking awesome

>> No.4473089

Does anyone call porn what it is anymore? It’s porn.

>> No.4473109
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>> No.4473116

Because you guys are annoying
It you weren’t annoying you wouldn’t get bullied

>> No.4473118


>> No.4473133

because you're a basic simpleton who can't even control his primal urges and cooms all over the place on badly drawn flat animu-tumblr nsfw pics, aka a projecting coomer >>4472992

>> No.4473144

some people jerk off 3 times a day, are addicted to porn and horny all the time, some people go on nofap for months on end and are equally horny all the time. I'm convinced that the boring centrist position of having a good wank every once every couple days is the best option adult humans have for managing their sexual urges.

>> No.4473165

Coom artist here
I masturbate maybe only once a week, but I drew lewd commissions and work for fun every damn day, You may continue to project your insecurities though

>> No.4473374
File: 47 KB, 500x620, 1582911447083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me you didn't write those numbers

>> No.4473392

>When you make it then no one will call your art coomer art anymore.
t. Peter Paul Rubens

>> No.4473487

>most natural thing in the world
>Fapping to asian fetish cartoons.

Pick one.

>> No.4473496

the practice of fapping to stylized depictions of fetish objects is as old as humanity

>> No.4473533

cavemen did it so it's okay for my life to revolve around it

>> No.4473537

>stupid femcel trying to stop a man from cumming

>> No.4473543

What am i if I draw moeshit art?

>> No.4473548

actually i'm a gay dude and i want all the cum to myself

>> No.4473559
File: 382 KB, 770x1165, everyone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone's furry for isabelle

>> No.4473571
File: 253 KB, 358x353, ERxMugfXUAAZAx4.png:orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because this board is infested with sex-negative feminists from /co/ and incels, so anything remotely sexual is the devil now.

>> No.4473582

>post a normal image of a woman
>"bros... imagine the smell of her smelly shitty asshole"
>"i want her to step on my balls and crush them"
>"literally synthesized for black cock"
>"i want to stuff my face in her armpits and die there"
>"mommy i need milky please i've been a good boy mommy mommy"
yeah the boogeyman that exists only in your head is the problem

>> No.4473587

>>"i want her to step on my balls and crush them"
>>"literally synthesized for black cock"
only that's unwholesome

>> No.4473593

women are people too anon. they deserve at least a little bit of respect.
imagine if a voluptuous black women walked up to you and said to your face
>literally made for black pussy
wouldn't you be at least a little offended?

>> No.4473599

>women are people too anon.

>> No.4473600

Because it's fucking boring and there's plenty of it already.

>> No.4473601

If women would be equally aggressive when it comes to being horny I wouldn't need to be on this shitty website.
But no, instead they are all cowardly as fuck, and rather fuck their stupid dogs and cats.

>> No.4473604

>wouldn't you be at least a little offended?
no, I would like that. I don't see people having any kind of sexual interest in me as disrespectful, it's just a compliment. I would really appreciate the idea that another human is feeling very animalistic sexual feelings to me.

>> No.4473614

>If women would be equally aggressive when it comes to being horny
they are just not to lower tier men

>> No.4473628

>What am i if I draw moeshit art?
Based - If you're just drawing instead caring about what other people like to draw

>> No.4473632


>> No.4473656

>Bitches about boogeymen
>Posts one anyways

>> No.4473735

>what is vanilla
Honestly your tunnelvisioning is really fucking distrubing. You may prefer moms or fats or little girls or whatever the fuck, but tomboy is a perfectly decent example of purity for a simple meme like this.

>> No.4473743

>implying coomer artists actually have sex
procreation is natural, coomer is not, dumbass

>> No.4473777

Enjoy not getting a job in the industry LMAO

>> No.4473813
File: 331 KB, 753x707, 1522398286457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look it's "stop liking what I dislike" thread number 999999999999

>> No.4473816 [DELETED] 
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cope harder virgin

>> No.4473828
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>he wants a job in "the industry"
yeah what you really need is a job working 12 hours a day making concept art for some faggot call of duty clone, and getting paid subpar wages. so you can send your designs to some fag ideas guy with no drawing skills and have him tell you how to make them better. all to churn out soulless AAA games and movies
don't forget that you're competing with a 10000 million other people because it's a completely saturated field of manchildren who want a 'cool' job
that's something a literal child would aspire to lol

>> No.4473842

>muh wageslave industry
I want to know that I'm sexually satisfying people by drawing exquisite coochy

>> No.4473911

FYI, pornfags are on the defensive because both Patreon and PayPal have ramped up their efforts to remove it. Furthermore, the porn industry continues to piss off normies by failing to remove child porn off sites such as PornHub and xHamster, even to the point of blocking any users who call the matter out.

The slow responses to removing such content will only make the blowback even worse, especially when normies finally decide they had enough of this shit.

Throw in several pending investigations into major porn companies and you're going to see one hell of a shitshow coming in the next year or two.

>> No.4473923

why are you trying to ruin the livelihood of people? being a cunny draftsman is literally the only realistic way to make money as an artist and you want to get rid of it because "muh men stroke their pp to stacy and now I can't get a boyfriend." There's never been another time in art history where making money has been so realistic for so many

I don't fucking care about porn addiction or whatever stupid shit you think is important. I need MONEY

>> No.4473928

>failing to remove child porn off sites such as PornHub and xHamster
Let me guess, you probably mean pigtailed teens, who just look too young for the average fat Americunt who rather prefers fat horse asses?

>> No.4473929

Then get real job, faggot.

>> No.4473931

how is art not a real job? why are you even here if you think so poorly of art that you don't think it's worth being paid for?

>> No.4473941

Oh no, being an artist is a job, but not a coomer one.

>> No.4473970

why not? being a coom artist is actually more of an artist than most artists in the sense that his work connects with his clients on a level that's so much deeper than what most people would think of as traditional artists. The coom art connects with people on such a deep, primal, and animal level that poor people are willing to shell out money to look at it. That will NEVER happen with normal art. Rich people barely pay for it, let alone regular people caring so much that they will pay you to look at your work

>> No.4473983

Do you think porn directors are artists too? What about real life porn stars? Do they connect with people on a much deeper level than the greatest actor in the world?

>> No.4473996

As in, pornography of underaged children coerced into sexual acts, and under the influence of alcohol, drugs, sold into sex slavery by their parents, or some combination of the three.

The GirlsDoPorn fiasco was only the beginning, and Pornhub is doing jack shit keeping it off their site.

That isn't even getting into Pipergate on Twitter and child porn being hidden in Arab, Filipino, and Thai hashtags.

It's bad. It's real fucking bad, horrific that this shit has gone on for so long. I guarantee you the calls to investigate these companies are going to reach fever pitch soon.

>> No.4473998

Think about your legacy.
Are you going to be known as a Coomer artists.
If so you better make Coomer art that make history.

>> No.4474009

>I guarantee you
Naw, I think you are just a hysterical old hag who is jealous of young beautiful girls, that's why you want to get rid of them.

>> No.4474017

You make me fucking sick. Creatures like you deserve the worst hell imaginable. I hope the cops find your stash of child porn and you get raped and murdered in prison.

>> No.4474021

He’ll love that shit, anon. Coomers love anything that’s sexual, since that’s the only thing that keeps them functional.

>> No.4474029

>You make me fucking sick
Don't blame me for your sick and twisted mind. That's completely your own fault.

>> No.4474036

Eventually the government will just force them to crack down on the CP, as they should because it's disgusting and illegal. That's all. All the rest of the porn, which is like 99.9% of it, stays the same and nothing changes.

>> No.4474075

Nta but do you remember the whole argument was about the job not being real?

>> No.4474106

Honestly depends. For the most part its because they're clearly just cashing in on the coomers in place of gitting gud and actually having content.

Just by drawing a dick in the same frame as a normally SFW picture you'll get 10x likes and favorites, and probably 1000x more views. Whenever I throw the R18 tag on one of my drawings, even if its lower quality than my other ones, it gets a fuckton more views and likes than anything else I draw.

If its clear someone is just cashing in on the coomer views, then I lose respect for them.

>> No.4474228

actually this is a
>stop disliking us coomers
thread. read the op again.

>> No.4474323
File: 51 KB, 624x395, fools.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I salute you,OP

>> No.4474580
File: 393 KB, 800x457, autistic scream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitch, did you just try to draw a comparison between projecting fantasies onto a drawing and walking up to a real human bean and saying that you bet she must have a hairy pussy, probably while panting heavily and staring at her like you're about to rape her? and three anons replied to you and just went along with that premise rather than calling you out on being a retard?

what's wrong with this board?

>> No.4474584

>bitch, did you just try to draw
Just where do you think you are?

>> No.4474600

The problem is that coomers won’t shut up about cooming and won’t let people alone. If cumbait was successfully contained in its containment thread I don’t think anyone would have issues with it. But they shit up every thread they touch with their ‘funny’ jokes and bad art. It doesn’t help that a lot of coom is exaggerated to the point it no longer looks appealing to people who don’t have that specific fetish. So it’s not like they are spamming well drawn images of attractive nude women but art with disgustingly exaggerated features.

>> No.4474621
File: 36 KB, 500x695, 1549115981477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people who mock coomers are the same type who would mock a foodie
Sex and pornography are as natural to man as food
Coomer art is the same type of hyperfocus on the enjoyment of sex as a well prepared meal is to hunger
The anons that complain are mostly /pol/tards who have been brainwashed by memes that have convinced them that in order to be some enlightened redpilled demigod they must abstain from masturbation. They must also crusade all across 4chan and spread puritanical beliefs otherwise they will never become the god emperor of mankind

>> No.4474640
File: 58 KB, 493x493, 1546107128020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's less mocking, and more concern desü. Most coomfags seem to be so exposed to porn hyperstimulation that they seem desensitized to it. Call upon the /pol/tard boogeyman if you want but I don't think having porn constantly beamed into your brain is good or "natural" to you.
That said if you wanna draw coom art then go for it I don't care. Only I don't get how it's not soul crushing for you fags, it sounds kinda depressing.

>> No.4474645

Because it's absolute shit 99% of the time but coombrains won't fucking notice and post it anyway

>> No.4474670

Everything is 99% shit. It's called Sturgeon's Law. 99% of people who draw fantasy art are also shit.

>> No.4474922

Fantasy art fans doesn't propagate garbage material with the same aggression and zeal though. Not by a long shot. Also their tastes usually don't go below the mediocre. Coomers on the other hand will look up to absolute bottom of the barrel shit if ticks some fetish of theirs.

>> No.4474937

>implying your pic is even remotely similar to the body horror shit coomers keep posting

>> No.4474982


>> No.4474996

>pornography is as natural to man as food
That's a yikes from me.

>> No.4475548

>It you weren’t annoying you wouldn’t get bullied
Sure, just like it's niggers fault for racism or jewish fault for antisemitism.

>> No.4475563

It's kinda funny how the dooms guy armour is actually yellow if you colour pick it.

>> No.4475577

porn is inherently fine, some shit is gross, pedos are awful, coomers are often annoying

slash thread

>> No.4475590

none of the people upset about cp want to “get rid” of the young beautiful girls, they want to protect them from porn producers that literally will get rid of them with drugs and disease and god knows what else. if you’re going for the old hag argument, it’s more of a maternalistic thing than jealousy.

>> No.4475764
File: 514 KB, 2500x2143, 1561509205946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because sexual liberalism makes you into a faggot

>> No.4475873


>> No.4475966
File: 21 KB, 290x400, lip smack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mark of the educated man is the suppression of these qualities in favour of better ones. The same is true of civilization.

>> No.4476080

There are no Leftist puritans. Whenever they complain about pornography it's because of the power dynamic inherent in male/female sexual intercourse. They will promote degeneracy if it helps their cause or is within their ideological orthodoxy(ie. femdom, gay sex).

>> No.4476093

Radfems are against all types of porn or anything that gives pleasure to man and degrades women. At the end both are retards and it's funny to just sit and watch them fight.

>> No.4477155

What qualifies as coomer art? A cartoon character with inflated boobs and ass is not art, it's just porn, and bad porn while we're at it.
Naked subjects are fine as long as they are drawn with passion for art, AKA giving you a boner is not the main purpose of the piece.

>> No.4477157

Yeah at least sometimes something good can come out of that. Meanwhile coomer "art" doesn't have any meaning or good reason to exist

>> No.4477158

Anything made to make yo peepee hard is coomer art my guy

>> No.4477161

I would turn hard right that second
I mean, only if she's hot that is. But i don't have high standards

>> No.4477301

Are you trying to say art can't be at the same time porn too?
Wether something is for jerking off or not is pretty subjective. I read a lot of doujins, but never fapped to them. I just enjoyed the art in them. Other people fap them but that doesn't mean it's not art anymore.

There are probably also people who fapped to paintings of Balthus. Does that mean it's also not art anymore?

>> No.4478605
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>> No.4478611

art has to have a point, and point teaches us something. Porn or coomer art teaches nothing.

>> No.4480259

Real artist don't care about coomers.
It's just the crabs who are jealous.
that's it.

>> No.4481957
File: 61 KB, 598x606, 1586048296554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone on this website is a coomer, especially the anti-fap weirdos

>> No.4482932
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Are you being retarded on purpose?

>> No.4483641
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>> No.4483647

common beginner revelation, don't be a cunt.

>> No.4483654

suck Michael Angelos dick little fag