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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4470746 No.4470746 [Reply] [Original]

I remember roughly 8 years ago there was more emphasis on traditional mediums and some previs/concept art. As the years went by, it then became more previs/concept art oriented. I don't know if some kind of figurative bubble burst where people gave up trying to make it in some industry but then it switch from doing art that would get you a job to art that would get you more clicks, likes, follows, etc. Now all I see is badly drawn anime, fan art, and degenerative art.

I watched this board go slowly from fine art, to concept art, then now to what can only call modern geek art trash and it's just very disheartening.

>> No.4470761

Nearly everyone retard that draws here just want to make badly drawn porn. It doesn’t help when the top 5 best /ic/ artist are also porn artist....

>> No.4470772
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Don't like it? Post more of your own work or go to /trad/.
There's been a drop in quality recently (probably due to the quarantine) but that's barely felt in threads with people actually posting their work.

People here have always looked up to anime tit-n-ass, and it's pretty easy to avoid so it shouldn't bother you.
Unless you're some Christian puritan, in which case you should avert thy gaze lest the good lord smite you.

>> No.4470773

It's like this board has slowly turned into tumblr 2.0

>> No.4470784

natural result of 4chan being normietown now

>> No.4470794

I find traditional looks better, but it's just way too tedious compared to digital.
If you don't really plan to exhibit your paintings in a gallery outside, then it's just retarded to go traditional nowadays, because of how much easier and convenient digital is.

I just want to be a good artist and don't even care about making money with this.

>> No.4470799
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>> No.4470811

Op here, I'm not some advocate for fine art. I found this place somewhat unapproachable 8 years ago because of how traditional it was. I would say the glory days where when people where trying to get gud and get jobs in the industry. It started off good then became more palatable then slowly got worse

>> No.4470828

define artistic merit and i'll answer your question.

>> No.4470831

Who gives a shit about "the industry"? Just because you work as a slave for some shitty company, doesn't mean you are a better artist than some guy making great coomer art on patreon.

>> No.4470843

Who are the top 5?

>> No.4470847

unronically it's because the board is full of women now

>> No.4470848


>> No.4470859

Trannys aren't women

>> No.4470871

Bbcchan, kyle(unironically), mamlade, firez. I forgot the last one name, but that sums it up.

>> No.4470874

give me a definition of artistic merit that would change the answer

>> No.4471017

it's not about actually working in the industry and more about how artists striving to work in the industry brought out more of their talent and will to get better than artists who want more followers and likes. I don't care about working in the industry either but it demanded a higher skill level that showed here more so than whatever is going on now.

>> No.4471026

>inb4 called tranny buzzword puritain

>> No.4471041

This forum is a corner of a bigger fishtank called 4chan, and is more controlled by fad and meme than any other forum on the internet. Disheartened? Why? In the real world, 4chan is meaningless. It's not a real community. It has no ties to the real art world. I see trying to help the few actually trying as a rescue effort.
This forum is more about the elaborate fantasy that a group of people with severe social and mental issues have concocted, than actual art education.
If you want to seriously study art, leave 4chan. Don't argue, just go. Thank me later. This forum will always be a hot mess of autists trying to apply their own framework and rules to art, and young kids who have stars in their eyes of being the next big superstar manga/anime artist, or whatever the next big dream job that comes along. They don't understand what it means to be an artist, they just want the attention and "cool" jobs, like conceptual artists got the last decade. Or it's emotionally challenged men and boys who want to draw lewds of their carefully cultivated fetishes.
I've posted it before, and will continue to - I know someone who teaches art to 'troubled" students, at a high school level. I showed them this forum, and they said it read like a transcript of their classes. This is not art education, it's arts and crafts period in the special ed room.

>> No.4471054

>I showed them this forum, and they said it read like a transcript of their classes. This is not art education, it's arts and crafts period in the special ed room.
big if true

>> No.4471055

Anon, ty for the advice, but i’m only a shitposter.

>> No.4471061

Most of the art produced by (((the industry))) has as much artistic merit or less than patreon coomer art.
A small number of gifted people will forge their own path and do good work regardless of what the rest of the herd does. Meanwhile the majority of people will languish in mediocrity. Same as it's always been, same as it always will be.

>> No.4471076

that is only half true, there are and were people who were seriously trying to improve and learn and did do so. I don't know how long ago you showed the teacher this forum, but there was a time where you would come here and it was like actually stepping into a life drawing class where people had no idea what the current 4chan/tumblr/instagram fad or memes were.

>> No.4471078

In the beginning, people who got into art did it for fun, to them the only industry that existed was galleries or selling street portraits as a hobo.. so nobody really ever thought about trying to do it for money

But eventually the gaming industry started to grow big enough that people learned about concept art jobs. particularly as people like Craig Mullins became known
And this industry grew to be pretty big and eventually /ic/ became obsessed with it. and then it peaked sometime around 2010 I guess with FZD basically being on the same tier as loomis.

But eventually people learned off the hyper corporate nature of the gaming industry, what being a concept artist is really like, and also people realized that their fun ideas they had in their heads weren't the kind of thing companies would ever want.. they became dissillusioned by it.

But then patreon appeared, and people realized they could draw porn for money.. alot of money, it was a far more pleasant world to enter than concept art..

But soon people will realize that this too is a bad world and will desire a more reliable source of income as they grow older

>> No.4471381

>Imagine being this much of a newfag
If you think those are the best we had to offer over the 8 years of /ic/ you probably just got here. Sarunas actually made it, Gabe too, Olly, Mathias, Gordon, they are all miles ahead of the porn trope, but I guess they did the sensible thing and distanced themselves from this shithole. Algenpfleger was also a drawfag on 4chan, btw, but he left before ic became a thing.

There, have a (you).

This thread is funny, I was just going through the archives today and wondering where it all went to shit. The first few posts to /ic/ were all basically living off of cgtalk, cghub, ca.org, feng zhu, etc. People were d/ic/ks, ofc, but they were focused on getting good. Nowadays niggers just complain and crab, whenever a thread about trying to make it pops up they shitpost it to hell and back.

Honestly tho, the lads saying that the industry is shit are right, albeit I honestly would love to draw with people with the improvement mindset they got. Those are few and far between, and the fact that they are working on soulless drone shit is pretty sad, but to each their own.
Those saying that patreon and art aimed towards the masses is shit are also correct. Most of those artists don't strive for getting better, they just streamline flavour of the weeks with their styles, it's as soulless as the industry in a sense.

Art nowadays is worthless. If you think of it thoroughly, the value of art lies in its cultural weight, but what is the culture of porn and games if not of a dying society? When was the last time art had a meaning? When was the last time narrative was more important than a pretty picture? What is the importance of art nowadays if not to profit from a futile society?

I've started working with a very niche type of art since 2013, and even though I don't make bank I can reliably say I'm happy with what I do. People are hugboxy tho, and I wish I had someone gitting gut beside me, but no can do I guess.

>> No.4471389

Anon, this is current /ic/ we are talking about, not the past. You damn know well on how shit this place has become when the best artist that still use this shithole board are porn artist.

>> No.4471401

personally i would rather earn ~$45,000 a year as a coom artist than ~$150,000 a year working my 9-5 coding job. perhaps the patreon/commission porn world will end up saturated? i think the next unsaturated frontier is porn animation

>> No.4471403

it's just a sign of the times, most forms of art don't offer gainful employment opportunities the way porn art does, unless you want to work 12 hours x 6 days a week designing shitty concepts for mobile games

>> No.4471408

Without tumblr to contain them it was inevitable

>> No.4471414


It's honestly hard finding a branch of art which is not kiked. Game art is basically all done for profit, so it must be digestible by the masses... and the masses are generally dumb. Crow funded patronage? That's just another facet of people working for the dumb masses. Academic fine arts? That's money laundering, nothing else.

Anything short of improving in art so to tell the stories of your people is worthless, as worthless as effortless art with the same purpose.

Even though artists had patrons back in the day, those patrons had a face, a culture, a motivation and an idea, they were people. It was a time when artists dealt with people as people, with individuals and not as a faceless crowd. And those patrons founded artists not only for them to make portraits and stuff for their families, but so they got better and could do those services at a higher level. That's why Bouguereau had mythological pieces and Catholic ones aside of those commissioned to him, that's why Doré has such a large collection of pieces he did for himself, that's why DaVinci had the opportunity to botch a life size bronze statue and carry on scot free.

Nowadays I make Catholic art, but since the market is rather slim I won't disclose much. From time to time I get some big commissions by local churches, but generally most of my income comes from personal commissions from common people.

Been there, done that. I was a mainframe programmer and devops, as the cool kids call it nowadays, during my early twenties, focused on SQL and Cobol. I fortunately dropped it in favor of art. Not because of the money, but solely for personal satisfaction and to live an honest life, both financially and morally.

Sadly so, yes.

>> No.4471417

Same reason everything goes to shit, greed.

>> No.4471426
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>> No.4471611

This board has a bunch of 15 year olds and shitskins

>> No.4471949

How do you get a job in the Industry

>> No.4471960

>Why has ic gone to shit
incels would rather post 4 paragraphs about why [board] is going to shit instead of actually contributing anything

>> No.4471999

it hasn't. All the people who make it never post. they grind to get the result they want, grab what they want, and skedaddle.
They post their try-hard WIPs in threads every couple of months to get (You)'s and nothing else.

People who wanted to make money got hit with the triple threat of modern art, entertainment industry, and porn.
Jews and libtards btfo'd the modern art fags, 3D and photobashing btfo'd the industryfags, Tumblr btfo'd the pornfags.
So they colectively got left with the nutsack of art for sustenance: patreon and discord.

Everyone's competing on twitter to make money from comissions, which has been an oversaturated market since bush administration.
The world is going down the drain. Follow your dreams or kill yourself

>> No.4472001

Funny thing is that I'm actually writing a book with my general thoughts on the current state of art, the industry, the academia, the mass appeal, and the community, this place included. Kek.

I've contributed a lot over the years only to be met with resistance most times. You can bring the horses to the water but you can't make them drink, that pretty much sums /ic/ up. I made several pages of the original w/ic/ky, I helped with the new sticky, I've provided advice and critique both on and off /trad/, and I must say that over the years only a handful of people ever cared to listen. It just so happens that people here often do art due to fame, fortune, pride, despair, lust or a combination of those, you'd be impressed at how few of the people here actually love doing art and the process.

Still, I'm here. Even though this place is shit it's still the only art forum where we have a minimum amount of freedom to talk about how things are doing without being personally attacked and threatened with deplatforming.

>> No.4472013

nobodys going to read your book, just like nobody (of value) is going to read the rest of the shit you just wrote because its a waste of time and doesnt contribute anything to the quality of the board. just being honest

>> No.4472048

You're probably right, honestly. Still, idk what could feasibly help with the board quality at this stage. As of now this is strictly a designated shitposting board and nothing else, and I don't see that changing any sooner.

>> No.4472079

Why does this place not have a discord? I want a discord with sub-sections for all kinds of artstyles.
There also should be monthly tournaments here, where people compete against each other and a poll to decide who wins. Competition is always good to make people improve and participate.

>> No.4472086

Interesting. I was thinking about going into Cath art, but I've already spent years not making money trying to get people to appreciate trad art that requires skill. Are you making a decent living, as I am on the verge of dropping representational art altogether.

>> No.4472090

I appreciate your effort.
Trying my best here and I love making art.

>> No.4472129

I make a decent living only because I'm from an undeveloped country working mostly for people on developed countries, but even in the US what I earn would be enough to buy a nice plot of land in the Midwest and provide for a family of three, ofc being rather frugal.

>> No.4472149

right because left is probably a fucking tracing anyways

>> No.4472168

>some dude reviews dad and calls their work non effort trash
>gets bullied by everybody there
>doesnt care
>gets his account fucked by them raiding it with false copyright claims
>doesnt care
>now they mass report his threads

the lengths that community go to not get their art criticized is outstanding.

>> No.4472313

well, I think your book sounds interesting. And I also read your whole post, which also sounds interesting.
I think what people are more interested in these days are good stories in art that actually reflect people's confusion in their place in the modern world. I think having someone with your writing skills might be able to help people in doing that, and you should tell anons like above to blow off.
I want minds like yours in the world. Everyone is lost and confused and can't make sense of whats going on anymore. I think as artists, we have a responsibility in helping them.
Problem is, there is probably '''people''' overlooking things that wouldn't like that, so its an issue of dealing with bs econmics than anything. The mere idea of finding a sound business partner to help you get your idea out is very far-reaching in the current global climate, so maybe its something more people here should be researching imo.

>> No.4472473

>someone in the DAD threads is going full autismo trying to root out the mole in their community and determine who the reviewer was
Holy shit can be please ban that dumpster fire

>> No.4472480

No, it’s somebody trying to figure out who the bully anon is but still equally autistic.

>> No.4472483

BC tumblr kicked out all the various coom-artists

>> No.4472486

Most of the people who draw nowadays are inspired by shit art, what do you expect?
People like to swim on a sea of caca it shouldn’t be new

>> No.4472520

>I've posted it before, and will continue to - I know someone who teaches art to 'troubled" students, at a high school level. I showed them this forum, and they said it read like a transcript of their classes. This is not art education, it's arts and crafts period in the special ed room.
I remember that post from some months back. I wish you would elaborate on the answer more. Genuinely curious to hear.

Then again I may have asked the same thing back then, I don't fucking remember.

>> No.4472531
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Literally I only come here to laugh at people and shill for Procreate. I've never needed the tards on this board to criticize my art, and I've improved perfectly fine without any of their input.

/ic/ was never good. We get a good post once a month and after that it's back to arguing about whether porn will cause your career to suddenly implode or not. Face it, you're on your own because you're too antisocial to get a good discord group to chat with about your doodles.

>> No.4472535



>> No.4472566

>It just so happens that people here often do art due to fame, fortune, pride, despair, lust or a combination of those, you'd be impressed at how few of the people here actually love doing art and the process.

Not at all. A quick look at /beg/ or /draw/ shows how hastily they are trying to get something out there, and it shows lack of interest in actually drawing vs. trying to finish something quickly with zero attention to the purpose of doing it in the first place.

>> No.4472602

Rather someone talk about the state of this board, than retards making the same retarded threads and showing lack of interest in art.

>> No.4472609

I've always considered my people to be worthless subhumans so drawing art for their sake is the most soulless thing I can do.

>> No.4472640

>Face it, you're on your own because you're too antisocial to get a good discord group to chat with about your doodles
That hurts

>> No.4472641

Based and redpilled

>> No.4472879

SPOT ON analysis, unfortunately.
I only browse here once in a blue moon to get tutorials /useful tools & discover good pros who work in the normal industry, then leave.
More people should do it imo. (If they want to succeed )

>> No.4472885

Good analysis too.

>> No.4472888

I think most people who wanted to share anything but porn or fanart have given up posting art online.

>> No.4472903

We're still here, just not posting here.

>> No.4472909

i keep trying to throw screentones on my shitty anime girls and moire is fucking bullshit. please help

>> No.4472914

All that took time to happen so it did get worse dumbass. Just because people's reason for improving was to become a drone they didn't expect doesn't mean they weren't trying to improve and overall made this a better place for other people who wanted to improve for their own artistic level with no aims of trying to make any money

>> No.4472917

Concept art is shit. I think the board is better now than it was when everyone was kissing Feng Zhu’s ass

>> No.4472942

I would love to read it anon, keep going

>> No.4472982

Screen tones are not meant for monitors, you are better off using a flat tone with a texture, or a raster screentone at the size you want to export the image to. But if you really want to use screen tones you should never mix different screen frequencies or you will have moire. If you use a screen frequency of 65, always use 65 to layer different densities (same frequency but bigger dots)

>> No.4473155
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which one am I?

>> No.4473161

a somewhere between the bubbly beginner and flow rider

>> No.4473226

This is probably the best explanation for what has gone wrong with online communities;
the lowest common denominators, the kind that would wrap themselves up with reality tv and baseball in the real world, have flooded the internet now and dictate what is okay and what isn't.
You know the type; the same kinds of people that most of here were/are trying to get away from. The internet was originally designed for the kinds of people in mind that didn't like that kind of group order, and now we're told that we should accommodate them in everything we do even though they're the ones that are happy to distract themselves with mindless shit.
No wonder its gotten so hard to find people worth to talking or showing your work for, because they've probably dropped offline in an effort to get away from those kinds of people.
And honestly? You can't really blame them.

>> No.4473236

Nice b8 m8

>> No.4473523

The past that sucks the most is realizing that all the things you liked or inspired you are now dead and buried forever, or went through Chinese plastic surgery to stay alive. So you're stuck in this shitty time loop with no human development in sight except the hope to find someone you can be nostalgic with together.

If this is what it means to get old, please kill me now.

>> No.4473535

change and adapt. If its buried forever you can reintroduce it to a new generation who might find it new and refreshing.

>> No.4473981


>> No.4474001

Unironically this
I wanna see what art from a former programmer looks like

>> No.4474003

Probably soulless

>> No.4474129

shame, if someone could preach condescendingly for half of a thread they should be able to show some legitimacy

>> No.4474160

ok cool but i wont listen to u unless u draw well otherwise it will just come off as worthless

>> No.4474179

Because of the 2018 dumblr invasion.

They brought over their hugbox and cocksucking practices of censorship and myopic tribalism.

They applied for jannie. They colluding in discord. And they want to dictate what you can say, post or critique. They want to their hugbox to be a culture of leftists compliance. Those motherfucker lost their way and wants to rule over everything.

>> No.4474389

Most anime stuff were usually on /i/. Maybe people forgot that board exists.

>> No.4474441

Wait, this is the Youtube Guy isn’t it? Ethan something.

>> No.4474462

Discord isn't required to grow as an artist.

>> No.4474467

Not even close. Out of all the ones you posted, Firez is the only remotely decent one.

Vetyr and Tableguy are both significantly better than anyone you posted, and neither draws porn.

>> No.4474472


>> No.4474481


>> No.4474508

Weebs, coomers, women

>> No.4474642

Does anyone have a simmilar issue, whenever i try to make good art it is shit, only 2 of the art im most proud of exist by accident. What the hell is wrong with ne?

>> No.4474691

If you seriously think we never had this 8 years ago, you are lying.

>> No.4474694

It was less about being traditional and more like getting dunning-krugers to pull their heads out of their asses.

>> No.4474825

Nowadays dunning-krugers are the overwhelming majority though. They dismiss anything less than cocksucking as "crabs". Especially when it comes to shitty patreon porn artists.

>> No.4474826

>gone to shit

>> No.4474830

>It doesn’t help when the top 5 best /ic/ artist are also porn artist....
this is the mind of a coomer.

>> No.4474832

>We're still here, just not posting here.
He meant the GOOD artists, anon

>> No.4474839
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/ic was never good

>> No.4475072

Summerfags have come early thanks to corona

>> No.4475711

It doesn't help that all the big popular artist to come out during the social boom/ post industry all post degenerative art themselves (Kim jung gi, sakimichan, etc). Its hard for the average artist to aspire to something with meaning when all the current gen masters make degenerative art.

>> No.4475716

Implying that a handful of artists that make degen shit are representative of a quiet majority of artists who mainly do shit they are asked to by their respective companies, and not much else.

>> No.4475720

I am not implying I am straight up saying. They aren't just some artists either.

>> No.4475855

Anon erotic art is the most meaningful of arts