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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4469241 No.4469241 [Reply] [Original]

>still havent drawn anything today

>> No.4469242

Me neither bro but I will play some video games then draw before going to sleep

>> No.4469250

>drew nothing today
>even thinking about playing games
Should I just sleep, wake up early and draw? What if I forget? Should I just keep staying awake and thinking about it?

>> No.4469252

i get up at 4 pm, draw from 8 to 4, and then read a bit and go back to sleep

don't be constrained by the social construct of a "clock"

>> No.4469259

sadly some of us are constrained by the social construct of a ‘job’
sometimes i only draw a little bit because i hate making things that are ugly and don’t match my inner vision

>> No.4469344

i don't even start until like 8pm and i go until ~4am

>> No.4469346
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bro didn't you hear all jobs are cancelled due to THIS unit of an cell here

>> No.4469364

So, it's really true that all shitposters are Australians?

>> No.4469367
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>> No.4469454

>12:01 am
>already drawn something today
i beat the system boys

>> No.4469842
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>still havent drawn anything this week

>> No.4469866
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>> No.4469872
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I hope you're not implying that you just went a week without drawing

>> No.4470417
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>haven't drawn anything in three days because the last time I drew something it turned out really ugly and I lost all motivation

>> No.4470421

i went a year without drawing and only vidya once. But that was because I was so fucking tired of being shit at it.

>> No.4470422


>> No.4470424
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>2:07pm and I HAVE drawn today

>> No.4470446
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>been drawing all day everyday for the past 2 months

>> No.4470471

I hate you all so much

>> No.4470472

Maybe you just need a break today, it's totally fine. you will miss drawing tomorrow and feel like you didn't draw since forever.

>> No.4470876

Ha ha.
Ha ha...

>> No.4470882

one day off is three days lost

>> No.4470898

Hey! Let's draw, friend! What shall we draw?

>> No.4471003

You still have 8-9 hours left in the day to draw.

>> No.4471059

>>still havent drawn anything today

So, instead of picking up a pencil, you made this post.

What are your actual goals here? Ass pats on 4chan, or learning art? You could have made a drawing to post with your...whatever it is you doing with your post, but instead used someone else's art.

Do you want to be an artist, or not? Because I don't see a lot of art with whatever you're doing.

>> No.4471129

I haven't drawn in 3 weeks until today.

>> No.4471132

Forcing yourself to the point of avoiding the thing is a thousand days off.

>> No.4471203

Its ok to take a day off anon. You may need to take some time off to rekindle your interest in art. Drawing is supposed to be relaxing and interesting. Maybe you aren't drawing because you're stressing yourself out and you are starting to associate drawing with that feeling of stress. You should feel like you want to draw! Learning stuff and trying out different things is fun! Think about what made you start in the first place, before you started avoiding it.

Habit comes from doing a little bit every day, and adding a little bit more over the span of week, months, then years. Start small and draw a little bit! Do only the things that you find interesting, then figure out where you need to improve. Then build up that habit from there. Soon, it will feel weird if you DON'T draw every day! But you have to build up to there first.

>> No.4471258

I stopped drawing for months and now I'm getting back into drawing daily, even if it's just an hour a day for now. I'm having fun though, and I'll probably start spending more time on it as weeks go by.

Just sit down and draw something, anything.

>> No.4471283
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>attempt to draw
>can't even push myself to sketch out some doodle of an anime girl
how the fuck do you guys manage to put hours of work into one drawing without killing yourselves

>> No.4471302

Maybe drawing is not for you :^)

Nobody is forcing you to draw. We're all here because we want to be.

>> No.4471304
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what happens if every hobby is not for me
I try to do a thing, cannot perform at a level I deem reasonable (or just... at all, in this case), and then I quit. When does it end?

>> No.4471310

Putting hours into one drawing is the only time I have fun with drawing. Making many small adjustments over time and watching it slowly improve. It's when I actually feel like I get rewarded for the time I put in.
Doing a long series of quick sketches/studies like most people seem to do here though is torture for me.

>> No.4471317

every skill takes years, if you give up for not performiong to an ideal at the initial stages then you have an unrealistic view of things, also if you are the same anon that posted about spending hours on a same drawing, it depends on what you draw, but the details and rendering are just droning over and over the same movements, put on some music and just relax rendering or detailing

for me eprsonally im more stressed with the sketch after i just relax and treat the inking or painting as meditation relax time

>> No.4471321

> I try to do a thing, cannot perform at a level I deem reasonable (or just... at all, in this case), and then I quit.
You’re supposed to keep trying. You are going to suck at everything in the beginning. You just stick with the one that you want to improve at the most and don’t fucking stop. Any hobby can be for you. It’s up to you to decide which one you want to excel at! You can’t just dip your toes into multiple things and expect one of them to be the one that you’re gifted in. Pick one to be serious in. Bare with the suckiness. It ends with you.

>> No.4471329
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You have to want to do something bad enough that you don't care how much you suck at it. When I started drawing I sucked ass but I did it anyway because I had ideas that I wanted to attempt to put down regardless. If there's nothing that inspires you to that level, maybe you're anhedonic, in which case you should drop a heavy dose of LSD.

>> No.4471360
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I feel like I should reiterate. By 'reasonable' I don't mean that I want to be fucking picasso, I just want to draw things that look vaguely like the thing I'm trying to draw, even that shitty wojak in my last pic is enough for now.
and to expand on "some anime doodle" I was trying to draw something vaguely in the likeness of picrel, just the head, no body. I figured that I could do something at least kind of okay, I went through the first 3 weeks of brent's skillshare course just fine.. so basically copying a head shouldn't be too hard, it's just lines
and so I couldn't draw anything more than a couple of lines without it making me want to vomit (and before you yell at me over construction, I was trying that, not that it worked) and now we're here.

Coincidentally, a new chapter of this manga appeared as I was trying to pull an image to put here, I think it's taunting me.

>> No.4471369

No skill is fun when you have no clue what you're doing and can't accomplish even the simplest possible tasks. You can't judge whether or not you enjoy them until you push past that point. Luckily, it takes relatively little time to do that with most skills. Drawing is pretty much the only one that's likely to be pure torture for months or years on end.

>> No.4471418

Stop expecting results when you don't put in the process. The end goal is to "get good" but the fun of it comes from drawing new things and learning.

Can be said for any skill. You enjoy the journey. Could be said for video games too, you're only really good at that certain video game because you poured a ton of hours because you enjoyed just playing it. You didn't care if you were good at the game, you just got good as a result of doing it a lot. I understand that hobbies don't have the same dopamine cycles as video games but the point is the interest comes FIRST. If you're not interested there is literally no point in 99% of hobbies, the world isn't starving of artists. Nobody would care if you never picked up a pencil again.

Maybe you need to analyze what's making you not interested in anything. It could be depression, or it could be you're setting unreasonable expectations for yourself, or you're pushing yourself too much. Just relax and enjoy yourself man.

>> No.4471487

Why don't you just draw yourself as an anime girl anon? You know with cute twin tails and a flat boarded chest. A tall stature with a skinny waist for that school uniform skirt?

>> No.4471496

i wonder if the japanese ever get like this or if they're just automated machines making people there gmi more often

>> No.4471515

No, you're just lazy.

>> No.4471528

>0 replies
I'm out of here.

>> No.4471592

oh i certainly am but i see whiners in this languages world than anywhere else but that may be from more exposure, anyways my question still hasn't been answered with a response relating to it

>> No.4471617

Inspiration time is from 1:30am to 3:55am everything else is just practice throughout the day.

>> No.4471709

What did he mean by this

>> No.4471720
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, goku go further beyond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me its literally this, i get biggest surge of motivation and productivity around midnight to 3-4 am, maybe its because i egt tired so i have no energy to worry and stuff and just do it

thinking about it, pro tip: to push ups/pullups or burpees until your super tired, then draw, no more energy to dedicate to inner critic (advice not told by an expert psychology professional follow at your own risk)

be like sayan, the more you get ebat up the stronger you get

>> No.4471756

a habit is the opposite of forcing yourself.

>> No.4471778

Then vomit and finish the study. Then try again. Sucking sucks, but the only way to get past it is to push through. And for the whole, "don't bother if it isn't immediately and always fun", as you've already figured life isn't easy enough where you're guaranteed to have some hidden passion that you just need to discover. Maybe for some they're fortunate enough to find something like that, but it's not a logical conclusion to draw that's how everyone will be. As you advance in a skill your experience is greatly enriched and you absolutely will have more opportunity for a positive relationship with it. You undoubtedly have the physical capacity to become competent, but you must put in the time. I can't guarantee you'll become great but the pain will diminish.

>> No.4472036

You were so tired of being shit that you didnt practice for 1 year and therefore extended your shityness?

>> No.4473957

Yes, exactly. It's something you would only understand by going through it.

>> No.4474007

Shleep then wake up nice and early to draw. If not in the morning start drawing right at 12 PM and then go on until 5 or 6 then do other shit.

That's what I usually do if I wake up later than 7. It gets you nice and tired so you by the time you start gaming you're sleepy enough to get off at an appropriate hour, like 10, which gives you 4 or 5 hours of game time.

>> No.4475997

You sound kind of dedicated anon

>> No.4478441
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>loves art
>wants to make art like the art you love
>become perfectionist
>hates error because too keen of an eye on details
>spend hours slowly fixing minute worthless details once considered errors that don't teach anything
>built a habit of spending hours getting something to look "correct"
>grow exhausted of art slowly freezing up and avoiding the horrid process of art even if you still love art deep down
>years later at age 20 you realize the process was all wrong and so much years have been wasted with my approach
>get to grips and now open eyes towards better approaches towards art
>2 years later still have the habit of freezing up often just by nature
>realize you are now old in comparison to your fairly /beg/ skill level and won't get to what could have been if you were just smarter and confident
God I hate myself. I really want to believe there is a way to make up for all that lost time reasonably. Maybe if I practiced relentlessly with no breaks but that is unrealistic to expect for even anyone. I wish to pursue art as much as I can now anyway just because stagnation isn't any better but thinking about my past experience still haunts me and keeps me in fear of pursuing things still.

>> No.4478460


>> No.4478836

true for joyless retards

>> No.4479172

Have you tried loving yourself

>> No.4479189


>> No.4481105


>> No.4481211

Where do you think you are?

>> No.4481347

it's fine. take a few days off and gather new energy. don't even think about drawing and it'll come back

>> No.4481399

im doing this and its not coming

help me anon

>> No.4481437

just give up and pay somebody else to draw your degenerate fantasies for you.

>> No.4481447

>the fun of it comes from drawing new things and learning
Are people who don't experience fun like this doomed to stay office drones who watch TV?

>> No.4481454

The last year or two I've basically just drawn when I feel like it.

My gains stagnated hard and I draw a lot less often, but I'm also a lot less stressed about it. When I was trying to do art daily I'd get really fucking worked up when I didn't know what to draw or couldn't put my ideas to paper.

>> No.4482367
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>april 10 2020
>still haven't drawn anything this year

>> No.4482385

It will be okay. I've been at it with two drawings for days now.

>> No.4482389

i havent drawn anything in like 3 months.
Have beeb having fun playing lots of vidya tho

>> No.4483522


>> No.4483529

What the fuck are you even doing here?

>> No.4483535

>still haven't drawn anything this life

>> No.4483569

i'm a hobby artist morons, i don't give a shit.
Die mad about it.

>> No.4483571


"girlfriend caught cheating" tier response buddy

>> No.4483576


>> No.4483582

>"girlfriend caught cheating" tier response buddy
And like the cucklorod you are, you'll accept it.
Seethe harder.

>> No.4483583

>"girlfriend caught cheating"

>> No.4483585
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>> No.4483602
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Get help for your depression.

Not joking.

Also you need to rewire your dopamine pathways so that you're not a slave to instant gratification.

Get the fuck off of the internet, and try to avoid tv, too. Even if you sit bored in your bed for a month, the boredom will motivate you to do something -- anything -- and it will also give you time to sit and think about your life, and what's got you here in the first place.

Best of luck, brother. Life is worth living. It's about the journey, and not the end product, so don't worry about what you produce so much. Just try to have fun. If you don't, that's okay too, happiness only comes when you're not chasing it.

Rooting for you.

>> No.4483612

little bitch, draw, finish it, eat, play a vidya, finish 1 game, draw, play 1 game, draw and draw more, before sleeping play 1 vidya and draw something quick that you like

>> No.4483639

when do you shit