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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 498 KB, 1280x720, har-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4453227 No.4453227[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4453287

Stop dude.

>> No.4453303

Remember when Nessie thought OP could be reasoned with? lel

>> No.4453306

/dad/fags on suicide of watch

>> No.4453311
File: 75 KB, 600x607, bueno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4453314

I don't remember anyone asked

Honestly, it is just art review, nobody gonna get harmed from this.

>> No.4453318

Yeah you're being positive in this video so I see nothing wrong with it.

>> No.4453345

I am always positive, people just assume the worst, I guess it is a social media thing.

>> No.4453349

I don't care if your advice is good or not your voice sounds disgusting and I can't listen to it for more than 10 seconds. Your accent is torture for the ear.

>> No.4453356

I will do better next time! Eventually, I will swoon you off your feed with my sexy masterful vocals. My goal is to make my voice and speech sound like a deep throat that will help you reach orgasm as fast as the speed of sound.

>> No.4453367

kek the fatass still trying, this is just beyond pathetic.
I hope Singapore will get more corona outbreak chinks like you there can die

>> No.4453378

Fatass here.
Going to try to be the best version of myself.

I hope you live a long life to see me succeed.

>> No.4453386

Based happyboi assblasting ngmis once again. Keep up the good work :3

>> No.4453391

Ngl I used to be more encouraging, but it seems like /dad/requires more bad daddy experience.

>> No.4453396

thanks for reviewing my work happi!

>> No.4453419

The corona thing isn’t real I thought you picked up on the lies by now. It’s just a world wide stunt from the powers that be to usher in and accelerate big brother psycho pass style system. They’re afraid of Jesus and his return.

Just take plenty of supplements, stay hydrated, wash your hands and you’ll be fine.

>> No.4453420

Hope you get corena chinkfuck

>> No.4453422

Ok schizo

>> No.4453425


It’s not schizophrenia it’s the truth. They want to chip us like cattle. The best thing you can do is ignore their stay at home orders and make the media giants fume at the teeth because it’s not enforceable.

>> No.4453426
File: 89 KB, 903x1019, 1s8649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take your meds you fucking psycho

>> No.4453429


Okay I’ll quote my own post a month or 2 later or however long it takes this year for Bill Gates to come out and say you need his animal chip in your hand to be cured. And I’ll be here waiting to say I was right.

>> No.4453430


>> No.4453434
File: 347 KB, 842x494, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like someones salty their work got trashed.

>> No.4453435 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 1533x1538, A741F588-97B8-4B6E-BD74-B99D58E5A1EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People are harmed when you post their shit up on youtube you soulless, clueless, fucking no-empathy-having disgusting subhuman pos.

You really dont get it and you are bringing hideous karma upon yourself because people have expressed their lack of consent and you persist.

For those who don't care or willingly submit their shit for your review fucking have at it but for fucks sake be upfront,
Otherwise you are just a shit person. Really,

>> No.4453438

That face is meme worthy with the state of things. Black shirt makes it a good contrast for a word caption. Maybe “laughs in Asian” or something like that. Then post it to /pol/ and it’ll get saved by a bunch of people.

>> No.4453439
File: 142 KB, 1533x1538, E3DA0E94-57B4-4894-B751-3C87D55D9A12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People are harmed when you post their shit up on youtube without consent you soulless, clueless, fucking no-empathy-having disgusting subhuman pos.

You really dont get it and you are bringing hideous karma upon yourself because people have expressed their lack of consent and you persist.

For those who don't care or willingly submit their shit for your review fucking have at it but for fucks sake be upfront,
Otherwise you are just a shit person. Really,

>> No.4453441 [DELETED] 

Samefagging childfucker.

>> No.4453442

Why do you care though? Most people on /dad/ don’t even have unique identifier names. Nessie is a common name. NAF can be mistaken for something else. Hoppy is a common name. Jason is a common name. The only people who would be harmed by the crit from this barely 1000+ views per video you tuber are the people who have actual unique identifier usernames on social media.

Literally the majority of you are /beg/ losers in a closed off wall garden on the corner of the internet drawing everyday but barely making any marginal improvement with 2 or 3 of you who are already at a professional level just flexing your muscles. Take some perspective into this.

>> No.4453447

I dont know or care about DAD
He used my shit (a good drawing) as part of a review (and was fairly complimentary actually) when i didnt even know he existed and I thought the thread was by and for the people here. Not Youtube.
However you rationalize it - number of views and whatnot - doesnt fucking matter.
Consent is consent and artists shouldnt knowingly screw other artists for fucking clicks and laughs or any other personal gain. He is stealing his content. Period.
It’s psycho. And it harms people, whether you think so or not.

>> No.4453451


Samefagging childfucker.

>> No.4453453

You’re on a public website and if you post your work here you are open to criticism. He doesn’t need your permission for critique.

You’re more than likely not at a pro level either. Why do you care if he trashes your /beg/ work? It’s going to go in your folder long to be forgotten years later and hopefully your work is vastly better in skill.

>> No.4453454

3442 is me I don’t have time to prove to quell your autism I’m on an IPAD and I doubt I can “inspect element” on this...maybe I can, but I’m not going to give enough of a shit to find out.

>> No.4453455
File: 389 KB, 925x618, 1559651904850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This /beg/ shit shouldn't be criticising anybody.

>> No.4453456

Seethe more, beg.

>> No.4453457

This guy can actually draw.

>> No.4453458

It’s public but there is an element of consent among a comunity looking for mutual feedback, nit for some dickhead to come in take what he wants and put it on a new platform without consent. It’s publishing without consent. Fucking get a clue and grow up.
People dont forgo their ownership just because something is on the internet.

>> No.4453461

Go have sex with your father faggot.

>> No.4453464

Yeah but he can't draw well enough to make youtube critic videos. He's punching above his weight with a punchable face.

>> No.4453467

Doesnt matter if hes scribbling nonsense with crayons or Vilppu tier. What he’s doing is parasitic, violating and wrong,

>> No.4453468

Are you not critting people with large social media presences?

>> No.4453470


He didn’t claim the drawings are his, he was just giving feedback. You can go on Yelp right now and “publish” your opinion of a business without the “consent” of the business. It’s the same principle.

I don’t understand why you and the /dad/fags get so angry over 1 drawing you made that will long be forgotten years later if you improve and move along in your career.

>> No.4453471

Anyway I don’t have time for this shit today so have fun talking to the Asian kid.

>> No.4453477 [DELETED] 

You dont know what you’re talking about. People here offering mutual support and critique with consent are not a public utility, company or service.
He can come on here and say what he wants. The minute he takes someones content and throws it up on a new flatform - Youtube - without the consent he has just fucked people over.
You analogy would be more like if the owner of the restaurant shared a poem with someone in a poem sharing forum and someone goes and takes it and publishes it on yelp.

>> No.4453483

You dont know what you’re talking about. People here offering mutual support and critique with consent are not a public utility, company or service.
He can come on here and say what he wants. The minute he takes someones content and throws it up on a new flatform - Youtube - without the consent he has just fucked people over.
You analogy would be more like if the owner of the restaurant shared a poem with someone in a poem sharing forum and someone goes and takes it and publishes it on yelp in his restaurant review.

This is not complicated. Fuck off.

>> No.4453487

Aww, someone disturbed your little hugbox :(

>> No.4453489
File: 591 KB, 882x805, BC4382DB-537A-4933-848D-6CF593AC6686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More retards bitching about their art being on the chink’s video again?

>> No.4453490

Anyone is welcome to say what they want about your work after you make it public. I see no difference from what hes doing to him reviewing a restaurant or a game. You put it out there, people are free to talk smack about it.

>> No.4453493

Happy can you list who you review in future videos? I want to know at a glance if I'm in it.

>> No.4453502

No.. someone came on here, started a thread posing as an anon and then took Content posted in one false, misleading context and Published it on a new platform without consent,
I dont care if you faggots are only trolling, you are really fucking dumb.

>> No.4453508


Somebodies diaper needs to be changed.

>> No.4453510

God damn you people are thick. It’s not about what he said or that he said something, its about posing as an anon, starting threads without telling people what he’s going to fucking do with their drawings, pretending its for mutual support ON IC and then yanking the content and republishing it elsewhere without EVER having told people thats what he’s doing.
He’s luring people to submit content for a purpose other than what he’s saying,
Hes fucking people over.
You giys cant be this retartded,
Im not saying this to benefit myself, the damage is already done. Im saying this hoping you god damn fucking faggot retards will get it. For yours and others sake.
Take itbor leave it but what goes around comes around. Believe it.
I cant say this any clearer.

>> No.4453511
File: 27 KB, 400x400, sPe325c-_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooo i didn't consent to somebody commenting on my work which was posted on a public forum

>> No.4453514


>> No.4453515

False see>>4453502

>> No.4453525


Nigga how is he luring people to doing anything? Did he make you press the submit button to make your post? You’re not making any sense.

>> No.4453530

Nigga it doesnt matter what the intent was for, you can post a picture of your boil for a foot disease site and people will still whack off to it without your consent.

>> No.4453539

4chan is uniroically a hugbox for “edgelords”.

>> No.4453541

Republishing on a new site.

>> No.4453543

Fuck off piss baby.

>> No.4453551
File: 25 KB, 326x322, BFB4B45D-FA1D-4992-B9E9-089756AA8C27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow. You guise really pwned that anon. Nicely done.

>> No.4453553

I’ve literally ever been on this board before, is this guy just based or what’s the problem here? He’s obviously doing a bit, but he comes off so unassumingly that once he starts it you’re not prepared, that’s like really funny

>> No.4453554
File: 59 KB, 1080x1080, bb_sku_EA6C17_1080x1080_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's like using a picture from the sephora website for your makeup blog when you review it. I don't see anything wrong with that.

>> No.4453558

You poor summer child..

>> No.4453559


Imagine being emotionally attached to you’d drawings.

>> No.4453576

No. Not the same.
It’s more like the owner or an employee of Sephora on a community forum, not as Sephora rep, but as a member of the community with a certain limited but nevertheless element of mutual trust going onto a thread titled “Please share your moisturizer tricks”. She shares a pic of herself putting on wrinkle cream thinking only of helping each other out and suddenly discovering the thread was secretly started by some greasy, giant lipped, obnoxious douchebag who slams it up on Youtube for some other purpose.

Honestly, I hope you guys are faking this level of retardation.

This is the xth time I’ve explained this. Anything more is pointless

Suit yourselves, enjoy your happyboy lifestyle and thought processes.

>> No.4453580

You guys are absolute shit. Really shitty people. Just awful.
This is why no one will share their Will Weston or Miss Jisu rips with you.
Next time don’t fucking piss yourselves when you don’t get YOUR way on something. You’ve just illustrated why the better artists here hate you and don’t want to share with you.

>> No.4453583

Imagine being this obviously damaged by incest.

>> No.4453584


Go away you whiner.

>> No.4453585
File: 55 KB, 900x395, 6B31E5D3-9EA3-47AC-9D98-F709B894193C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good one!

>> No.4453586

I almost had sex with my cousin once. I wouldn’t be damaged by it at all.

>> No.4453587

Yeah but he would. He’s only 6. The cycle always continues.
Not to late to get help or castrate yourself.

>> No.4453588


The hell are you projecting? I was 12 at the time and she was 7.

>> No.4453591

You missed a couple, anon

>> No.4453592


>> No.4453601

just Raughs will do. thanks

>> No.4453645

>punching above his weight
kek i can show you my fundamentals
but you will just be demoralized because i did all those 10 years ago.

>> No.4453655

Isn't that the same as sharing beauty tricks? That's literally how the sisters do it on YouTube.

>> No.4453656

>72 posts
>19 posters
>for chink shilling
go seethe in your own thread instead of bumping this one, retard dadfags.

>> No.4453658

I swear /dad/ is full of the worse /ic/ has to offer.

>> No.4453661

I'm sharing... I am not shilling. Literally nobody makes money on YouTube anymore. Go read about it. People are getting demonetisatize hard. Even if I do make money. I'm giving it back to this community. Run a full art competition, giving away the net profit as prize.

And honestly, I don't really care about money. I'm just learning and trying to improve my fucking speech.

>> No.4453662


>to improve my fucking speech

Yeah that's why I got into video making, to just practice speaking. Because being alone in my room all day for years has severely ruined my voice as I barely use it.

>> No.4453679

Part of the problem isn't speaking to people. Part of the problem is having nothing interesting to speak about. Realizing I love art. Too selfish to share. Too selfish to talk about it. It's a feeling of wanting to keep it to myself.

I broke free from that so now I can speak about art and improve myself. You can only seethe and watch. I will fucking rise. Watch me.

>> No.4453685

Entire thread triggered from one review vid on youtube.

OP has godly powers. The seething must flow.

>> No.4453689

based based!

>> No.4453743


>> No.4453746

I am seriously doubtful, not sure if same fagging.

>> No.4453754


>> No.4453778

>23 ips
>83 replies
Going all in with talking to yourself cause you realized the thread would die otherwise, huh

>> No.4453787

>Doesn’t understand scale, context, consent or professional integrity.
>coomer forum
Checks out.

>> No.4453789


Dad thread has 500 plus post with 69 ips, so this thread ratio is about right.

>> No.4453790

How do you see ips?

>> No.4453792

The numbers are below the thread newfag.

>> No.4453807

After 4 years here I never knew what each of those numbers meant. I knew the first one is views, thats it.

>> No.4453808

Is this fat dog eating slant eyed monkey the frog poster ?
Picture me astonished...

>> No.4453810

So in 89/10/24/1
That means 89 posts, 24 ips, 1 view since last post and what’s the 10 for?

>> No.4453815

It tells you if you hover your mouse over it.

>> No.4453818

I am really grateful that people are taking me seriously but guys, got to dial down the... Nevermind continue.

>> No.4453824

Please don't misunderstand, I only like the chaos you bring to dad and its group of cliques. I don't see you as serious in anything.

>> No.4453827

>Coomer forum
>Art and critique
>create content
>boohoo y u steal me art
>not being part of the solution

The same as the world outside of 4chan.
When did normies get in here.

>> No.4453832

What chaos? They aren't doing anything. They will try to do good shit for a few days. And then they will return to their normal quality.

>> No.4453867

That’s the point, you’re getting them to put on their best for a few days when they should be striving for their best everyday. It’s this simple reality check that gets dadfags angry you caught them with their pants down.

>> No.4453874

It is seriously a waste of time going through some of their art tho. Look at some of those works. The effort and time spend is 5Mins max. I think /dad/ should start cleaning house. House rules, post art work with minimal 30mins or 1 hour work time etc.

>> No.4453886

Seriously tho, who r u, y u care?

>> No.4453895

penis and also balls

>> No.4453907

You sound like my art teacher from highschool telling me to stop being a shitter and finish my art even if its a turd, and my Vietnamese college coding teacher being 100% honest about his thoughts even if it hurts my feelings.

>> No.4453918

Ngl, I am doing my best to be honest and express my thoughts. Most people are going to die a painful death because dumb. So if I can help even by a little to make this world less of a shitty place. I'll do it. But I got to do this in my own way my dude.

>> No.4453921

I never said I dislike it tho, I love when people are 100% honest about me. I still remember how much I hated my middle school art teacher because he never said anything bad about our work, even if I knew it was a turd.

keep it up man, enjoyed the video.

>> No.4453935

God damn, I can't tell if you are sincere or genuine. But I rather believe you are and continues to better myself. I hope I will bring better content. Thanks for the kind words, they will go a long way.

>> No.4453937

poo poo pee pee

>> No.4453962

Just make your own sicrit club circlejerk if you dont want your art to be shared ever.

>> No.4453968


>> No.4454013

my peanut weenut haha

>> No.4454094

Y u spamming tho
U can always talk 2 me about ur day.

>> No.4454194

Fortunately i never post my work here.

>> No.4454211


>> No.4454215


>> No.4454236
File: 1.51 MB, 425x481, 1560824747960.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get flagged for doxing you absolute chinktoid attention whore

>> No.4454648

Just a reminder you can submit a dmca copyright infringement takedown notice to Google. Just use a fake name when submitting the claim


>> No.4454763

Thread hidden for faggotry on all sides.

>> No.4454772

hope any of my pieces isnt in your videos,

>> No.4454775
File: 129 KB, 844x504, flatfacedgook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fanart for u, happy boy.

>> No.4454784
File: 75 KB, 625x625, 1531853263209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so incredibly butthurt about some random literally who that gets less than 100 views for creating an educational video using content posted on a public domain that was referenced off actual proprietized content. The asspain is real, and the hypocrisy behind bitching about copyright infringement after blatantly trying to monetize off "fanart" is impalpable. You faggots deserve nothing but contempt.

>> No.4454799

why do people hate their art being criticized?

>> No.4454807

Imagine getting butthurt when people suggest they do something youtube allows them to do kek
Scared of getting your channel taken down after the coomer video?

>> No.4454813

Not him but you sound assmad.

>> No.4454844

Yo thanks my dude. Still better than crabs who don't draw.

>> No.4454847

You faggots literally pirate courses and programs. Shut the fuck up you hypocritical pieces of shit.

>> No.4454851

You'll be so lucky. Because I only do 1 page of dad.

>> No.4454859

Dude don't fight them. They claim to like sharing knowledge and art. But when critiques are given as of the purpose of this God damn board. They got mad. They feel I do not have the authority. The way I critique may or may not be warranted, justified or articulated. But fuck, to hide behind this idea that it is against copyright or "you have no rights to look and talk about my work" in a fucking public forum. That's just stupid.

>> No.4454891

He admin of the site


Review his submissions

>> No.4454899
File: 808 KB, 782x762, mahoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're angering all the right people
right on mate

>> No.4454912

You might want to save a few pieces of his work before he rangebans you again.

>> No.4454920

Oh don't worry I got VPN. And if that fails I got my my insider.

>> No.4454922

I'm trying to change their minds about me and make them love me. Challenging, I Rike.

>> No.4454930

ic really is the worst board. people go off topic at the drop of a tac. theres nothing to learn from this place. nothing to gain from participating.

>> No.4454947

Everyone got to calm down.

>> No.4454979

Not samefagging. I didn't even watch the video I don't give a fuck for some chink's opinion on terrible not-even dA tier art.

Just funny he triggers the whole fucking board without trying.

>> No.4454987

Yo is that nl_kripp ??

>> No.4455351

Wtf u didn't even watch... My heartache... I mean, yeah cool whatever my nibba...

>> No.4455422

No but I'm happy

>> No.4455881

I never submit early enough for him to see my art uwu

>> No.4456059

Thanks god my art didn't get stolen by a fat chink.
Getting crit by a /beg/ that can't draw for shit is useless and annoying, feel sorry for everyone in the video.

>> No.4456080

Nobody on dad can draw lmao.

>> No.4456101

Early birds get the worms.

>> No.4456120

You pos childfucker. NO ONE has said you cant critique whatever you like. Pretending to start a mutual feedback thread and then yanking all the content and slapping it up on YOUTUBE is FUCKING DOUCHEY - first. And a debatable (and probably variable) copyright issue second.
Any other complaints have no real standing.
But the first is important and anyone who doesnt get that is the kimd of person who has no qualms about fucking people who dont deserve it.
Straight up.
That’s who you all are.
Doesnt matter what you say to counter it or whether you try to troll me about seething and coping.
Thats who you are. Shitty people.

That’s it. Plain and simple.
If you dont get that you need a psychiatrist and an IQ test.. Not clicks.

>> No.4456123

Brah why you so angry?

>> No.4456127

I thought he just yoinked from the main page of dad?

>> No.4456129

“Brah”. Why you so childfucky?

>> No.4456135

This one yes. But he starts threads here posing as an innocuous anon and then takes the content over to youtube without being upfront about it.

>> No.4456143

You don’t need be upfront about anything. You sound like kazooshitd.

>> No.4456146

>mad over some art that nobody really cares about

>> No.4456147

See >>4456120
you fucking dense piece of cheese.

>> No.4456151

Not the point.

>has no ethics. Intelligence or empathy and laughs about it.
Cool fucking guy.
Enjoy your life.

>> No.4456152


Don’t you have the remaining 7 hours to clock in for today, kazoo? It’s not like your lazy ass has anything better to to while you’re quarantine.

>> No.4456154

Or Nessie, either 1 of you orbiters.

>> No.4456155

Seriously dude u got to chill. Take some Xanax, fuck off from the internet for a while. This is not good for your mental health. U get triggered so hard over some fat ass over the internet. What u going to do with all that impotent rage?

>> No.4456156

/ic/ - shitposting/no critics allowed.

>> No.4456159

Who is nessie and kazoo, honestly I don't remember their names. Because I don't really care. I am only there for art. The only person i remember is dognut because it is a funny name lolol

>> No.4456162

>Waaa waaa my shitty /beg/ "crits" matter so i have to shove it up everyone faces

>> No.4456167

what's your problem with kazoo? or nessie for the matter

>> No.4456172

>Waaa waaa my low self esteem is preventing me from taking criticism for my shitty /beg/ work.

>> No.4456173

Nothing really matters. Why r u so butt hurt tho, u know the more you h8 and dislike my video. The more it makes my dick hard and makes me want to do more right? It is challenging and it makes me want to fuck u till u love me. I will make u love me.

>> No.4456174

>Implying your shitty "crits" worth anything to hurt me

>> No.4456176

Not me but yeah happy art review is not design to hurt u but design to motivate everyone to do better. U can see they r doing better already.

>> No.4456179

Yep low self esteem, lmao.

>> No.4456188

Literay who?

>> No.4456192

Buzz off pesstie, you’re an eyesore.

>> No.4456196

Jesus christ, now the dads r fighting amongst other dads in my thread lmao


>> No.4456349

But you are shitty, and worse for thinking you are better. People will get weston and jisu and everything just like they have everything else. Why does it even matter? You think you are a piece of shit that has "deserved" thousands of $ of shit you have taken without paying, because you're somehow better?
Get off your horse snowflake.
"Better artists" dont really come here and have no need of Weston in the first place, motherfucker.

>> No.4456351

Why do you keep bumping your thread

>> No.4456366

You know you’re helping him right?

>> No.4456374

holy fuck you are actual cringe

>> No.4456377

How is it harming you? 98% of dad users don’t have unique usernames. You’re all literally who’s.

>> No.4456431
File: 12 KB, 552x197, 1579142893893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been drawing for almost two weeks now and i find ur videos fun and education. keep it up

>> No.4456454

-you right now

>> No.4456540


>> No.4456552

studio jilibi?
fuckin Singaporeans
Hong Kong accent sounds so much better

>> No.4456628

at least someone doing construcrit, bless you chinese poster

>> No.4456852

he is using someone else's art as a thumbnail, as well as using it as content without permission from anyone. He can get fucked

>> No.4456856

>he is using someone else's art as a thumbnail