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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 245 KB, 833x672, IMG_20190910_105738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4446268 No.4446268 [Reply] [Original]

An 11 year old girl who draws for fun after school and gets high off instagram likes, when she reaches your age, will be :
>better at drawing
>better at networking
>have tens of thousands of followers

What are YOU doing to stay ahead of the curve? How many hours of daily practice do you put in? You won't make it.

>> No.4446271
File: 241 KB, 406x381, 1585172403708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faggot wants to get high of the succes of others just so he can be smug since his art is so garbage that he wouldnt get a single (You) from it

lm@oing at your art OP

>> No.4446274

>What are YOU doing to stay ahead of the curve? How many hours of daily practice do you put in? You won't make it.
this is not a race, anon. chill.

>> No.4446292

The curve doesn’t exist. You are you.

>> No.4446295

>comparing yourself to others
enjoy your misery

>> No.4446297


>> No.4446301

pyw or shut up and follow your own advice

>> No.4446302

More cope

>> No.4446312

>m-m-muh cope
your bait didn't work, anon. try again next time.

>> No.4446313
File: 288 KB, 480x550, 1558917307975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kek now that's funny cope

>> No.4446314


>> No.4446315

No, she won't.
Because I'll have been drawing for longer than her

>> No.4446316

stop samefagging, you're just embarassing yourself.

>> No.4446317

Coping again

>> No.4446320
File: 32 KB, 1254x422, Cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop samefagging, you're just embarassing yourself.

>> No.4446321

Yeah she'll be more experienced than me by the time she gets to be my age, but it's not like I'm going to stop aging and learning in that time lol. By the time she's just starting her career, I'll have already had mine for years.

>> No.4446323

yes, you heard me. stop.

>> No.4446330

>bwaa bwaaa

>> No.4446334

>She ends up going to an over expensive art school with her friends where she learns and gets nothing, ultimately ending up a patreon hoe with tons of debt to pay off

>> No.4446342

very funny. now please stop. stop making a fool of yourself on the internet. please, i'm sure you're better than this.

>> No.4446352

>repeatedly replying to a crab in a crab thread

>> No.4446361

>mom someone on the internet is being mean to me bwaaa
Go back to plebbit then

>> No.4447456

please stop. stop replying to everything with "cope". stop. i'm just trying to help you. you're better than this. you're strong, you're valuable. please, stop. you don't have to do this anymore. please.

>> No.4447468
File: 28 KB, 540x395, 1543261515927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking retard. Art is not about having a million followers, it's about having fun and drawing meaningful things.

>> No.4447488

My d/ic/k will always be bigger than hers so I win by default

>> No.4449222
File: 152 KB, 1080x1299, _20200327_162224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Through 15 years of being in the art community I've seen plenty of kids who have been extremely good as young teenagers only to stagnate afterwards and staying mediocre in their twenties. It's the great majority of cases. Picture related, my friend, 2018 vs 2009.

>> No.4449224


>> No.4449229
File: 644 KB, 900x468, new_char_by_varrnye_d2miufq-fullview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To clarify, this isn't one of the "extremely good" people but the biggest regress when it comes a person I personally know. The upper is the new one she's drawn at ~23 years old, lower and pic related she drew at 12-14. Many people stop drawing around 14-18 years old and resort to one sketch a month.

>> No.4449233

Her and my happiness arent mutually exclusive.
Dumb doomer.

>> No.4449235

I hope you've been drawing everyday since you were a kid and enjoying making your dreams come true like I do, anon

>> No.4449236

cope the /thread

>> No.4449242

It's their own choice to browse the board just to get mad, especially if they've been lurking more than a few weeks and still provide guaranteed replies.

>> No.4449243

Started doing precisely this at 13, at 16 I burned out on social media and deleted fucking everything. That was about a decade ago and I have not returned.

>> No.4449245
File: 3.13 MB, 426x426, 2017-06-20.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good for she's gonna make it if she doesn't let the early success get to her head and strives to improve

you got your own path to follow and a lot of time left in life to make it anons just because others get there faster doesnt mean you never will

>> No.4449278

there are well paid jobs in illustration for everybody that is half competent and willing to work hard
no such thing as a curve, real companies don't give a shit about that
no need for any social media or followers whatsoever

>> No.4449330
File: 99 KB, 1024x724, elven___growth_over_six_years_by_koralite_ddt9epv-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like the other anon posted most teens stagnate. 11 year olds and teens don't want the grind fundies everyday. They just do simple OC art that gets them a lot of followers, but has little use in professional context. Thats not counting those who drop art, make a dumb comment in their teens and get cancelled, or simply don't want to be a professional (a lot don't like dead lines and just want to doodle OC's). The few who avoid those traps are so rare they just blend into a few stellar people and not some giant 11 year old insta army. Finally "i started drawing when I was 11" is always code for "i started at 11. got into fundies when I was twenty'

>> No.4449336

you might think starting early on instagram etc is good, but in reality people can gain more in couple months than you did in years, so starting early means shit absolutely.
I saw it again and again new accounts getting sick traffic, so i experienced it first hand.

>> No.4449337
File: 112 KB, 1280x443, do_what__by_dreagonarchives_ddt3h9u-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon this is ten years of improvement done by one of your "chad 11 year olds"

>> No.4449361

A lot more can go wrong in a female's life than a male's to throw them off track

>> No.4449373

I draw for myself even if I won't make it.

>> No.4449386

Jesus, I don't normally say this but they lost all their SOUL.

>> No.4449391

Can't you guys just like draw instead of wasting time making useless self-degrading threads like these lol

>> No.4449395

Why do you feel the need to cope by blasting self degrading posters

>> No.4449400

Already made it, but even before I made it I never really cared about trivial stuff like this. I rather spent my time drawing.

>> No.4449430

there's improvement but the character design is just terrible

>> No.4449433

please stop using 4chan memes to answer everything. you're better than this. i kow you don't believe me, but it's true. you can overcome this mental illness, i trust you. just leave this place for a month or two and all the anger and insecurty will go alway. i promise you. you don't have to be like this, anon. you really don't.

>> No.4449467


>> No.4449489

please trust me, i'm begging you. you need to stop acting like this, you're just ruining your life. hiding yourself behind layers of anger and irony won't hurt other people, it will only hurt you. you think you're funny and smart but you're just sad. it's not to late to overcome this. is never too late. you're strong. you can do anything. stop being like this, for your own sake. you can be happy, you can live life at it's fullest again.

>> No.4449509

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.4449560

i like this meme so i'll let it slide this time

>> No.4449570

She'll only be "better" because she won't have any depressions, because females live on easy-mode and get layed whenever they want, thus she will be much more productive.

>> No.4449571


>> No.4449623

>stay ahead of the curve
I'm working on flattening the curve.