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File: 80 KB, 708x1200, type hatena hifumi school mizugi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4439277 No.4439277 [Reply] [Original]

>Animator Yuki Komatsu (type hatena) got bullied so hard that he quit from anime and became a (lolicon) hentai artist

I don't know if Japan is based or not.

>> No.4439279

Bullied for what?

>> No.4439283

He tried experimenting using rotoscope technique and those ngmi otaku went batshit

>> No.4439287

Oh that scene. Wasn't that done long ago though? People would have forgotten.

Hope Ebata won't quit too, considering what happened lately

>> No.4439294

Yeah, it was long time ago but sometimes people still bring it up. Many people think Ebata is at fault for not telling the production team that he used reference, or maybe he just simply didn't know that "dance" could be copyrighted. I think it's stupid, but well at least they apologized and all turned well? It's not like that anime was super popular in Japan like imas.

>> No.4439365

Based. He became literally redpilled

>> No.4439374

Being animator must suck anyway. Drawing Lolicon is much more fun.

>> No.4439385

That's it? Japanese autism never fails to astound me.

>> No.4439389

I remember that shit, it was memed to hell and back so I can somewhat understand the shame. I wonder if his fellow coworkers is bullying him for it too.

But on the bright side he's making a comeback to the animation scene with the loli show Uzamaid (https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=6942)) a couple years ago

>> No.4439396

I can't see it... :(

>> No.4439399
File: 2.04 MB, 854x480, 1c7874e717d0e8bb52b5b8045c5da398.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't see what?

>> No.4439406

The site, it doesn't let me see it for some reason. Is that the clip?

>> No.4439407

I was always jelly of that artist's figure drawing, figures he was an animator

>> No.4439412
File: 522 KB, 854x480, b7078de182e27213db5389dbdb2ce056.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4439428

Why would they bully him over this? It looks good. Sure, some of the movements seem bizarre but I'd rather have anime be hand drawn and rotoscoped than go full CG.

>> No.4439521

what is the scientific reason rotoscoping is so jarring?
in theory it should be the way to go for animation

>> No.4439533

i know dick about animation, but all the intro to animation fundies are "here's how to make it easier for the viewer to tell what's going on", it's not like watching an actor where you're getting a massive amount of visual information, so when you ditch all the animator tricks you're left with a flat shaded animu girl lurching back and forth.

>> No.4439544

Movements are so unnatural and clumsy, eww.

>> No.4439570
File: 404 KB, 699x494, add953b66ed017824f1a5dac622f174e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kind of wild how much worse it looked finished compared to this

>> No.4439576


I don't get it, i'd rather this than 3D. Is there a fully rotoscoped anime that has a typical anime style and not trending on the line of realism?

>> No.4439590

uncanny valley, it looks so real that it's unsettling.

>> No.4439650

rotoscoping has a tendency to filter plebs
to be fair tho, rotoscoping seems to fit more experimental styles better than generic anime

>> No.4439664

Disney used rotoscoping with great success in many of their movies. This doesn't work with anime because they generally use less fps.

>> No.4439673

it's not just fps, Ralph Bankshi's LoTR looks terrible too

>> No.4439702

>trace yourself in motion
>anime girl walks and act like a dude
>gets bullied
Serves him right

>> No.4439714
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, 1533250727378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime girl walks and act like a dude
>You will never meet a cute tomboy anime grill that would also be your broski
Just end me now senpai.

>> No.4439716

Tomboys don't walk like a dude, different skeletal structure, just look at this shit and tell me this is a female girl walking >>4439570

>> No.4439722
File: 169 KB, 640x640, 157354623453465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check his twitter
>loli ryona
Umm, hello? Based department?

>> No.4439723

This looks way better in comparison than >>4439570
Are you blind?

>> No.4439729

Wait what? This is fairly recent, but he still animates basically the same. It seems to be his special technique.

>> No.4439732

When you rotoscope its hard to exaggerate or focus on only the important details, it's easier to end up mindlessly tracing all the movements. But in a cartoon you need to understand the economy of the movements you're conveying.

When animating without rotoscoping you have to think about every action. This gives you the focus to know when to squish something a little extra, when to stretch something a bit further, when to keep an unimportant part static. Those are the the things that make animation fun to watch.

>> No.4439733

>became a (lolicon) hentai artist
Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.4439735
File: 73 KB, 640x585, 15425345435474523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>special technique
Baddu rotoscopingu?

>> No.4439740
File: 139 KB, 850x1305, 15236324642657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I wanted to look at human action I would've watched a movie.

>> No.4439742
File: 1.87 MB, 854x480, sakuga.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He also did this, which looks great to me.

>> No.4439744
File: 2.29 MB, 852x480, im@scgkino.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And he did this perfection as well. He's a good guy in my book.

>> No.4439764

Nippon always forgets about any previous work if something doesn't turn out the way they like it.
They also start to randomly hate JRPG directors if their new game doesn't have a nice waifu and shit.

>> No.4439767

Iori looks bad, she moves so fast but looks very robotic, the flip is the worse part, could this look better with motion blur?

this look good, i guess is because there is not sudden movements, but yeah this is great

>> No.4439778

>Hope Ebata won't quit too, considering what happened lately
Well, who and what happened?

>> No.4439787

>female girl

>> No.4439790

Otaku will be otaku, it seems times never change. Even on such a site like this.

>> No.4439794

Anon used that phrase so you don't mix it up with a male girl which is a tomboy.

>> No.4439801

He still has a twitter account? Link?
I thought he nuked everything, then.

>> No.4439804

I guess the terms you and the other anon meant were "masculine" and "feminine"

>> No.4439831


>> No.4439838


>> No.4439867

I don’t get it. This looks fine to me. What’s wrong with rotoscoping.

>> No.4439915

Basically a lack of keyframes. High framerate just for meaningless wobbling is very jarring. You can also tell it's a dude from the movements alone.

>> No.4439933

not all women have hentai hips anon

>> No.4439941

Women walk inherently different than men do, that's his point.

>> No.4439952

>You can also tell it's a dude from the movements alone.
this, movements were so stiff and unnatural for what was supposed to be a little girl.

>> No.4439954

looks like shit

>> No.4439956


>> No.4440272

no. you are the one that is blind.

>> No.4440415

this looks good, I love how the pillar's weight is impacting the girl's movement even though she is super human she isn't just using it like a stick. reminds me of that asuka fight in eva

>> No.4440494

that is the only part that looks good, iori dodging looks stupid, she looks like she is floating and there is no indications of she getting impulse.

>> No.4440502

I want /a/ to leave.

>> No.4440530

I want /a/ to stay.

>> No.4440536

I walk like that and I’m a female girl

>> No.4440576

post video of you walking like that.

>> No.4440579


>> No.4440624

I see too many unnecessary moves, it "slows down" the high action scene, making it jarring and vomit inducing.

This one is OK though. Probably because it is not a "push-pull" action and static background.

>> No.4440910

You will never pass

>> No.4441015

ok wizard

>> No.4442515

>I see too many unnecessary moves, it "slows down" the high action scene, making it jarring and vomit inducing.
So what you are saying you're so used to terrible cheap animation that when someone tries to add additional flair to simple, rigid movements, you think it's bad? Nice. Sure he didn't get the timing right, but saying it sucks because it's not your usual soulless korean sweatshop animation is bullshit.

>> No.4442552

He referenced a popular nip dancer's choreography moves for the Stars Align ED. The dancer found out.

>> No.4442560

>so ur saying hurpa durp im fat and gay
go away retard the big boys are talking

>> No.4442632

stop making dumb claims you're not willing to back up on anonymous chinese cartoon boards

>> No.4442792

I'm not even into smut but his art looks really clean
Shame about the rotoscope meme but he didn't deserve all that hate

>> No.4443570

That film's quality is very inconsistent, a lot of it is okay, and then you get the monkey suit silhouettes.

>> No.4444664

These are good. I wish rotoscoping was more common in anime outside of select /m/ sequences.

>> No.4444696

Anime uses rotoscoping all the time. It's just so skillfully done you don't even notice it like CG.

>> No.4447742

>Page 11

>> No.4447827

the power of oppai

>> No.4447844

I honestly fuckin enjoyed it and there's nothing to lose your shit over and rage it's still hard work, damn people are stupid sometimes

>> No.4448106
File: 1.53 MB, 400x300, overused example.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My theory is that rotoscoping makes it hard to keep the forms and details consistent with the movements, because they can be so miniscule when translated from footage to drawings, moreso than the movements an animator would think to make doing it on their own without reference
the tighter you try to follow your reference the bigger this problem becomes, since the timing and movements become less your own and more just tracing over video footage, so you end up making a lot of minute errors when building forms/adding details on top of the rotoscoped construction, adding add up to substantial inconsistencies once it's in motion
that's why the best rotoscoping is usually not even very close to the footage it references, movements and timing go through more design by the animator, picking and choosing which movements to actually translate and which to forego, sometimes the entire composition of the scene can end up different
at that point you could make the argument that it doesn't really count, but that also kind of exemplifies why rotoscoping gets such a bad rap, because people only notice and register it as such when it's badly done
Disney used it so well back when tjey still did traditional 2D because the forms are already very well defined and consistent from the stage of sketching, the animators know exactly how the forms should move and are able to apply it to observed movements from their reference footage with accuracy, helps a lot that the designs are geared towards doing exactly this

>> No.4448108

compare that to the scene in question in the thread, imo everthing from the neck down looks fine enough, just a bit jittery at places like the cloth folds
the hair is where everything falls apart the most, because of the way anime hair is designed, realistically you can do one of two things with it: just try to keep it consistent looking and be fine with the plastic look, or spent a week of overtime figuring out how to make it move natually
they do manage to have some nice looking movements in some shots, but at the same time shit like the last shot in this happens >>4439399
where even though every frame seems like a unique frame upon close inspection, it amounts to a lot of wasted effort since it ended up looking like they drew 1 frame of the hair and just keyframed the movements
the rough animation looks a lot better and you can tell the guy is clearly skilled, it's just an unfortunate reality that the production schedule for typical anime doesn't really allow for stuff like this to be finished properly

of course another reason for this scene looking uncanny is the acting not really matching with the characters' personalities to begin with, but that's another bag of snakes unrelated to the actual animation process