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File: 432 KB, 1080x1407, Screenshot_20200319-020458_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4433487 No.4433487 [Reply] [Original]

PayPal is tightening the noise on NSFW.

Patreon is following in their footsteps.


>> No.4433499

This is not news. Paypal has never condoned porn or erotic artwork ever.

Dumb fucking cunts like you and the person you screenshotted need to get a fucking clue.

And fuck off from this board while you're at it you little fucking naive ignorant cretinous cunt.

>> No.4433502

Get a real job faggot.

>> No.4433507

>accept random donations like an idiot
>transaction history ends up looking suspicious
>PayPal freezes your account
He either got too many donations or someone donated far too much at once. It takes a phone call to get the funds back.
It's just another retard who doesn't know how PayPal works. It has nothing to do with nsfw content.

>> No.4433508

Only the chosen people can profit off porn goyim.

>> No.4433513

This anon gets it.

>> No.4433531

Payoneer don't give a fuck and don't require to register in order to pay the invoice.
Subscribestar don't give a fuck either, for now at least.

>> No.4433565

Thank god

>> No.4433570
File: 103 KB, 1257x605, paypal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg. payment gateway hasn't "condoned" porn. im shaking

>> No.4433622

Fucking based.

>> No.4433631

It's because of the recent ban of anime styled drawings.
PayPal wants nsfw artists to keep a low profile. It's always been like that. A big streamer who often decorates the frontpage on popular streaming sites is obviously on thin ice.

>> No.4433638
File: 42 KB, 382x430, image%3A3393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting for crypto to be a real thing, until then send invoices, don't let paypal hold money for you, and avoid drama that could put you under a spotlight.

We're gonna make it boys.

>> No.4433640

Do people actually use this shit? ive never heard of anyone having an account there for commissions and if that's the case it's as good as useless for this purpose.

>> No.4433641

>until then send invoices
is it better practice to do this instead of sending requests

>> No.4433642

I'm considering pixivFANBOX but prices are in yen only. Most people are on Patreon and I don't think a lot of them would want to switch to a japanese website. It bugs me not to have a real alternative to the Patreon/Paypal duo.

>> No.4433652

>Still waiting for crypto to be a real thing
Crypto is already a real thing and it is a scam, it was always meant to be a get rich quick scheme for the ones that create it.

>> No.4433676

5 years ago "everyone" was on amazon and nobody was ever gonna use patreon. 10 years ago it was ebay or bust.
We make the normal, not them, stop being a fag and start trailblazing.

>> No.4433691
File: 338 KB, 1080x1705, Screenshot_20200319-065456_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, these guys look suspect as all hell.

>> No.4433693

>Crypto is already a real thing and it is a scam, it was always meant to be a get rich quick scheme for the ones that create it.
Most boomer post I've seen

>> No.4433715

Every time I see a thread like this I thank myself for doing okay as a sfw artist and not falling for the porn meme

>> No.4433725

Well now that the retarded transaction giants are becoming moral police they are giving crypto a good reason to become legitimate.

>> No.4433727

Except you probably make no money anyway lol

>> No.4433731

Hahahahaha get fucked coomfags

>> No.4433732

>needing assurances from 4chan

>> No.4433740

Seethe more lol.

>> No.4433742

Is Cash App a good alternative to paypal? Never used it but I see it recommended often

>> No.4433746

>replies to my post
yeah im seething ;).

>> No.4433747

I'm not that anon
it's really not that hard to make a living with sfw art, prints and such make a good buck. You just gotta have a fun style, fun ideas and an engaging personality

>> No.4433748

Barely anyone uses those PayPal alternatives. They might be better for you but none of your clients will bother to register just to pay you.

>> No.4433749
File: 351 KB, 1280x945, 1547284118153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't give any less of a shit about smutfags but you know how the saying goes. They came first for coomers, and I didn't speak up...
Patreon getting more strict rules for their platform makes sense if they don't want it to be perceived as a porn platform. But why the fuck would Paypal do that? What do they gain out of it? There's nothing social about it, everyone use paypal for everything.
If OPs post turns out to be true , hopefully alternatives will arise.

>> No.4433764

Yea you are, you respond to the post first, anon.

>> No.4433765

Old news are so exciting.

>> No.4433784

not how that works :)

>> No.4433794
File: 4 KB, 225x225, 7F5F5C21-2849-4ED9-9950-126184F7D025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having no artistic style and creativity or drive to express yourself through your art and create something unique
>so instead you grind your fundies just to copy someone else’s style and follow internet trends that your competitors who are far better than you have done for many years
>probably the only ones who will ever make it doing coomer art while faggots like you will be forced to charge lower prices and get no recognition for your shitty big booty zelda fanart

To each his own, faggot.

>> No.4433798

Nobody needs an account you incredible retard.
You can sent the fucking invoice over email/discord and your client pays with their card without registering or anything

>> No.4433926

Gonna have to start accepting Amazon Gift card numbers like the streamwhores.

>> No.4433934

I see no issue here. Notice how it's ALWAYS fucking weebs crying foul


>> No.4433936
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, 1507087992006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't think it was possible for an Anime Avatar to sound exactly like an entitled Roastie
>Muh donations are being held hostage
>Beta orbiters, do as I say and boycott Paypal for your Kween!
>They hate me!
>Me, Me, ME!
Fucking cunt.

>> No.4433945

Somebody needs to make coomercoin

>> No.4433950

Was just about to suggest Crypto, it's the only alternative to monetize your content you need to start accepting these financial assets as a way to accept payment to avoid all the red tape.

>> No.4433958

It's stupid decision from them, porn will be sold and bought anyway, they are just losing cut they could get from transactions.

>> No.4434095

Welp, we had a good run, anons.


>Everyone in the adult industry knows about Skrill and Payoneer, the long-time favorites of porn aficionados and webmasters. They provide a billing service on par with PayPal, but with a policy that is perhaps best summed up in a single phrase – no questions asked.

>These lenient policies made them grow in popularity and overtake a significant chunk of the payment processing market in the past. However, both companies have gradually distanced themselves from the adult industry. They’re now implementing stricter control over all of their transactions.

>In 2017, Payoneer transferred all adult-related accounts to its subsidiary FirstChoice Pay in an attempt to change its reputation. However, FirstChoice Pay was unable to match its competitors, and the company went under after only a year in business.

>Meanwhile, Skrill has always maintained a no-porn content policy in its terms of service, but they only recently started implementing it and closing down adult-related accounts. Still, the majority of Skrill accounts are yet to experience any problems for dealing with the porn industry. Skrill may not be a safe bet in the long run, but if you’re looking for the quickest way to set up a billing service in the short term, it’s arguably your best option at the moment.

Tl;dr the adult industry is about to get fucked over

>> No.4434112

*tell commissioners not to blab about what product they're getting*
wow that was difficult

>> No.4434128
File: 5 KB, 418x252, pornhub methods for eu creators.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

camwhore here, I've used epayservices for a short period of time without issue. I don't expect it to remain in the long-term, though.

Most sites offer direct deposit or bank transfers, but obviously that carries a risk if your bank doesn't like it. However I've used these options where possible without issue for years. Some lesser-known adult sites still offer paypal for payment.

Here are some other methods that I've heard about but don't personally use:

- paxum
- cosmopayment

and of course, patreon. You can also use pornhub for selling art but this is lesser used. *You have to give your ID and usually a face pic for most of these options.*

I'm not advocating for any of these methods, just explaining what we have that you can use, too. But it's harder to find art clients who use these options.
We've been getting more and more restricted for years, but there are still options for us. it's your bank you have to worry about at the end of the day, in my opinion.

Some people still confuse us sex traffic victims; you can thank them for fucking over porn artists too by hurting the nsfw freelancers out there. Maybe one day us d/ic/ks won't

>> No.4434137

*maybe one day us d/ic/ks won't get affected, but so long as the stigma for the sex industry remains, you will be. sorry, lads.

Also forgot to mention amazon giftcards. You can apply them with nothing more than your email shown if you don't do a wishlist with an address tied to it, but they have to be used in the same way as paypal: don't say that it's being used for nsfw.

So long as no customer service guy gets engineered, you're anon afaik.

ramble over, I hope this helped someone at least.

>> No.4434309

I haven't seen someone extruding so much insecurity in a while.

>> No.4434313

If you weren't alive for the Atlanta Olympics no one is gonna give a shit what you have to say for like another ten years. Calm down and be quiet.

>> No.4434317

>posts about camwhore
Mods are really slipping up these days.

>> No.4434320

>haha look at this cunt demanding money they've earned
Suck more Jewish dick faggot.

>> No.4434344

I needed some good news today, thanks.

>> No.4434390

That's right, they earned it themselves and they should go handle it by themselves not get on their IDF of beta orbiters to do their bidding you cunts need to pull your own weights and stop feeling entitled to everyone else catering to you or expecting your personal problems to be everyone else's problems because you have a hole in between your legs.
>Your financial gains and success becomes our gains and success
>My problems become YOUR problems
Fuck out of here.

>> No.4434930
File: 264 KB, 785x1000, 1582186491401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

porn retard post nude loli hentai and gets banned
porn retard posts his paypal and gets either reported or too many donations
You faggots never heard of money laundering, no?
If paypal allowed every nobody to get lots of donations at once, Paypal could get shut down by the government for aiding organized crime.
If Patreon allows nude depictions of clearly underage people (even if anime) there is ground for them to get sued and shut down for aiding the circulation of cp.
You fucking underage brainlet normalniggers should stop trying to interact with other people and spread misinformation because nobody will give you money for your shitstained autistic fetish scribbles.

>> No.4434950


i instead have my own website were people need to buy my currency with paypal and use them to ''pay'' me for my coomer art there so paypal can't do shit to me


>> No.4435003

so what should artists use now?

>> No.4435051

>What should coomers and animeshitter/lolifags use now*

>> No.4435082

porn addicts*

>> No.4435098

>coom artists complaining
>coom art lmao

Remember how funny it is. That your legacy as an artists is drawing porn for coomers to cum on.

>why are you in hell?
>I draw coom art
>but why did you waste the talent god given you?
>I dunno, easy money I suppose
>alright, all the coom art you drawn will come alive to rape you and kill you on an infinite loop.
>welcome to hell

>> No.4435104

i just want you to know i didnt read any of this. guess i was right sfw artists on here make no money lol

>> No.4435108

omg, wont someone think of the multinational corporations. how dare they talk shit about PAYPAL

>> No.4435112

paypal should be shut down by the government for evading taxes, lol

>> No.4435115

>you're gonna burn in my imagination!
only hell is the mental one you're trapped in lol

>> No.4435126

I am not sure why people always associated hell with fire.

There are various places within hellbwith zero light at all. In fact, hell is cold as hell. And when there is fire, it usually mean tiddies and fats are being used to fuels. They cut them off to get a little warmth.

>> No.4435130

>Also forgot to mention amazon giftcards
Can't really pay rent with that, but I've been buying up GPUs to mine with so I can.

>> No.4435133
File: 251 KB, 1226x426, 1573800392656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is your problem, man?

>> No.4435138

>And when there is fire, it usually mean tiddies and fats are being used to fuels
behold: this is the mental level of anti-coomers

yeah, hell is the cold meat locker that you're basically trapped in for the rest of your life, lol. once you're this mental there's no escape

>> No.4435146
File: 142 KB, 800x1100, 1567927697138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Patreon getting more strict rules for their platform makes sense if they don't want it to be perceived as a porn platform.
No. Patreon was against ANY kind of porn back in the day. Then they made it ok, and now they're starting to contradict themselves.

>But why the fuck would Paypal do that? What do they gain out of it?
Same reason some governments forbid prostitution: avoiding the hassle and dirty money that always arise from it. Men do crime, women do sex. They're interconnected.

>I couldn't give any less of a shit about smutfags but you know how the saying goes. They came first for coomers, and I didn't speak up...

>> No.4435152

I'm just telling you what I saw my dude.
I could be wrong you know. I am just a monster stuck in a human body.

It is not like I am 100% certain hell is exactly that. Maybe they only allow me to see what I can comprehend. Besides those are just some dreams. Maybe you are right. They are just my imagination.

Stay safe, keep cooming.

>> No.4435180

>but why did you waste the talent god given you?
lmao god didn't gave us shit, worked hard to get where I am
>hell in 2020
okay dude

>> No.4435184

>alright, all the coom art you drawn will come alive to rape you and kill you on an infinite loop

How did you know what my coom art was about?

>> No.4435198


Good luck. For your sake. I hope hell isn't real too.

>> No.4435199

That is for hell to sort it out. I am just telling you what could be. Doesn't mean I am right.

>> No.4435203
File: 141 KB, 400x565, tumblr_pqomv9OIOB1tdsa26o1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they first came for the coomers

>> No.4435207

Every fucking time.

>> No.4435213

so fucking cringe

>> No.4435216

Again, it's not that porn is unacceptable, it' that you're not of the people allowed to profit off it.
Change your name to Levi and Visa will let you sell cheese pizza without asking questions.

>> No.4435276
File: 94 KB, 683x1024, 1584596330142m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The serious allegations levied against Pornhub owner Mindgeek centre on the perceived insufficiency of the company’s safeguarding checks on the 6m videos a year that are posted on the site, many by amateur producers. Over the past year the company has faced multiple accusations that rape and abuse videos were widely posted on the site.

>The petition was started by a group called Exodus Cry in the US but is being supported by activists in the UK, where Mindgeek also has offices.

>“This is a company that is generating millions in advertising and membership revenue and yet they do not have an effective system in place to verify reliably the age or consent of those featured in the pornographic content it hosts,” said Exodus Cry founder Laila Mickelwait .

>> No.4435361

>PayPal is tightening the noise on NSFW.
>PayPal is tightening

Are there dumb fucks posting in this thread that really thought PayPal didn't have porn as bannable in their ToS?

>> No.4435374

The coomer mind is pure retardation, anon.

>> No.4435376

coomers think rules never apply to them and assume everyone loves porn as much as them.

>> No.4435395

Different anon.
Get real job

>> No.4435441

damn this is the faggiest manner of speaking i've seen on this site. it's like a jrpg antagonist quip

>> No.4435503

PayPal is protecting its name. They don't want to appear associated with porn in the public eye. You as an artist who is running a Patreon and takes commission aren't hurting their brand in the slightest as long as you keep it quiet. That means you don't use their logo or mention them on your nsfw accounts. Your nsfw content is flagged as such and not public.
It's just ridiculous to think you are on the same level as camwhores or websites that deal with live action porn.
t. nsfw artist who talked to PayPal staff about this multiple times.

>> No.4435516

based. fuck coomers.

>> No.4435548

I'd rather starve than to ever draw such mortifying piss for a few bucks more.

>> No.4435617

Time for one of you degens to start Coomcoin.
1/100th of a coomcoin = fap
1/20 = drip
1/10 = drizzle
1/4 = precoom
1 = coom

>> No.4435725
File: 81 KB, 1490x839, ETacw25WkAcgxgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just some virtual camwhore, nothing of value lost

>> No.4435735

Paypal should be seized entirely by the government.

>> No.4435926

Jesus y'all are dumb af.

"We don’t permit PayPal account holders to buy or sell:

Sexually oriented digital goods or content delivered through a digital medium. Downloadable pictures or videos and website subscriptions are examples of digital goods."

This is NOT NEW! And there is *no* good reason paypal ever needs to know that you deal in adult shit. I literally describe every sale on PayPal as "Illustration as discussed" or "Commission as discussed" or something to that effect. If you put "Commission of hyper futa raping pikachu" then yeah you'll probably get caught but the beauty of paypal is that THEY DON'T ASK QUESTIONS. You never need to be more specific than "Drawing" or "Illustration".

God artists are such fucking autists

>> No.4435998

I don't get it, how does paypal know you're drawing porn?

>> No.4436008

Time for coomer audit. Do your duty and report every coomer artist to PayPal and patreon

>> No.4436164

>Downloadable pictures or videos and website subscriptions are examples of digital goods.
This talks primarily about live-action porn. Keep in mind you as an artist provide a service.
At some point everyones account will get frozen and you are forced to contact them. They just ask some simple questions. If you draw relatively vanilla stuff and your characters don't look like minors, you are on the safe side. They just recently banned anime-styled goods to combat the fetishization of young girls.

>> No.4436174


wouldnt want my company associated with beg tier smut either

>> No.4436183

it's almost like you don't think Paypal looks into people with suspicious buying habits occasionally just to make sure they aren't buying anything illegal or pornographic

you poor poor naive fuck

t. only sent invoices for payment so nobody could leave dumb comments and still got paypal'd

>> No.4437379

Nobody's made mention of Square yet. How's that for coomershit?

>> No.4437455

Look, as long as what you're selling is legal and there are people willing to pay for it that's all that should matter. It's not the job of PayPal or Mastercard to enforce their own demented standards of what constitutes a "proper", respectable business model.
>lmao but coomers are subhuman though
What a flimsy excuse for not standing up for someone's rights

>> No.4437460

It is when goyim are infringing on the master class' second best moneymaker.

>> No.4437522

>EU introduces digital currency, soon makes it mandatory for each citizen to have an account, and starts making it more and more difficult to pay with cash
>anon has transferred all of his money into digital to benefit from the state's "Digital gets Digi-trendy"-campaign, where for each deposit, in addition to transferring Euro into an equivalent value of DCU (DigiCurreUnits), each citizen who fully embraced the new system gets a 20% bonus-payout in UBs (UsageBounds)
>having covered his monthly expenses in food, rent, and other basic utilities with UB, anon heads over to a local Gamestop
>he can't wait to finally play the new BloodSouls

>"um, excuse me sir, I'm afraid your DigiPay membership doesn't cover this type of purchase?"
>"according to the anonymized central data bank, you're ranked as a potential compulsive spender, and also there's a high likelihood that you have, uh, "addictive gaming tendencies"?"
>"I'm terribly sorry sir, but I'm afraid the payment wouldn't go through."
>"Hold on, this is a joke, right. (raising his voice) The state doesn't have the right to-"
>*ding*ding*ding*, a lawenforcement drone enters the store, cybernetic tentacles trailing behind a bulb-like body, hovering prehaps a meter off the ground
>[citizen; is there a problem?]
>"N-no, of course not, er, officer."
>[in regards to your question, the state does, indeed, not infringe on your economic freedom. DigiTrust, however, is a private enterprise, and in declining to participate in economic exchanges, likewise, is covered by its economic freedom. Thank You For Understanding.]
>The drone hovers a mere half a meter from anons face, examining him, and, by all appearances satisfied with his reaction, turns around , lightly brushing against his arm with one of its tentacles, before leaving the store.

>"... Sir, I can give you a list of games the database lists as appropriate for people with your profile."
>"But-, but I ..."
>"alright, yeah, I guess."

>> No.4437571

By this point I'm all but convinced that you "muh jewish plot"-faggots are controlled opposition meant to make legit concerns look like just another crazy conspiracy theory some loon cooked up in the service of a grand narrative.

>> No.4437795
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>It's not the job of PayPal or Mastercard to enforce their own demented standards of what constitutes a "proper", respectable business model
But they have a right to safeguard themselves and their business from potentially being accomplices to criminal activities or getting a bad reputation.

Now imagine having an online digital money transfer service or a bank for that matter, where anyone can make an account and start easily sending/receiving money.
Keep in mind that you, as the owner, are responsible for whatever happens with that service and many people who have money with you are also dependent on your service to work properly.
Now some unknown/unverified people start receiving and sending money
Many of this transfers come from illegal activities under other names which due to various reasons, you cannot truly verify until it gets discovered by the law.
But by then you're already fucked.
>Which has happened in the early days of Paypal
Now you, as the owner, are under investigation for being a potential accomplice to said criminal activities. Your service could be shut down, you could face jail time and would make many people who got nothing to do with this. lose a lot of their money unless you can prove you weren't involved in this activities.
You still have to pay up for court costs, investors start pulling their money, customers start leaving your service and all that jazz and if you have a lot of money, be ready to bleed most of it.
So, answer me this:
>What do you do to prevent this from happening again and again without breaking the law?

People working in the adult market may find this unfair but companies don't want to market themselves to the adult industry because not everyone is a porn addicts who jerks off 24/7 and wants to see nudity and sex everywhere they go.
It's tasteless and by extension disingenuous to lure in customers with porn.

>> No.4437835

this guy >>4437522 gets it

>> No.4438864


>> No.4439138

I'll take "totally not a biased comment" for 25 points, Joey.

>> No.4439162

Or both the banking and porn industries are overwhelmingly jewish and they're not at all ashamed to use the antisemitism card so daddy guvment will look the other way when they use anticapitalist tactics to stifle competition.

Jews and russians are in a savage tug of war in the adult industry right now, and jews are losing. Expect things to get much worse before they get better. If they can't beat them in profit margins they'll deny them payment and when that's not enough there'll be lobbying to ban adult entertainment alltogether.

>> No.4439240
File: 13 KB, 241x241, 1533738909511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The clock is ticking, coomers!

>> No.4439243

I'm perfectly fine with a complete separation between SFW art & NSFW art.
This is the BEST thing to do regardless of which side you're in.

>> No.4439509
File: 67 KB, 480x360, 1549090498098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want me to start getting biased, coomer?

>> No.4440348

"Bias" from the other side was long overdue.

I agree. We have many boards for porn and coomer artists invite a fuck ton of drama.

>> No.4440405

What he said was completely unbiased and what the majority of these companies have gone on record and said about their stance on porn. You fools need to really get through your fucking head that the majority of people aren't sex crazed or keen about seeing cartoon porn all the time.

>> No.4440427

>People working in the adult market may find this unfair but
Continue by writing anything that's not "coomer bad".
They find it unfair. That you don't personally agree with what porn artists do doesn't justify the unfairness.

paypal official statement about sexual industries:
>because not everyone is a porn addicts who jerks off 24/7 and wants to see nudity and sex everywhere they go.
>It's tasteless and by extension disingenuous to lure in customers with porn.

They'd rather say that they don't want to be involved in the crime surrounding prostitution. This kind of coloring is completely unnecessary and outright offensive.
Or like in paypal's case the leadership is simply religious. The church of paypal, the watcher and maintainer of public morality.

Most of the data moved over the Internet is porn. Most of the oldest pieces of art are porn. Sexuality is a basic need among food and water and sleep. What's good for you is not for Paypal to decide.

>> No.4440466

It's called nepotism.
Everyone does it. Jews do it in a race/religion scale. That's all it is.
It would be naive to think people are incapable of extreme nepotism just because they've managed to convince you that antinepotism is a virtue.
It's like how we 4channers sit in our boards and the goons sit at SA. The political and financial leaders of the world sit in their own occupation-based communities and are all friends with each other. If you were suddenly placed in the lead of some massive corporation or a government you'd pretty fast reach out to people close to or in the same position.
You decided to not believe it because it mentioned the jews. Did you miss how Russians were also mentioned? Make it Russians and Japanese. Russians and Americans. Believe it or not, the jews are people too, equally deserving of being seen truthfully and deserving of critique as anyone else.

"hey friend there's good money in this"
"oh cool but how do we neutralize the competition"

>> No.4440522
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>words bad
>everything is exactly as you wrote and cannot deviate in the slightest
>everything is exactly as you wrote and absolutely reflects the reality
>no think only wrong and right, i'm right because this offends me
>why isn't everything porn?
>porn good
>sex is a basic need
>there is no crime in the adult industry
>what are fronts?
>what are scams?
>what is crime?
>paypal employees apparently make official statement on an anime site
>they must be [insert religious affiliation here] and that is why they hate me
>why isn't a private company bowing down to my commands?
>more porn
>art is porn
>internet is porn
If pornfaggots are such great business persons and understand of finance and marketing works, why don't they compete with paypal instead of bitching about a PRIVATE COMPANY not making you use their services if you break their rules?

I'm telling you again, do make me go biased, retard.

>> No.4440615

Based, coomers need to quit bitching and btfo.

>> No.4441042

This post is the product of a damaged mind for sure