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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4428919 No.4428919 [Reply] [Original]

hello i am 25 years old can i still learn to draw

>> No.4428922

you can learn but you can't draw.

>> No.4428923

Yes. Next thread.

>> No.4428925

who is this guy and why are there so many pics of him?

>> No.4428931

no, go away!

>> No.4428933

Some old stock photo model dude that somehow became a meme, he even made Ted Talk about it.

>> No.4428935

He is the best guy alive. For more watch his ted on how he became a meme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FScfGU7rQaM

>> No.4428957

The only difference between learning drawing as an adult vs as a kid should be how you perceive the growing pains and how fast you develop.
Many adults find learning new skills to be daunting, since you start all the way back from zero, please refrain from being afraid of it, you will be running in no time. Adults absorb information faster so you will have that to your advantage
The bottom line is that you should pursue it, you are well early to do so, and you should always remember: Drawing is based on logic and skill, there's math and physics behind it, you need to keep on trying to solve through a drawing like solving through a math problem. This way you will slowly develop the skill and sight.
And remember, drawing is the representation of 3d space on a 2d plane.

>> No.4428965
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you can learn to paint at 60 if you know how to draw but if you haven't drawn anything before 20, all you'll be able to draw is anatomically correct yet unappealing figures. it'll never come intuitively to you. just paint abstract or non animals

>> No.4428967

>you will be running in no time
Over a year later and I'm still not running.

>> No.4428981

>all you'll be able to draw is anatomically correct yet unappealing figures
That sounds like a fucking dream

>> No.4428990

maybe you are doing something wrong. Maybe your approach to art isn't right. Maybe you are improving and you need to look at where you started to see the difference.
WIthout seeing your art all I can say is that most often what stops people from improving is either not understanding the fundies, not drawing with a purpose, or not drawing with your head.
If you don't mind posting your art I could try and help. I promise to only be constructive.

>> No.4429050

i promise to dunk on your work if you post it

>> No.4429089


I enjoyed the story thank you

>> No.4429092

>Over a year later and I'm still not running.
If you think it takes only a year to git gud I have news for you

>> No.4429098

I have no original work to post besides obviously deformed sketches and doodles. Hammering something into a semi-acceptable state takes me literally days and by the time I've corrected some mistakes I'm already bored/anxious and I move on to the next thing.
I have some solid drawings from reference but that's not where my problems are.

Yeah, that's why I won't post it.

I didn't think I'd be "gud" by now, I just thought I'd be better than I am now.
I think fucking Asukafag is about to pull ahead of me, if he hasn't already.

>> No.4429103

Thank god I started at 19

>> No.4429169

It’s possible to get gud in one year IF you practiced like hell. None stop and little breaks, so much in fact where your health becomes a little questionable. Not that many people can do something like that, but it’s possible.

>> No.4429216

I averaged about two hours a day in that year. So, not as intense as you're thinking I guess.

>> No.4429223

fpbp also dubs of truth.
is its the final verdict.

>> No.4429229

What I meant was industry levels of good, but 2 hours is actually better than most people on here.

>> No.4429244

Right, I have the same definition of "good".

>> No.4429253

One of the biggest things you learn as you grow older is that 75-85 years is a long fucking time and the idea that you can't learn something unless you started it before the 1/4 mark is completely ridiculous.
And even if you DO prescribe to this belief, drawing is a very lenient and late start friendly skill compared to music or athleticism.
Just be smart about studying, do your research and draw every day with a purpose and informed procedure to get better.
Young people doodle without purpose for most of their first 18-20 years so they don't even have much a head start unless they stumbled into a good teacher.

>> No.4429264

Just curious, why do you say that music is harder for late starters than drawing? I hear people say that all the time about (serious, like symphony orchestra) music. But they also say it about drawing too, and I really have to hope that they're wrong about drawing, since I started at 26.
I agree that a lot of kids who started drawing don't have QUITE as big of a head start as it seems. A lot of late teens/early 20s in /beg/ or on DA have been "drawing their whole lives" and are still garbage, because they just aimlessly doodled and were never serious. That being said, it's not uncommon for kids who are into drawing to start taking it seriously around 15 or 16, and someone who starts serious study that young will have a huge head start over someone who starts it a decade later.

>> No.4429305
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Maybe someone else can refute/confirm but from my experience music is a bit more like language learning where you can pick it up intuitively when you are young, your hearing is physically different when you are young and the physical dexterity is easily adjustable for the age bracket learning. You can start learning the muscle memory requirements a lot earlier without having to know much theory or complicated knowledge. Obviously there is a lot of theory in music to learn when you get older, but the main thing is that you can be playing to a high standard without knowing how to even read sheet music.
For drawing, there is the similar muscle memory as a lifelong challenge but before you can do this effectively you need to understand non-intuitive concepts (the fundamentals). You are relegated to intuitive pre-renaissance type drawing without learning the fundamentals, which can actively harm your muscle memory development and needs to be unlearned. Learning drawing is trying to keep a bunch of spinning plates going while you purposefully neglect them to focus on specific fundamentals and hope you get back around to the oldest plate/fundamental you spun before it falls.
You really have to be smart and purposeful when learning drawing. You have to be constantly in the present and thinking about your work. If you find yourself just going through the motions and grinding you are wasting your time. If you find yourself struggling over every single drawing you are wasting your time. You should be meeting challenges, researching how to approach them and overcoming it so you can move on to the next challenge. Drawing should be like a a series of upticks, downticks and plateaus but the average trend always up, pic related.

>> No.4429321

*you won't

>> No.4429405
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Everyone's always like "yes you have your whole life to get good"
What does it matter if you're not good by the end of your youth. You end up as some crusty old man still lurking /beg/. I want to get good by 26 and live those next 4 years happy as a skilled artist. Then I live the following 10 years depressed that I'm getting old compared to the rest of the youngsters around the internet, remembering that I was once 18 shooting the shit with fellas off and online. Out aging my favorite anime characters by decades is depressing

>> No.4429420

Yeah and in 5 years you will think "why didn't I start 5 years ago". You always think you are too late until you suddenly float through another black hole of unproductive years and realise you actually had tons of time to achieve your goals.
So start now or wake up at 70 wishing you would have started drawing when you were a fit and able 60 year old.

>> No.4429461

Thankfully I'm not OP
I did start 2 years ago so I'm 22 now still trying to break out of /beg/. It's just that the thought of my time wasted depresses me. I'm really glad I'm not 23, 24 etc wondering if I should even "start" I think getting started has been the hardest part, and when you learn how to draw more, it gets more fun

>> No.4429482

>Over a year later and I'm still not running.
Probably not enough smart practice. You need to draw and you need to think about what you are drawing.

>> No.4429634

No, not because you're tooold but because you're a millenial. A 45yo would learn faster and be better than you at every step and so would an 18yo.
It's time you cunts learn you gen exists to wageslave.

>> No.4429636

Im 29 and just started last week. Im gonna make it because I hate the world and I have no morals to stop me

>> No.4429658

I am 32. Never asked the question, just started drawing.
I you are not some useless bum, then between work and family your time is limited and so you'll need to resort to making the most out of it. I'd suggest approaching learning how to draw as you would any other discipline. Learn what is needed. What are the best resources for it and organize your studying in sessions of theory (Loomis and similar) and practical (Track your progress, so you can be as efficient as possible).
Finally have fun, drawing is supposed to be fun, if you're not enjoying yourself, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.4429685

i started drawing when i was 25

you're fine

>> No.4432140

Yes, you just have to make time for it.

>> No.4432575
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I was almost 24 when I began to draw. The good thing about picking it up as an adult is you’ll improve a lot faster, IF you commit to practicing and studying everyday. My first drawings were comparable to what a 9/10 year old would draw, but now after 10 months of practicing, I’m probably drawing around a 13/14 year old’s level. Still bad, but improving at a decent pace imo. The bad thing is we adults are a lot more afraid to fail compared to children. As adults, we’re scared of experimenting because we might ruin our piece. We rather stick to the theory than explore our creative sides and work intuitively. This fear of experimentation can easily lead to your artwork feeling “soulless”.

So my advice OP:
DO practice almost everyday
DO study the theory
DON’T be afraid to experiment
DON’T be afraid to “ruin” a sketch
DO have fun
DON’T give up

The beginning was the hardest for me because my terrible art greatly discouraged me from continuing, but now I’m slowly starting to like some aspects of my work. Stick with it OP! Don’t give up easily.

>> No.4432653

Can you share your work, or an example of what level you are at? I just want to see what a 13-14 year old’s art looks like to you.

>> No.4432672

Sure, it's never to late to learn. As for whether or not it's too late to ever get good, then yes.

>> No.4432831

>get good
What's the difference.

>> No.4432867

yes. it might take up to 10 years tho, are you up to it?

>> No.4432893

You can know the theory of something inside and out, it doesn't automatically make you good in practice.

>> No.4432895

You've only learned as much as you're able to draw. If you think you "know" a lot but you can't draw then you haven't actually "learned" shit.

>> No.4436386

Cutesexyrobutts started at 27

>> No.4436412


>> No.4436456
File: 928 KB, 1388x2258, Its never too late faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4436763

how old is he now?

>> No.4437391

work til your'e 29 retire at 30. Spend the rest of your life drawing