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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 28 KB, 436x600, Adolf_Hitler_-_Selbstporträt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4427150 No.4427150 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder Hitler was worse at drawing than 90% of begs. Fine they didn't have the Loomis method but surely they had some concept of proportions. This isn't something he made as a kid. He has the mustache. He was a grown man who trained in art school.

>> No.4427176

>he was 37
we're all gmi

>> No.4427179

He was rejected from art school.
Thats why Hitler.

That said, his landscapes and architecture were very decent /beg/-tier.
As well, that drawing actually shows an awareness of structure. He could have been coached if he had Vilppu or access to Proko.

>> No.4427184

You guys do know that people knew how to draw hundreds of years before Loomis was born right

>> No.4427189

In some other timeline he became a famous painter and jews dominated the entire world with money power.

>> No.4427195
File: 120 KB, 470x600, 5866311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4427209

>and jews dominated the entire world with money power
how is that different from the current timeline

>> No.4427623

needed loomis

>> No.4428804

Say all you want but I definitely can recognize who he drew

>> No.4428805
File: 38 KB, 538x720, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f2d536430716d36656131594831513d3d2d3531363132343238362e31353035636561646662646438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i literally worse than hitler?

>> No.4428907

>he didn't have the loomis method
you know the loomis method is just based on anatomy?
old masters during the renaissance were using basically the same method

>> No.4428914

Figures this retard couldn't into creativity, just shitty self portraits and Bob Ross tier landscape paintings. The fate of all nazis in the arts, be warned.

>> No.4428918

Not saying Hitler was a amazing artist but this shit looks like a really lazy forgery.

>> No.4428921

jewish propaganda
hitler was the best artist but they tried to stop him

>> No.4428924

he would create the ultimate aryan piece which would awaken prowhite sentiments in everyone who'd see it which is why he wasn't allowed to enter art school. few know dis

>> No.4428952
File: 279 KB, 920x1329, 63864762-0001-0004-0000-000000005235_w920_r0.6922462030375699_fpx50_fpy34.62[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh he was okay, pic related.
ops pic looks like a <1min sketch. Still bad though.

>> No.4428968

if someone posted that on /ic/ they would be sent to /beg/ immediately. come on

>> No.4428976

i hate when faggots sign their incomplete and incompetent scribbles like they've already made it. fuck your worthless signature and shitty sketches.
stay in your lanes.

>> No.4428984

>The fate of all nazis in the arts, be warned.
I dunno, Knut Hamsun, Gottfried Benn, and Ezra Pound were pretty good...

>> No.4429949

much worse

>> No.4429952


>> No.4430488

That's a Phone Doodle he Did. It's not a Serious Piece. Hitler would rush doodles when on the phone all the time. His serious works are remarkable and pure brilliance. Wether u like the man or not

>> No.4432152

Yea it's not though.

>> No.4432182

What? No they aren't remarkable at all. Remove his dead fascist balls from your chin.

>> No.4433181

One. Hitler was a National Socialist. The Stubborn Solar Authoritarianism of Fascism is Gay and Weak Compared to Hitler
Two. Look at his Archived Works Then, Can You Make Extremely Detailed, Realistic and Romantic Works Like Him?

>> No.4433184
File: 174 KB, 865x577, Adolf-Hitler-Church-Oil-Painting-detail-865x577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Examples

>> No.4433185
File: 105 KB, 1200x800, Adolf-Hitler-Painting-detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4433186
File: 102 KB, 1024x733, 288-1024x733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being Afraid to Own Upto a Decent Artist Just Because He Hated Semetic Rats

>> No.4433188
File: 41 KB, 400x291, 400px-Adolf_Hitler_-_Wien_Oper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll Leave it Here. For All his Works, See the Book by Mike Walsh

>> No.4433195

Anonymous on an anonymous board? Wow I spose Wvlfe is your real name and I can just google you and see your open identity and its not nigh on the same thing as being anonymous eh?
Wun. National socialism, which was really a single party dictatorship which was just fascism. Claiming anything else is ridiculous. You’re ridiculous.
Tew. His stuff wasn’t that detailed, was far from realistic and not romantic at all. His figures were GARBAGE and he could only paint buildings with any degree of accuracy and even then there was som bizarre perspective fuck ups that a trained artist wouldn’t have made. How’s my art in comparison? That’s neither here nor there. It wont change the fact that Hitlers art sux balls and he gave up on it.
Free. Stop your white power dick riding you larping cock sucker. Wvlfe is a homosexual guy from escape from Alcatraz who tried to buttfuck Dirty Harry in the showers.

>> No.4433202

Fascism isn't Defined by Dictatorship.
National Socialism isn't White Power, it's White Survival. Well, More Aryan Survival. Aryan aren't Just White.
Claiming Anything Else is Better than your spergy, Jew fucked slavery.
Lacks Skill?! Are you psychotic or neurotic you fucking slag.
Hitler's art is all done from memory alone. Yes, he preferred architecture, so?
Yes it is romantic, it captures a contemporary life of the wild Teuton .
Bisdare perspectives? You mean no Jewy, Non Warhol, Non Liberal, Non Faggy, Naturalism.
Trained Artist? Love to see you Intellectualist this all.

Alcatraz? I'm using a Pagan derivative of Rounwytha Naming, ha.

>> No.4433231

Wvlfe makes a great point. Yes they were detailed, yes they were romantic, yes you’re upset because it’s non Warholian bullshit. All his works were greatly detailed, even if you wanna say “InExAcT”, for memory it’s perfect

>> No.4433302

Horrible perspective, look how the cart is on another plane. Figures are glorified stick figures, this shows how he painted buildings slanted to the right for some reason. Those bushes show no form. UNACCEPTABLE.
Again, slanting buildings. The perspective is all fouled up. The foot of the bridge suggests that we are looking down at it from a high angle, the top of the bridge does not fit the same planes of perspective. The railed path I believe is meant to gently curve around but has an extreme angle in it that does not suggest any depth at all.
Trees slanting to the right. This is ALL shorthand symbol painting. Very lazy Adolph! Its weird how the middle ground is the least detailed. Absolute diarrhea.
Ah yes this one I’m very familiar with as he clearly busted his ass with it trying to get into art school. He rlly worked hard gridding up that building so his shit didnt slant over again the absolutely fucked it with these blob figures all over. Look at that guy doing a Monty python walk. Lol what a joke.

>> No.4433306

Why are you so angry and upset over some austrian dude who didn't have trainings paintings from 80 years ago

>> No.4433307

Meant for

>> No.4433310
File: 35 KB, 600x600, Naamloos-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like I'm

worse than Hitler

>> No.4433313

>fascism isn’t defined by dictatorship
Not mutually exclusive.
>national socialism isn’t white power
Youre arguing things i didnt say.
>Aryan aren’t just white
Youre arguing things i didnt say.
>hitlers art is done from memory alone
lol wtf you joking? This is plein air. Youre dumb.
>contemporary life of a wild teuton
Bent houses and blob people that look like they were painted by a sub mental retard?
> I'm using a Pagan derivative of Rounwytha Naming, ha

>> No.4433317

Appeal to emotion or argumentum ad passiones ("argument from passion") is a logical fallacy characterized by the manipulation of the recipient's emotions in order to win an argument, especially in the absence of factual evidence.

I’m not angry foo. If you believe I am just because words you dont like got typed then you might be a bit simple.

>> No.4433328

Wowzie you‘re so smart with your talk about logical fallacies! This brings me back to the days of the Athiest internet crusades. You even included the big boy words and ad hominems! Thank you for taking me on a nostalgia trip, it's been a treat, you could have made it longer but that'd be asking for far to much. Thank you again sir!

>> No.4433335

Yov vorgot to pvt yovr edgy pvagan nvame in.

>> No.4433344

When you make a new name to congratulate yourself on you own post, it would be less obvious if you went anon rather than use your varg worship name with the extra V’s. Also when you bring up Warhol again when nobody else even bothers to touch on that. Its a dead giveaway and doing that is PATHETIC.

>> No.4433351

Idk why you'd think I'm the autistic namefag but whatever mate

>> No.4433359

Oh right, I thought you were him defending itself but you were just going in to bat for hitlers pooey paintings.

>> No.4433362

I'm not defending the flaws. I'm just wondering why your so aggressive and angry about them lol

>> No.4433380

Faggot Points that are Opposed to Visual Objectivity
"Autist", Says the Intellectualist, Liberal Art Snob
"VargTard", Varg is an Solar, Eco Retard.
Rounwytha is Sinister and Diabolical, and Cold. Bath is an Ant-Race
Hitler Did do his Art from Memory. The Many testaments of those close to him Confirm it.
Making Art a Rational Field is Jewish, and You'd get the Boot You Fucking Parasite!

>> No.4433394

You called me a White Supremacist, so that does Imply White Power
You fucking narky Jew...Slanted! It's at Angles
His people look fine.
Hey your fucking Yehudic Face Out your mammonic add, you fucking dirty piece of filth.

The whole reason for such a heated debate is that the most heroic man of all time is being slandered and slagged off by the most weak, stupid and dirty of all the ant-minds; art critiques

>> No.4433465

Are you just trolling now? I’m having one of those moments where I’m finding it difficult to believe this isn’t satire. Either way, I’ll play along.
1) Thats subjective.
2) I didnt call you an autist, someone else did. Try to follow along here.
3) Nobody called you “vargtard” you just made that quote up.
4)Its not sinister its just something cringe BD dorks do.
5)No, these are plein air.
6) Something something Jewish, physical threats over the internet. (Paaaaaathetic)
1) I didn't call you a white supremacist, as much as you might have liked me to. I called you a white power dick riding larper. As in a wannabe.
2) Why is the horizon on a different angle then? A lot of people draw or paint things slanted and never notice. Its a shitty artist thing.
3) They look fine if you have a very very low standard.
4) Put down the thesaurus, its not working for you.\
5) Ok now this really has to be satire. What the fuck is wrong with you cunt?

>> No.4434362
File: 26 KB, 384x499, alexander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear you can put your name on any basic intuitive shit and suddenly you've invented a method

>> No.4434451

I'm not Hitler, so what's your point?

>> No.4435242

Looks like the author of AoT's art

>> No.4435254

Yeah, I don't believe what some (((appraiser))) says.

>> No.4435256
File: 187 KB, 1920x1920, IMG_8842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Literally came here to post this. How do I stack up next to mein fuhrer?

>> No.4435285
File: 202 KB, 1920x1920, IMG_8847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Trying to get the background right.

>> No.4435319
File: 197 KB, 1920x1920, IMG_8855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4435324

>That skull
>That shitty pseudo-corporate doodle style
At least Uncle Adolf tried and had the excuse that art education wasn't readily available

>> No.4435344


>That skull

It represents the native Cro magnon that whites genocided.

>That shitty pseudo-corporate doodle style

Intentional. It's a scene of black genocide. To depict it via a liberal-corporate 'pop' style is subversive. I also find the similarities between this corporate pop style and the traditional 'flat' art of Egypt and Greece interesting.

This piece is meant to be at home in a temple among future provincial racist neo-Pagans, and is an attempt to ignore the last 1000 years of artistic development and return to that mythic style.

>> No.4435345

Beginner here
Wtf is wrong with this? It looks good to me.

>> No.4435350

>Phone Doodle
Wtf are you talking about? They didn’t have smart phones back then retard, only the ones you could talk into

>> No.4435416
File: 217 KB, 1920x1920, IMG_8866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think this version is better.

>> No.4435417
File: 217 KB, 1920x1920, IMG_8867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here we go...

>> No.4435418

Why the hell do they all have lumbar lordosis?

>> No.4435844


They're all inbred mulattoes, and the image depicts the triumph of the pale mulattoes.

>> No.4438298
File: 662 KB, 1100x1163, MARIO-SIRONI_Autoritratto_1913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fascism/futurism is not the same as the national socialist regressive romanticism.
italian fascists were artistic revolutionaries and wanted to achieve a new modernity.

to lump them with Hitler misses the Point.

>> No.4438349
