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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 193 KB, 914x1334, IMG_20200315_162212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4426814 No.4426814 [Reply] [Original]

In the near future when all the current boomers have passed away. Weebshit art will get put on high regard

>> No.4426830

>celebrating the pervasive destruction of our civilization


>> No.4426834

>giving a shit about a morally flawed predatory system

>> No.4426836
File: 112 KB, 1024x649, 1573194545607m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying out civilizations haven't already been completely deconstructed, sterilized and put back together into a shambled mess

>> No.4426837


>> No.4426887
File: 2.19 MB, 1920x1080, haaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /pol/shitter, no one gives a shit about "deh old mashters" except you and the neonazis
dick-riding off the accomplishments of centuries old corpses made the west fucking complacent
if all it took was some chinks on an island drawing bug-eyed girls to completely overtake it, then it fucking deserved to happen

>> No.4426894

And that's a good thing

>> No.4426895

Feel free to stop using the Internet so much if you hate the White race.
We invented it.

>> No.4426936

>We invented it.
LOL you actually think you're somehow included in that?
This is precisely the behavior I described, thank you for demonstrating it to everyone here.

>> No.4427003

>artist can actually draw
>wastes their talent drawing anime

>> No.4427030
File: 48 KB, 407x364, 8A16D06D-8D1C-4188-9C05-DC6EF21CB6FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we invented the internet
>yes, somehow that includes ME specifically. I contributed in some way to the creation of the internet. I am a retard who contributes nothing to society but I feel good about myself still by living vicariously through the achievements of intelligent people before me

>> No.4427034

>has no merit of own to feel proud of
>resorts to the accomplishments of people he's never met to justify his existence

>> No.4427040
File: 75 KB, 525x349, 1284430679893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It already is you dumb fig

>> No.4427084
File: 43 KB, 1000x750, 581297EB-458A-4545-ABAD-32F9A3BA8DB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely. Even hentai sculptures is in contemporary art galleries. This work of art is by the renowned artist Takashi Murakami.

>> No.4427095

except corporate backed superflat movement there is none

>> No.4427130

>tfw not sure if will be able to continue drawing anime like this forever
Styles already changed in each decade, maybe it just wasn't meant to be.

>> No.4427193

Why would that be, weebshit has no artistic merit.
Weebshit that constitutes good art is good despite being weebshit, not because of it.

>complaining about morality
>thinking a predatory system is something exlusive to humans, let alone to westerners
Sounds to me like you're a massive faggot

>> No.4427211

Go back to /The_Donald, please.

>> No.4427226

itt: fucking low iq retard morons idiots

how do you people breathe and type go draw you worthless underaged losers

>> No.4427244

by the time ur 80, 2d will be ancient and vr 3d art will be the norm

>> No.4427305

Hopefully we'll be rich by then though right? Haha

>> No.4427779

>White race

what the fuck is white race?

>> No.4427784
File: 1.22 MB, 1700x2267, feel the form.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait to be that bitter granpa who still draws anime decades after it went out of style

>> No.4427789


>> No.4427791

Based, but you replied to bait fren

>> No.4427994

Boomers aren't the problem. They're the Tatsunoko generation and gen X is the Toei generation. It's fucking millenials that hate anime because they're deformed, mentally ill retards who hate beauty and appeal.

>> No.4428008

I get more commission from millenials than from boomers

>> No.4428012

What did the boomer mean by this?

>> No.4428173


>> No.4428174

You realize that's not Vilppu, right?

>> No.4428175

>he doesn't know about the anime course

>> No.4428191
File: 631 KB, 1024x1024, 281a1cde7f7337a7b7cf56a4253d249e1574520986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you know what they say;

>> No.4428193

Pick a side, loser, or I insult your intelligence

>> No.4428209

Millenials are near 40% of the population.
I still get more money from X'ers. And the guy who signed the checks at the last big project I worked on was 70.

>> No.4428253

>because they're deformed, mentally ill retards who hate beauty and appeal.
Dude c'mon you're a weeb at best and a pedophile at worst, this really isn't the hill you want to die on

>> No.4428257

Imagine beign this retard.

>> No.4428621


>> No.4428625

Yeah I can't imagine not knowing how to type

>> No.4428628

This is actually true. The boomers I've met are either passionate or completely indifferent to weeb shit, but it's the zoomers that are extremely insecure about it because they got bullied for watching anime once in high school.

>> No.4428644

You'll never be the standard of beauty even if you convince the sheeple that anyone under 400 pounds and with no cellulitic wrinkles around their neck is a child.

>> No.4428645

>but it's the zoomers that are extremely insecure about it because they got bullied for watching anime once in high school.
How to deal with this feel?

>> No.4428655

Boomers have Astro Boy
Gen X has DBZ
Zoomers have MHA

Millenials have depression and self hatred and they need to shut the fuck up already.

>> No.4428682

I feel like the concept of Gens is all fucked up. When did zoomers become a thing, When Millennials are still 22 youngest?

>> No.4428713

Zoomers are post-9/11 kids who grew up with smartphones and internet. That's the only reason they're a separate gen.

>> No.4428753

Kids born after 2000 are voting this year.
The 90's were a generation ago, you are fucking old. And unlike Gen X going from grunge to Google, you losers don't do anything but whine on the internet that your life isn't perfect and everyone owes you attention. You're the most childish and selfish generation since the boomers you whine about so much and you're ruining the world and the internet for us all.

>> No.4428767

Ok boomer

>> No.4428793

> We invented it.
Who the fuck is 'we'? You had no part in creating the Internet or anything worth noting, you parasite.

>> No.4428827

something tells me you aren't actually white

>> No.4428829

millenials has One Piss

>> No.4428833

I have to say, even though everyone hates us, being a millenial feels pretty good.

>> No.4428877

old guy got a package for his grandson, and played with its content because he (rightly) thought it would make for a funny picture

>> No.4428881

You didn’t invent being white either so, pot meet kettle.

>> No.4428945

hopefully not

>> No.4428955

>Zoomers have MHA
What the hell is MHA

>> No.4428979

My Homosexual Academy

>> No.4428996


>> No.4429359

>You're the most childish and selfish generation since the boomers
I agree, I think it had to do with our parents ignoring us to work unpaid overtime.

>> No.4429371
File: 189 KB, 693x1540, are you feeling it now mr crab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4429439

This image makes me happy
I used to follow a 80 year old who drew porn
You just gotta keep doing what you love

>> No.4429638

The great grand children of zoomers will still be watching One Piece

>> No.4429760


>> No.4429764

>taking credit for what your ancestors did
kek you don't do shit aside from sit at home and jack off all day

>> No.4429783
File: 132 KB, 310x266, 1465261169166.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know what 'glossolalia' is?

>> No.4429956

>that image
fuck you

>> No.4429958

>not wanting to draw cute anime girls until your 60s

>> No.4429961

You mistake me
never once have I seen my future so clearly
I am listening to puppets right now, have long hair and glass, going grey, and I draw animu

>> No.4430240

Based if true, if not fuck off zoomer