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File: 63 KB, 1021x660, ohno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4422848 No.4422848 [Reply] [Original]

Oh no no no no no
what have you done

>> No.4422851

>When we choose shape motif, it reduces clutter and emphasizes the things we want to emphasize.

Organs count as clutter now. Good to know.

>> No.4422852

That video was horrid the whole way through. Literally everything about it

>> No.4422858

Right is better.

>> No.4422859

Cringed really hard with that part, I even though in bringing this here myself, anyways most of the time this guys make nice useful shit, but this one was very, very...weird, I mean if the base design was this evil looking alien Cruella de vile it would be fine, but they just Made a complete new character for no reason, a very ugly one, at least the face.

>> No.4422862

Saw this in my recommended section a few days ago, I generally like BAM’s videos but this one felt particularly meh. Most of the redesigns looked pretty bland and while I sorta like the right, the lips kinda ruin it for me.

>> No.4422864

it was a demonstration of making the character more easily identifiable. the art style is uglier and the character is a lot different but they get the point across. now get back to drawing

>> No.4422866

Now the more I look at the right version the more I feel it could work as a villain on an animated series, but still not sure, anyways this was free advice so I doubt they put yo much effort on it, doing a video while holding a job and just getting paid in likes doesnt sound very thrilling

>> No.4422871

Yeah, right is very ugly but as a design, it could work in the right context. The thing is that the two designs have very different intents, left is obviously supposed to be a cute an attractive character, while right is supposed to be a more mean and evil looking character.

>> No.4422875

They did a good job but the face is unappealing as fuck

>> No.4422876

not going to click this shit, literally looks like a tumblr redraw

>> No.4422924


>> No.4422984

I like their videos but they definitely could've gone for a better approach with the face redesign.

>> No.4422995

Yes. I hope you weren't being ironic now.

>> No.4425192

i like it sooo....

>> No.4425205

The only that's bad is the face.

>> No.4425260

The rest of the video is good, it's just this redesign is so terrible. Fucking up the personality of the character is bad but what bothers me the most is how they fucked up the buccaneer hat so bad, what the fuck is that? Those hats don't work that way.

>> No.4425322

The first design had literally 0 personality, its literally just a slightly upset octoling. The only reason you think the 2nd design is bad is because its not boring anishit pedo coom material.

>> No.4425471

Exactly we’ll said I. Like the second design more not every girl has round faces you all proved your not gonna make it

>> No.4425476

do they mention if the character is supposed to be a villain? If yes, this one does work.

>> No.4425491

Back to twitter.

>> No.4425494

The main male protagonist’s annoyed friend who rolls her eyes every time he tells a joke. She could probably be a jungle huntress, but it’s hard to tell
An evil pirate queen who wants to rule the seven seas with an iron fist

>> No.4425497

Probably, most good designs need to go through several corrections, but since this is free advice I doubt they would waste that much time.

>> No.4425554
File: 202 KB, 333x663, lipped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right is unironically better, just needs to be iterated upon a bit

>> No.4425578

It's better. Not great but better. You may not want to fuck it now, but it's a stronger design. Not being able to appreciate this probably means you make derivative shit.

>> No.4425611

I hate the artstyle on the right, where everything looks like it's glowing

>> No.4425625

That's my one big gripe. Artists use quick tricks like that, chromatic aberration, and grain filter to mask mistakes and add a little juice for cheap. It can look good when the drawing is rock solid, buts comes across as lazy and dishonest when it isn't, and this drawing while an improvement is still lacking in some ways.

>> No.4425634

No, I told you already that the hat in the redesign literally makes no sense and is terrible. They literally kept the issues the original had with it's hat design and also tried to make it act as a big brimmed hat which makes no sense since it's supposed to be a tricorn hat.

>> No.4425650

What exactly is your issue with the hat? Nothing in the picture really "works" the way it would in real life, because it's a cartoon. Appeal, design, and exaggeration are of more importance than correctness.

>> No.4425657


>> No.4425661

Thats why autist can only thrive in vehicle and mechs, they lack that part of the brain meant for abstraction and can't gestalt for shit.

>> No.4425665
File: 1.36 MB, 1500x2000, COMM - RyTravels2 WIP1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like BAM, and I liked this video. It's not gospel, it's a guide for people struggling. If you don't like what they did, then don't do it.

>> No.4425721

I literally cringed and wondered if I should unsubscribe. But their perspective video is so good bros

>> No.4425723

>unsuscribe BAM

that like kicking a kitten bro, don't do that shit.

>> No.4425770

The right design is more memorable and easily readable though. Like sure her face isn't as cute but I dont need ever chick character to be a moeblob.
Left is generic and probably annoying as hell to redraw

Both versions have waists/torsos tinier than you would see irl(and about the same proportion as each other) but this is a cartoon. exaggeration is fine holy shit.

>> No.4425783


>> No.4425802

sould vs soulless unironically. The first looks like a boss straight out of sly. The second looks like a rayman phone game

>> No.4425804

in which way was that an improvement?

>> No.4425818
File: 467 KB, 745x720, eca8c61ad1f91606320c8b616bb3f8a8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a better character design, it's more interesting, less generic. Left say nothing about the character, it's DeviantArt adoptable tier. Is she heroic, good, bad? Who knows? Second one is not pretty but characters don't have to be pretty. There's this belief that adding accessories and trinkets and markings details and theming (a pirate-octopus girl for example) is what makes for a recognizable, expressive character.
But that's secondary. What really makes a memorable character are the big shapes. Every good character design can be reduced to strong, decisive, and contrasting shapes. Whether it's hot, ugly, cool, young, old it's about the big shapes. Every character you love and remember 5 years later follows this, I'm not saying anything revolutionary here.

>> No.4425856

But why the artist had to remove all the interesting features? She is way more skinny, the mouth is super weird, clothes lack any detail and even the tattoo was removed. All of that just for an evil look? Why not just change the pose and the expression while keeping everything else?

>> No.4425902

I don't know the artist's intentions. I think what he's trying to demonstrate is what I'm talking about though. You don't need tattoos and details for a strong design. In fact details can get in the way of the bigger picture. It's a demo intended to show that, it's not necessarily movie-ready. I would do it quite differently myself, but I understand the lesson here. Focus on the big shapes, focus on contrast and dynamism (hence the narrower waist), think of the silhouette. You get that right and you can quite literally liquefy on some tattoos if that's what you want.

>> No.4425918

I hope you retards aren't the same guys that say that you need to study anatomy to draw cartoons.

>> No.4426169
File: 199 KB, 1021x660, Blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right could work well enough, if you just turn down the ass lips and unnecessary lines.

>> No.4426423

Id fuck

>> No.4426427

Nah they fucked the character up.

>> No.4426431


still have that midget head

>> No.4426542

fucking 10000000 times better
God dammit Anon now I wanna fug it

>> No.4426544

left looks like she'd let you lick her bunghole

right looks like she'd use you and throw you away like a wipe

>> No.4426566

>>not keeping the thin poncho


>> No.4427000

Man you got a weird fetish out of all things you say this she’s not even all that you guys be quick to worship women