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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4421650 No.4421650 [Reply] [Original]

How do you keep going knowing that talentfags exist?
tl;dw - this nigger made it in 6 months on a dare

>> No.4421670

Talent does not exist
Go weep somewhere else

>> No.4421673


>> No.4421674

Did people know it was his artstation page, since he is pretty known in the 3d community

>> No.4421786


>> No.4421826
File: 55 KB, 468x328, 1551116027476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you haven't reached /int/ within a year, then you are not white.

It is simple. Be white.

The IQ of a white person allows them to become exceptionally skilled at a deep level towards any hobby that they pick up. That means, that if you have not made it within 2 years then you are either a brainlet, or not white.

We are superior for a reason.

>> No.4421829

How am I coping? You literally made this thread to cope with your own perceived lack of talent. I'm telling you that you're retarded and that there is no such thing as talent. You just lack the mileage and apparently the willpower to keep drawing, something which is supposed to be done for fun in the first place. Its not a contest or a competition. This isn't a fucking race.

>> No.4421831

Why do I feel like you are from argentina

>> No.4421860
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>> No.4421876

Talent absolutely does exist you dumb nigger, but if it makes you feel better to delude yourself that people with natural predisposition for drawing aren't real then by all means cope away.

>> No.4421889

You're delusional

>> No.4421894
File: 71 KB, 557x551, 1482279570396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all artists make it but all those who make it work hard.
So get to fucking work instead of wasting your time debating whether muh talent is a thing or not.

>> No.4421953


>> No.4422104

Have you tried working on your art for more then an hour a day

>> No.4422172

>there is no such thing as talent.
Anyone who insists this, doesn't have any. You're coping harder than the OP, who you're attacking accusing him of coping. It's kind of hilarious, if ponderous and ordinary for /ic.
I know nothing will penetrate your neckbeard shell of "NO U", keep thinking there's no "talent" in art, and that mileage is the only key to success. After all, if someone bangs on a block of marble with a hammer long enough, a Pieta or David will just appear, right? Right?

>> No.4422236

If anything. I learned that you should bet money so if you succeed you get gains. Nobody here has anything to lose, so they can't improve quickly.

>> No.4422280

>So you're only going to draw cute girls?
Okay, Blenderguru is based.

>> No.4422296

While it's not bad for 6 month, I wouldn't necessarily call it "made it".
The only ones that look decent are line for line copies.
Anyone who has been drawing for 2 or 3 months can make these, given enough time.

>> No.4422300

yeah, that's a good tip

>> No.4422308

Yeah, it's making a game of it, and making sure you have a legitimate reason to work (you lose money if you don't).

>> No.4422359

Time to start to get hungry on days I don't put in work.

>> No.4422375

Should start to draw really.

>> No.4422391

really dumb example

>> No.4422404

>intimidated by blender guru
holy fuck just give up

>> No.4422407

Did you watch the entire video? Do you actually implement all of the habits he mentions?

>> No.4422433

>video literally tells you how to make progress
holy fuck you idiot

>> No.4422463

Talent doesn't exist.
Learn to take responsibility.
Understand failing repeatedly is an integral part of the process.
Stop having a preconceived sense of ease. People are getting better faster than you because they're gifted, they're working on their goals more efficiently.

Nine times out of ten people inflate how much they actually spend drawing to the point where they think about drawing all day, but don't actually draw anything at all for months. Own up to your bad habits, lying to people on the internet doesn't change anything and in the end the only person losing out is you.

Do you actually want to draw? What are you willing to give up? What are you going to do to achieve it? Do you learn better on your own or in a class? Take the steps necessary for you to get where you want to be.

Study a concept.
Execute the concept verbatim.
Use the concept in the direction you want to take.
Analyze your work critically
Identify poor foundations.
Tackle your weaknesses.

>But I've been drawing ___ years and Im still ___.
We don't know your life, nor do we care. Be honest with yourself on how you spent that time and was it all you could've done. Again, pretending anything else is only robbing you and only you of the dreams you have. Forget the hot topic movie, put away game of the month, buckle up and get down to business.

No excuses.

>> No.4422534
File: 268 KB, 1920x995, andrew-price-collage-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. he was doing reasonable copies of photos after 3 months by sinking 20-30 hours into each. pic related was his 5-6 month sketches.
it's not bad, but it doesn't take any particular genius or secret method to hit that level.

>> No.4422548

It's depressing to think about it.
But then I think about the fact that hundreds of thousands of people just inherited wealth worth enough to do anything and never worry about being a wagie and I pass out.

>> No.4422552

Using talent as an excuse is how 70% of the board filled with retards cope. You can’t change that no matter what, why else do you think there are so many ngmis here?

>> No.4422557
File: 1.27 MB, 1488x943, bill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you explain people like autism chris that draws sonic, he's as white as someone can be. Also almost half of the industry that draw dumbass stupid looking western cartoons are 80% white. cough cough butch hartman, and a whole slew of other wackjobs like pic related. How do you explain the genius of people like jung gi, yoh yoshinari. Please anon I know you're trolling, but just shut up.

>> No.4422595 [DELETED] 

Talent is real on every level, it's at least more likely real than not, and for you to say it flat out doesn't exist makes you kind of retarded & untalented in that regard.

#1. If your taste sucks & you prefer obscure art you can't do much about that, you won't be popular and making a living out of art will be harder. If the things you like are what's popular like pinup anime girls you're talented.

#2. If learning is harder for you that's a disadvantage. Kids that go to special ed often stay in special ed until they graduate. Some kids struggle in school, some kids breeze through it, that's a pretty clear case of talent when it comes to learning. There's a dude I know that's a drug addict but he has a high iq, he can remember things really well, he wasn't an over achiever, he was a slacker in highschool but it was easy for him, talent.

>> No.4422634

it's almost like he's a retard. There are savant black children in Africa drawing without formal training. Not to mention the Japanese are way better at art, actually, let's just put the whole Asia continent is way better than white people. cacs are fucking idiotic.

>> No.4422644

Talent is real on every level, it's at least more likely real than not, and for you to say it flat out doesn't exist makes you kind of retarded & untalented in that regard.

If your taste sucks & you prefer obscure art you can't do much about that, you won't be popular and making a living out of art will be harder. If the things you like are what's popular you're talented. Easiest simple way to dismantle your entire argument, you must be retarded to have missed that, remember the next time you have an idea "I am a retard, I don't know what I'm talking about, I should shut my stupid fucking face".

>> No.4422647


>It's simple. Be white.

>> No.4422745

I think there is talent, but I also think it's mainly a deep interest from an early age and an internal drive, as well as a fast learning ability, rather than some mythical god given skill. With that in mind anyone who has the right mindset can be successful in their field of interest. So for the artist themselves it should not matter if talent exists, for they will create and strive to improve regardless.

>> No.4422752

>this is OP's definition of making it

how fucking /beg/ are you OP

>> No.4422830

> some kid that learnt how to copy a photograph

Yeah that's nice OP, so much talent, you'll never make it like this guy.

>> No.4422887

is pic related prokos dad?

>> No.4422943

I draw because it's fun

>> No.4423034

Ahahahaha OP completely exposed as an idiot holy shit

>> No.4423057


>> No.4424204

Your definition of talent is different from OPs definition of talent which will be different from the next persons definition of talent, which always seems as a per person base. Every time talent rears it head around here the definition always shifts, but the most common is how quickly someone learns or is able to preform. The point that talent is so ethirical it shifts per person should hint you in on something, but I don't really care; I've dealt with enough people to know its not going to matter unless you actually want it to. The mere fact that you're here tells me you still want it, but are unwilling to get it. I'll tell you what, you guys sure are "talented" in doing nothing.

I don't care what happens to you, but do yourself a favor either do it or quit. Why stay in limbo? Put your effort somewhere.

>> No.4424334

this is only important if you feel like you need to be a professional or its not worth it
if its actually fun you will do it no matter how shit you are

>> No.4425908

iq, damn that was easy, 2:0 get fukt retard

>> No.4425928

talent exists for everybody, just sleep well and pay attention.

>> No.4425953

no he didnt this shit still sucked by the end of it

>> No.4425994

Talent is not something you can see when you start learning something.
Talent is what separate the first from the 2nd.
Talent is what separate messi from ronaldo, Senna from prost.
You can only perceive if someone has talent when he peaked in his domain not when he is starting.

>> No.4426056

Wow I actually thought anglos and Nordics were the worst at art of all the races

>> No.4426072

noone of you should talk without posting work.

>> No.4426076
File: 307 KB, 496x702, 0m13j46o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the face,rate my talent

>> No.4426118

Did you use Putin for reference?

>> No.4426177
File: 959 KB, 3840x2160, iu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, some people have talent and can be better at certain aspects, but we're all different.
rather than being jealous of someone else's work, why not express what makes you unique and improve at doing that?
and will you do that surrounding yourself with retards on a forum that have to shit on others to feel better about themself?

>> No.4426212

I'm impressed how far he got in 6 months, if he really any no drawing ability beforehand. That being said, he is still pretty /beg/, you're just blinded by how well he did the still life, which most people can do if they just give themselves enough time to get the proportions down properly.

>> No.4426215

It is typical beginner problem, they see an image where the proportions aren't too far off and that they it is great, same reason why they fall for tracers.

>> No.4426433


he didnt spend time drawing but he already understand most things from doing 3D sculpting. this guy did not start from scratch like most /beg/s

with the amount of knowledge he has 6 months is way too long just to reach that level.

>> No.4426625

congrats sir, you fell for the bait

>> No.4426642

>tl;dw - this nigger made it in 6 months on a dare
Rocky wasn't about Rocky having natural talent, bro. Instead of harboring jealous hatred in your heart towards an artist who threw his free time away for six months to get his foot in the door to true mastery, why not assess why he really makes you angry? You can walk the same path. If Steven Hawking was an artist in high school his parents would have gotten him a drawing computer and he still could have become a master.

>> No.4426655

If only in hard working and relentless pursuing a goal.
What's your problem, nigger, want to be good without investing great deal of time and effort, eh? Get fucked.

>> No.4428308
File: 20 KB, 853x158, ''The good artists copy, the great artists steal AND I WILL HATE YOU FOREVER FOR LISTENING TO ME''.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a really stupid thread =/
>Anyone who insists this, doesn't have any.
Interesting take, I would have figured the opposite. Sell me on it!
... You weren't just using 'talentless' as an insult, were you?
>It's kind of hilarious, if ponderous and ordinary for /ic/
By the way, I go through the archives a lot and there's this one doomer retard who is DESPERATE to believe everything is out to get him. He talks dramatically, has autism/over-editing syntax and says a lot of stupid, spurious shit because he's trying to make everyone as miserable as him.
Is that you?

>> No.4428344

I've been trying for over ten years, OP.
Ten fucking years.
It's not a race, faggot, it's a journey.

>> No.4428345

>& untalented in that regard.
Adorable. =/
I'm probably already talking to you but what is your angle with this? Are you trying to work some sort of insecurity? Team anti-talent is either going to be talented themselves, outright correct, or they have a conservative mindset- the idea that there's no shame in losing fairly.