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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 509 KB, 2197x1041, C2xP8PQVEAU_dXI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4415726 No.4415726 [Reply] [Original]

Why You Should Copy Anime:

Make it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning:

**Strive for quantity AND quality.**

Anime Studying:
>Copy anime references exactly and draw them from memory. Use illustrations, screenshots, anime figures, 3D models, etc.
>Don’t copy recklessly. Use construction, color theory, and other fundamental concepts to rehearse a drawing process that you can later easily manipulate for original artwork.
>Post all of your anime studies. Post even when you’re told not to. Create an art community that actually draws and improves together instead of just talking about it.
>Number your attempts and link to your previous posts.
>Critiquers should lead by example by posting their studies.

General Anime Style Discussion:
>Questions about achieving certain styles/techniques/compositions etc.
>Drawing methods, study habits, resources, tutorials, tools, software, etc
>Be specific and try to post a sample of your study attempts before asking for help.

**Keep most of your personal works for /alt/ or the other critique threads. Here we should be drawing copies from good anime styled references to mindfully up our mileage, internalize appealing aesthetics, and learn from each other’s processes and knowledge.**

Effective Art Study Guide:

General Art Overview:

Japanese Book Collection:

Recommended Resources:


Previous Thread:

>> No.4415730
File: 618 KB, 2178x2463, CwbdL37UoAEVCOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4415731

I sometimes wonder whatever happened to the original /asg/ founder.

>> No.4415790

probably he get tired of all the shitty discussions of copyfags vs fundifags

>> No.4415793

These threads are worth posting to or no?

>> No.4415800

be the change you want to see in /ic/

>> No.4415802

It's a double edged sword, post at your own risk.

>> No.4415809

Nvm me, thought this was the social media sharing one.

>> No.4415811

I doubt it. He kept posting these threads even when they got deleted.

>> No.4415934 [DELETED] 
File: 1.56 MB, 2268x4032, 20200309_184046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed face. is this better

>> No.4415938
File: 217 KB, 506x900, 20200309_184046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed face. is this better

>> No.4415956

Been asking this general for like, 2 years? about a good CSP drawing process and I never got any convincing replies.
I'm using like 100 layers per drawings, that can't be right.

>> No.4415961

Imagine stagnating for 2 years. Yikes. Just keep asking the question. If you haven't figured it out by now, you might just in another 2 years.

>> No.4415966

I stagnated for 1 year or so. Quality increased a bit but speed is my biggest problem. I'm as slow as the first day because I use hundred of layers.

>> No.4415967

1 - sketch
2 - ink
3- base colors
4 - shadow
5 - light
another batch of layers for background

>> No.4415970

Are we talking about aqua or the other person?

>> No.4415977

Thanks for trying but that's bullshit. What about the different colors for different parts of clothing, for hairs, eyes, etc? They need their individual layer so you can clip the shadow and light layers, and then more layers for different shadows, different highlight, and then more layers for ambian light, post process, etc

>> No.4415985

I feel like giving up.

>> No.4415991

post your work and the council will decide your fate

>> No.4415995

There is no definitive answer for this. However from the top of my head you can ctrl click your canvas to display which layer the thing is actually on and ctrl shift click or shift click to jump to that layer right away. Default bindings might be different however i dont remember

>> No.4415999

I need no council when my fate is obviously going nowhere

>> No.4416003

Color selection tool and select the color of the base layer, let's say the red boots, now paint what you need to paint for that. Repeat it for every other different base color.

>> No.4416010
File: 1.28 MB, 2721x1443, loomis grind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my third chinese little girl reconstruction with help from /beg/

>> No.4416017

..damn, I feel dumb
I'll try checking the advenced way to select and force myself to use less layers

>> No.4416036

Where could I find it ?

>> No.4416038
File: 395 KB, 1537x2090, 49370C14-086C-4980-A3A4-C21081711BC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i loomis

>> No.4416042


watch the entire playlist and start by practicing the first video

>> No.4416088

I feel that every day.
Still here though.

>> No.4416099

We're all going to make it, bros.
Just keep drawing.

>> No.4416112

Exactly, I need to leave this place.

>> No.4416113

By "here" I meant I'm still drawing.
I don't mind /ic/.

>> No.4416117
File: 3.80 MB, 4608x3456, okaylol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

copy copy copy we don't need fundies

>> No.4416121

>all the shitty discussions of copyfags vs fundifags
I'm new here, so what really is the fastest and best way? Can't you just do both?

>> No.4416123

it's a fucking strawman battle, and if you're not a troll just ignore it and draw

>> No.4416129

>not reading the sticky

>> No.4416131

Copying builds your visual library and raw intuition.
Fundies helps you systematize and clarify your intuition.
As long as you're drawing and actively trying to correct your mistakes then you'll get there eventually, it doesn't matter much what path you take.

>> No.4416161

Both sides of the argument need to realise that copying and fundies aren't mutually exclusive.
You copy something using the fundies.
You learn the theory behind the fundies, which are very simple, then you practice those fundies by copying.
There's no reason to practice each fundie individually like most people seem to be doing.
Why draw 1000 boxes to learn perspective if you can instad draw 1000 boxes while constructing anime drawings?
You'll build your visual library while also learning fundies.

>> No.4416188

I've been studying some Vilppu and I just watched that one video of Yoh Yoshinari drawing and realizing that he's doing the exact same thing Vilppu does. The way he uses his lines to lead the eye around, the way they flow into each other, the way he builds form even when it's more simplified than a normal human figure, it's the same stuff. The final contour arises out of the consideration he gives to the flow of the gesture and the form. All the same principles are at play.

>> No.4416197

Vilppu did get dragged into teaching animation long ago if you didn't know.

>> No.4416201

Any link m8?

>> No.4416205

Maybe to a certain degree but what Yoh Yoshinari does can't really be called gesture, it looks more like loose sketching and simplifying the forms.
Most animators work more with line of action than gesture. Although those do ofter get
confused even though they're different things.

>> No.4416210 [DELETED] 

https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=2-0aucD8By0

>> No.4416214


>> No.4416215

There is no right process. If 100 layers work out well for you, so be it

>> No.4416221

And where/how are you studying vilppu?

>> No.4416225

Vilppu's conception of gesture is closer to what people would think of as sketching. He specifically advises against the "strong graphic statement" of stuff like line-of-action or the kind of gesture Proko teaches and instead encourages using as many lines as you need to convey the action of the pose, and making sure you always pay attention to the flow. That's what I see Yoshinari doing.

>> No.4416228

A combination of his Renaissance Figure Drawing and the Drawing Manual. I'm gonna watch the Vilppu Studio stuff too because I heard it's better in some respects.

>> No.4416235
File: 382 KB, 506x900, cherry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better but face is chunkier than you want it to be, neck is curved (common beg mistake) but most anime girl front facing views have a straight-as-an-arrow necks. Hair is also weirdly round, should be more pointed at the end but also organic. Work on confident lines.

>> No.4416237

There's a difference between simply sketching and gesture.
Notice how Yoh mostly focuses on the contour while Vilppu strongly advices to not worry about contour.

>> No.4416252

But he's not actually worrying about the contour. He's worrying about the action and the form. The contour comes about as a consequence of the attention paid to those two things. He's analyzing and refining what he sees in his head, not copying it.

>> No.4416266

Whatever works for you. I wasn't trying to say that Vilppu's method doesn't work, I was just saying they're not that similar.
But if it works for you, go for it.

>> No.4416273

colour selection tool?

>> No.4416276


Don't give up, Anon. You might be at the lowest point of the learning curve; the point when you realize how much you don't know about something. This is the point you can truly tackle your short comings. I know its hard, but if you push though you'll come out stronger.

Keep going, Anon, you can do it.

>> No.4416287

Yeah, it's selection tool but with the setting to select the same color of an entire layer, ignoring if there are something between them.

>> No.4416345

>Renaissance Figure Drawing and the Drawing Manual
Not the anon that asked, but has it been uploaded somewhere?

>> No.4416393

When I'm starting Loomis is it fine to trace proportions? I tried doing it by reference but it resulted in an distorted abomination.

>> No.4416464

Its fine to trace, but try to copy it then draw it from imagination afterwards.

>> No.4416473

i'm not sure how to reply to this.
you're going to be drawing abominations for a while.
if you're starting with loomis, he begins with potatoheads that need no proportions, and i'm guessing it's for the exact reason you found.

no, it's not fine to trace during practice instead of learning to judge proportions.
but it is alright to make any marks you want on your reference to help clarify shapes and especially to make guidelines to measure against. also make sure you're actually measuring, not just expecting to eyeball at first.

>> No.4416476

Don't start with Loomis. Perspective and rendering first.

>> No.4416692

when you're watching tutorials or reading beginner books they're drawing at their full professional capacity.

You're supposed to draw everything much much worse as long as you're learning from your mistakes and try to improve

>> No.4416696


>> No.4416705

This explains so much.

>> No.4416753
File: 168 KB, 964x542, Famous Manga Artists Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Drawings - YouTube - 6_55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy whyt manga has been drawing """anime"" for about and always pushes fundies and loomis, yet something about his art is """anime""" art is soulless, something seems to be missing. You can tell his drawings aren't authentic and made by a non-japanese person. Why do western struggle with this? I'm starting to honestly believe that learning Loomis and other fundienigger shit handicaps your aesthetic and forces you to perceive drawing in only one way.

>> No.4416767

looks promising
good luck anon

>> No.4416814

Araki's drawings compared to the one you posted have soul because he has better fundies, has been a serialized mangaka since he was 20, that's the best training you can have.

>> No.4416825

he's the only one, most mangaka learn by copying. Fundies only limit you

>> No.4416826

stop it stop it stop it

>> No.4416844

>he's the only one
No, he also learnt from copying

>> No.4416868


>> No.4416887

If you feel like you can draw anime without fundies, then just fucking do it.
No point in arguing about it EVERY FUCKING THREAD.

>> No.4416965

What exactly do you guys mean by "fundies"?

>> No.4416968

People just keep poking the beehive.

More drawing, less arguing.

>> No.4416981

Nah I'm really wondering. Are fundies the fundamental like perspectives? Drawing boxes or something?

>> No.4416986

Wew this will take a while to dl

>> No.4417023

nice, didn't realize there was a mega for that set.

>1gb+ per file

>> No.4417027

Just download Vilppu's drawing manual instead.
He even explains his method better in that than in the NMA course.

>> No.4417028

i liked the drawing manual series. i was just curious what was going on with the nma one and was too lazy to do a trial

>> No.4417033
File: 3.13 MB, 2286x1616, Illustration2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drawing an anime eye from scratch by me

...if anybody is interested, i just never found a tutorial that doesn't automatically assume you can draw the black part it just kinda jumps in y'know

>> No.4417035

As far as I can tell there's not new information given in the NMA course that isn't in the manual.
If you need to see videos of how he does it, there are a lot on youtube for free.
Although the NMA ones are higher quality, so you might want to get it just for that.

>> No.4417043

you did that? can you draw from a different angle?

>> No.4417049


yeah a year ago, just found it on my hard drive

like in profile? well yeah I can make a tutorial for that too if you'd like but i feel like it would be slightly redundant.

maybe ill make one that combines vilppus head and eye tutorials as well, after you watch those videos you can pretty much draw anything on the head from any angle anyways

>> No.4417101
File: 65 KB, 408x409, Illustration2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


still works even digitally noice a year later kek

>> No.4417103
File: 1.03 MB, 2480x3508, q4ARliyLFouWRhb8I2j0WQSTL4yJxNI2eNaid08bORw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4417104
File: 258 KB, 800x994, 1583162715070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it fine to start from zero by learning heads? I heard some people say it was a bad idea but at the same time Loomis starts with heads in "Fun With a Pencil".
I'm just trying to find a progression that makes sense since I can't copy with 0 fundamentals.

>> No.4417108
File: 326 KB, 557x670, uguu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4417116

Doesn't really matter what you start with.
Most people start with heads because that's the part that will really sell your drawing.

>> No.4417125


>> No.4417143

Any good character perspective tutorials? Or should I buy one

>> No.4417156
File: 18 KB, 406x308, 1582956223086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any good coarses on writing and directing tv shows and anime

>> No.4417194
File: 155 KB, 1004x1266, 1555716884787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls respond or the girl get it.

>> No.4417218

There's that one cirno artist, krenz and KJG. That's about it. Sakimichan has a few things on it too I think.

>> No.4417249

Thanks, krenz's stuff looks ok. I've also looked at guides by 'yuchenghong' but I dunno if it's good.
Anyway finding it all for free is the hard part.

>> No.4417320

How long should I practice the references and studies before I move on with each thing?

>> No.4417399
File: 523 KB, 1402x954, 5AIIk7yeCQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon I'm sorry, but your eyes scream Western anime

My eyes drawing practice btw

>> No.4417403

How do I gain your power level anon? Even that hair is wonderful. The face, everything.

>> No.4417440

I've drawn for 5-6 years already. My skill is just average, there's a lot of people improve faster than me in that period.

>> No.4417446

There's 2 ideas behind it.
One is to study and copy a ref until you got it 100% perfect.
The other is to study and copy a ref to the best of your abilities and then move on to the next.
Basically quality vs quantity.
I would advice to do a mix of both.
Do a lot of quantity work and every now and then really challenge yourself to get something 100% accurate.

>> No.4417449

>tfw you're way below average and there's people who are even faster
I'm at about 5-6 years too, but I draw like >>4415938

>> No.4417451
File: 513 KB, 1400x1900, cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey do you guys have any tips on animesque rendering. Usually I'm complimented for my rendering but it's not what i call anime quality

>> No.4417459

It's all about the edges and gradients. I figure they use a lot of lasso and tools to get perfect areas to brush over.

>> No.4417466

Thanks anon, there is much for me to do and I reckon that finishing Loomis will maybe even take a year. I will persist though.

>> No.4417470

How your rendering looks like?

>> No.4417475
File: 612 KB, 1000x1388, fubuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the fubuki fag from last thread

>> No.4417478

That looks anime to me.

>> No.4417487

Looks fine to me. I see stuff like this on pixiv all the time.

>> No.4417495
File: 85 KB, 550x973, EFmxzUiUYAAvpKf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree i don't think it has the same polish as something like this

>> No.4417510

Well anime isn't about polish so that's a non-issue. It's a style. It looks anime. If you mean that this artist is more skilled, then yes. That's true. Your artwork isn't extremely skilled, but the style is there. You could always work on the fundamentals, but style is much more difficult. A lot of people can't even hit the look. It's a lot easier to progress if you can hit a certain look already.

>> No.4417571

If anything, I guess you could try using more hard edges in your shading.
I think what gives good anime art such a nice soft but somehow still solid look is the right mix between soft and hard shadows.

>> No.4417574

>are there any good coarses on writing and directing tv shows and anime
bump for curiosity

>> No.4417579

I don't know about any existing courses but I know that in april Steve Ahn is doing a storyboarding course.

>> No.4417581


>> No.4417584


>> No.4417633

The same guy with an overpriced drawing cours that is just a shitty version of wht you can find on youtbe for free.

No thanks.

>> No.4417789
File: 1.31 MB, 816x807, something like this maybe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to go more for this style, try to focus on making gradients more. Your normal rendering is fine but the color of the skin and hair and clothing are all pretty separated. Notice how in that picture, the clothing and hair both somewhat fade into the skin. Once you have the gradients down for each part it's just a similar process to what you've already been doing. I believe in you anon!

>> No.4417837

I'm so close to give up. 3 years working hard on this and I'm still shit, started so late and I'm getting old, meanwhile so many 19 y/o artists are already pro level, what's the fucking point, there's so many artists who would do what I like doing but way better anyway.

>> No.4417843

Wow such a minimal change really did do a good job of capturing the aesthetic better. The contrast between the skin and hair was a problem that stood out to me upon finishing it, that I couldn't think of a solution for but this did just that thanks anon.

>> No.4417854

Slow and steady wins the race. Draw everyday for at least 30 minutes, every single day. And don't rush through fundies.

>> No.4417855

Those 19 year olds have been drawing since they were ten. Time in the lab is the only difference between you and them.

It doesn't matter how old you are, all that matters is how many hours of useful work you put in.

>> No.4417858

Don’t compare yourself to people who started early anon. Everyone learns at a different pace and started at different times. You enjoy it, so keep doing it. Who cares if others are better? Nobody else can make exactly what you want to make.
Post your work here so people can help you.

>> No.4417862

Maybe you have some 1 in 8 billion personality the rest don't, anon. I would want to see it that's for sure.

>> No.4417875

Happy to help! As the other anon mentioned, using more hard edges for your shading will help as well. For the hair highlights, I suggest using the lasso tool to make the shapes of the individual highlights, and then using a big soft eraser to blend out the bottom edges of them. One other thing is to try to align the highlights with the shape of the hair. In the case of the other picture you posted, notice how the highlights somewhat wrap around the back of the head. Try to keep that in mind when drawing each line of highlights. Cheers!

>> No.4417877

You need a good education and a good artist or mentor to critique work, train your eye, and lead you in the right direction. Without any of this you should just assume you won’t get far. You’re probably just wasting time trying to reinvent and figure out what a pro could tell you in 5 min.

>> No.4417881
File: 126 KB, 1200x678, TOufFrZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post some of your work, I'm sure you're not as bad as you think you are.
You might just be in the valley of despair right now.

>> No.4417998

What the fuck. I've been looking at gesture completely wrong and my mind is blown

>> No.4418001

Do tell more.

>> No.4418004

are you feeling the form now?

>> No.4418017

Gesture is just a gay way of saying "stop drawing your figures like a stack of bricks"

>> No.4418030

Fuck the gays who called it like that, but I'm more mad at myself for not realizing this sooner.
With that said, what's the best and fastest way to get really fucking good at it?

>> No.4418036

I don't know.
You could just grind quick gestures for a while, but I don't know how efficient of a timesink that would be.
Just try to always think about asymmetry while drawing the body.
Whether that's the figure as a whole, or the individual muscles.
The asymmetry is really what's going to make your drawings dynamic.
But you have to make a concious effort to get that asymmetry, because we tend to draw everything as symmetrical as possible when we think of the figure.

>> No.4418040

Thank you, feels like you do know, that looks like a good start to me anyway. I'll also try to find more books and vids on the topic

>> No.4418041
File: 1.44 MB, 942x1177, name is nnnnoooo007 on insta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I prefer more of a "blotchy" type of rendering method, there's something about the simplicity of it that I like.
pic related

>meanwhile so many 19 y/o artists are already pro level, what's the fucking point

Yea well how long do you think they've been drawing for? 1, 2 years? No people like that have at least been drawing for 5/6 years so they probably started when they were around 13/14. Your age doesn't matter you just have to put the hours in, and make sure your remembering what you're studying, so maybe at the end of your study session try and draw whatever
you just drew without reference to make sure you remember what you learned

>> No.4418044
File: 28 KB, 320x249, BFAEE508-44F4-468D-A0FF-D7ADBC9B762D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love benedykt szneider stuff

>> No.4418046

He's really good (the game too)

>> No.4418394
File: 634 KB, 1200x757, 69696969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4418394,1 [INTERNAL] 

idk is storyboarding the same as writing and directing im thinking about making a cartoon tv show

>> No.4418394,2 [INTERNAL] 

plus i dont want to run out of ideas when writing for the show

>> No.4418478
File: 33 KB, 428x465, 57e7502f240130df9c2d17c2975bc9d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4418481
File: 634 KB, 1200x757, 69696969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4418484

Ooooh, nice thanks.

>> No.4418622


>> No.4418624


>> No.4418739
File: 2.23 MB, 3000x2000, 3-10-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stuck in sketch hell

>> No.4418741

>also me
based selfcest

>> No.4418792
File: 581 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20200311_041303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Practicing daily from now on.

>> No.4418851
File: 793 KB, 679x887, 1571089798913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I try to use a sphere to construct the skull I end up putting a face plate somewhere by feel and in the end I'm missing the back of the skull, when I try to complete it by feel the result is more often than not lackluster. If I try to constrain the features within my original sphere the results are terrible. Please help me anime chads I feel like I'm missing something extremely obvious.

>> No.4418869

I started from nearly 0 and went straight to trying to do heads like you're doing, I finally decided to put that on halt and go through "Fun with a pencil" by loomis first. I feel like it's helping me already though I don't know what your level is.

>> No.4418881
File: 295 KB, 836x1200, i-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just learn to draw the skull from every perspective

>> No.4418891
File: 1.01 MB, 1231x777, 1583921145204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something extremely obvious
literally just a bigger circle.

>> No.4418933
File: 1 KB, 49x52, chrome_UbGZ7BJjsU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Clip Studio is 50% off for the next 5 days: https://www.clipstudio.net/en/purchase

>> No.4419021
File: 604 KB, 1200x1600, 11.3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yesssss
only have 2 months left of csp pro that came with the tablet.

>> No.4419054

If he made a bigger circle, he'd simply make the face too large again for that circle.
He needs to get the proportions between the face and the back of the head right, like actually measure it out a few times.

>> No.4419073

yeah, i agree.
that was the thought behind throwing a skull on as an actual reference of how cranium circles are supposed to be matching up.

>> No.4419076
File: 308 KB, 1248x1664, SMBZ wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4419220

How often do they have sales? I don't feel like I'm good enough to buy a tablet yet but I don't want to miss out on the sale.

>> No.4419224


>> No.4419240
File: 2.18 MB, 3024x4032, 1556447904806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be gentle.

>> No.4419251
File: 70 KB, 1024x564, 2015_vs__2019_by_ampbatross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically you're about ready to start on tablet, though I'd get something cheap like a wacom intuous. I started off shit, pic related left is one of my first tablet drawings, but you can build your skill of drawing and getting to know Clip Studio simultaneously. You're already better at drawing than when I started, you just can't let it your tablet and software gather dust.

Practice your skills regularly, but you already knew that.

>> No.4419255

The sooner you start your transition from paper to a tablet the better because you will need to learn the disconnect between looking down at the drawing on paper and looking at the screen instead. Took about three months to become fully adjusted to it.

>> No.4419276

You're too kind. I also have one more question, Clip Studio is considered the gold standard correct? I do hear about it a lot but of course I never used it so I really can't have a comparison.
Noted, thanks.

>> No.4419288

I've actually never tried Clip before, I have Paint Tool Sai. At this point I'm very comfy where I am and I've gotten to know Sai really well. I have personalized keys that are second hand nature to me now on Sai, so I don't see myself switching any time soon.

With that said though, Photoshop and Clip are what I've heard have a lot of capabilities that Sai is limited to. I would go into this thinking that you're basically going to marry whatever program you sink your time into, because once you're used to it, it feels like dog shit trying to learn a whole new software after spending copious amount of time on another program. So I'd say try Clip, start off on a high quality software.

>> No.4419303

Appreciate your response, thanks.

>> No.4419404

Started with pirated photoshop (only for editing/photo montage, no tablet at the time). Went GIMP for a while. Then Krita in its early stages, stayed there for a good while, lots and lots of crashes but whatever, it was good.
Tried OpenCanvas1.1, MyPaint, Alchemy, CSP. Kept with Krita until I saw 2 features on CSP, vector layers and selecting something from another layer without changing layers.

The secret is working on shortcuts that works for you (I'm lefty so I customize it a lot) and using the same for every program. Making the UI similar as much as possible, for me just navigator+layer+tools+colors. And limiting to the basic round brushes.

Extra features are extras, as long as 90% for your work is made through the above you'll be able to migrate through programs without much discomfort.

>> No.4419956

Fucking hell, I just bought it at full price last night because my free trial expired and I didn't feel like pirating it just to buy it later

>> No.4419975

>50% off
>still expensive for me
being a third worlder hurts so much

>> No.4419988

I love your art. What did you study to get to where you are?

>> No.4420023

Use krita then. Still pretty good.

>> No.4420050
File: 162 KB, 407x407, 1542001961465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4420196

I'm using the CSP cracked , but I'd like to have the updates

>> No.4420201

Third worlder here, bought it with the power of hentai illustrations and murican dollars.

>> No.4420428
File: 331 KB, 900x1312, doko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I just need a background and I'm done. I think my Rendering skills are much closer to what I was hoping for :).

>> No.4420435

this picture pisses me off, why did he add retarded western lips and nose in that

>> No.4420472


>> No.4420478

Wow that’s really good, could you recommend a tutorial for rendering? The way you shade and color is exactly how I want to do, but everything I paint in photoshop is never smooth like that. Always blotchy or streaky.

>> No.4420479

I love it, anon. Do you have a blog?

>> No.4420480


>> No.4420486

well I actually tried something different by shading on different layers as oppose to on rendering on one. I use the multiply and luminosity layers for help. I incorporated more hard shading and used the soft eraser for stuff like hair. I don't usually watch tutorials I mainly watch pixiv livestreams

>> No.4420487

Not him but you could try Sai or Clip Paint Studio, using the stabilizer tool. For Photoshop there's an add-on called Lazy Nezumi, which has the same purpose, though I've never used it.

>> No.4420554

Unironically use pixiv bro
My average shit usually get 100 likes/300 bookmarks and I think my art is not as good as yours
You are being severely unnoticed on twitter

>> No.4420555
File: 3.70 MB, 3850x2947, New canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4420562

That looks awesome how did you make the second image so much more vibrant do you have a blog.

>> No.4420577

Thank you. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/4967174

>> No.4420597

Man you're fast. Definitely going to make it.

>> No.4420600

How long did this take you?

>> No.4420602

About a week.

>> No.4420617
File: 621 KB, 439x689, h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the fundamentals, i studied loomis, hogarth, and norling, just like everyone on ic.
for stylization, mainly hirame and picrel

however, i think how you study matters much more.

a lot of anons on ic think that fundies are like a permanent pass to draw whatever you please. but the reality is that you're never done learning the fundamentals and you need to constantly review them to keep your work in shape.
i don't think i've ever seen anyone on ic talk about this, but whenever i do studies i take notes. just like any other subject it helps internalize the info

>> No.4420626

not him but I really want to start learning from Loomis myself where do you recommend I start
any is there like a specific tutorial or practice regimen?

>> No.4420638

They have sales, something like 2 - 4 times a year, I feel like.

>> No.4420642

I was gonna upgrade last month but some shit came up and I couldn't and then kind... forgot. So happy about that now.

>> No.4420643

Since you're doing anime/manga there's no better software. I tried PS but the brushes just didn't feel good. Switched to CSP and it stuck. And the asset store is top notch if you're looking for brushes, screen tones, effects, etc.

>> No.4420855

This is the exact issue I'm having right now.

>> No.4420858

Not him either but if you have 0 bases, fun with a pencil is probably a good place to start

>> No.4420901

teach me your ways, senpai

>> No.4420917
File: 523 KB, 1024x768, 2354543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ryusuke Mita
It's a shame that never released his other mangas instead of Dragon Half and Darkhair Captured out of Japan
I still have some drawings when i'm trying to imitate his style around 10 years ago (pic related)
Made in Sai.

>> No.4420974

>be me
>can’t draw
>copy anime to draw anime
>but have to draw real people before cute anime grils
>copy people to draw people
>need to know how to draw to copy people
>can’t draw

wut do?

>> No.4421009

you can draw, you just can't draw well.

>> No.4421502
File: 602 KB, 3000x3000, lineart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to ink my sketch, what can I improve on?

>> No.4421515
File: 54 KB, 750x730, 1584035606802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4421518
File: 91 KB, 228x432, 1583869808212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coomplain on /ic/

>> No.4421557
File: 94 KB, 406x612, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


who's the artist in the pic

>> No.4421709
File: 203 KB, 707x1000, illust_80041577_20200312_091714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i deconstruct this bitchs head. im on the 30thed failed head and still cant figure it out

>> No.4421724
File: 503 KB, 1109x586, Copy Anime Day 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I really learning somenthing by copying like this or should I focus on structure first?

>> No.4421731

I think you should have a set goal when you do a copy. What are you actually trying to learn? Did you realize anything? Try to make your own thing that looks like the art you copied

>> No.4421738
File: 438 KB, 713x1009, rfb5b6tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4421760

whos the artist

>> No.4421769

I'm specifically trying to understand anime faces and expressions because I can draw bodies relatively well. No, I did not realize something new. I'll try that.

>> No.4421785

Stupid question, but how would you take notes and apply it?

>> No.4421817


>> No.4421854
File: 39 KB, 332x310, 1583871208026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4421898
File: 61 KB, 491x640, 26F72FC2-D132-4E0B-B433-2111C5B79561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today’s attempt. i should’ve made the jaw longer, and my lines are kinda shitty. what do i need to work on?

>> No.4421910

Look at your drawing. Look at your favorite artist. Now look back at your drawing. It should be damn obvious what you need to work on.

>> No.4421926

everything? I wouldn't even dare posting something like you here, copy that face 100 times, then post it again

>> No.4421948

Never forget
>Post all of your anime studies. Post even when you’re told not to. Create an art community that actually draws and improves together instead of just talking about it.

>> No.4421956

stop attacking your paper, be gentle with it.

>> No.4422096
File: 198 KB, 465x273, illust_69617157_20200312_173907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried

>> No.4422100

sauce on right

>> No.4422110
File: 133 KB, 600x800, illust_69617157_20200312_173907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4422189

who is artist?

>> No.4422195
File: 864 KB, 1446x2046, illust_67406187_20200312_190319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4422324
File: 840 KB, 1600x900, day 7 study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily study

>> No.4422344

bad study, try drawing the same but from a different angle

>> No.4422371

Remember to get sleep so your gains maintain.

>> No.4422412

STFU crab

>> No.4422749


>> No.4422916

that's it, i'm convinced hogarth is the key to anime gains

>> No.4422926
File: 872 KB, 1881x2400, 20200313_151352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions on the lineart? Should I draw her other eye now? Or fix the flat formless shading first?

>> No.4422927
File: 1.50 MB, 1800x1204, 2020-03-13 stars cropped scaled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4422929

I'm considering adding more line weight to the parts which would be shaded darker

>> No.4422941

Id say anatomy, but thats not what you asked.
Flat shading is fine if youre going for an animated screenshot look. Id say fix the lineart first. Everything is the exact same weight except a few random things. If you genuinely want the lineart to be the same weight, id suggest using a bit of colored lines to break things up, such as making the lineart for the hair a golden color that stands out.

>> No.4422946

Oh, and add highlights if youre doing flat shading. Right now you have two different colors, the base and the shadow. Add a third.

>> No.4422952

Thank you for the suggestions. I'd prefer to make the lines different weight and all black, but colored edges exclusively for hair are definitely an option.

>> No.4422959

As for the anatomy, I'll try to change the position/length of the arms while I work on the lines. Thanks again.

>> No.4422979

>hogarth, and norling
I might be brain dead but where are those e-books? I know loomis is in the pastebin

>> No.4422991

>Copy anime references exactly
Does this mean trace, then after that draw from memory?

>> No.4423007

No, don't trace.

The point of copying references exactly is that it forces you to look at EVERY detail that went into a piece. Every variation in line weight, every little hook and curve, etc. All of these details contribute greatly to the final look and feel of a piece. If you construct your own inexact version using 3D primitives, you will inevitably overlook some of these details and therefore you will not be studying everything the piece has to offer.
It's about looking at the image as a representation of a 3D object vs looking at the image as an image. I think both types of studies are valuable and people should do both. It's wrong to say that one is superior to the other.

>> No.4423015

>No, don't trace.
Why, and if you don't trace how would you copy a reference exactly? Grid paper or something?

>> No.4423021

You're not training your observation skills.
>how would you copy a reference exactly
When I said "exactly" I didn't mean "it must be pixel perfect or you have failed", I just meant, "making a copy of the reference to the best of your ability", as opposed to what the other guy suggested where if you don't draw it from a different angle then it's a bad stidy, or what some people suggest where you should only use references as a basis for construction and not think about trying to match the reference exactly.

>> No.4423022

Ok but do you measure lines or anything like that?

>> No.4423025

If you want to, sure. Otherwise don't. Don't overthink it. Unlike some others I'm not too concerned about "wrong" ways of drawing. If you're drawing then you're probably fine.

>> No.4423041

>>a lot of anons on ic think that fundies are like a permanent pass to draw whatever you please. but the reality is that you're never done learning the fundamentals and you need to constantly review them
This nigga gets it, definitely gmi.

>> No.4423047

You never go to school before?

>> No.4423051

Your drawings obviously look nothing like the reference.

>> No.4423293

Ok where's the link for this dude's books?

>> No.4423298
File: 488 KB, 713x1009, c0hn7zl0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The structure was pretty spot on, only the angle had to be more to the right.

>> No.4423301

bro...anime style = illegal now. bannable offense...

>> No.4423302

This is 4channel not cucktreon

>> No.4423310

4chan bro

>> No.4423470
File: 142 KB, 800x935, ss2han.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does he do it

>> No.4423820
File: 216 KB, 1000x1000, studies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something about this face is rubbing me the wrong way? not done yet but how would you fix this.

>> No.4423831

With Loomis.

>> No.4423836

/asg/ cucks, good luck making money from patreon with your copy shit, kek.

>> No.4423891
File: 249 KB, 1000x1000, 1584132496483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either she's got a jawbreaker in her cheek or her zygomatic bone has run away from her eye.

>> No.4423922
File: 566 KB, 611x1097, asd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him and I somewhat agree about that part but I think the issue if anything is her left eye (our right), it's too low on her face compared to the other one. Some artists tend to place the eyes quite far in (artist in pic is ザキザラキ)

>> No.4423934

Best hogarth book?

>> No.4423965

he says he loves bleach and adopted the bleach lips

and idk what ur talking about honestly i feel like if Whyt manga was some actual mangaka nobody would bat an eye for his normal anime art

>> No.4423970
File: 203 KB, 898x650, IMG_0720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do ya'll thiunk about my shit

>> No.4423971

the head is tipped lad

>> No.4423974

What's your point?

>> No.4424011

What's your hair painting process

>> No.4424142

The line art is the best of the three, spine is a bit less straight than I'd prefer but its not unrealistic and fine if that's your thing. The one on the left has her nose go to high and something about how the lips and eyes are colored seems weird to me.

>> No.4424171

Color choice is nice. I agree that the plain lineart one is the best. Shes also cute.
Im not a fan of the see through crop top and I think itd look better as just the black suit. I like the color for it though, and maybe you could incorporate that into the design of the suit and arm. Her design gives me conflicting views; is she supposed to be sneaky, as the bodysuit thing would imply? But then she has a giant robotic arm that sticks out. Also, thats a design i see a lot and i think it makes your design more generic. I think you should look at more robot arms (Genos from One punch Man, Zero from Drakengard 3, for examples) and try to create something that suits her better.

>> No.4424177
File: 101 KB, 485x680, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, Kiyotaka Oshiyama's drawing class book is such a treasure. This is the art people submitted to him for his correction.

>> No.4424182
File: 254 KB, 482x680, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And his correction.

>> No.4424200

decades of drawing at least a page daily

>> No.4424223

Thanks for the feedback, her design is actually very much part of her story she's a sleek and extremely human android like Motoko from Ghost in the Shell, and the robot arm is technically a downgrade to her default body as her normal arm was destroyed. Thats why it looks kind of older and bulky. Her sexy leotard thing is actually her normal outfit because she was made by some rich guy as a sex doll, she added the goggles and cloak parts because she becomes a sniper later in her story

But the art related feedback thanks ill stick to my less clean linework it seems to flow out better and look more fluid overall

>> No.4424226

Not that anon but I really like her design, the big bulky arm makes her stand out and have nice shapes

>> No.4424239

I knew I got a Ghost in the Shell feel. The leotardish thing was a dead giveaway.
The design fits better with the backstory you gave. You should've included that alongside the design so people could give more specific critique though.
So its an older model? It currently sticks out due to the color and bulkiness, but I think you could push that even more, maybe some copper tones to make it look old and outdated. Other than that, good luck on the project.

>> No.4424314

Thanks! yeah it's supposed to be an old just cyborg arm as a replacement, will definitely play around with it some more

>> No.4424369 [DELETED] 
File: 164 KB, 532x517, 8B9FBEB4-DF03-4F5E-9149-DE9BC31E9ECD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop drawing anime, you disgusting pedophiles.

>> No.4424379

Now focus on real art you retarded animeshitters.

>> No.4424414

this is the patreon shit right? imagine using patreon in the first place lulw

>> No.4424419

Why don't people just use crypto?

>> No.4424436
File: 42 KB, 500x500, 1583702693499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uploading your hot shit on P*treon
i only do pols and post cropped images there and release the uncensored on discorshit or twatter


also fuck that korean insect

>> No.4424439

is op pic on the right watercolor? I love the purple color and the texture

>> No.4424451
File: 753 KB, 850x1200, utaaq4ep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who said what about loli!? Huh!?!?
Rel. pic

>> No.4424461


>> No.4424464
File: 221 KB, 590x600, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4424507
File: 152 KB, 800x600, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4424607

gib link pls

>> No.4424637
File: 301 KB, 808x1083, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might as well post this here too

the only things i really notice are how flat the hair to her right looks and her hand

>> No.4424783
File: 1.02 MB, 879x783, 1583182028519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still having the same issue >>4418851 but more often than not when practicing I end up finishing the back side as a big circle after my small one. Can someone suggest me a good head construction for volume? I tried pin2d but even with that one I'm having issues.

>> No.4424786
File: 697 KB, 592x861, 1583182028520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also when I add hair the problem seems to be much less noticable but my construction is both unreliable and stuck in a very little number of angles

>> No.4424878

It's on e-hentai, lot of useful how to book on there actually. Just search "how to" tags

>> No.4425115

thank you

>> No.4425212
File: 628 KB, 750x650, 1581465169112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is trying to learn analog drawing worthless these days? Whenever I look at art everyone seems to be doing digital.

>> No.4425253
File: 197 KB, 1844x1080, delet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you get this color of lineart? I know that you can color over only the lineart via Clip Studio now (clipping) but how do you get this "chromatic aberration" effect?

>> No.4425268

Many pros in both the east and west sketch on paper and then ink/color on digital.

>> No.4425312

It's just a CA filter on the final image I doubt it's the brush itself.
Please don't do that. The only alternative I find acceptable is chroma aberration on the sides of the images at best

>> No.4425425

lots of pros also just sketch and ink on traditional as well

>> No.4425499
File: 1.64 MB, 1134x1577, 1039e03962af3bc26b3839dbd22d4505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other suggestions to make lineart stand out with color? Like I said my only strategy is to literally cover over a clipped layer (or use a clipped gradient etc.)

>> No.4425537

the underlying principles are the same, and it costs way less to get started when you're just using pencil and paper that you already have around your house.

>> No.4425727

Is this your work?

>> No.4425731
File: 870 KB, 1536x2048, ESzoWwXU0AAoAOi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4425831

ofc no jesus christ it's pija

>> No.4425835

So any ideas on how to achieve something like that?

>> No.4425858
File: 122 KB, 500x635, nishi17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First foray into digital. I'm green as hell and I also don't have any real programs to do digital art in. But here I am all the same.

>> No.4425861

>an inked drawing
>the obligatory stationary in the picture is a mechanical pencil

>> No.4426034

guess what tool was used prior to the inking step

>> No.4426102

do you think jr started with the inking

>> No.4426115

so how do you actually practice copying existing anime art

I feel like repeatedly trying to copye something and doing it badly isn't effective practic

>> No.4426163

If you just don't turn your brain off and try to make a good copy each time then you will get better at copying.
It worked for me anyway.

>> No.4426167
File: 1.00 MB, 992x1403, Bat4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, am I on the right path? It has been a full year since I've started to learn, I still turd polish a lot, it drives me insane.

>> No.4426176

>how do you get this "chromatic aberration" effect
Get your lineart layer and duplicate it twice. Colour the lines in one layer with turquoise/blue and the other with red. Put your black lineart over the other layers. Shift the blue layer a pixel or two to the left, and the red layer to the right. Voila, chromatic aberration. You can see this in your image if you look closely enough, although the artist kept it subtle by not moving the blue/red layers too far from the original.
I also kind of want to say they applied a very slight gaussian blur but I could be wrong

>> No.4426228

if you're struggling at copying you need to be more deliberate at measuring, and make guide lines and marks before you start in.

>> No.4426244

I find CSP auto action for chromatic abberation is very convenient, like the description says it works well with radial blur

>> No.4426324
File: 160 KB, 662x719, 72ea1db2ad961163add7e8c3854120e6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've gotten pretty good at loomis construction for semi-realistic heads, but for me the construction method just breaks down for full on anime

Like take a look at pic related
That shit deviates so much from the standard you may as well not use loomis

>> No.4426339

Just use the potato heads from loomis for rounded anime face

>> No.4426353
File: 400 KB, 501x656, 19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you understood nothing.

>> No.4426361

that page isn't even the loomis method though.

>> No.4426364
File: 156 KB, 800x1200, 1516307211267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lose motivation/inspiration for drawing
>take a week long break
>go on walks, catch up on other things
>still unmotivated/uninspired

Looks like this is it boys. It was fun while it lasted.

>> No.4426366

you understood nothing

>> No.4426367
File: 82 KB, 456x341, loomoid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based loomis

>> No.4426373

Very nice, anon

>> No.4426391

>want to draw
>just want to play monster hunter gu
It not happening

>> No.4426422

Got a pixiv?

>> No.4426425
File: 334 KB, 1233x736, I tried.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess that works

>> No.4426565

loomis doesn’t work on real people either. everyone has their own proportions and bone structure that a single method can’t cover. in fact, the worst thing about loomis is he specifically teaches idealized comic book heroes that don’t accurately represent reality. what does work and what you walk away with is a simple baseline to modify as necessary. this is where anatomy, reference photos, and life drawing all come in.

>> No.4426567
File: 353 KB, 799x593, gf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sketched my gf Holo in her comfy coat

>> No.4426626

Should I study real human heads/draw portraits before doing manga head? Do you guys who studied real human heads alongside with or before anime find it helped you in your efforts to stylize?

>> No.4426667

Inevitably since Loomis and skulls in particular. I think you could get by if you drew a lot of those step-by-step tutorials though.

>> No.4426699

Id say do them both alongside each other so you can apply your knowledge of real human proportion to someone elses stylization and see how its manipulated.

>> No.4426770
File: 662 KB, 1920x1200, 031520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone told me my frills lacked depth
so i tried to get better at it

>> No.4426879
File: 624 KB, 836x1200, htdmf-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4427295
File: 229 KB, 689x957, hhf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4427437
File: 77 KB, 568x582, sai2_2020-03-15_17-45-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm practicing heads atm, and I'd compare anime heads with real heads to understand what the artist is thinking, and treating anime heads as 3d even though they usually aren't.

>> No.4427567

>Chapter 9
>drawing foreshortened poses is difficult
>The End

wow thanks loomis

>> No.4427631

Did you finally get what you wanted from studying torsos?

>> No.4427703
File: 679 KB, 1500x2000, 4BC77633-9B59-4858-A552-2B6A7D13CD38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey im working on this sketch i hope you can help me with it, im having trouble with putting stuff on the tray and keeping it in perspective, I hope this is the right thread, I posted in /beg/ and I think it's just gonna get buried.

>> No.4427717
File: 70 KB, 446x697, sai2_2020-03-15_19-30-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think so? I might come back to it, but it all might be in the line skill.

>> No.4427723

The copying/referencing here is a bit....too on the nose here, making me think this is a fake.

I'm curious about your work-flow (with pictures!). (Do you have a blog as well?)

>> No.4427811

Pen and Brush settings?

>> No.4427818
File: 15 KB, 235x329, sai2_2020-03-15_21-12-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're trying to learn too much at once. Learn to do it simple first. Pic related.

>> No.4427878
File: 147 KB, 917x586, my ink brush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4427976
File: 249 KB, 1920x1080, 1582924321077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4427986

I don't see CSP or SAI with such superior brush settings.

>> No.4428074

Yea, its best app for digital drawing. I like csp for vector brushes but ps is
super fast with infinite posibilities. Suits my workflow well. Lack of brush stabilization isn't issue if you get good with it.

>> No.4428111

I have a pirated PS CS6, is it still relevant for doing stuff like you did, or do I have to pirate newer version? I bought CSP Pro on a whim though.

>> No.4428190

Im using cs6, newest version lagged for me when i was draging canvas with alt key for some reason.

>> No.4428381

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