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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 43 KB, 956x477, porkfiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4404750 No.4404750 [Reply] [Original]

Hey d/ic/ks, it's been a while.
I don't want to overextent so I'll try to keep it short: I've lost the will to draw, and I don't know how to pick it up again, I don't know how to practice anymore, I don't feel comfortable drawing on my tablet anymore since my presets are all fucked up.

I need your help, where to start? what to do?

I've been lurking /ic/ from 2013 to 2015 probably, and I recall not being a total beginner. Also I'm kinda older now tho...

Drawing used to define me, now I suffer even tracin (pic related)

I'd love if anybody would give me point me in the right direction, I hope I don't get ignored

>> No.4404762

what inspired you in the past?

>> No.4404766

draw your penis and post it.

>> No.4404769

well that's your problem, you're a fucking tasteless normie.

>> No.4404779

I used to follow many many artists on facebook (kim jung gi and his group, loish, peterchan, etc). Drawing here, the redlines, the books you guys provided...

I guess mostly has happened because I've lost contact with all of the many art groups I was in.
I wanna be back here, but again, I don't how to start again.

>> No.4404782

Stupid fucking thread, stupid fucking question.

Do you want to draw? THEN DRAW. It's that fucking simple.

>> No.4404785
File: 47 KB, 717x852, randomgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually quite decent at drawing penises haha
You've got a point, then what you recommend?
Yeah, I knew someone would say that, but I'm overall asking for where to start again, gesture? just plain figures? what are you guys doing nowadays, what keeps you drawing?

Also, posting an old drawing, to bump, I guess

>> No.4404786
File: 38 KB, 657x527, apu apastaja magnifying glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't how to start again.
Why, wtf is wrong with you?

Are you crippled? retarded? pick up a pencil and put it on a piece of paper...

>> No.4404788

>what keeps you drawing?
trying to draw things that I want to be able to draw

>> No.4404795

Art for art's sake isn't very satisfying. You've gotta produce something you enjoy. I took a 4 month break at one point and nearly didn't pick it back up again because I got so deep into studying and had such boring processes for over-polishing without ever actually doing anything fun that I just lost the drive for it. Sounds like that's about where you're at.

The best advice I can give is to not get bogged down in software or practicing and take a month to just be creatively productive. Draw (and finish) something at least once every few days. No long-term projects that take multiple hours/days. Just sit your ass down and do a sketch page of stupid junk that appeals to you. You can worry about all the presets and software and practice techniques and how far along you should be once you've got your mojo back, because that's more important right now.

In fact, why don't you draw me a 10-15 minute sketch right now. Anything.

>> No.4404796
File: 346 KB, 439x500, 1581959569017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the exact same situation as you mate. Haven't drawn almost at all in nearly 2 years.

Biggest advice I can give you is to use this opportunity to drop this career path if you can. Truth is this field is extremely competitive, and not particularly rewarding if you manage actually become a pro. The money isn't particularly great; it's very unstable even in-house because projects come and go so you're constantly having to look for work; The work itself doesn't get half the recognition it deserves despite being extremely difficult (tell people irl you're an illustrator and watch them look at you with disdain immediately); It's very easy to become socially isolated due to the nature of your work; And, most importantly, it takes a shit ton of effort to actually become professional-level assuming you ever even get to that point.

I personally got tired of that life, it's just not worth it. I'm going back to med school in the second half of this year while I still can to at least have hope of actually enjoying a decent life one day. I've wasted enough time doing this shit and now almost my whole youth is gone and I don't wanna waste any more of it. I loved drawing at one point, but when you start doing it as work, it becomes work unfortunately. Might as well work with something that will give me something back for my time at least.

>> No.4404812
File: 61 KB, 868x865, dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you, just basically, draw, I'm just trying that.

Thank you, so much. I hadn't draw in so much because of so many collefe stuff that I got lost and everytime I tried to draw, I got overwhelmede because of the thecnical stuff. I rly appreciate you took the time to push me a bit, anon, really. Also I've draw this... I know is a dick, I just wanted to prove I can draw 'em I guess (it's not mine tho ha) and I think is pretty fitting here.

I get you anon, I know, I've kinda give it up a long time ago. In my career path you always see someone drawing wholeheartedly (you don't need to, but you can) It's just that this used to define me you know? I hope you also take your pencils bakc again, even as a hobby or a part time, anon.

>> No.4404825

That is a beautiful dick, and good on you for actually drawing something on the spot, man.

Also yeah, college is an art-killer. But the best way I know how to deal with that is to just take it easy and don't let art become a chore. Taking time to study and practice is great, but make sure you also take the time to draw some dicks lol. All you've got to do is just learn to have fun with it again and you'll recover the spark. I believe in you.

>> No.4404831

nice johnson

>> No.4404844
File: 8 KB, 509x619, 1583213687148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are u a neet like me op?

>> No.4404851

You've really my night, anon. I'm truly thankful. I know now I need to focus on the fun now, and draw more dicks haha. Thank you again.
Well, thank you to you too
Not anymore, anon, but I feel you, been there for a long time, but it does gets better, just try to break out of your comfort zone. Saying yes to a lot of stuff and taking opportunities does helps a lot.

>> No.4404867

>"You've really my night, anon."

Genuinely glad to hear it! There is a lot of negativity on /ic/, and i dont mind a bit of heckling, sure. But it's good to remember that, at the end of the day, art really is supposed to be fun. So I hope you'll continue to draw and enjoy it my man.

>> No.4404978

For me once you study to the point you can make a big difference in your art, the spark comes back and you'll wanna exercise your new technique every chance you get. Go back to your original inspirations too