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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 8 KB, 320x320, drawabox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4397612 No.4397612 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4397614


>> No.4397616


>> No.4397619

Boxpill es the ultimate redpill anyone who thinks otherside is a faggot and a ngmi

>> No.4397621


>> No.4397623

>t. ngmi

>> No.4397624

If there is no other way to get you drawing then go for it

>> No.4397627

Good, teaches basic understanding of volume and perspective. But I would not stay for too long on this website. HOW TO DRAW from Scott Robertson teaches the same thing just alot better. This book is propably also were he references the exercises, he also links this book on his website.

6/10 - Good for beginners but not for long. After drawing the plants, I would switch to the book.

>> No.4397631

I want to add that drawing boxes and other forms is the best warmup for drawing. Based Box Bro.

>> No.4397655

tfw reading this is an arab and knowing if i ever make it all im gonna get is isis jokes

>> No.4397657

Why learn from someone that can't draw well instead of just learn from Peter Han who he ripped all his teaching material from?

>> No.4397659

You are retarded and ngmi

>> No.4397670

DAB guy hasn't made it, and is a generally shitty person to interact with. You won't be getting shit on like him.

>> No.4397673

It is useless if you don't understand why things are like this. You should actually learn perspective perspective.

>> No.4397674

>t. seething shill

>> No.4397715

oh okay. but hasn't he essentially "made it" though? with his website

>> No.4397719

He does make a living with art, but he also sucks, therefore he's still ngmi.

>> No.4397721

So tell us how much he makes bud

>> No.4397756


Box Man's drawings should be a requirement to post in theses threads. Like Proko's "kangaroo"*.
One people see either one, they stop asking questions.

>> No.4397803

>peter han

>> No.4397805

Making a living with art is the polar opposite of ngmi you fucking retard

>> No.4397806


>> No.4397813

>taking money from idiots with repurposed content from superior artists while being unable to draw for shit
>making it as an artist
pick one shill

>> No.4397814

Keep drawing cute anime girls and you'll make it.

>> No.4397840

Kek that's pretty much making it faggot, the point is making $$$ unless youre some kind of cuckmmunist piece of shit

>> No.4397868


>> No.4397870

I don't get why you tards don't just get a regular job, you'll make far more money for less work. Art pays shit and that's a terrible reason to do it lol.

Also DAB is shit, guy who makes it can't draw, Peter Han should be your go to guy for these topics.

>> No.4397878

And being a wagecuck doing shit you don't even like 10 hours a day being yelled at by a jew and spending one or two hours stuck at the traffick? Lol no thanks

>> No.4397894

>absolute rage

>> No.4397963

Proko...this guy is just scary. He has access to art related resources and connections to personages that most of us could only dream of. And yet, he fails to transform the knowledge that he has.

>> No.4397975

so it isn't just about money then? you can make money from art by doing tedious 'wagecuck' work but you're making money from art so you've made it right?

You could be drawing countless inbetweens nonstop daily, you could be doing wierd porn requests or you could be lazily rehashing dynamic sketching on patreon scamming mouth breathers, but those are all great jobs because you're making money with art right?

>> No.4398517

>absolute projection

>> No.4398519


>> No.4398530

it's just ripped from han? now the curiously equal level of disdain i have for both of them makes sense.

>> No.4398542

Only recently though. For like the first decade of his journey he tunnel visioned into the atelier elitist mindset with Watts and co. Hence he turned out the way he did, I guess this is his way of rectifying his past mistakes.

>> No.4398548

Uncomfortable is a God among men, the ngmis of this site are too retarded to visualize the perfection of his method

>> No.4398566

>his pictures should be a requirement
>doesn't post a one of them

>> No.4398633
File: 330 KB, 727x1000, 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its just worse Dynamic Sketching and How to Draw from Peter Han and Robertson

as much as you might hate Peter Han or Robertson they've been in the industry longer on better projects, and are more respected
Irshad Karim (DAB's founder)'s only job experience is working at a place called Silverback Productions Inc. since 2014)

his artstation literally speaks for itself

>> No.4398637

This is a great example of a person who has zero interest or passion for art getting into art anyways because autism. Don't make the same mistake.

>> No.4398693

Tried it a long time ago. If you wanna hate drawing and bore yourself to fucking tears, I recommend.

>> No.4398713
File: 148 KB, 800x1400, IMG_6677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember kids, if you want to draw like this, then start grinding those boxes!

>> No.4398755

autist shill btfo

>> No.4398763
File: 2 KB, 125x81, 1582868066415s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember to flip the canvas too and use reference if you re feeling off and take 15 min breakes

>> No.4398784

this is why he makes his money off critiquing people on reddit instead of making art

>> No.4398866

Having disdain for Han makes no sense. So..
You’re a jealous faggot.

>> No.4398868

>as much as you might hate Peter Han or Robertson

Who hates Han and Robertson?
The transparent snipes at them are exclusive to this shitty weird board full of fucking furries.

>> No.4398876

And yet is better than 100% of /ic/

>> No.4398887

>shill thread backfire

>> No.4398900

>anybody who disagrees with me is jealous
his lessons i've seen are bad, and if drawabox was cribbed off him then i have to assume the rest of it is bad too.

>> No.4399311

This is unironicly good advice though

>> No.4399399

i dont see anything wrong with this

>> No.4399403


>> No.4399443

>low effort damage control

>> No.4399522

>posted 5 years ago

pyw from 5 years ago

>> No.4399528

Drawabox guy sucks but don't diss boxes

>> No.4399531

he was "teaching" 6+ years ago

>> No.4399532

Post something you did recently then Irshit. Go shill your trash elsewhere.

>> No.4399543
File: 258 KB, 760x1169, 23204465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posted last week

>> No.4399561

Grinding fundies won't give you taste or an imagination, as this pic clearly shows.

>> No.4399565

won't give you fundies either, evidently.

>> No.4399689

How does it shows lack of imagination? Lack of taste maybe, but lack of imagination?

>> No.4399797

Oh no no no no no

>> No.4399844


>> No.4399855
File: 537 KB, 1280x862, tavernatsunset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will always be his funniest one.

>> No.4399893

Damn I love this. Mood is great.

>> No.4399913

the funniest about all of these are all the blatant perspective mistakes

>> No.4399978

I'm most confused by the beer pouring slut on the table.

>> No.4399982
File: 9 KB, 194x230, EJWb4yDWkAI4RVy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea i learned the hard way your mind can be your enemy when it comes to art mediums it will deceive you. also zoom out when in doubt and step back from the screen so your mistakes can be seen

>> No.4400003

Imagine being THIS soulless.

>> No.4400086

it's OVER for boxcels

>> No.4400091

Everything he draws is so stiff and awkward.

>> No.4400124

Boxpill is the ultimate pill

>> No.4400131

Seething crabs

>> No.4400139

>redditor coping this hard

>> No.4400247

t. Crab

>> No.4400250

Crabbing means giving people bad advice or shitting on someone to break their confidence, i.e. it only works on beginners. DABguy has an established career so it doesn't make sense to "crab" him. We're just correctly pointing out that he sucks.

>> No.4400255

It may actualy be the drawabox isis leader in person, you can’t actually defend this shit if you are not the man yourself.

>> No.4400266

I'm disgusted by that shitty shading that just consists of faking rimlights by making the outline a bright color.

>> No.4400277

Dude needs gesture drawing

>> No.4400421

>Those ellipses on the barrels on the left
What was he thinking?

>> No.4400448

>every character is stiff as a board
so this is your brain on 250 boxes

>> No.4400451

t. crab

>> No.4400456

>just 250 boxes are enough to permanently damage your ability to draw natural-looking people for the rest of your life
Thank god I dodged that meme

>> No.4400468

of course its him.
>Irshit allu akbar starts a shill thread
>backfires and gets absolutely annihilated
>drawabox meme on par with Scroto Baggins 'kangaroo'
>fatlipped nigger faggit chink will make video assblasting the terrorist boxer
Never change /ic.

>> No.4400490 [DELETED] 

>the shadows on the bar wall and upper barrels
>the body legs and arm of the orc with the blue juice
>every fucking oval
wew lad

>> No.4400627

>amawus and crabs samefagging because they can't draw for shit
The boxpill is only for the chosen ones

>> No.4400645

His lessons were very helpful for me but Uncomfortable made no sense sometimes. But that could just be me being a bit of a smoothbrain.

>emphasizes that you need to do each lesson traditionally with a fineliner to get the full effect out of them
>then proceeds to demonstrate all but a few of them digitally

>Irshit allu akbar starts a shill thread
He used the to post on this board back in 2014/2013 or so so I wouldn’t doubt that he still comes here to shill.

>> No.4400675

Just because drawabox guy isn't that great doesn't mean that drawabox itself is bad. Irshad is at least somewhat competent, his biggest problem is that he isn't putting life and gesture into his figures. You can draw even simple forms like boxes or "flour sacks" with gesture and dynamism, gesture is a fundamental skill just like form and it needs dedicated practice as well.

>> No.4400725

see >>4399443

>> No.4400740

>low effort damage control
Please tell me where in my reply that it indicates that besides you being retarded. Also I really only on doing the first 2 lessons then moving on to something else due to his work looking like shit.

>> No.4400748

>"Also I really only on doing the first 2..."
wew lad

>> No.4400749

his biggest problem is that he can't draw objects that aren't boxes, or characters, or parts of characters, or lay any of these things out in space, or

>> No.4400754

I’m drunk at the moment so forgive my clumsiness. But please answer my question, I don’t intend on defending Uncomfortable else I’d be on his subreddit circlejerking each other like everybody else on there does.

>> No.4400756

That's not damage control, it's a critique of where Irshad went wrong. It's not enough to just be good with construction, you have to put feeling into it too.

Drawabox is only one part of a comprehensive art education.

>> No.4400769

>good at construction
you must be really drunk

>> No.4400772

>implying that’s me

>> No.4400773

I'm glad I dodged his figure drawing lessons back then.

>> No.4400777

Again, Irshad is better than 99% of the people here.

>> No.4400807

Its a masterpiece compared to the shit people post here lol

>> No.4400848

>damage control

>> No.4400852

Here can't even construct primitives correctly, look at the barrels on that bar painting

>> No.4400914

pyw fag

>> No.4401041

Fucking plebeians DaB is the one and sole method to make it. Even King Jun Gi explains his whole fucking process is based on boxes. But you just want to draw homo heads in gay poses from Loomis and other inferior i structors. The gates of heavens have the shape of a box.

>> No.4401046

Imagine being this late on KJG news. Recently he revealed his power level was gained by "Just Draw" over 20+ years. The box was just a meme /ic/ misinterpreted.

>> No.4401048

It's not the boxes it's the teacher. If your want to learn boxes, learn from the OG Peter Han, there's no reason to flock to an inferior pajeet.

>b-but it's paid
Your fault for not registering on CGPeers even though you were constantly reminded to do it in every month when it was open.

>> No.4401096

DaB is EXCETCISE BASED, which pretty much includes DRAWING you fucking retard
Oh sure, Kim lied about the boxes just to mislead his audience, the real trick is jost wooo teh talentz

>> No.4401115

Based and boxpilled

>> No.4401135

Why would the ISIS man himself comes to this obscure image board and defending his shilling thread?

>> No.4401219

So this is your bain on 250 boxes.

>> No.4401337

He was always nice to me when I asked him questions.

>> No.4401506
File: 97 KB, 500x500, 1570636283940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its true, KJG specifically stated that the EXACT program you need to do and which he practiced on was Irshad's DAB

He even explicitly stated that if you do the original course DAB is based on, Dynamic Sketching with Peter Han, that you'll see absolutely no improvement whatsoever

>> No.4401664
File: 432 KB, 700x700, IMG_6611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4401745

>He even explicitly stated that if you do the original course DAB is based on, Dynamic Sketching with Peter Han, that you'll see absolutely no improvement whatsoever
holy shit park kim lee bringing the bants to zhong mei lan

>> No.4401815

he should stick to grifting redditors, art isn't for him

>> No.4401847


>> No.4401860

For a total beginner would Drawabox still be a good start and then go for loomis, Perspective made easy and other recommended book on /ic/ ?

>> No.4401862

Drawabox is all you need, and all you will ever need.

>> No.4401924

Yes, don't listen to crabs.

>> No.4401935

>Kim lied about the boxes just to mislead his audience
That's literally what happened. In one interview he straight up admits he's taught people bullshit he doesn't use.

>> No.4401940

All these meme teachers with overly complex teachings methods are always trash artists that couldn't make it in the industry.
Meanwhile when actually skilled pro's are asked how they got good at drawing they always just answer 'i dunno lol just draw lot' or 'i just copied my favourite comic book artist lmao'.
Really makes you think.

>> No.4401950

It's pretty logical if you are good at what you do. Some people specialize in art and they are good at it but they are not great at teaching art. Art teachers specialize in teaching art and they are not great at making art.
It's not even a problem. You want teacher to teach you well and you want artist to draw you well.

>> No.4402040

draw a box is the only way, insha'Allah

>> No.4402051


>> No.4402228

False, in a Proko interview he says he uses boxes all the fucking time inside his mind to properly set body parts and characters in space

>> No.4402229

Mental torture, i did 75 boxes b4 i got bored

>> No.4402391

my favorite part of this guy stealing peter hans course is that peter han demonstrates using both chalk and then pens, while draw a box nigger uses a straight line tool in ps lol

>> No.4402403

Its so people can see it better. Irshad knows better than you, crab!

>> No.4402620

>all those filthy infidels who are too gay to take the boxpill

>> No.4402632

ISIS man pls go back to your reddit board.

>> No.4402824

I’m still kinda struggling with retaining focus what with the ADHD and all, but I will say, the line practice and arm swivel advice alone does wonders, so I must say, quite positive experience so far.

>> No.4402856

>his artstation literally speaks for itself
It seems like he does good backgrounds but not so much with character art.

>> No.4402902

pretty funny how you see the exact same dynamic on /fit/. endless threads about routines, the latest science,the purest diets, squattting 500x a week but when you you actually go the the gym the best looking dudes are always chad doing a brosplit and tyrone who just plays some bball now and then

>> No.4402929

100% GMI post
100% NGMI post
That's because some people simply are born with more muscular mass (especifically with more "type B" muscular fibers)

>> No.4403021

most of the time I think our lord and savior Irshad should offer his knowledge for free, fucking crabs are too retarded to see the perfection of his method

>> No.4403185

Just like some people are born with drawing talent and some aren't.
If you don't have it in you then all the boxes in the world aren't gonna save you.

>> No.4403398

May Allah bring dark hours and disaster upon the infidels in this thread.

>> No.4403403

pouring one out for the homies

>> No.4403705

>did DAB lessons
>is better than 99% of /ic/

>> No.4403708

why does his drawing get worse when he renders?

>> No.4403899

too many boxes desu

>> No.4403974

Irshad wasn't born with any talent and yet his box method got him where he is. Sure he isn't the best, but he managed to get into the big leagues. Again, better than 100% of /ic/

>> No.4403978


>> No.4404030

That’s a line of thinking that will get you nowhere - because not only is the breadth of experience in both fitness and art in the real world far more than being an all or nothing deal, but putting in a disciplined effort into honing techniques and absorbing as much knowledge as possible will actually get you to a good place in both, which is why there’s such a large amount of discussion about technique in both places.
You left out the part where said creators always talk about how they spent years and many hours drawing said comic books and absorbing the information, it’s all a process, and starting out with simple constructions and going from there is a valid one - though it’s always good to supplement things like DaB with life drawing or other books and such.

>> No.4404071

>it’s always good to supplement things like DaB with life drawing or other books and such
>implying that DaB is not a complete method alone by itself
Only the chosen ones deserve to be admitted within the gates of heaven, boxes await inside

>> No.4404128

Best drawing course. 'Nuff said!

>> No.4404149

this is your brain on boxes

>> No.4404348

Masterpieces basically

>> No.4404607

This deserves a box-bump

>> No.4404610


>> No.4404633


>> No.4404646

I think its really good as a wam up and long term gains.

For people who struggle with finding a subject to draw, making the exercices really help me just putting the pen on the paper and actually start.

I do think you need to suplement DaB with gestures and life drawings tho.

NO METHOD is gonna magically teach you how to draw. DaB its just a tool, learn how to use it.

>> No.4404666

>NO METHOD is gonna magically teach you how to draw
Except for DaB

>> No.4404704
File: 214 KB, 360x450, S01e03_Box_Ghost_arms_wide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4404717
File: 133 KB, 629x800, 1582013921893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
