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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4393271 No.4393271 [Reply] [Original]

What drives you to help other anons? Or, in case you do the opposite, what is the line of thought that gets you there? What do you feel or think when responding to them? Why do you even come here? Are you successful and want others to climb the mountain? Or you haven't been that lucky and get mad at others making it? Do you offer ill advice? Do you mock the work of others? Why do you do it? Do you want everyone to make it? Or would you rather have everyone else fail so that you can stand above? Does it help you to get distracted in here? Or has this board hindered your progress? Be honest, anon.

>> No.4393274

It's not enough that I should succeed, others should fail.

>> No.4393275

Yes it distracts me as fuck that you guys don’t want to succeed even though I help you faggots all the fucking time. I should just draw instead of helping you ungrateful assholes.

>> No.4393662

im new here and i thought 4chan people are rude but theres some that are nice.

i came here to see others' work and be inspired to do more and learn more. also i want to see someone who is worse than/like me.

>> No.4393673

Fuck off and get back to where you came from, you sissy bitch faggot.

>> No.4393680

Never EVER give useful advice. Always give misleading ones, at the very least, don't let newfags breath.
Art is incredibly full now, if you're actually, legitimately, unironically 'helping', then congratulations, you're helping yourself get buried. Those you help will just smash you ahead.

>> No.4393722

>Never EVER give useful advice
Yeah, I figured this was the origin of Loomis, boxes, gesture drawing, etc.

>> No.4393730

I come here to help people but it isn’t really in an altruistic way. Being able to pick out what’s unsuccessful in other artists’ work and formulate how i’d fix it helps me to be more critical of my own work too.

>> No.4393732

I miss yev, bros

>> No.4393749

Retard. You and your advice is a drop in the ocean. I always try to be helpful, at least because it helps me understand the things I teach even better. Also because /ic/ helped me so I help back. Also because I want to also teach art when I get good enough, so I'll already have some experience.

>> No.4393751

>give misleading advice
>am shit artist so advice is actually good

>> No.4393760

I hate this place and I hate its people
I just want to be praised

>> No.4393781

>also because I want to teach art when I get good enough

What is the saying again? Those who can’t do, teach?

>> No.4394036
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There is nothing particularly useful about /ic/ in terms of resources or information.

But if it wasn't for /ic/, I wouldn't draw half as much as I do. You guys keep me in touch with art, while at the same time serving as a place for dark humor, shitposting and just beeing myself.

If I could only breathe good vibes and passive-aggressive niceness over Twitter or Discord communities, I would eventually snap and just go get some lonely hobby like gaming or watching cartoons.

As for advice - I like to give good advice if I can. I also like to tell people to kill themselves when they draw things I don't like.
This is how this site has always been and this is how I expect it to keep on going, I have no need for a filter. I like shitting on people, but I also wish everyone would produce good art. That'd be a better world to live in.

Also fuck women and tumblrtrannies who diluted this board's edgier atmosphere. But as long as rules themselves allow, our kind will survive.

>> No.4394040


>> No.4394060
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I'm sure richard schmid and Steve huston can't draw right you retarded nigger?

>> No.4394068

those who can neither, shitpost

>> No.4394079
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This board actually reduced my productivity. I only come here to procrastinate, and the only useful info that I got here once, was that fish oil helps you heal injuries faster

But what one can do, being attracted to toxic people is the story of my life, I wish this was place was just a little nicer tho.
Love you all /ic/

>> No.4394085
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Quoted anon here.
Don't get me wrong, /ic/ is probably a timesink where I procrastinate.

But it still offers me a "procrastination outlet" that is somewhat art-related and every now and then there are prompts, inspiring art, or just a motivational thread that makes me draw. If I were browsing, say, /int/ instead, nothing of productive would come out of it.

>> No.4394092

what about the faggot that wastes time on shitty charts instead of drawing?

>> No.4394120
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Idk I feel like this is why I started coming here. I missed the competitive feeling of a class room, and being surrounded by art and people who make it does make you learn faster

But idk why this place does not work for me for this purpose, maybe I just come here to feel more down instead of more motivated

>> No.4394128

>tfw I am the chad

>> No.4394187
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Drawing is not something invented yesterday you need fresh guides for.
People who are smart or talented enough will eventually find all the information they need in the internet.
People who blindinly ask for advices and blindly follow guides are NGMI.

That said, I see nothing wrong with helping others if it's something specific, and not "how do I draw like that" or "can you redline my stickman".

>> No.4394192
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>tfw eternal beg
I drew loomis potatoes for months, not just days. That was years ago though(not that I am much better now).

>> No.4394199

I come here to shit post and laugh at all the struggling /beg/s and /asg/s. Though coming here had made me draw less cause how entertaining this shithole is.

>> No.4394216

I never understand what "The last stand" was supposed to be until that 29 year old emo faggot made that thread a few days ago.

>> No.4394233

I dont help anyone, im too much of a retarded /beg/ to help anyone

>> No.4394377

Steve can draw, but he really can't teach.

>> No.4394641

Are you underage by any chance? This is honesty thread so reply honesty.

>> No.4394644


>> No.4394650

Most of the help I give is an attempt at solidifying what i think about the topic.

>> No.4394655
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I'm 29 and I've been here since 2007.
I've been in all sorts of communities and saw many crumble to pieces due to their forced pacifist nature.
Chans are the only place I want to "socialize" in apart from my close and very limited circle of friends.

Shoutout to newgrounds tho, I don't like the amount of children there but it's the best a non-anonymous, public community can be.

>> No.4394662

you are a nigger and a retard

>> No.4394677

Im on /ic/ cuz im tired of the retarded hugfest and nepotism of art communities.

Especially if you want to take art seriously since most places are all about /beg/ shit, and even tho people crab alot on /ic/ , oh boy its better than having 0 skill tumblr style artists trying to critique you when their own critique is full of errors, like bitch you cant even draw perspective why you trying to teach it.

As much of a hell hole this place is, the honesty is valuable and you sometimes find diamonds in mess of dirt.

>> No.4394685
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>> No.4394689

Im gonna assume you’re a /beg/ since this shithole is a /beg/ trap.

>> No.4394701
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>> No.4394707

"What writers belonging to the upper class have received from nature for nothing, plebeians acquire at the cost of their youth. Write a story of how a young man, the son of a serf, who has served in a shop, sung in a choir, been at a high school and a university, who has been brought up to respect everyone of higher rank and position, to kiss priests’ hands, to reverence other people’s ideas, to be thankful for every morsel of bread, who has been many times whipped, who has trudged from one pupil to another without goloshes, who has been used to fighting, and tormenting animals, who has liked dining with his rich relations, and been hypocritical before God and men from the mere consciousness of his own insignificance — write how this young man squeezes the slave out of himself, drop by drop, and how waking one beautiful morning he feels that he has no longer a slave’s blood in his veins but a real man’s. . . ."
-Anton Chehkov

>> No.4394721

I love helping yall losers become non-losers.

I have enough room at the table for everyone to eat but you gotta pull up your own chair.

>> No.4394743


Team N/ic/e Guy reporting in.

I stumbled into /ic/ randomly like 5 years back when I first got into art. It was the first time I'd really found an artist "community" with resources and critique right there for the taking. Made getting gud actually feel achievable.

So I read the sticky, did some studies, posted some /beg/ garbage, and got really great and helpful advice, both from anons and namefags alike. At the time it was incredibly motivational.

Now, years later, I'm really pleased with my progress, and while I sure as hell don't give /ic/ all or even most of the credit, I can definitely say it helped get me invested in a fantastic hobby, a great creative outlet, a source of income, and something I plan on never getting tired of. Some of those namefags really influenced my personal style, too.

So now I stick around because it's really fun to see some of the local folks working on their stuff and to watch the dedicated noobies climb up and out of /beg/. And I try to be as nice and as helpful as I can be to everyone because I genuinely think everybody can make it, even the crabs. If I can help speed that up or even just motivate somebody, that's really cool.

>> No.4394756


I will add though that I can appreciate some of the shitters. Gotta have a balance, and sometimes people need to be told flat out that their drawing sucks so that they'll listen when someone tells them how to not suck afterwards.

All in all, /ic/ has a pretty good dynamic worked out, spam-filled and stupid as the board may be.

>> No.4394765

ironically youre also here, but oh well, formulating an opinion to respond to a thread is something crab brains cant handle, i understand it must be hard for you.

I assume you will proceed to respond with an insult, i just ask you make it a good one if your brain can even think of non generic shit to say.

>> No.4394778

Stopped doing art a few years ago because I was getting frustrated at it and had to support myself somehow so I went full career-mode on something else.

Still check this place wondering I should ever come back to it and helping others out.

>> No.4394789

You didn't do JUST that, right?

>> No.4394793

>but it's the best a non-anonymous, public community can be.
And yet, there's still that handful of whiny assholes that are trying to get someone banned because they are afraid of breasts

>> No.4394822

Doubt I would need to think of a good insult, when being called a /beg/ piss you off enough to make a response like this one. Since when is being called a beginner a bad thing now?

>> No.4394910

This is true. In the middle ages, guilds of painters (just like any other guild) protected their secrets and didn't think twice about murdering anybody who could steal them. Nowadays artists offer their secrets for free or almost free, and then they wonder why the market is saturated.

>> No.4394914

I agree with absolutely everything you posted

>> No.4395056

This is why /ic/ is a /beg/ trap, lmao.

>> No.4395087

i hate niggers and coombrains and if some random shit i say helps them not be niggers or coombrains then i feel like the world may be a little, not much, less shitty than yesterday.

>> No.4395093


>> No.4395108

Helping others by looking at their art. Activate your mind to be creative.
Being creative means problem solving.

>> No.4395115

Agreed. When I try to help people with anything, art or otherwise, I see it as practice for myself as well.

>> No.4395195

Nice way to avoid saying "I do it because I'm just a good person"

>> No.4395212

I laugh at people wanting to make money out of art, like you are going to still enjoy it once you are forced to do it 12h a day for less than the minimum wage.

>> No.4395218

Not if you're drawing furry or pony porn

>> No.4395239

That's bait or a very stupid crab or both. If you waste your time spreading bullshit, getting surpassed is just a matter of time. We have infinite information and it still doesn't make everyone an employed genius.

>> No.4395249

How shit do you have to be to be scared that by helping others they'll surpass you lol

>> No.4395255

I am not him but, I learned it the bad way that, indeed, helping others can actually result in them one day surpassing you. And stealing your job. Or girlfriend. Or both.

>> No.4395326

No, I also copied photos and did master studies and thumbnailed scenes etc.

>> No.4395335

this anon is literally shitposting by his maxim, impressive.

if you don't help others there is only stagnation, as everyone rises so do you do.

>> No.4395404

hyper realism should really be lawful neutral

>> No.4395411

moon reporting in

>> No.4395442

Your fault for being insecure and unskilled.

>> No.4395450

I'd give you a hug if I didn't know you smell of musty carpet.

>> No.4395459

It's more that you can't learn.

>> No.4395500

Based, but Illashit will never take any advice.

>> No.4395507

I like helping those I see promise in. There are NGMI shitters who make excuses but I won't mock their work in /ic/ fashion unless I get provoked by something although I do have thoughts where I want to tell them straight up that their work will continue to be garbage if they don't get their heads out of their asses. For the most part, I'll just be silent because there's no point in helping them if they don't want to listen.

I'm still here because I feel it's one of the few places that people can be honest with each other. We can ignore intentionally rude comments since we know they have no value because I guess that comes with being a 4chan user.

>> No.4395508

I art thou and thou art I.

>> No.4395541

For me it's a mix between the Empress, the Chariot, the World, and a bit of the Hermit and Strength.

>> No.4395560

I guess for me its a mix of

Strength, Hanged Man, Death and the Devil

>> No.4395629

All that information didn’t do shit. The /beg/ population is around 90% of this shit board.

>> No.4395631

You should check /asg/, kek.

>> No.4395636


>> No.4397944
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>plebbit spacing
>ye goys oldfeg here
fukken newfag

>> No.4397966

>What drives you to help other anons?
Basic human decency

>> No.4398158
File: 97 KB, 1025x609, 1582018269311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always written in paragraphs. I only consider redditspacing when someone puts a break between the >>postnumber and the message. Other than that it's just Reddit trying to force the Rules of the Internet Zoomer Edition.

But it's fine, believe in whatever you want.