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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 947 KB, 734x1000, img_1971_3_by_qinni-d958c59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4392003 No.4392003 [Reply] [Original]

So what's your big project, your magnum opus? Why do you want to learn to draw?

>> No.4392007

Because no one is drawing feet stuff of my husbando and it's a shame

>> No.4392009

Who's your husbando?

>> No.4392010

to draw cute girl

>> No.4392013

Didn't the girl who drew that picture die from ligma?

>> No.4392015

What's ligma?

>> No.4392016
File: 179 KB, 596x559, Smugness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4392018

My 13 chapter long 80s OVA art style graphic novel. I need to learn to storyboard. I wrote out the story like a college thesis paper but I am having a lot of trouble breaking that down into just illustrations and dialog. I've been breaking it down into a script to get some kind of structure but it's really hard to turn a scene into a few drawings. I don't understand how artists choose the perfect mouth shape when a character says a sentence. Composition means something. They're is always an implied meaning in the way you frame a scene. The perspective and lighting mean something and although I'm passionate about the story and the character designs, turning that into a comic is not coming naturally. It's forcing me to constantly be doing my best which means facing my shortcomings. And it wouldn't matter if these were just practice sketches but it's a story I wrote and that I really want to tell and get out there. So it is a shitty feeling to publish something with my name on it that isn't up to my own standard.

>> No.4392026
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>> No.4392032

Gonna make a video game. The Ulysses of video games.

>> No.4392035

Too soon, Anon

>> No.4392047

I want to draw comics, porn and porn comics.

>> No.4392065

I've been writing random sci-fi/fantasy stories that are set in the same universe for years and even though it's mostly garbage and a lot gets scrapped every other week, I need to bring at least one of them to fruition so I don't kill myself from disappointment.

>> No.4392080

Anon don’t you dare...

>> No.4392124
File: 760 KB, 707x7006, 2020FEB26_rococo_chapter3_wrapup_WIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is about a semi-retired magical girl that runs a bakery and meets interesting magical people, while mentoring a new generation of heroes. She occasionally adorably berates you for being a naughty boy.

I just want to draw a comic, but what kind of story I tell depends on what period of my life I was at that moment. I learn to draw as a mean to that end but also because I am having fun.

>> No.4392186

I've always wanted to make shitty shonen comics
I lack the technical skill to at the moment but I consider my inability to write to be the more crippling weakness for this

>> No.4392189

For storytelling mainly

>> No.4392200

I wanna be able to make my own shows/series.
Also to JO to shit i like that doesn't exist.

>> No.4392205

>even though it's mostly garbage and a lot gets scrapped every other week
Think of it like this, a lot of really awful shit comes out all the time and makes it big. Your stuff might not be as bad as you think it is.

>> No.4392457

make vidya games

>> No.4392470

because all the coom art looks like shit and i cant fap anymore so i have to make my own appealing cooms

>> No.4392481
File: 757 KB, 1000x1000, Illustration2-6(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man. I'm finding it easier to trim the fat off or combine whatever elements don't work instead of outright deleting everything and getting in a funk. We're gonna make it.

>> No.4392517

To create fanart and maybe comics with my obscure waifu.

>> No.4392528

draw loli

>> No.4392555

My overly ambitious idea is something that is similar to both fritz the cat; some episodes of Love death and robots and Trainspotting.

Basically the idea is a psudorealistic slice of life black comedy with gay anthropomorphic animals (I'm not a furry) that then goes into a strange avant-garde direction, with a non-generic anime/animated soundtrack

My less ambitious idea at the moment is to get proficient enough at drawing to make a short comic based on, Talking Heads - Seen and Not Seen, for the 40th anniversary of the album Remain In Light

Actually my ambition is to be as pretentious as possible.

>> No.4392578

Why are the girls she draws all crying?

>> No.4392582

Cause she had a pretty miserable life till the end.

>> No.4392615

you made this anon?

>> No.4392628

I dont fucking know
Why are you asking me these big ass questions

>> No.4392630

It's this story I've been making up in my head since I was a kid. I never really cared about sharing it with others, but I wanted to learn how to draw and bring it to life for myself, you know? Most of the time I do just normal illustrations of scenes from the story, but I want to start learning how to set up beautiful comic pages, too.

>> No.4392634

Like i said a thousand times before... i just want to make my own porn.

>> No.4392635

Same but humiliation for me

>> No.4392640

this desu

>> No.4392641

Hhhhmmm... I didn't have a magnum opus idea but I will buy a huge canvas like 2x2 meters (or 6 feet across) and start on it

It wil stay on my floor until I'm finished and done with it and done with my life

>> No.4392699

my gay-ass graphic novel. it's too homosexual for 4chan to like and too bitter and mean for tumblr to like, but i am enjoying writing it

>> No.4392711


>> No.4392726

ligma ass

>> No.4392730

Post some character and setting art, anon.

>> No.4392796

homosexual is good

>> No.4392843
File: 363 KB, 500x288, 1581535647448.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make popular webcomics live comfortably off fujobucks


>> No.4392854

I'm intrigued.

>> No.4392856

Furry porn

>> No.4392870
File: 10 KB, 400x400, 1520794718365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDK, I'm just drawing for fun

>> No.4392899


>> No.4392910

>Why do you want to learn to draw?
Because if I don't find a way to earn a living, my parents will kick me out

>> No.4392913

goalcucks just burn out

>> No.4392918

80's/90's/00's euphoria nostalgia bait

>> No.4392919

Draw my waifu. I've been drawing for 3 months now. I feel bad when I draw her wrong, but that motivates me to keep grinding so I can draw her in a way that would make her happy.

>> No.4392921

>implying that you shouldnt do something you enjoy
lmao have fun overdosing on your depression meds

>> No.4392929

don't fucking remind me

>> No.4392944

Now I’m sad again.

>> No.4392995
File: 124 KB, 504x454, tumblr_p17ng7tbVD1w49lylo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am trying to be sneaky incase i ever get a publishing deal (yeah i know, but this is the dreamer thread)

thank, anons.
basically it has the most stereotypical evil gay villain possible, like Him from powerpuff girls. One of heroes is normal person gay so I'm hoping to get away with it

>> No.4393002

Whelp I got commissioned to paint the last supper for some really big uppity guy so I'm just plowing along and occasionally sculpting a famous statue or two

>> No.4393102

I've seen your shit. Why do your women look like dudes?

>> No.4393118

Look I'm sorry ok, modelling is a completely different story unrelated to me and imagination can only take you so far

>> No.4393326

i miss qinni

>> No.4393332

>famous statue
You mean those unfinished bronze "statues" melted to make new canons?

>> No.4393338

Yeah if you haven't picked up on it yet 4chan isn't exactly for the well adjusted, so you'll find plenty of like minded mental disorders.

>> No.4393538

I learning drawing so I can make art for a game I want to make.

>> No.4393550

the multi-comic universe i've been crafting for decades

>> No.4395314

I want to make a graphic novel as well as sell cool statues

>> No.4395317
File: 15 KB, 312x296, 1582449961485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to do a full on Artbook of Clannad and Key works in general, will do it after another 4 years

>> No.4395319

I'm just making the next line better than the last line. One step at a time. Every day. A little better.

>> No.4395844
File: 2.36 MB, 600x600, 1580155571158.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Him from powerpuff girls
this is very unbased

>> No.4395850

Two projects:
>illustrate a fantasy story I've been refining for a decade
>make a "book" on speculative evolution on different planets
Already started the first one, been too autistic over details, but I already have a few designs.
The other one is even more autistic, so I've only written about a handful of species.

>> No.4395867

Can someone make OPs image into a wojack/doomer girl

>> No.4395909

Not all of them are, It's mostly just her recent artwork because cancer and all.

>> No.4395919
File: 518 KB, 662x500, 1582579290062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just keeps the darkness away.

>> No.4395996


>> No.4396025

This is me almost word for word. Its fucking frustrating when you have everything written down but can't actually storyboard.

>> No.4396049

making a hybrid xenogears/escaflowne/princess mononoke digital comic series. i’ll initially git gud enough for some concept paintings to show off before that. and of course there’s writing the actual story, as well as planning out the whole world and possible universe it takes place in. i see the project taking 4-8 years to get started, so who knows if the interest will even last.

>> No.4396883

>it's too homosexual for 4chan
You must be new here.

>> No.4396922
File: 706 KB, 1200x1200, A0A87C6E-F98F-4860-8589-E268C81D5C60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make a PS1-style exploration game in my art style. It is my drive.

>> No.4396924

>sell cool statues
trying to do that too

>> No.4396925

It's pretty good anon, keep it up.

>> No.4397692

To say nothing of the technical aspect there's a lot of soul in what you shared. I'm jealous of your ability to actually do something anon.

>> No.4397753

I want to put into pictures the stories involving my self insert and imaginary friends that I've been imagining in my head since I was 11. I have entire arcs and characters and settings and plot points in my head at this point, so I figured I might as well learn how to draw and put that on paper so at least something concrete comes out of that.

>> No.4397758

Also I just bought a tablet and started practicing, so this will take a while but if I learn stuff on the way it's a nice bonus.
I work in a pretty corporate and soulless environment so having a creative hobby can only help.

>> No.4397778

I want to get really good at drawing and painting, would love to see people have my art on their walls. I'll pursue tattooing as a hobby / source of income as well and want my work to be at its best

>> No.4397785

its not. fags leave pls

>> No.4397851

i wanna make a shitty 5fps anime with no dialogue (just fake subs) and shitpost it onto youtube

>> No.4398950


link to your webcomic?

>> No.4398980

I want to make an autistic extremely long and complex VN that would be the Ulysses of visual novels and internet culture.