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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4389651 No.4389651 [Reply] [Original]

What artists am I allowed to dislike without being labeled a crab? Do they have to be super obviously bad?

>> No.4389653

You can dislike whatever you want anon.

>> No.4389654

You may dislike anybody as you please, that is what makes you an individual instead of a mindless NPC that follows the herd.

>> No.4389656

None. Caring about shitty artists is NGMI.

>> No.4389658 [DELETED] 

This thread is better than happyboynumber1 youtube videos.

>> No.4389660
File: 63 KB, 1017x575, 1528505739208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rent free.

>> No.4389662

>letting /ic/ be your main say in which artists you should like/dislike instead of forming your own opininons
I’m not sure if you’re shitposting but ISHYGDDT
>rent free maymay

>> No.4389664

desu completely forgot about Happyboi until you fags bring him up ergo rent free in your head.

>> No.4389673

>yelps "rent free" yet proceeds to respond to any anons shitting on the guy
Barely any better then people unironically telling him to kill himself. :^)

>> No.4389680

If you didn't harp about the guy like some feral Google going apeshit we wouldn't be having this conversation now would we?

>> No.4389686

I’m not even the original anon you’re replying to but keep defending your boyfriend. Also I hide the guys threads whenever he makes them so no need to get defensive like a teenager on her period. :^)

>> No.4389708

how about ya both stfu and go draw something

>> No.4389715

Any of them, I dislike one of my favorite artists of all time

>> No.4390211

Why do you need to be vocal about it?
If you don't like an artist or their art, simply ignore them.
What the fuck is wrong with your brain?

>> No.4390214

You really shouldn't let yourself be discouraged from liking/dlisliking anyone's art just because their first reaction is to parrot a shitty four-letter buzzword.

>> No.4390301

crab's law edit when?

>> No.4390391

Why do you need to get so pissy about me disliking them is the real question here.

>> No.4390803

Because you are part of the crab culture that goes around here.
You guys are insufferable faggots.

>> No.4390810


>> No.4391356 [DELETED] 

Self-important faggots with shit eye who can't identify shit art if so their life depended on it serves as the real crab bucket, tricking kiddos and /beg/s into thinking absolute garbage is any good and to be learned from.
Also the "crab culture" you speak of is regular old imageboard culture. The more the pwecious sensitivities women and redditors are disregarded the better this board will be. Feeling entitled to some kind of safespace is one dumb fucking attitude to have entering an imageboard, and contests /pol/faggotry in being the most disruptive and unproductive. Come back when you can handle the faintest fucking whiff of banter, hyperbole and honesty. Cunt.

>> No.4391360

Self-important faggots with shit eye who can't identify shit art if so their life depended on it serves as the real crab bucket, tricking kiddos and /beg/s into thinking absolute garbage is any good and to be learned from.
Also the "crab culture" you speak of is regular old imageboard culture. The more the pwecious sensitivities women and redditors are disregarded the better this board will be. Feeling entitled to some kind of safespace is one dumb fucking attitude to have entering an imageboard, and contests /pol/faggotry in being the most disruptive and unproductive. Come back when you can handle the faintest fucking whiff of banter, hyperbole and honesty. Cunt.

>> No.4391539

you really shouldn't care about what people say about what artists you dislike, unless you're being a massive dick about it, art is subjective some people like blood splatters on a canvas i really understood that but they do their art and i don't care even tho i don't like it

>> No.4391694

This is a game of taste. Taste and soul is a word used that allows anons on this board to criticise people’s artistic preferences since before this, merely saying “It just doesn’t appeal to me” is not enough, so they ask you to post what does and let’s say person A posts some finely rendered 12 year old anime girl, he is labeled as having shit taste.

This board will find a way to shit on you over the most silliest things; I suggest you ignore it and just draw unless you’re going to be indulging in the shitting.