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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 680 KB, 660x900, D88IcrSUIAAz-V2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4386369 No.4386369 [Reply] [Original]

For those with a large following in social media, SFW or not, what was the snowball point where you started gaining a huge amount of followers?

>> No.4386385

bump. im stuck in 5k, im curious

>> No.4386414

That means you need to post more fotm anime characters

>> No.4386572

I'm at 27k. I started about 3 months ago and am beg. The big boost came from mixing selfies/nudes in with my art. I post more pictures of myself than art nowadays. I know my art is not good enough to attract attention by itself so I'm happy the thirsty boys kiss my ass and tell me it's great when objectively there are many better artists. If I continue to grow at this rate I will hit 100k very quickly.

>> No.4386583


>> No.4386765

falseflag until you post blog
5k is a lot by ic standards lol

>> No.4387170

Hell no I'm not dumb enough to post my social media with my face on 4chan. Believe it or don't I'm happy with it

>> No.4387262

>thirsty boya kiss my ass

Obviously some incel or tranny RPing

>> No.4387267

how to get 5k followers
is it profitable at that point yet

>> No.4387316

Sorry you were born a defective and ugly male

>> No.4387344

Every time i get a decent amount of followers i lost interest in keep posting my art, why this shit happens?

>> No.4387356

upload stuff you like -> get positive feedback -> feel obligated to your followers -> quit social media -> upload stuff you like

>> No.4387377

You're chasing validation and once you get it you lose your fire cause you already got the smoke

>> No.4387446

So go kinda lewd for followers, or be a hot chick?

fuck me, if i was a girl this shit would be on easy mode.

>> No.4387447

>he doesn't think getting good and drawing lewds is easier than being a hot chick
You're a fucking loser, get out of here. NGMI.

>> No.4387451


I'm just saying if you were just decent at art and you were a girl, people would hop on you.

And great artist i know don't get the same amount of attention as a decent looking girls who draw

>> No.4387454

Post those great artists right now. Now don't be a fucking pussy.

>> No.4387455


Follow him, hes super good and deserve more atttention

>> No.4387457

having only 2k followers at his level is a crime.

>> No.4387516

this. why f*moid and tranny aren't rangeb&ed yet?

>> No.4387523

>create another account
>use a username with female sound to it
>draw as usual.

>> No.4387531

maybe.. it took me 1 year to get 5k but right now stopped growing (I´ve been stuck with 100 followers for 2 years before that tho´). i get some comissions but they are from childrens and i feel bad by accepting their money. still is not profitable yet.

>> No.4387537
File: 1.09 MB, 300x169, 1460864321677.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stuck at 20
w-what do?

>> No.4387542

I'm at 100. how do i get more???

>> No.4387554
File: 312 KB, 500x375, D4kYuuOXoAAbfhe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at 800 after a year but last year is also when I started drawing. Some of my folliwers are really supportive, it's nice

>> No.4387616


>> No.4387765

Yeah honestly posting tit pics will carry you so far

>> No.4387807

Not op but depends also on what you draw, I have a friend who used to draw human anime art and despite having like 1k followers at that time it didn't seem their art was very profitable, they slowly switched to furry art and now with almost 4k followers their art gets tons of attention and can easily sell their ych, commissions and adoptables for $100+

>> No.4387818

I'm at 390. I peaked at 397. I want to have the amount grow, but I'm unsure how. The problem is with myself and maintaining an audience. I'm slow as a snail to try and release images daily. If I do, it'd be just sketch after sketch.

>> No.4387829

Question, how effective do you think art raffles are? I know for experience that they usually draw a lot of attention and will probably get you a spike of followers but at the same time a lot of these followers are just there for the raffle and after that they unfollow or don't engage in your content which sucks. I'm considering doing one but I'm unsure whether if it would be worth it or not.

>> No.4387840

There are some posts that are more viral than others: opportunity + preparation = luck so always be at the top of your game

>> No.4387841

They only work well if you are decently established. They bring new eyes but are worthless if you are just starting out

>> No.4387862

6k but i draw furries and i'm sick of it but i need the money
just draw pokemon/animal crossing/anything from nintendo the minute they're revealed

>> No.4387871

How much money do you get with only 6K follower?

>> No.4387872

Anyone making it full time just off of commissions and shit?

>> No.4387880

not much since i don'l open all the time since i'm studying but around 1k every 4 months or so my commissions are around 70-250 dollars and my country minimum wage is around 4 dollars

>> No.4387889

I have no idea where to get more followers, posting art does nothing, it never has. I only get fresh followers when I find a new discord and post my artwork for the 1st time.

After that no one else follows me ever. Got like 3 discords right now and no idea where else to go.

>> No.4388186

i got banned and came back and posted anime girl rectums and suddenly had 6 thousand more followers i dont fucking know how this shit works

>> No.4388188

blog? i love anime girl poopers.

>> No.4388190


>> No.4388191


>> No.4388193

not enough poopers desu

>> No.4388196

I'm unironicly seething with envy.

>> No.4388197

Damn you’re so good. Honestly jealous desu.

>> No.4388198

You shouldn’t, dumb sub-30k bitch thinks she can reach 100k. That’s reserved for upper tier artists only. She’ll never make it based on looks alone. Even popular Japanese cosplayers reign at that bench. Some don’t even make it 100k.

>> No.4388200
File: 72 KB, 561x565, what is this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, I will never get any followers if this guy has only 2k. The game was rigged from the start.

>> No.4388208

i wish my struggles on no one

>> No.4388214


You guys know he is not that good right?


>> No.4388216

Based shitposting coomer, one of the few eng twitters I follow mostly due to the posts

>> No.4388217

When ProjektMelody retweeted my art

>> No.4388234

I wouldn't touch her followers with a ten foot pole. The worst of ironic meme coomer internet.

>> No.4388240

welp, i became more active, comenting and speaking to followers, they like more the personality, but tight now at 5k is hard to remember everyone and have natural interactions

>> No.4388278

Based drawings but for the love of god stop posting your opinions every single day

>> No.4388280


>> No.4388290


>> No.4388299
File: 75 KB, 504x788, 1582291058516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this you, nigga?

>> No.4388305
File: 642 KB, 640x788, 1556017174896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like

>> No.4388438
File: 178 KB, 1389x2048, EQz9_d_U8AAZGMm.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4388439

>forsen in profile picture
holy fucking based

>> No.4388485

Around the 7k mark I started to get over 1k new followers per week with pandering (popular characters).

>> No.4388519

Just post slutty pics beside your art on ig/Twitter it's easy

>> No.4388527
File: 758 KB, 1080x2022, Screenshot_20200224-100339_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking 100k is anything special when basic begs hit it all the time u can easily do it too

>> No.4388535

So, do you have 100k?

>> No.4388571

be good enough and get retweeted by someone with a following. in the NSFW circle it really just come down to catching the attention of someone who is already in. Most are nice enough that they will bring attention to someone who deserves it but hasnt gotten any yet.

That being said dont go around being obnoxious and pushing your shit on other people's faces. if you wanna get into NSFW and you want to be proactive i just recommend engaging other artists by leaving a comment in their stuff. dont mention your shit at all. if they're curious someone will eventually check your profile and see that you got 3 digit followers and if you're lucky they might throw you a pity retweet. sfter that point if you're good you'll get followers and if you're not you'll get ignored. the thing is that by the point you got the retweet the other artist must have seen you're good enough. it all comes down to not being terrible.

>> No.4388606
File: 1020 KB, 1125x1866, 02772424-A7E0-4211-BBF9-19382A646A6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If something like this can gain a mass following, so can you, anon.

>> No.4388657


>> No.4388789

By posting your art no matter how good or bad it is.

>> No.4388842

16k and growing

Unironically just upload regularly

>> No.4388927

You sound drunk when you tweet.

>> No.4388931

How regularly? Do you check and make sure your followers aren't just bots?

>> No.4388932

I mean it is muhstyle but looks passable-
alright guess I'll off myself
the only explanations i can muster are that she had a mass following migration from tumblr or deleted a lot of older posts to make the post/follower ratio look better

>> No.4388945

What do you draw specifically? I swear to god, if you draw Nintendo shit, I'm going to find and you and shit on your chest.

>> No.4388959


>> No.4389116

i'll follow you anon. post blog

>> No.4389127

you need to also win the looks lottery, if you're an ugly fat chick you'll be worse off than your male peers unless you go sjw.

>> No.4389236

No hes pretty good, he just lacks an identity that sets him apart. That and instagram isn't really a great place for artists.

>> No.4389239

how to promote your art then ?
what is a "good place"

>> No.4389246

Some preg-fetish loving furry made a list of problematic artists, I was in said list and got a shoutout from shadman. Wish I was joking

>> No.4389252


>> No.4389259

doesn't count, Need to see twitter for real value
https://www.instagram.com/yenkoes/ 273'000
https://www.patreon.com/yenkoes 30 patrons
https://twitter.com/yenkoes?lang=en 4200

>> No.4389287
File: 349 KB, 620x534, 2020-02-22_23-48-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so its best to focus on twitter then for actual real audience and fans
cool thanks.

>> No.4389300

I am the anon here —> >>4388606
I mean it’s expected, since instagram is mainly used by pre-teens, so of course you won’t gain much money from your followers. If you plan on getting money on instagram, you will have to get sponsors and shit, or get a million or more followers on there.

>> No.4389713

Congrats, you completed the first step on being a gmi.

>> No.4389815

When someone with 300k followers retweeted a bunch of my stuff.

>> No.4389831

Instagram is infested with bots that auto follows anything that has "female" written in it.

>> No.4390314

Stuck at around 265 followers. Most of my retweet’s come from my initial circle of followers. How do I break thru it?

>> No.4390321

Making fan art of a largre artist you like.

>> No.4390364

Does shilling fan art of a series they like work just as well?

>> No.4390467


>> No.4390468

8.9K on Twitter alone. I drew mai waifu everyday for a month :>

>> No.4390500

Who is your waifu?

>> No.4390842
File: 27 KB, 583x568, daisynoko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fine woman

>> No.4391443

Daily for the past month.

Followers engage enough to seem like that's not the case.


>> No.4391506

A bit off-topic, is a bad idea to add a donation link when you're starting out on your socials? Say a ko-fi link.

>> No.4391520


>> No.4391810
File: 253 KB, 2170x1194, IMG_20200226_030134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, real upper tier artists.

>> No.4392933

more like udder tier artists hehehe